Wilson led Amon and others to a city gate, and he handed a black sign to each of the three people.

Amon took the sign with a skull logo, which had a number on it: 5200.

He glanced at the sign numbers of the two people beside him, which were 4789 and 9876.

It seems that these signs are reused, and the numbers have no practical meaning... Amon stared at the city gate in the distance with a faint smile on his face.

Led by Wilson, the three of them walked to the city gate. Two rows of black-armored warriors stood there quietly, exuding a cold and murderous atmosphere.

There were already many people waiting at the city gate.

A girl in black veil walked out of the city. She had a beautiful face and a graceful figure, and exuded a seductive and dangerous aura.

She said in a cold and pleasant voice: "Welcome to the Killing City. Next, I will explain the rules of the Killing City to everyone.

"The Killing City is divided into the inner city and the outer city. The inner city is a place without rules. You can kill people at will and do whatever you want. Of course, you may be killed at any time.

"The outer city does not allow random killing, but at the same time, you will not get much enjoyment. Everyone needs to participate in the Hell Killing Field once a year. As long as you pass a battle, you can live in the Killing City for another year.

"Or, you can continue to live in the Killing City by contributing two glasses of 'Bloody Mary' every month. Compared with the first danger, this is much safer, but it is also a slow suicide. How to choose is up to you.

"Now, I will take you in to feel the atmosphere of the inner city and the outer city. As newcomers, you have a protection period of twelve hours.

"During this period, as long as you are no more than five meters away from me, no one will dare to attack you. After twelve hours, the protection period disappears, and you officially become residents of the Killing City. "

Amon didn't have a "killing god" behind him, and he didn't enjoy the one-on-one guidance of the black-veiled girl like Tang San in the original novel.

He mixed in the crowd and followed the black-veiled girl silently.

The outer city was very empty, and there were few people on both sides of the road. Almost everyone's face showed an unhealthy paleness, skinny, and withered, not much better than a beggar.

There were some simple black stone houses on both sides of the street. This was the food distribution station set up by the City of Slaughter, and those beggar-like people were queuing there waiting for food to be distributed.

Such a scene made many people who came in with great expectations feel a chill in their hearts. Such a cold and dead place was completely different from the paradise of sin they imagined.

As if she saw what they were thinking, the black-veiled girl said lightly: "Evil people are also divided into three, six, and nine levels. These are useless trash, and they dare not face death directly, so they naturally have no qualifications to enjoy. "

After walking for an hour, the black-veiled girl led the crowd to a city wall. This was the inner city wall, not very tall, with the gates wide open and no guards.

The girl's cold voice sounded: "The inner city does not need guards, you can enter at any time. Remember, don't leave me more than five meters, otherwise, I can't guarantee your safety. "

The inner city is completely different from the outer city, as if you have come to another world. Here, people are extremely extravagant and indulge in luxury.

But beyond this luxury, there is also extreme chaos and extreme distortion.

Fights can be seen everywhere. Some people vent their primitive desires in the street. Two, three, or even several people, their white bodies entangled together.

A gorgeous woman screamed as she was stripped naked by a big man. A group of people applauded and then lined up to wait. A burly, muscular black woman pressed a handsome boy under her.

One of the team was attracted by the surrounding scenes and fell behind unconsciously, more than five meters away from the black veil girl.

Then, he was dragged away by a group of people, leaving only a shrill howl.

"Tsk... the paradise of beasts, a bit like a devil's ritual. "Amon commented calmly.

He left the crowd quietly.

The black whistle girl noticed his departure and said nothing. She was just completing her mission and would not interfere with other people's choices.

Walking on the road, Amon soon ran into trouble. Three young men surrounded him with malicious smiles on their faces.

"Hey, is this a newcomer?"

"Yes, I saw him leave the team led by the messenger with my own eyes." One person said.

"He looks pretty white, but I don't know what your blood tastes like." Another person smiled sinisterly.

Amon raised his right hand, touched the bottom edge of his monocle, and chuckled: "Hehe... I just want to find a place to live. Is there a quiet place around?"

"Hahaha, quiet? Don't worry, you will feel quiet soon. After all, the dead will not be woken up again. "

As soon as the voice fell, the man's head exploded with a "bang", the skull was opened, and red and white were scattered all over the ground.

"Air Bullet", the rules of the Killing City only suppress soul ring skills, and soul bone skills and self-created skills are not included.

In this place where soul skills cannot be used, this simple trick is particularly useful.

"This is not the answer I want." Amon said lightly.

"Soul Master, how is it possible? Why can you still use skills?" One person was frightened.

The other person slowly retreated, and then ran away.

Amon raised his right hand, stretched out his right index finger and thumb, and shot another "air bullet" and blew up the chest of the fleeing man.

He asked the people who were still alive: "Now, can you tell me where there is a quiet place to live around?"

The remaining tall and thin man nodded hurriedly and said: "Please, please follow me..."

He walked and said, "In this killing city, there is no absolutely safe place. No matter who you are, you may die at any time.

"But around those strong people who have won many games in the hell killing field, people will always be more restrained. It is relatively quiet, but you need to be careful not to anger those strong people. "

Amon followed him to a single-family villa with a large area and front and back yards.

"This is where a person who has won more than 30 games lives. If you want to obtain the right to live nearby, it is best to get his approval. There are many people around here, all serving him. "

"Okay, you can go. "Amon walked directly into the villa.

The guide did not leave immediately, as he was curious about the next result.

His curiosity cost him his life. A cloaked man approached him silently from behind and stabbed his neck with a dagger.

Amon entered the house and saw the owner of the house, who was taking off his pants and putting the legs of a pretty woman on his shoulders, ready to vent his desire.

Seeing Amon, he said calmly: "Wait a moment, wait for me three minutes."

As a strong man who has won many times in the killing field of hell, he is confident in his strength and seems particularly calm when meeting a strange visitor.

Amon said politely: "Then I will come back in three minutes. "

He left the house, and several time worms flew out from his palm, forming a faint, old and mottled clock shadow.

This does not have any extraordinary functions. Although the "time worm" does not have any time-related skills at present, the time-related characteristics it possesses can be used only for timing.

As the pointer turned, time passed by minute by minute.

Three minutes later, Amon pushed open the door and walked back in. The owner was already dressed and looked refreshed.

He showed his martial spirit, which was a samurai sword.

"Tell me, what do you want to find me for?"

Amon smiled and said, "I want to find a quieter place to live. I heard that this place is good."

The owner looked at Amon and saw that he looked good. He liked beautiful women, but he could also accept beautiful men.

So he smiled and said, "Okay, you can move in... You can sleep in my room tonight."

The smile on Amon's face gradually disappeared, and he whispered, "I also want to ask you to die. "

The owner of the house did not hesitate and immediately drew his sword to chop. He felt the murderous aura from Amon.

In the City of Slaughter, killing and being killed do not require too many reasons. Even a glance, an unintentional word, or even because you stepped out of the door with your left foot first, may bring you a fatal disaster.

If someone shows murderous intent to you and you can beat him, then don't hesitate, treat him as a brother and chop him.

Amon raised his right hand and shot two "air bullets".

The owner of the house is worthy of being a strong man who has won more than 30 games in a row in the hell killing field. He cut the "air bullets" with two swords, then quickly stepped forward and rushed to Amon's neck with a sharp sword.

Soul power materialized and formed The spherical barrier was instantly cut open, sending the owner flying.

Then, a continuous stream of "air bullets" blocked all his escape routes. With Amon's accurate prediction, an "empty bullet" shot through his eyeball and exploded in his head.

Amon successfully became the new owner of the house.

The change of ownership of the villa only caused a small turmoil in the surrounding area, which then calmed down.

After all, this is the city of killing, and it would not be surprising if anyone died.

After that, several groups of people boldly attacked Amon and were killed.

Through several killings, Amon became famous in the surrounding area and won the respect of the surrounding residents.

Amon stood on the roof, staring at the sky above.

On his shoulders, A crow with a white circle on one eye stayed. He brought it in specially after parasitizing it to gather intelligence.

Amon cannot parasitize others by force, because he is at his most vulnerable when he is parasitic. Once the host is hostile to him, he can easily expel or kill the Time Worm in his body.

In other words, if the host is not hostile and does not resist his parasitism, he can parasitize.

Amon is best at finding various loopholes. Since he can't parasitize by force, he can find a way to make the host "willing".

His soul power is corrosive, with the mental pollution of "talking". He can use this mental pollution to destroy the selected The spirit of a certain host is forced to make the other party not resist, thus achieving the condition of "voluntary".

Amon has only mastered this method recently, because his level was too low before, and the "pollution" characteristics in his soul power were not strong, so it could not be realized.

Until not long ago, Amon's level was raised again, and the "pollution" characteristics contained in his soul power were further enhanced, which made the past ideas possible.

However, this method cannot be used on humans or other creatures with higher intelligence, because even if their spirits are destroyed, they will leave a stronger resistance instinct.

Crows, baboons and other smart but not very intelligent ordinary animals are the limit of what Amon can forcibly control at present.

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