Amon's fiefdom, as he requested, is at the border between the Tiandou Empire and the Xingluo Empire. As for the Xingluo territory that Amon circled, it only exists in their secret agreement and has not been announced to the public.

In fact, even the territory that Xue Ye gave him, the ownership is still controversial. It has always been a disputed area between the Tiandou Empire and the Xingluo Empire. In addition, the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family is also rooted here, making the situation here more complicated.

This also makes the outside world have a little doubt about the actual status of Amon, the newly promoted duke, because the fiefdom given by Xue Ye is really not good, even worse than an ordinary viscount territory.

The Xingluo Empire expressed its dissatisfaction at the first time, believing that the Blue Dragon Territory belongs to its own country and is an inseparable part of the Xingluo Empire since ancient times. If the Tiandou Empire insists on its own way, they don't mind using war to take it back.

The Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family was quite quiet and did not make a statement. As one of the top three sects, they were confident that no matter who ruled this territory, they must meet their demands and consider their interests, otherwise they would use corresponding force to make them understand what the "top three sects" meant.

As the person involved, Amon didn't care about this at all. He didn't even go to his own territory. After asking Emperor Xue Ye for the right to govern, he left it behind.

For him, this is not important. Although it is not completely a whim, just for fun, it ranks very low in his planning priority.

In Douluo Continent, there is not only one way to become a god, but also to become a god through faith. In the original work, the sea god before Tang San relied on this method to collect faith for a thousand years before successfully ascending to the throne.

If Amon fails to steal the throne, he will look for a throne and try to take the assessment himself to inherit it. If it still doesn't work, there is only one last way, to conquer the continent by himself and collect faith. And this dukedom is the starting point of his conquest.

However, this method is too troublesome, and it is a helpless move that cannot be successful in stealing or inheritance. Therefore, Amon will only go to clean up the territory when he is free.

Now, for him, the value of the entire territory may not be as good as the news of the location of a soul beast.

A small town in the north of the empire welcomed two outsiders.

A young man with a crow on his shoulder and an old man in a white robe.

The young man asked the old man beside him:

"Mr. Walter, how many people in the Spirit Hall know about the Killing City?"

Walter shook his head, "Not many, but not a few. Due to the rule that the place is allowed to enter but not to leave, it can be regarded as a large prison.

"For thousands of years, it has been attracting those desperate degenerates. If you only look at the surface, the existence of the Killing City has a positive effect on maintaining social stability.

"Because those scum and villains can't get out after they go in. We have never blocked the news about the Killing City, and we even actively spread it in some places where criminals gather. In addition, as far as I know, the Spirit Hall will regularly give the Killing City a batch of daily supplies.

"Of course, this should be just the surface. As for the deeper reasons, I have no way of knowing. I used to suspect that the Killing City was actually the place where the Spirit Hall secretly cultivated Deadpool, but later found that it was not the case.

"When I wanted to investigate in depth, the great worshiper dissuaded me. Now you ask me about this place again, which makes me more sure that there are very important secrets hidden in the Killing City."

Amon teased the crow and said with a smile, "There are indeed very important secrets, but for most people, this secret is dispensable. Only those who stand at the top will use it."

The secret that only the top strong can use... Walter pondered for a moment and did not continue the topic.

The town is not large, but the atmosphere is very strange. The people around give people a faint chill. Everyone's eyes are full of vigilance and keep a certain distance from others.

They came to a tavern, and Walter showed the tavern his Spirit Hall token. The tavern said wait a moment, and left through the small door behind him. When he appeared again, a sturdy man with a scar on his forehead was following him.

"A person from the Spirit Hall? What's the matter?" asked the scarred sturdy man.

"I want to enter the Killing City. What kind of process should I follow?" Amon asked gently.

"Enter the Killing City?" The scarred sturdy man looked strange, "You don't look like a fallen person. Even if you are a person from the Spirit Hall, you have to abide by the rules."

"I have my goal." Amon nodded gently.

"Okay..." The sturdy man with a scar on his forehead didn't say more. He clapped his hands and said, "Okay, everyone, listen to me, I am the Terror Knight Wilson, the guide of the Killing City. Now, those who want to enter the Killing City, please stay, and those who have nothing to do with it, leave."

"Have you thought it through? I have never seen anyone leave the Killing City." Walter asked.

"No, you have seen it. Bibi Dong is one, and Tang Hao is also one." Amon smiled.

Walter's pupils shrank slightly, he nodded, and walked out of the tavern.

Amon looked at the crowd around him who were excited by Wilson's words, and stroked his monocle.

"Is it finally starting? I've been waiting for many days."

"Hurry up and tell me, I can't wait to see the legendary paradise for criminals."

Wilson looked around the tavern, counted the number of people, and said lightly: "Kill them, only three people can enter."

After saying this, the tavern fell into silence.

When the first person pointed his weapon at someone else, the fight began.

Amon stole his "sense of existence" and made everyone ignore him. He sat quietly aside, drinking a glass of "Bloody Mary", a specialty of the Killing City.

"Bloody Mary" is human blood with some seasonings, which tastes very bad and does not suit Amon's taste.

Not all soul masters want to enter the Killing City, there are ordinary people. At least among the guests in the tavern, except Amon, there is only one soul master.

The level of this soul master is not high, with only one soul ring, but it is this soul ring that makes people around him stay away from him. More than a dozen people compete for the remaining two places.

At this moment, suddenly a crossbow arrow passed through the crowd and shot into the throat of the soul master.

The soul master's eyes were full of incredible colors, one hand covered his throat, and the other hand stretched forward, as if asking for help. He fell heavily to the ground and lost his voice.

"Huh... Bah!" The man who attacked him spat on his body with disdain, "He's just a soul master, why are you pretending?"

After more than ten minutes, there were only three guests left standing, including the one who killed the soul master with a crossbow. He asked, "Is this okay?"

Just then, a dagger pierced his heart.

Amon used his soul power to block the blood shot at him, and gently pushed the body aside.

Wilson's pupils contracted and his mind was shocked. Only then did he remember that there was such a person as Amon.

Damn it! It was because of him that I opened this reception, and he was sitting over there, but I forgot about him! Even if I saw him, I subconsciously ignored him. What kind of terrifying ability is this?

Wilson looked at Amon with fear, his heart filled with horror.

The other two people who passed the test took a few steps to the side, silently distanced themselves from Amon, with puzzled eyes and surprised expressions.

They had no idea where Amon came from!

Ask yourself, what would happen if you were the one being attacked? There is only one answer: you will become a corpse without any resistance.

Wilson took a deep breath, calmed down, and tried to speak in a calm tone: "It seems that the result has come out. Congratulations to the three of you for qualifying to go to the City of Slaughter. Now, please follow me."

He took the three people to the basement of the tavern, opened a secret door, and walked in. It was pitch black around, and nothing could be seen.

A faint blue fire lit up, and Wilson said, "Don't make a sound, follow me quietly."

Walking in the narrow and long downward corridor, the cold wind came from the front from time to time, and Amon strode forward without hesitation.

Anyway, this is just a clone, and it will die if it dies.

The other two were a little uneasy, but they followed closely. They had already come here, and they could not retreat.

When they walked more than a thousand steps, a cold voice sounded from all directions and echoed in their ears:

"Welcome to the City of Slaughter, this is the capital of hell, a world of killing and blood, here you can get everything you want, and all you need to pay is your insignificant life."

After passing through an open door, there was suddenly light in front.

They came to an empty wilderness, in front of them was a black city, the thick city walls were extremely wide, and a purple moon hung in the sky.

The moon was very low, as if you could reach it by raising your hand. The sky outside the moon was pitch black, like the deepest night, and looking at it for a long time would give people a sense of unknown fear.

Amon's martial soul also has the characteristics of "Star Bug", which is most sensitive to changes in space. He understood that he was no longer in the original world, and this City of Slaughter was in another space.

At the same time, he also realized that his soul skills had become silent and could no longer be used. This is different from his own "stealing". The soul skill is still there, but it is sealed by a special force and cannot be used.

But the soul power can still be used. The improvement of his control over his body and soul power attached to his first soul skill and the improvement of his insight attached to his third soul skill still exist and are not sealed together.

In addition, he can still materialize the soul power and change its form at will. The skills attached to the soul bone are not suppressed by the rules of the Killing City.

The Killing City suppresses Amon's combat power more severely than others. Because others can basically not use soul skills when facing Amon, but Amon can use them.

The rules of the Killing City suppress the soul skills of both sides. In contrast, Amon has become weaker.

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