Douluo: Starting from the Spirit of Time Worm

Chapter 273 Haotian Sect is destroyed

In the dim night, Bibi Dong and his group rushed from Tiandou City to Haotian Sect. They flew quickly from low altitude, and passers-by who occasionally met could only see a few vague shadows floating above their heads.

When the sky in the east just turned white, several people came to a cliff of Haotian Sect. Looking forward from the cliff, you can vaguely see a small village where the outer sect of Haotian Sect lives.

After they decided to take action against the Tiandou Empire, in addition to Bibi Dong taking Qian Renxue to Tiandou City to seize administrative power, Jin Yu also took Qingluan, Xiongshi, Guangling, other ordinary elders of the Wuhun Hall, and a group of selected and powerful soul masters to Haotian Sect.

It took some time for Jin Yu and his group to select soul masters and organize and mobilize them. In addition, the marching speed of these soul masters was not as fast as Bibi Dong and his group. Therefore, even though it took a lot of time in Tiandou City, Bibi Dong still arrived faster than Jin Yu.

After they waited for a while, Jin Yu finally arrived with his people.

"Pass the order down, rest for an hour, recover your soul power, and launch a general attack in an hour."

Bibi Dong's cold voice sounded, and she stared at the direction of Haotian Sect with a deep gaze.

At the same time, a vote was also launched in the sect of Haotian Sect.

"Bibi Dong led the people of Wuhun Hall to attack us. Should we teach them a lesson or let them be destroyed?" "Seventh Elder" raised his hand and pinched his monocle.

"I want to have fun with them." "Fifth Elder" pinched his monocle.

"Let it be destroyed. Bibi Dong needs a stable rear area to devote herself to the war more attentively."

"The destruction of the Haotian Sect will help the Spirit Hall to dominate the Tiandou Empire and integrate its strength. It will better confront the Xingluo Empire on the battlefield."

"I think we should still resist symbolically. We have to let them have some combat experience."

"I don't know if the Spirit Hall will take prisoners. Xingluo is very strong now. In order to better balance the battlefield, we can also join the Spirit Hall as prisoners and as a supplementary force."

"This is our Haotian Sect's business, so don't let the other Amengs get involved. Initiate a vote... Let the 'Haotian Sect' vote to confirm the result."

This regional Ameng referendum is recognized by all Amengs. But there is a prerequisite, that is, the overall personality deviation value of the Amengs participating in the referendum in this area does not exceed one percent compared with the main body.

Otherwise, it will be judged invalid because it is too "independent".

All the disciples of Haotian Sect had gathered in a square. They were either standing alone or talking in groups of three or two.

Then, as if they sensed something, they all raised their heads and looked in the same direction, adjusting the monocle on their right eyes in different postures.

The second elder smiled: "Here we come..."

Walter took the lead and flew over the village, with a black ball of thread in his hand.

He waved his hand, and the ball of thread scattered, turning into a hemispherical cover woven from countless threads that covered the village.

In addition to preventing people from entering and leaving, these threads also have the function of shielding soul power fluctuations.

Teams of soul masters, led by the captains of various soul saints, searched for disciples of Haotian Sect everywhere in the village.

Walter's thread also swam around like a little snake.

But the final results showed that there was no one in the village at the moment.

Report this information to Bibi Dong.

After hearing this, Bibi Dong immediately issued an order to march into the mountain without hesitation.

On the road from the village to the Haotian Sect, there is a nearly vertical cliff.

Walter almost instinctively smelled the danger, and he flew to the top of the cliff. For the Titled Douluo with the ability to fly, this kind of cliff is not an obstacle.

But for ordinary Soul Emperors and Soul Kings, this requires some effort. If there is another attack on the top of the cliff at this moment, it is likely to cause casualties.

He came to the top of the cliff and was immediately attacked by the Haotian Sect members guarding there.

Dozens of huge Haotian Hammer phantoms hit him, and Walter was smashed down with almost no resistance.

He fell from the air, his body disintegrated, and turned into flying silk threads.

This is a puppet. With Walter's cautiousness, how could he go forward to explore the way by himself?

"Be careful, there are people up there." Walter reminded.

It seems that seeing that the ambush was discovered, the disciples of the Haotian Sect above performed the chaotic cloak hammer method together and smashed it down at the foot together.

With a loud "boom", the cliff collapsed, and countless rocks of different sizes fell from the air.

If the cliff collapsed when the spirit masters of the Wuhun Hall were halfway up, it would be difficult for them to dodge in mid-air, which would definitely cause considerable casualties.

But at this moment, they had just started climbing, and the height was not high. They could jump down directly, return to the ground and dodge.

Except for a few unlucky people who rushed too fast and climbed too high and were buried by rubble, not many people were injured.

Walter's figure appeared at the top of the cliff again, and this time, there was no attack. The people of Haotian Sect seemed to have evacuated after the previous attack.

Without obstruction, the steep terrain could not stop this elite spirit master team composed of Pope warriors. They quickly climbed over the cliff and moved forward.

Finally, they stopped in front of a mountain stream because there was no road. When the people of Haotian Sect evacuated, they cut off the iron chain bridge originally set up here.

Across the bottomless mountain stream, Bibi Dong could clearly see the expressions of the people from the Haotian Sect on the opposite side, some relaxed, some alert, and some fearful.

She sneered: "Ha, do you think this little trick can stop us?"

Yueguan and Guimei understood and flew to the sky. The other Titled Douluo also reacted and stepped forward to clear the way.

Golden Crocodile, Blue Luan, Lion, Light Wing, Yueguan, Guimei, Demon Bear, Ghost Leopard, Tuoba Xi, nine Titled Douluo lined up in the air, and powerful soul power filled the mountain stream.

The world was quiet, and there was no sound. Even the people on the side of the Spirit Hall swallowed unconsciously, shocked by the nine figures in the sky.

"Wow, nine titles." A disciple of the Haotian Sect pinched his right eye socket, "So scary..."

"Who dares to offend our Haotian Sect?" Six old men rushed out from the back, each of them looked solemn, and there seemed to be a flame of anger burning in their eyes.

"Wuhun Hall." The second elder with long eyebrows and white hair said solemnly.

"Hehe, if you want to blame someone, you can only blame yourself for being nosy. The sect suddenly reopened its gates... Last time, I could still regard the incident of 'Xiaotian Douluo' and 'Haotian Douluo' making trouble in Wuhun City as their personal behavior, but they dared to blatantly interfere in the political affairs of the Tiandou Empire. It's simply courting death." Bibi Dong said coldly.

Her attention was not on these six people, who were not worth worrying about, but she kept paying attention to the surroundings and guarding against Tang Chen mentioned by Qian Daoliu.

"That was also their personal behavior. What did the things done by Tang Hao and Tang Yuehua have to do with our Haotian Sect?" The seventh elder said very dissatisfiedly.

"If you can't even manage your own disciples, then I will clean up the mess for you. Kill!" Bibi Dong ordered.

The nine titled Douluo in the air attacked together, and the terrifying attack shook the mountains.

The six elders of the Haotian Sect were angry and went up to meet them with fearless fear.

The second elder also shouted: "Everyone listen to the order, retreat quickly, and escape as many as you can."


The faces of the disciples of the Haotian Sect showed grief and anger.

However, there were also a few disciples who failed to control their facial expressions. After all, there are differences between "disciples" and "disciples". Their personalities, ways of thinking, etc., are more or less different.

"Don't even think about running!" Bibi Dong waved her right hand.

Walter suddenly jumped up and shot into the air. The pure white silk thread, like a giant python, stretched out from the cliff where the people of the Wuhun Hall were, crossed the mountain stream, and was built on the side where the Haotian Sect was, building a bridge made of silk threads.

With the help of Walter, Correa and Monoz have been promoted to Soul Saint. They have worked under him for many years and have a good understanding of Walter's style of doing things.

They jumped out the moment the Silk Thread Bridge was built. They were the captains of two teams in this operation, and the team members followed closely.

Seeing someone demonstrate, other soul masters also put aside their concerns about the reliability of the bridge and rushed forward.

The elders of the Haotian Sect seemed to want to stop them when they saw this scene, but their number was small, and there were super Douluos such as Golden Crocodile, Blue Luan, and Lion among their opponents. Once they were distracted, they were caught in the flaws and fell into crisis.

The elites of the Wuhun Hall were like wolves entering a flock of sheep, slaughtering the disciples of the Haotian Sect.

There were screams.

Walter frowned. For some reason, he always felt that these Haotian Sect disciples were a little strange, but he couldn't find any violation for a while.

After killing all the people of Haotian Sect, Bibi Dong walked slowly across the four-line long bridge and said indifferently: "Search for me, leave no one alive."

Looking at the tragic situation of Haotian Sect, Walter felt a sense of pleasure in his heart. He spread the silk thread, and then his expression became strange.

He heard the urgent crowing of chickens, and the barking and whimpering of dogs.

"Monoz, what are you doing?" Correa asked.

"Follow the order, leave no one alive."

The overall situation has been decided, Bibi Dong ordered Guimei and Yueguan:

"Two elders, please pack up the classics of Haotian Sect and then hand them over to Qianjun and Jiangmo, the two worshippers."

"Yes." Yueguan Guimei bowed respectfully.

Bibi Dong stood on a rooftop and stared at the mountains. The mist rose from the mountain stream, making the mountains look hazy and mysterious.

Is Tang Chen dead, or is he somewhere else? Bibi Dong flashed a trace of worry. Until the end of the battle, the Haotian Sect was massacred, and the great enemy mentioned by Qian Daoliu did not appear.

However, what Bibi Dong was worried about was not the possible revenge of Tang Chen in the future, but the difficulty of becoming a god.

Even the genius admired by Qian Daoliu, Tang Chen, who once dominated an era and was amazing and talented, died in an unmanned corner... Is it really so difficult to become a god?

Bibi Dong clenched her fists, and her eyes became firm again after a slight confusion. No matter how difficult or dangerous it is, she will cross it!

Qian Renxue came to her side, "There is a sense of unreality. I didn't expect that the world's number one sect was conquered so easily."

Bibi Dong shook her head and laughed: "That's because their opponent is us, the Wuhun Hall!"

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