At the border of the Tuduo Empire and the Tiandou Empire, the two armies were facing each other across a river.

Almost on the same day, there was a riot on both sides.

On the Tiandou Empire side, the news that Xue Beng was killed and Xue Qinghe ascended to the throne caused turmoil in the army.

In order to stabilize the morale of the army, Marshal Ge Long immediately issued a gag order on the matter, requiring the entire army not to discuss the matter, and those who violated the order would be punished by military law.

He himself was also solemn and worried. At this moment, the change of the artifact had a catastrophic impact on the battle line.

In addition, he was also worried about what attitude the new emperor would take towards himself.

A figure with gray hair, but not old, but energetic, appeared in front of Ge Long.

"Your Majesty Walter." Ge Long showed surprise on his face. When the bear king invaded, the two had fought side by side, so they had a good relationship.

Walter smiled and said to Goron: "His Highness Xue asked me to tell the marshal not to worry about the capital's affairs. Your status remains unchanged and you are still the pillar of the Tiandou Empire's army.

"He hopes you can hold on for a while longer. When he finishes dealing with the affairs over there, reinforcements will come. In addition, I will also assist you on the battlefield during this period of time."

"I understand. Thank you, Your Majesty, thank you, Your Majesty." Goron bowed slightly to Walter.

On the other side, the people of Tudor's army were at a loss because the disturbance of fate was corrected.

It turned out that the empire was no longer the empire, and the emperor was no longer the emperor...

"Hey, even I feel that morale is very low, don't you care? 'God of War'... Lei Yin. "Romil stretched out his tone.

Lei Yin rolled his eyes, "I don't know where this nickname came from. I just followed Mr. Amon's orders in the Soul Beast War...

"I'm not completely ignorant of leading troops in battle, but I know how good they are.

"As for morale, that thing is not important. It's meaningless anyway. If necessary, my sister can deal with more than 100,000 people on the other side by herself.

"If I want to do it, it won't be much different, just a little more troublesome."

"This is what the captain said about the great power returning to oneself." Romil smiled, "Then I won't worry about it."

As he said, he used his martial soul to condense an ergonomic recliner, lay down comfortably, closed his eyes and rested.

Ripples were rippling in the space, as if a small stone was smashed on the calm lake.

Yan Jin's head suddenly emerged from the ripples and pressed against Lei Yin's shoulder.

Then she looked around, and then the whole person walked out of the ripples in the space.

"Lei Yin~" She happily gave Lei Yin a hug and rubbed his head.

Lei Yin had no expression on his face, and his head swayed left and right with the force of Yan Jin's hands.

"Sister, did Mr. Amon ask you to come here?"

Yan Jin smiled and said, "Yes, yes, he asked me to come here to play."

Lei Yin stared into her eyes: "You came here by yourself... Don't worry, even if you don't come, I won't kill Walter."

"Stupid brother has grown up, remember to take good care of Morey and the others in the future... Well, there is no need to take care of them too well, just help them when they are in trouble." Yan Jin pulled his cheek.

Yan Jin walked out of the tent, made a hemispherical stone house with magma, then took out a soft big bed from the space, threw himself on the bed, covered himself with a soft quilt, and said, "Call me when the fight starts."

Lei Yin yawned, seemingly influenced by Romil and Yan Jin.

Since the top commander did not take action, the soldiers of the Tudor Empire naturally would not have too much fighting spirit.

Of course, Lei Yin and Yan Jin didn't need them to have much fighting spirit. They just needed them to watch from behind while they were fighting, shout "Your Excellency is mighty" and so on, and fight a favorable battle when defeating the enemy.


In Tiandou City, there were lights and decorations everywhere, and the whole city was hung with red ribbons symbolizing joy.

"Xue Qinghe" set out from the palace in a bright red groom's suit and a white horse.

Bibi Dong rode a red carriage decorated with gold patterns and headed for the palace from the city gate near the Spirit Hall.

Behind them, there was a band of musicians.

The place where the two teams met happened to be the street in front of the main gate of Shrek Academy.

Originally, because of his feelings and guilt for Liu Erlong, Yu Xiaogang had finally convinced himself not to meet Bibi Dong, but when he saw the carriage Bibi Dong was riding in front of him at the door, he finally couldn't help it anymore and rushed to the front to stop it.

"Bibi Dong, come out, come out to see me." Yu Xiaogang shouted.

Bibi Dong, who was sitting in the carriage, heard this voice and trembled in her heart. She took a deep breath and calmed down:

"At this point, why do we still meet? It's meaningless."

A soft and calm voice came from the carriage.

Hearing this familiar voice, Yu Xiaogang thought of the innocent girl he used to be. Her voice of calling him "Xiaogang, Xiaogang" echoed in his mind. His face lost color and turned pale.

The sound of "thump thump" of horse hooves sounded, and "Xue Qinghe" rode over on horseback. He was handsome, dignified, and heroic. The whole person showed a vigorous vigor and determination.

"Master, please get out of the way and don't disturb the wedding process." "Xue Qinghe" spoke softly, but with a hint of hostility.

Yu Xiaogang was unmoved, but looked at the carriage with some loss of heart. He felt that his heart, which had finally healed, was broken piece by piece again, and it was so painful that it was difficult to breathe.

At the entrance of Shrek Academy, Flanders leaned against a pillar, raised his hand and pinched the socket of his right eye, watching this scene with interest: "Interesting."

"Xue Qinghe" frowned, and his voice became a little more majestic and solemn:

"Since you are the honorary elder of Wuhun Hall, I won't care about you this time. Someone, drag him down here."

Before anyone from "Xue Qinghe" could take action, Liu Erlong ran over from the side. She hugged Yu Xiaogang's arm and pulled him to the side. As she walked, she said:

"Xiao Gang, don't think about this stinky woman. What's so good about her? Let's get married another day... How about tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow?"

When no one noticed, the corners of her mouth curved slightly.

Yu Xiaogang didn't resist or speak, and allowed her to pull him away.

Liu Erlong's voice was not loud, but Bibi Dong could hear it clearly. Her expression froze, a look of pain appeared on her face, and she murmured in her heart:

"I'm sorry, Xiaogang, I have to do this."


On the border battlefield, Lei Yin finally decided to launch an attack.

The melodious horn sounded, and the troops of the Tudor Empire lined up neatly and marched forward in unison.

Although it's hard to say how good the combat effectiveness is, at least the military appearance is neat and uniform, which looks quite intimidating.

When the generals in the Tiandou Empire army saw this scene, their faces showed solemn looks. At a glance, they judged that this was definitely an elite. I am afraid that compared to their Tiandou First Army, they were no worse than the Tiandou Royal Knights. . At least more than 90% of the troops in their Tiandou Empire cannot be so unified.

"It doesn't matter, they don't have the tools to cross the river. It's not easy to cross. We just need to hold on." Ge Long used his soul power to spread his voice to boost morale.

When they arrived at the river, the Tudor Empire's army stopped, and Yan Jing slowly walked out of the crowd.

Seeing the woman in red, Ge Long's face became much gloomier. According to the Tiandou Empire's intelligence, Yan Jin's ability is terrifying on the battlefield.

They specifically analyzed Yan Jin and found that her soul skill's efficiency in using soul power reached a rather extreme level. The two points of "controlling heat loss" and "controlling the flow of lava" allowed her to produce almost no waste.

Even if the lava bomb didn't hit anyone at the beginning, it can still control its flow back again, using the least consumption of soul power to produce the greatest results.

Yan Jin originally wanted to rush over and kill everyone by himself, but a meteorite would end the war.

However, Amon's voice stopped her, asking her to only attack the enemy's masters, or appropriately block the opponent's army when the situation was unfavorable.

Yan Jin came to the river, slowly squatted down, and put his hand into the water.

The ice emperor and snow emperor's soul bone skills were activated, and the extreme cold erupted, freezing the entire river in an instant.

Seeing this scene, Ge Long opened his mouth wide, with deep horror in his eyes.

"This, what kind of power is this?"

Yan Jin raised his head and grinned in the direction of Ge Long, smiling very cheerfully.

After feeling slightly surprised, Walter nodded to Yan Jin with a smile. It is the glory of his master that his disciple can grow to this point.

Even if he had to stand on the opposite side due to his position, he still felt very gratified.

The thing he was most proud of in his life was accepting Yan Jin as his disciple. The thing he regretted most was that when Amon revealed his intention to become a disciple, he refused.

In fact, after seeing the power of Yan Jin in the black dragon state and learning that Amon had helped Yan Jin hunt down Di Tian and turn it into a soul ring, Walter was no longer optimistic about the chances of the Wuhun Palace side winning.

Given Amon's nature, if he is willing to leave this kind of soul ring to Yan Jin, it only means that he has a better one!

Amon's strength will only become more terrifying and terrifying!

However, he did not switch camps because of this. After killing Tang Hao, he no longer had any obsession in his heart. Yan Jin had surpassed him as a master and did not need him to worry about it. He only had Wuhun Temple, the faith he once had. .

Although he gradually gave up this belief in the past due to Bibi Dong's leadership and the hatred in his own heart, but after the Soul Beast War, he picked it up again because of the large offering.

Later, Bibi Dong also changed slightly, and the structure of the entire continent changed suddenly. He found that compared to the Wuhun Palace under Bibi Dong's rule, the two empires were even more corrupt!

As for the Tudor Empire that was later transformed from the Star Luo Empire, it was not a normal country! Look what kind of thing is its ruler?

Therefore, even though the Wuhun Palace was still led by Bibi Dong, his faith gradually became firmer. He is willing to fight for this, even if he and his apprentice are facing each other, even if the final outcome is to die together with Wuhun Palace.

Walter slowly floated into the sky, and under the tug of the silk thread, he flew away from the army, "Come here, let's have a good talk."

Yan Jin showed a big smile: "Hey, old man, will you fight with me? I won't lose this time!"

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