On the wall of Night City, just as Yan Jin and the soldiers of the Tiandou Empire were staring at each other, a blue light with silvery white shone in the air.

The figure of a young man with dark blue hair, blue eyes and handsome face slowly emerged, from virtual to real, until the light faded, his body had completely turned into a solid body, and his blue windbreaker was blown in the air.

"Thunder Douluo..." In the distance, Dai Chenghua looked at the man who appeared in the sky above Night City with a serious look in his eyes, "Why would he appear here at this time?"

"Since the White Tiger Army joined the main force of the army, we have lost control of his dynamics. He has always been erratic, and it is not surprising that he appears anywhere." Zhu Wucheng said in a deep voice.

In the eyes of Dai Chenghua and others, Lei Yin is definitely a big enemy. He comes and goes without a trace. He is not only powerful, but also has outstanding wisdom and skills. He is known as the "God of War".

Since he emerged a year ago and took over the command of the Tiandou Empire's garrison, he has calculated all the military actions of the White Tiger Army to the letter, and even gave people the illusion that the White Tiger Army was just a puppet under his command.

When Wei Zhaowu saw Lei Yin, his face showed a bit of excitement and he clenched his fists.

"General Wei, please calm down. I know you have been frustrated repeatedly in his hands and have always wanted to win back a game, but now you have to focus on the overall situation." Zhu Wucheng persuaded.

"I know." Wei Zhaowu took a deep breath and his face regained its calm.

"Lei Yin, why are you here?" Yan Jin asked.

"Sister, don't worry about this place, just give it to them." Lei Yin replied.

"But this is the Night City, the Duke's Mansion is here, Amon is not here, I have to help him protect it." Yan Jin said seriously.

Since Amon obtained the seventh soul ring and successfully parasitized, he has been able to avoid being discovered by the host.

Therefore, even if the "worm of time" still exists in Yan Jin's body, Yan Jin himself does not know that he has been parasitized without Amon communicating with him.

Although she guessed that Amon was probably watching the development of things somewhere in the city based on her own understanding, she could not be sure since he had not contacted her.

Without confirmation, she would choose to protect the Night City and the Duke's Mansion from falling into the hands of others according to her own will.

"This is what Mr. Amon meant. He said that the time is almost right and asked you to go with him." Lei Yin responded.

"Oh, so, since he doesn't care, I don't care." Yan Jin nodded.

Red and blue lights lit up, lava and thunder intertwined, accompanied by bright starlight, Lei Yin, Yan Jin and Amon's "worm of time" completed the fusion of martial souls.

In a distant place, Amon sat in an ice house, watching the raging wind and snow outside, stroking his monocle, and a smile on his lips.

A thread of fate with a faint gray mist appeared in his eyes. He followed one of the connections and "stole" Yan Jin, who had merged with a "worm of time".

Yan Jin only felt a surge of light and shadow, and lost the perception of the outside world. When she regained her perception, she found that the state of martial soul fusion had been lifted, and Amon was in front of her, looking at her with a smile.

She immediately flew into Amon's arms and hit her head hard on his chest:

"Amon, long time no see, I miss you so much... Why have you ignored me for so long?"

Amon seemed to hear the sound of his ribs breaking after being hit by her, and his mouth twitched:

"If you always rely on me, you won't get much growth. The battlefield life over the past year should have made you make great progress."

The "worm of time" parasitic in Yan Jin's body transmitted the information about Yan Jin during this period to the main body through mental synchronization.

The expression on Amon's face suddenly froze, and he looked at Yanjin with some disbelief:

"How did you manage to live without thinking in the most intense place of war without encountering too much danger?"

Yanjin smiled and replied: "Danger? I don't think so... It was a little dangerous when an old man of the Title Douluo level came to attack me, but he didn't dare to come when I hid to the prince... At other times, the opponents were quite weak."

"By the way, where is this place? Why is it so cold?" Looking at the snow outside the house, Yanjin shuddered, "It feels colder than the North."

Amon didn't care about Yanjin's growth progress, letting her experience the tempering of war by herself, but he didn't care much about how much she could gain.

He regained his smile on his face and replied: "This is north of the North Province... the forbidden area for humans, the Far North."


Above the Night City, after Amon "stole" Yanjin, Leiyin also turned into a lightning and disappeared in the air.

Half a day later, a man in dark linen clothes, which ordinary people often wear, climbed down from the wall of Night City stealthily.

Since the generals had informed their soldiers that the two countries would formally sign a peace agreement, the Night City Tiandou army was much more relaxed, and the spies of the Xingluo Empire could more easily find opportunities to pass on the news.

"Your Majesty, it has been confirmed that there are no traces of Yanjin and Leiyin in the city, and the Tiandou defenders have also relaxed their vigilance." The spy dressed as an ordinary citizen reported respectfully.

"Very good, pass the order down, and the whole army will attack!" Dai Chenghua stared at the city wall, with a hint of joy in his eyes.

"Your Majesty, what do you mean?" Zhu Wucheng asked, "Didn't His Royal Highness the Crown Prince send someone to say that a peace agreement has been signed?"

Dai Chenghua shook his head and smiled, "The envoys sent by Mu Bai and the Tiandou Empire are still on the way. As long as the agreement documents have not been officially delivered, we can regard the war as continuing.

"What's more, in the agreement, Avalanche also recognizes our ownership of Tuduo Territory. Wouldn't it be good to take advantage of this opportunity to eat up these hundreds of thousands of troops?

"As long as these hundreds of thousands of young and middle-aged people are killed, the Tiandou Empire will be in a state of labor shortage for a long time in the future, which can greatly delay the recovery of their national strength.

"If it doesn't work this time, then wait for the next time... We have never been so close to achieving our goal.

"Even if I can't do it, there is still Mu Bai. By the time Mu Bai arrives, the time should be ripe. I can feel that the day of destroying Tiandou and ruling the entire continent is not far away."

Dai Chenghua's eyes flashed with ambition.

"General Wei, I'll leave it to you next. You can trick them into surrendering, and after you control the Night City, you can kill all the captives."

"Yes, sir." Wei Zhaowu saluted respectfully and then left the tent.

"Sir Monster Eye, please ask the soul beasts to cooperate with the siege. This is the last time." Dai Chenghua said to the Ten Thousand Monsters King.

The Ten Thousand Monsters King glanced at him, shook his head and said, "We agreed that our cooperation would continue until the Tiandou Empire surrendered.

"Now the Avalanche Emperor has designated Amon as a criminal and is willing to cooperate with us in the Star Dou Great Forest to hunt him down, so our cooperation has stopped. "

Dai Chenghua hesitated for a long time and couldn't help saying: "I know a place called 'Ice and Fire Yin Yang Eyes', which is extremely suitable for plant growth and has produced many immortal herbs...

"Although the immortal herbs have been picked, with the long lifespan of your soul beasts, it's okay to wait for them to grow again, right? And you are also a plant soul beast, if you practice there, it should be of great benefit to you.

"Help me for the last time, I will tell you the location of the 'Ice and Fire Yin Yang Eyes'. Of course, I don't know too much, I only know the approximate area. "

This was naturally told to him by Dai Mubai. Since the immortal herbs were gone, Dai Mubai didn't take it too seriously, and reported it to Dai Chenghua as an ordinary secret.

This was a condition that the Ten Thousand Demon King could not refuse. He smiled and nodded in agreement.

The sound of the galloping of soul beasts and the shouts of soldiers rang out, and countless feet stepped on the ground, making the whole earth tremble.

The Tiandou soldiers on the city wall looked at the Xingluo army attacking in a horrified manner, and shouted in panic: "Didn't you say that the war is over? Why are they still attacking?"

"Enemy attack!"

"Enemy attack!"

A shrill alarm sounded.

"Damn it, those bastards are not trustworthy... Do they want to tear up the agreement that was just signed?" A general punched hard on the battlement.

"Don't just stand there, move, quickly... bring up all the tools for defending the city, and block the city gate with heavy objects! "A clear-minded officer shouted.

Unfortunately, there was chaos all around, and his orders were only implemented to a limited extent.

Before Qian Renxue left, she appointed Yan Jin as the commander-in-chief of the army, but Yan Jin was driven away by them. Now these hundreds of thousands of troops are leaderless, and several senior generals are in charge of their own affairs, without a unified dispatch.

Some are preparing to break out, some are planning to organize resistance and hold on, and others are considering whether to open the city gates and surrender directly.

In the absence of effective resistance, the walls of the Night City are useless to the soul beasts. With their help, the army of the Xingluo Empire easily climbed to the top of the city.

"Put down your weapons, and those who surrender will not be killed."

"Put down your weapons, and those who surrender will not be killed. "

The Xingluo soldiers who climbed the city gate shouted slogans while fighting.

Seeing more and more enemy troops rushing to the top of the city, all resistance became futile. Some Tiandou soldiers lost the will to continue fighting, threw away their weapons, and squatted on the roadside with their heads in their hands.

The Xingluo army ignored those who surrendered and continued to chase and kill those who were still resisting.

Gradually, more Tiandou soldiers joined the ranks of surrenderers, and even some generals who felt that there was no hope of breaking through led their soldiers to surrender in an organized manner.

It didn't take long for the Xingluo army to control the entire Night City.

"Pass the order down, take prisoners in small teams, and don't kill the residents in the city, don't rob their property, don't rape women, and those who disobey the order will be executed." Wei Zhaowu ordered lightly.

Under the efficient execution of the White Tiger Army, the chaos in the city was gradually curbed and a certain order was restored.

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