As soon as Tang San went out, he saw a man in black clothes, with neatly combed hair and gold-rimmed glasses, standing in front of him, looking at him sternly.

The sharp sight of those black eyes made him feel numb, and he summoned the Clear Sky Hammer at the first time.

"German Sparrow!" Tang San lowered his voice, "Why did you come to me?"

"To fight." "German Sparrow" didn't say much, just spoke coldly.

Tang San took a deep breath, his expression serious, his eyes fixed on the front, not daring to be careless.

Gehrman didn't look like he wanted to kill anyone, which made him feel a lot more at ease.

Was it because Hu Liena decided to join hands with me to break through the Hell Road and decided to test my skills?

Or was it because she had contact with other men and was a little angry, but because of the help I could bring on the Hell Road, she just wanted to beat me up to vent her anger?

Or both?

Tang San thought a lot in an instant.

"German" moved, his soul force burst out, and he rushed forward.

Tang San's pupils shrank, and he said in his heart:

"So fast!"

He swung the Clear Sky Hammer from left to right. If "German" did not stop and change direction, then this hammer would end the battle.

"German" did not stop, did not change direction, and seemed to have not reacted.

But Tang San's expectations were dashed. When the Clear Sky Hammer was about to attack the opponent, "German"'s soul force burst out again under his feet, allowing his body to move in the same direction at a speed equal to the Clear Sky Hammer.

The hammer body was relatively static for "German". He stretched out his hand and placed it on the hammer body, pushing it hard.

The Clear Sky Hammer sank suddenly, and Tang San almost couldn't hold it firmly.

But "German" had already jumped high and stepped forward.

Tang San used the "Ghost Shadow Phantom Step", one of the Tang Sect's unique skills, to retreat quickly and took out nine arc-shaped flying knives as thin as willow leaves.

The flying knives were like nine phoenixes flapping their wings, drawing graceful arcs in the air.

The Tang Sect's hidden weapon ranked eighth - Phoenix Attracting Nine Chicks.

"German" simply burst out his soul power, attracted the airflow, and easily changed the trajectory of the flying knives, letting them pass in front of, behind, and above him.

He crushed the ground with one foot, reached out to grab the flying stones, and then used his soul power to shoot them one by one.

There were no overly complicated techniques, no artistic beauty when Tang San used hidden weapons, only the simplest and crudest speed.

The stones flew forward with a sharp whistle.

Even though Tang San had cultivated the Purple Extreme Demon Pupil to the third level, he could only see vague shadows.

After dodging a few stones in a somewhat embarrassing manner, Tang San's face became more solemn.

He knew that the action of "German" throwing the stones just now seemed simple, but in fact the difficulty was no less than his own Tang Sect's unique skills.

Although there is no complicated technique, it requires extremely high soul power control, otherwise such a huge soul power, attached to a fragile stone, will only crush it into powder.

He no longer holds back, the dark blue light in his eyes suddenly lights up, and a strong mental shock is sent out.

At the same time, he activated the soul bone from Tang Xiao that Amon gave him, the right arm bone of power amplification.

Although the soul configuration of "German" is the same as the main body, and it also has 100%, in terms of mental power, it is still weaker than Tang San who has cultivated the Purple Extreme Demon Eye and attached the spiritual head soul bone.

Even though the soul toughness has been greatly enhanced under the effect of the Soul-Fixing Grass, and it has good resistance to mental attacks, it is still seriously injured at this time.

He immediately switched to a time worm, acting as if he was not affected by anything.

Facing the hammer swung by Tang San using the soul bone skill, he just raised his hand, and the materialized soul power condensed into a light gray transparent film on his palm.


A violent collision sounded, and Tang San stepped back several steps under the strong recoil, his blood surging, and he finally stood firm.

He looked at the relaxed and calm "German" with a trace of horror in his eyes.

"Not bad." German put down his hand and nodded, as if he had given up fighting.

He walked straight into Tang San's house and said calmly: "Come in."

Tang San hesitated for a moment, but still followed him in.

"German" sat on a hardwood chair, his sharp eyes swept over Tang San, pointed to another chair, and said: "Sit."

Tang San sat down, thinking strangely: This is obviously my house, why do you look like the owner?

"She has told me the matter, you are quite strong, slightly stronger than her, and a good helper."

Tang San thought for a moment and understood that the "she" "German" was referring to was Hu Liena.

"The King of Slaughter doesn't want to see two more 'Gods of Slaughter' born, so he came to me and asked me to sign up for the Hell Slaughter Grounds. In the competition, I will kill you two who are about to become 100-win 'champions'." "German" suddenly said.

"What?" Tang San stood up, and the chair slid back under his calf, making a "clang" sound.

The previous confrontation made him realize that he had no chance of winning in front of "German".

"You have also seen my strength. If I seriously participate in the battle, you will have no power to resist."

Tang San's eyes were dignified. He noticed that German said "you two", which means that Hu Liena was also the one that the King of Slaughter asked German to kill.

"German" continued: "In this Slaughter City, even I can't beat the King of Slaughter, but I don't want to kill her, so I came to make a deal with you.

"I will participate in the Hell Slaughter Field as the King of Slaughter asked, so that he can relax his vigilance, but I won't fight seriously, I will deliberately die in your hands.

"Then, the two of you immediately ask to open the Hell Road to prevent the King of Slaughter from playing any tricks again.

"The real master of this Hell City is not the King of Slaughter, or in other words, the King of Slaughter is just a spokesperson chosen by the Slaughter City.

"He also has to follow certain rules and is subject to certain restrictions, so he can't refuse your request."

Tang San couldn't help asking: "Why don't you just refuse the request of the King of Slaughter and not sign up for the Hell Killing Ground?"

"German" responded: "Because I want Hu Liena to leave here. If I don't agree, the King of Slaughter may deal with her in other ways. In this special environment, I don't have the power to fight against it."

Tang San looked at "German" and was shocked. The other's face was still cold, but Tang San saw a determination from it, that is, the determination to sacrifice his life for the one he loves.

He couldn't help but think of Xiao Wu. If Xiao Wu and I faced such a situation, could I do this for her? It should be possible...

Tang San said with a hint of admiration: "What can I do for you?"

"German" softened his tone a lot:

"First, kill me. I don't want her to do it. It's too cruel for her.

"Second, I could have killed you in the battle with you and continued to survive for a while. Even if the King of Slaughter wanted to deal with me, it wouldn't be too easy.

"But in order to help her in the Hell Road, I am willing to let you kill me. In return, you need to help her as much as possible in the Hell Road. Of course, this is on the premise that you don't endanger your own life and you have spare energy."

Tang San nodded and said seriously: "I will try my best to help her leave safely, I swear."

"German" continued: "Third, this is another deal of ours, which has nothing to do with the previous two. I need you to throw it into the Hell Road."

As he said, he took out a snow-white fairy grass.

The fairy grass was crystal white, and each blade seemed to be dripping with water. It was slender and curved, and looked like a swan's neck.

This is the "Snow Swan Kiss", which has the characteristic of stimulating potential, but also stimulating negative effects, allowing viruses and toxins to grow thousands of times.

Even if it sticks to it a little, it is fatal.

Tang San was so scared that he quickly stepped back a few steps. Even if he was contaminated by breathing, he would definitely die.

"Snowy Swan Kiss?" Tang San looked horrified, "How do you have this thing?"

Tang San was shocked to see that "German" actually held it directly in his hand.

But soon, he noticed that there was a transparent, almost imperceptible film on "German's" hand. It was this film that protected him from the invasion of "Snowy Swan Kiss".

"It seems that you know its function, so I don't need to explain it specifically."

"German" sounded in a flat, emotionless voice, "It can destroy the Killing City. Such a sinful city should not exist... This is your reward."

He took out another pink herb with a faint and elegant fragrance.

"Fragrant Qiluo Immortal Product!" Tang San couldn't help but exclaimed.

He had seen this thing in Dugu Bo's medicine garden, but unlike the original book, Dugu Bo only allowed him to take away seven herbs. In order to give his companions and teacher one fairy herb each, he had no choice but to give it up.

Unexpectedly, he saw another one in this Killing City.

"You have a wide range of knowledge." "German" showed a slightly surprised expression.

"I have some attainments in poison, so I have some research on medicinal herbs."

Tang San looked at "German" with a little suspicion and asked:

"How did you get these two immortal herbs?"

He remembered that there were these two in Dugu Bo's medicine garden, but after Dugu Bo died, they all fell into Amon's hands. Now that German, who looks exactly like Amon, took out the same thing, he couldn't help but be suspicious.

"This is one of the baits my brother used to lure me into the trap. I snatched it from him. Unfortunately, he still ran away, and I was trapped here." "German" said with a little regret.

So these are actually the two in Dugu Bo's medicine garden? Tang San was a little surprised, and thought with a smile.

He had been thinking about those immortal herbs for a long time, but he didn't expect to get some of them in this way, including the "Fragrant Qiluo Immortal Product" he wanted most.

"Since you know this herb, it will be much easier. You should know its value. What do you think of my deal?" "German" asked.

Tang San hesitated, "Why don't you let Hu Liena do it?"

"German" responded almost without thinking:

"Because the Slaughter City is connected to the Spirit Hall, if she is destroyed and exposed, it will affect her. After all, her teacher is the current Pope of the Spirit Hall.

"I can't ask her to do something that will harm the interests of the Spirit Hall, which will put her in a dilemma.

"In addition, more importantly, that girl is too kind. Even if the people in the Slaughter City are all fallen people who deserve to die, killing so many people will make her feel uneasy."

Tang San opened his mouth, wanting to say something but stopping.

Kind? A woman who can win ninety-nine games in the Hell Slaughter Field, is called the "Hell Messenger", and can be described as killing people everywhere is not an exaggeration. You call her kind?

Where are your coldness and IQ? Have they been squeezed out by love? Tang San couldn't help but complain in his heart.

But he didn't argue about this matter. Since Gehrman thought Hu Liena was kind, then just treat her as kind. Anyway, it won't harm him, and he can also get an extra "Fragrant Qiluo Fairy Product".

Tang San nodded, accepted the herbs, and said seriously:

"I agree, you are right, there is really no need for an evil place like the Slaughter City to exist, and I hate it too. "

"German" left Tang San's residence and walked on the way back. He raised his right hand and pinched the right half of the glasses frame with his index finger and thumb respectively, and a smile slowly appeared at the corner of his mouth:

"Heh... It's done. "

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