Douluo: Starting from the Spirit of Time Worm

Chapter 274 Yu Xiaogang: Bibi Dong is getting married?

When everything was settled, Bibi Dong, who had not slept for two consecutive days and one night, also showed a slight tiredness in her eyes.

After leaving the subsequent finishing work to Jin Crocodile, she took Qian Renxue and others back to Tiandou City after sleeping in a room in Haotian Sect.

Qian Renxue transformed into Xue Qinghe again. She asked Dennis to spread the news that she would marry Bibi Dong, and sent invitations to the leaders of various sects and forces.

This news caused an uproar, and there was no good banquet, but no one dared not go.

Whether it is Wuhun Palace annexing the Tiandou Empire, or Tiandou Empire annexing the Wuhun Palace, the merged behemoth will definitely greatly squeeze the sect's living space... This makes many people worried.

At the same time, Amon also quietly removed his responsibility for Dai Chenghua's fate and ascended the throne in his original appearance, known as the "Blood Emperor."

On the day he ascended the throne, he killed many people who opposed him. It is said that the blood flowed from the main hall to the entrance of the palace, so it was publicized by interested people and he got such a title.

Originally, the fact that Amon ruled the Star Luo Empire was only seen clearly by some high-level soul masters. At this moment, he took off his disguise and let everyone clearly realize that the ruler of the Star Luo Empire had changed.

There was an uproar among the people, and these voices from the lower classes were heard by the leaders of some big forces, and they finally woke up.

Only they were aware of the fact that Amon had usurped the throne of the Star Luo Empire before. Common people and even many low-level soul masters had no such awareness at all!

That's why Tuduo Empire replaced Xingluo Empire so quietly, so peacefully and naturally.

The high-level soul masters were horrified to find that their perceptions seemed to be different from those of the lower-ranking people around them...

Are you crazy, are everyone around you crazy, or is the whole world crazy?

The extremely strong sense of fragmentation and distortion made them feel inexplicable awe and horror towards the source of this abnormality, "Blood Emperor" Amon.

It is precisely because of this that the sects and forces whose leaders are above the Soul Saint feel that it is not that bad for the Wuhun Palace to take over the Tiandou Empire, at least it is much better than the weird and terrifying Emperor Amon. .


On Poseidon Island, Shrek's group, who were practicing under the light of Poseidon, all except Tang San suddenly trembled. They felt that the whole world seemed to be slightly different, and the sense of tearing and distortion of fate was restored.

Dai Mubai stared blankly into the distance. At this moment, he truly felt that his country and his father were gone.

Tang San also opened his eyes, stopped meditating, and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Dai Mubai replied: "I understand, it turns out this is what happened... Xiaosan, although you and Gehrman said that there was a problem with our cognition, I just accepted this out of trust in you. , but even after you pointed it out, I still can’t figure it out... I just feel it’s very inconsistent.

"I still subconsciously feel that the person sitting on the throne of the Star Luo Empire, which was renamed the Tudor Empire, is still my father. Even if Amon's clone confirmed this before, I am still at a loss.

"You tell me, reason tells me, that my father has been replaced by Amon, but I can't recognize this anyway... This keeps me in a very contradictory state.

"Just now, this feeling suddenly disappeared, rational thinking and intuitive cognition were unified... I clearly realized that the Star Luo Empire was renamed the Tudor Empire, which was a very abnormal thing. Then It’s definitely not something my father would do!”

Tang San held his chin, pondered for a moment and then said: "If this happens, it's probably because Amon has finished taking over your father's fate... Maybe he feels that this method is no longer needed, and he comes with his true identity. The throne."

Ning Fengzhi looked at the invitation in his hand with helplessness on his face: "I originally thought that Wuhun Palace just wanted to support a puppet, but I didn't expect that their appetite was so big. They wanted to directly annex the Tiandou Empire in this way and become a puppet. The ruler of the Tiandou Empire.

"I'm sure that after that 'Xue Qinghe' comes to power, it won't be long before he dies of illness or is seriously ill in bed, and then Pope Bibi Dong will take over the power."

"Sword Douluo" Chen Xin said solemnly: "What should we do? One thing I need to remind you is that before there is a strong person who can compete with Qiandaoliu, we must not be an enemy of Wuhun Palace.

"For a strong man like him, numbers have lost their meaning. Even us titled Douluo won't have much resistance when facing him.

"I heard that when the soul beast besieged the city before, not even Super Douluo could set foot on the battlefield between him and the 'Beast God' Di Tian."

Ning Fengzhi said: "I have a vague feeling that Wuhun Palace seized the Tiandou Empire in such a hurry to deal with the 'blood emperor' Amon.

"Have you heard the news from the North? There are also anomalies in the Star Dou Forest. I'm afraid this has something to do with Amon."

"The news from the Northland...are you referring to the battle between Di Tian and Amon, causing the entire Northland to fall into darkness?" Sword Douluo raised his eyebrows.

Ning Fengzhi nodded: "Yes, although there is not enough evidence to prove that they were responsible for Northland falling into darkness, but judging from the time, this possibility is very high...

"After that, there was no news about Ditian, and the Star Dou Forest became empty without any soul beasts.

"I have reason to suspect that Amon killed Di Tian... He was also responsible for the incident in the Xingdou Great Forest... The Spirit Hall may have realized how terrible he was, so they took the lead in seizing the power of the Tiandou Empire.

"I think in a few days, at the wedding of Bibi Dong and Xue Qinghe, if they want to gain the support of the major sects, they should reveal something.

"It may not be a bad thing to have the Spirit Hall presiding over the overall situation now. If the two empires are conquered by the 'Blood Emperor' Amon, and everyone lives under his rule, that would be a nightmare result."


Yu Xiaogang returned to Tiandou City with an unconcealable fatigue on his face. In order not to waste time and let Xue Beng know the result of this mission as soon as possible, he did not even ride a horse, but relied on his own soul power to rush all the way.

After he entered the city, he found that the streets and alleys were talking about the wedding of Xue Qinghe and Bibi Dong, and his face showed confusion and astonishment.

"What are you talking about? What Xue Qinghe, what wedding?" He grabbed the shoulder of a peddler who was discussing this matter with others, and asked excitedly.

The vendor wanted to curse, but he swallowed the curse words when he felt the momentum of Yu Xiaogang's soul power scattered because of his out-of-control emotions.

This is a soul master, not someone a small vendor like him can mess with!

He had to tell everything he knew.

Xue Qinghe returned and killed the traitor Xue Beng who killed his father and usurped the throne.

Bibi Dong and Xue Qinghe are about to hold a wedding.

The Tiandou Empire may be renamed the Soul Martial Empire.

Yuexuan, the headquarters of the Haotian Sect in Tiandou City, was massacred by unknown people.

One thing after another touched Yu Xiaogang's nerves, especially the wedding of Xue Qinghe and Bibi Dong, which made him feel uneasy.

But didn't Xiao San say that Xue Qinghe was actually a woman? He should be pretended by Qian Renxue... The Spirit Hall wants to annex the Tiandou Empire in this way!

Yu Xiaogang guessed the purpose of the Spirit Hall at once, but he was still uneasy... What if Xue Qinghe was real? Who can guarantee that what Qian Renxue said to Xiao San was true?

Maybe there are two Xue Qinghe, one is Qian Renxue pretending to be, the one Xiao San met, and the other is the real Xue Qinghe who secretly defected to the Spirit Hall...

When Yu Xiaogang thought of this possibility, he felt so heartbroken that he could hardly breathe.

How could Bibi Dong... How could she marry someone else?

No, no, rumors in the market cannot be believed...

Yu Xiaogang hurried back to Shrek Academy, wanting to find Flanders to confirm the situation.

As soon as he entered the gate of the academy, he saw Liu Erlong.

Liu Erlong also found Yu Xiaogang and walked over with a smile, just like a wife welcoming her husband home:

"Xiaogang, you are finally back..."

Yu Xiaogang was concerned about Bibi Dong's upcoming marriage, so he casually said a few perfunctory words and asked, "Where is Flanders? I have something to ask him."

"You mean what's going on in the city?" Liu Erlong frowned, "It's the same if you ask me, he doesn't know more than me. The situation in the city has changed suddenly in the past few days, and no one dares to approach the palace rashly..."

"Is Xue Beng really dead? Bibi Dong is going to marry Xue Qinghe?"

When Liu Erlong heard this, her emotions suddenly burst out: "Okay, Yu Xiaogang, you are thinking about that bitch in your mind!"

She can tolerate everything about Yu Xiaogang, put aside everything, and accompany him regardless of everything, but she can't tolerate Yu Xiaogang still loving Bibi Dong and thinking about Bibi Dong!

"What do you mean? Are the things you said to me all these years false? Didn't you say that you and her are no longer strangers? Why are you so anxious that she wants to get married?"

Yu Xiaogang has been under a lot of pressure for a while, and Bibi Dong's matter has made him anxious. Under Liu Erlong's aggressive attitude, he finally couldn't control his emotions and yelled, "Shut up!"

As soon as he said it, he regretted it in his heart, his expression eased, and he wanted to apologize, but he saw Liu Erlong crying and turning away without looking back.

As she ran, she yelled hysterically: "Go find her, go find her, don't worry about me, go find your old lover!"

Yu Xiaogang stretched out his hand, but before he could grab Liu Erlong, his arm froze in the air, and then he let it go, letting out a heavy sigh.

Liu Erlong thought about her dedication to him, and thought about how she had been silently supporting him, accompanying him, and encouraging him all these years, but in the end she got such a result, and she felt so stupid.

Tears blurred her eyes. She didn't pay attention to the front for a moment and bumped into someone, stumbling.

"Erlong, what's wrong with you?" A gentle voice came.

Liu Erlong looked carefully and saw that it was Flanders. She threw herself into his arms and sobbed.

"Boss Flanders, Xiaogang is still thinking about that bitch!"

Flanders showed a helpless smile on his face: "Xiaogang is like this, he handles his emotional affairs in a mess."

Liu Erlong hugged Flanders and cried endlessly.

Flanders said: "Erlong, maybe you should calm down. I have something else to do. Can you let me go first?"

"How can I calm down! Boss Flanders, do you even dislike me?" Liu Erlong cried.

"Just calm down like that." Flanders calmly took out a monocle and pressed it into Liu Erlong's right eye socket.

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