Douluo: Starting from the Spirit of Time Worm

Chapter 194 The King of Killing

Hu Liena did not leave immediately, but looked at the antidote in her hand, hesitant to speak.

She hesitated for a moment, and finally said:

"I want another antidote, but I don't know what to exchange it for."

Tang San glanced at Hu Liena, and immediately realized that this was for German. He smiled and threw another pill:

"Give it to you, no need to pay any price. At least from now on, until the end of the Hell Road, we are partners."

"Partner..." Hu Liena chewed on this word, and looked at Tang San with a little more recognition, "Thank you."

She put away the pills and took out a large bag of food from the ring-shaped space soul guide:

"Normal food is getting harder and harder to find. This is my thank you gift. Although it's not much, it can at least help you save time to go out to find food, and use more energy to prepare for the impact of the Hell Road."

Tang San's eyes softened a little:

"Thank you, this is exactly what I need now."

For drinks like "Bloody Mary", or food, Tang San can drink it without changing his face, but it doesn't mean that he can accept it from the bottom of his heart.

In the past, he had drunk a lot, but that was in front of others, to disguise himself and make himself look no different from other people living in the Slaughter City.

Given a choice, he would of course prefer to eat normal food.

These days, he has spent more and more time snatching food, and sometimes he even has to risk going to a place close to where German lives.

And snatching food will kill people, which is not conducive to his restraining his murderous aura, and his already precarious spirit will further slide into madness.

The reward given by Hu Liena is exactly what he urgently needs now.

After saying goodbye to Tang San, Hu Liena walked on the empty street, looking at the Slaughter City, which was more depressed and desolate than before, and suddenly felt that there was not much difference between here and the outside world.

Except for the chronic poison with addictive ingredients that permeated the air and was everywhere, and the eternal dark moon in the sky that cast a cold glow and always aroused people's inner desires.

Although this place is known as a city of lawless and degenerate people, in fact, the "rules" that are not there refer to the laws and social rules of the outside world. The city of killing has its own "rules".

A crow with white circles under its eyes flapped its wings and landed on her shoulder. Its dark pupils were deep and mysterious, just like its owner, German Sparrow.

"You didn't leave, little crow." Hu Liena smiled, "Are you worried about me?"

The crow has no name. It is German's pet. Hu Liena has always called it "little crow".


The crow made a hoarse and low cry, which made the surrounding residents tremble in their hearts.

This crow is also famous and even called the "messenger of death". Except for those who are starving, no one dares to approach it.

Because in the past three years, German has used countless corpses to prove his importance to it. As long as someone takes action against it, he will come out from nowhere and kill those people one by one.

The white villa was painted with the same color as the blue and purple light in the City of Slaughter, and it looked eerie and strange.

“German Sparrow” looked at the tall and thin man who fell from the sky and landed on his balcony, his eyes remained as cold as usual.

“What’s the matter?” He said in a somewhat cold tone.

“Let me introduce myself. I am the King of Slaughter, the ruler and manager of this city, and the great master of blood and corruption.”

The man wrapped in a scarlet cloak, dressed like a big bat, and vaguely revealed two sharp fangs in his mouth while speaking, speaking in a chanting tone.

“King of Slaughter? What do you want to talk to me about?” “German Sparrow” did not change his expression, as if he was not surprised at all by the identity of the man in front of him.

“You are very good. You can still remain calm when you see the great master of killing.”

Amon looked at this big bat and liked it no matter how he looked at it. Even his arrogant and arrogant look was a little cute... He looked at the other party as if he was looking at his own soul ring.

The King of Slaughter was completely unaware and continued to talk to himself:

"Mortal, now you have a chance to serve the great King of Slaughter, feel lucky, feel proud, and feel proud."

"German" pushed the gold-rimmed glasses on his nose and looked at the other person from top to bottom, as if considering where to cut.

The King of Slaughter said self-indulgently: "German, I have heard of your name, you are a very good hunter.

"Now, the great King of Slaughter orders you to participate in the Hell Killing Field and kill the two people who are about to become the 100-win 'champions'.

"The City of Slaughter does not allow the birth of two more Gods of Slaughter, which may lead to disastrous consequences.

"Those who can use soul skills freely in the City of Slaughter will act recklessly and destroy the rules of this city and the rules set by the great King of Slaughter.

"For the safety and stability of the City of Slaughter, they must both die!

"After you succeed, I will grant you the identity of a guide. With this identity, you can return to the earthly world for a short time. Of course, your range of activities cannot be too far from the intersection.

"Take this task with gratitude, otherwise, the great King of Slaughter will grant eternal rest to those who disobey."

"German Sparrow" had a blank expression on his face and sharp eyes:

"Have you asked for my opinion? Why do you think I would be attracted by your conditions? Why do you think I would be willing to kill my companions in order to become a guide?"

The blood-red eyes of the King of Slaughter stared at "German" with a hint of doubt in his eyes, as if wondering why someone would dare to speak to the great King of Slaughter like this.

However, thinking that he still needed the other party to do things for him, he suppressed his dissatisfaction and said:

"Are you talking about that woman? This is not a problem. There are many messengers of the King of Slaughter in this city. They are all young and beautiful women. You can enjoy them at will."

The King of Slaughter saw that Amon still did not respond, and couldn't help frowning:

"Mortal, don't push your luck. I have given you enough favorable conditions. Do you want to refuse this honor and refuse to serve the great King of Slaughter?"

"German Sparrow" slowly raised the corner of his mouth, raised his right hand, pinched the right half of the gold-rimmed glasses, and said with a smile:

"No, I am honored to work for the great King of Slaughter. Of course, I will also ask for the reward I need. Thank you for your generosity."

"Very good, I hope you don't disappoint me." The King of Slaughter turned into a blood light and soared into the sky.

Amon watched with interest as the self-satisfied big bat disappeared into the endless darkness, and whispered to himself:

"Heh... I think the reward you give me will satisfy me, yes, it will."

"German, I'm back." Hu Liena's brisk voice sounded.

She came to the second floor and saw "German Sparrow" sitting on the sofa, with his body slightly bent and his hands clasped naturally.

"You're back, and you're about to leave." "German" suddenly said.

Hu Liena's expression was slightly stiff, and she said a little unnaturally: "Yes, yes... Sorry."

She looked down at the ground, not daring to look into "German's" eyes.

"That's great, help me take this guy out, after all, he has been with me for so long, and it's not good for him to stay here."

"German" raised his arm horizontally, looking at the crow resting on his forearm and said.

"Oh, okay." Hu Liena said hesitantly.

"Relax, don't be so sad, I'll be out soon, very soon." "German" smiled, "Or do you think I can't finish the 100 games that even you can finish?"

"No, of course you can." Hu Liena said affirmatively.

But what she was worried about was another problem. German's reputation was too great. Everyone in the inner city knew him. From the time she met him until now, she had never seen him injured.

Even the smallest scar had never happened!

No one dared to sign up for the competition when German participated in the Hell Killing Field, which would greatly extend the time he would be out.

"By the way, 'Bloody Mary' is poisonous, and the air here is also poisonous. The reason why we crave 'Bloody Mary' is because the addictive toxins in it are working." Hu Liena reminded.

She took out a pill given to her by Tang San: "This is the antidote. I have tried it. It is fine and works very well."

After taking the pill given by Tang San, Hu Liena felt relaxed all over, and the restlessness in her heart eased a lot.

"Have you ever seen me drink that stuff?" "German" had a hint of smile in his eyes.

Hu Liena was slightly stunned, "Oh, you've never drunk it... Did you know it a long time ago?"

"Well, I've also reminded you to drink less of this stuff."

Hu Liena then remembered that German had indeed said so to her a long time ago.

At first, she had not touched "Bloody Mary" for a long time, but the toxins contained in the air gradually eroded her body, making her unable to calm down.

It was not until she drank a glass of "Bloody Mary" that she felt a moment of peace.

Since then, she has gradually sunk and can no longer leave "Bloody Mary".

"Sorry, I'm disappointed, right?" Hu Liena was a little disappointed.

"You've done well enough to be able to survive for more than a year under the erosion of toxins. I'm different from you, these little tricks don't work on me."

This is a lie. Amon does not have a physique that is immune to toxins. He will also be eroded and his inner desires will be aroused.

But he was able to restrain himself. This little temptation was nothing compared to the depravity and madness contained in the endless mumbling he felt when he was meditating.

"But thank you very much." "German" took the pill and said softly.

"You should take good care of yourself these days and stay in good condition. The road to hell is not easy. I have something else to do, so I'll go out first."

"German" got up and walked downstairs.

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