After completely conquering the Night City and stabilizing the situation, Dai Chenghua ordered:

"General Wei, it's almost done. Kill all those Tiandou surrendered soldiers."

Wei Zhaowu responded: "Your Majesty, please think twice."

"No need to persuade me, I have made up my mind. Even if I bear the stigma, as long as I can fulfill the wishes of my Dai royal family for generations, the stigma is not worth mentioning." Dai Chenghua said firmly.

Zhu Wucheng said: "Your Majesty, since you have promised not to kill those who surrender, it is best to do as promised... After all, people should keep their promises."

At the end, his tone had changed and became a little mocking.

Wei Zhaowu said in a similar tone: "Honesty and trustworthiness are virtues."

Dai Chenghua was still excited about the victory of conquering Night City and capturing hundreds of thousands of Tiandou troops. He did not notice the abnormality of the two for a while. He said with a somewhat unhappy tone:

"What? Are you going to stop me? Tell me the reason for doing this."

"Reason? Haven't I said it before? People should be trustworthy. It is not a good habit to go back on one's word."

Wei Zhaowu took out a crystal monocle from the void and embedded it into his eye socket. He adjusted the position of the glasses, and the corners of his mouth slowly tilted back, outlining a smile.

Dai Chenghua's face was solemn. At this time, he also reacted and became more vigilant in his heart. He frowned, always feeling that this action seemed to have been heard somewhere.

"Yes, wasn't that Duke Amon convicted by the Tiandou Empire because of "fraud"? Your Majesty, you should take this as a warning." Zhu Wucheng also took out a pair of monocles from the void and put them on his right eye.

Duke Amon!

A thought suddenly exploded in Dai Chenghua's mind. Yes, it was him. Isn't this habit and action of wearing a monocle the habitual characteristic of Duke Amon mentioned in the intelligence?

He looked at the two important officials beside him and suddenly felt creepy.

Could it be that these two people were pretending to be Amon? When did this start? My plan has been carried out under the noses of others?

Without any hesitation, Dai Chenghua immediately mobilized his soul power and rushed out suddenly, shouting: "Protect the emperor!"

"Your Majesty, where is the enemy?" The captain of the guards came over immediately.

He reacted immediately and put a monocle on his right eye.

Dai Chenghua, who was relieved because of the arrival of the guards, was almost frightened to cardiac arrest.

He looked around and found that the soldiers around him all wore monocles, turned their heads to look at him, and raised their mouths slightly, outlining the same smile, and said in unison:

"Your Majesty, where is the enemy?"

Layer after layer of voices echoed in his ears, as if someone was whispering in the depths of his soul.

The indescribable sense of weirdness, horror, and fear crawled into Dai Chenghua's heart like a spider.

"What on earth are you?" He tried his best to restrain his fear.

The other party can replace these soldiers, and naturally can also replace the other ministers in the court, even his concubines, maids, guards...

"What are we?" The King of Ten Thousand Demons pinched his monocle and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, why not take a look at yourself."

The bright starlight lit up, and several time insects turned into streams of light and sank into Dai Chenghua's body.

Originally, with Dai Chenghua's Soul Douluo strength, he could still fight back a little, but due to fear, his mind was in an extremely unstable state, and Amon seized the opportunity and easily invaded.

His eyes became dull. After a while, Dai Chenghua's eyes became smart again. He took out a pair of monocles from the void and put them in his right eye socket, with a gentle smile on his face: "I've seen it... I feel good about myself."

After Amon gained the ability to "steal life", the soul also became an object he could steal.

Although using stolen and polluted souls to create clones is also very risky for Amon himself, and it is easy to lose himself, but he did not put this dangerous ability aside.

Amon took his own will as the benchmark, and macro-controlled the "full Mongolian will" to limit the deviation value of the "full Mongolian will" within a certain range.

If the "full Mongolian will" slides too much towards the "good" side, then Amon will deal with some clones with "good" personalities. If the "Full Mongolian Will" begins to slide towards the "evil" side, then he will clear the "evil" clones and make the "Full Mongolian Will" closer to "good".

As long as the deviation value is within a certain range, the decision made by the "Full Mongolian Will" will be the same as the original will.

In this way, Amon can maintain the stability of his own will to the maximum extent, and use the means of "stealing souls" to quickly increase the number of clones.

At this moment, nearly one-third of the Xingluo army has been parasitized by Amon.

However, this is not without limitations, that is, the larger the size of "Amon", the more bloated the "Full Mongolian Will", and the more difficult it is for the original body to conduct macro-control.

Amon is looking for a suitable point at this time, so that he can maintain sufficient control over "Amon" as a whole, and can also give full play to the number advantage of the clones.

When the news from the Night City came back, Xue Beng immediately found the envoys of the Xingluo Empire who were still in the Tiandou Empire, and asked angrily:

"What is going on? Do you want to break the agreement? We have issued a wanted order for Amon, what do you mean by attacking after this?"

The envoy was not frightened by the fierceness of Emperor Xue Beng. He said calmly:

"Your Highness the Crown Prince and the envoy you sent to convey the letter of credence have just set out not long ago, and they should still be on the way. Your Majesty probably hasn't received the official document, so he will continue to attack."

Xue Beng's face was livid, knowing that he was tricked. He could ignore the Yi Duo leader, but he couldn't ignore the hundreds of thousands of Tian Dou troops.

But now the matter is done. After losing that army, Tian Dou, which was already inferior in national strength, no longer had the capital to continue to compete with the Xing Luo Empire, and could only suffer this loss.

Looking at Xue Beng who left with a wave of his sleeves, the Xing Luo envoy showed a disdainful smile on his face.

A few days later, Dai Mubai and the Tian Dou envoy presented the peace agreement to Dai Chenghua.

At this moment, the peace agreement between the Xingluo Empire and the Tiandou Empire officially came into effect. The two countries officially announced to the world that the war between the Tiandou Empire and the Xingluo Empire had come to an end.

Also announced was the "Non-Aggression Treaty between Humans and Soul Beasts" signed by the Tiandou Empire Emperor Xue Beng, the Xingluo Empire Emperor Dai Chenghua and the King of Ferocious Beasts Di Tian.

The treaty stipulates that humans cannot hunt soul beasts that are 100,000 years old, and transformed soul beasts enjoy the treatment of free citizens in human society and are protected by imperial laws. Ferocious beasts cannot retaliate because humans hunt soul beasts under 100,000 years old.

The war stopped, the beast tide receded, and the two-year turmoil finally ended.

Countless people in the Tiandou Empire celebrated, shouting the name of Emperor Xue Beng and praising his achievements. For them, ending the war and returning their lives to what they were before is the greatest happiness.

And those people whose families went to the battlefield and still had no news were happy with a hint of worry. They looked forward to their sons, husbands, and brothers returning safely.

The storm seemed to be gradually subsiding, only the starting point of the turmoil, Wuhun City, was still surrounded by soul beasts.

Wuhun City's contact with the outside world was not completely cut off, but the news received was delayed.

It was half a month later when they learned that the emperors of the two major empires of mankind had signed an agreement with Emperor Tian.

The reply bird rarely launched an "air strike", the stinky rat did not launch a biochemical attack, and the roaring sound dog did not make noise at night.

Although still surrounded by soul beasts, the soul masters in Wuhun City also felt the signal that the war was about to retreat.

They also breathed a sigh of relief. Living in such a dangerous environment for two years is also a big test for soul masters.

I don't know how many people have woken up in their sleep, and I don't know how many people have had nightmares that they or their friends died in the mouths of soul beasts. At this moment, they can finally sleep well.

Once the tense nerves relax, they will no longer have the will to fight.

The rising sun slowly emerged from the east, and endless light illuminated the world.

Under the slightly fearful gazes of countless soul masters, a huge black dragon was constantly cruising around Wuhun City in the air.

He did not roar, nor did he show any fluctuations in his soul power. He just circled quietly for a few rounds, and then spoke in human language:

"I believe that everyone in Wuhun City is familiar with me. You should have received the news, right? Your human rulers have signed a peace agreement with me, which means that we are no longer enemies in the future.

"Moreover, they also announced that Amon is a criminal of the two empires. Do you still want to continue to stop me? Do you want to make things difficult for my Xingdou Great Forest in order to cover up a criminal?

"I am not a tyrannical person. I have only one goal from beginning to end. Let Amon, the thief who stole the treasures of our Xingdou Great Forest, get the punishment he deserves."

Then, the huge black dragon fell into the forest and disappeared.

The war-weariness is not only among ordinary people. Many soul masters are also tired of this endless war. They have no lack of disgust for Amon, the fuse that caused the war.

Driven by some soul masters, more and more people accepted Di Tian's words and the view that Amon was a sinner, describing him as a "thief" and a "liar".

After hearing this popular view, Qian Daoliu looked very strange. As early as when Amon issued a decree in Tuduo Territory to reduce the illegal cost of "stealing", he had some guesses about Amon's purpose and suspected that Amon was taking the path of faith to become a god.

Now, he is more certain of this. These negative emotions and views also contain some power of faith...

The cognition of countless people can associate concepts such as "stealing" and "fraud" with Amon, helping him to condense the position of god!

Qian Daoliu suddenly realized that the current situation was probably pushed by Amon in secret. Everyone was fooled by him! Even himself and the Black Dragon King Di Tian became pawns in his hands!

Of course, guesses are just guesses. Qian Daoliu will not arbitrarily think that Amon deliberately did so because of his subjective conjectures.

While he was shocked by Amon's actions, he also felt deep helplessness and sadness in his heart, because humans ultimately chose to make peace with soul beasts.

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