Douluo: Starting from the Spirit of Time Worm

Chapter 284 Yan Jin: No one can steal my throne

In the endless void, countless stars shine. Those distant stars seem to be huge burning fireballs.

Yan Jin was in this place without heaven and earth, looking at the countless stars, her heart was shocked, and she felt that she was so small.

An inexplicable call came into her heart, she seemed to see the fire that bloomed when the universe exploded, the flames that destroyed everything produced by the supernova explosion, and the magma ocean rolling on the surface of the planet when it was formed.

Yan Jin took a deep breath and calmed down. She heard a voice calling her in the void.

It seemed that she was worried that she would not come. As time went by, she stood at the door of a magnificent hall in the blink of an eye.

...It was not known whether Yan Jin moved to the front of the hall, or the hall moved to Yan Jin.

The hall was supported by four thick pillars, with no walls on all sides and an arched dome above. The pillars were hundreds of meters high, and the distance between each pillar was also two or three hundred meters. The pillars were carved with patterns of flames, which looked simple and mysterious.

Right in front of the hall, there was a long, platinum-colored staircase that extended all the way to Yan Jin's feet.

Looking at the steps in front of her, Yan Jin raised her eyebrows and walked up.

Then, the steps moved, like an elevator, automatically moving upwards slowly, sending Yan Jin to the hall.

The ground also moved, sending her to the center of the hall.

In the center, there was a flame-shaped statue. With the arrival of Yan Jin, the surface of the statue glowed red, spreading from a small dot to the surroundings, and in a blink of an eye, it turned into a real flame.

The flames quickly spread to the surroundings, from the center to the surroundings, and then ignited the dome along the pillars.

The flames were not hot, or not hot for Yan Jin... A warmth came, making her feel as comfortable as taking a nap in the sun in the middle of winter.

Stars fell one after another, and the entire void fell into a sea of ​​fire. The hall also collapsed in the sea of ​​fire. As far as the eye could see, there was only flames.

The powerful enemies that had been fought before appeared one after another in front of her.

Slime, Slime, Flowing Flame Lizard, Flame King Dragon, Flowing Fire Toad, Magma Jellyfish, Red King, Red Lotus, Di Tian, ​​Bibi Dong, Qian Dao Liu...

"Illusion? Who cares... You don't accept it? Come and fight!"

Yan Jin had no fear at all. Magma emerged from his hands and he hit forward with a "Big Fire Spray".

These enemies moved, and they used one skill after another to fight back as in Yan Jin's memory.

The illusions that were both illusory and real were shattered one after another. Yan Jin felt that she was becoming more and more adept at controlling the flames. She seemed to have become the master of the flames. All the birth, death and flow of the flames were in her mind.

When all the illusions were shattered, a figure wearing a black classical robe, a pointed soft hat, and a monocle on the right eye appeared in front of her.

"Amon?" Yan Jin looked puzzled.

Amon waved his palms and praised: "Yes, you really stepped into the realm of God as I expected... Then, give me the throne. I should have said that I need everything from you."

He had an evil smile on his face, and looked at Yan Jin as if he was looking at delicious food.

Yan Jin walked in front of him without saying a word, and then... punched him hard in the face.

Amon seemed to be stunned by the attack and fell back heavily.

Yan Jin threw another left hook, hitting his left face, and the monocle broke, leaving a bloody mark on his face.

She kicked forward and kicked Amon away.

After doing all this, she clapped her hands, put her hands on her hips, and said triumphantly:

"Hehe, I've wanted to do this for a long time, even though I'm just a fake..."

She stepped forward, her expression turned cold:

"I know... Amon gave me the soul ring of Emperor Tian and the million-year soul bone of Tianmeng Ice Silkworm, treasures that ordinary soul masters have never heard of. The only higher-level thing he seeks is the position of God.

"All the gifts have been secretly marked with prices, and I am willing to pay these prices.

"You are a false illusion, and you want to sow discord here?"

As she said, she crushed Amon's head with one foot.


Amon walked into the void and locked onto the Vulcan Temple in front of him. He stepped forward, and the distance seemed to disappear. In an instant, he came to the center of the hall.

The stars did not fall, the void did not turn into a sea of ​​fire, and the hall did not burn.

Only Yan Jin was surrounded by flames, with his eyes closed, standing motionless in the center of the hall.

Her hair became even more red, as if there was fire flowing, and she exuded a faint divinity. The flames surrounding her were like the ministers guarding the king.

Amon raised his right hand and pinched the upper and lower edges of the monocle with his index finger and thumb. After a slight hesitation, he still stretched out his right hand to Yanjin and made a grasping motion...

... He didn't steal anything.

Yanjin opened his eyes and looked at Amon with a smile, as if asking for credit:

"Amon, you are here... I wanted to give it to you when you need it, but it ran over by itself, so I can only give it to you in advance."

Amon glanced at the red diamond-shaped lens wrapped in flames that quietly appeared in front of him, with a blank expression on his face.

The reason why he didn't steal anything was because Yanjin took the initiative to throw the throne to him before he stole it!

There was no hesitation, no hesitation, and no reluctance!

He can’t steal something that the target doesn’t have!

“I’m not stupid. Your goal is the throne of God, right? I’ve already guessed it… The price you have to pay in return for your gift to me… Only something of this level is appropriate!”

Amon did want to steal Yan Jin’s throne of God, but his main purpose of stealing the throne was not for the throne itself, but for the act of “stealing the throne”!

To believe in becoming a god, two conditions must be met. One is to make a great feat that can trigger the rules of heaven and earth, and the other is to point to the faith related to this great feat.

For example, the Sea God spent a thousand years conquering the sea and collecting the faith of countless marine creatures before he condensed the Sea God throne.

Amon has been planning for his own deification since a long time ago…

When he was still “Duke Amon”, he had already used the special nature of the “Time Worm” martial spirit to collect faith in advance.

He issued a decree in the territory to reduce the punishment for theft and increase the difficulty of judging theft, and used his clone to spread the nickname "Duke of Thieves" to associate himself with "theft".

Later, the Tiandou Empire wanted him for "theft", which further deepened his image as a "thief" in people's minds.

It was rumored among soul masters that he "stole" the treasures of the Xingdou Great Forest. This was also deliberately spread by Amon in order to strengthen the connection between "theft" and himself.

Later, he replaced Dai Chenghua and "stole" the Xingluo Empire...

These are all "merits" related to "theft".

Others' cognition of this also provided him with beliefs related to "theft".

But this is not enough. Not only is the "merit" not "great" enough to trigger the rules of the world, but the belief is also too thin to condense the position of God.

Amon has solved the problem of too little belief. In addition to the belief related to "theft", he also has beliefs such as "Blood Emperor", "Conqueror", "Tyrant", "Destroyer" and so on as Emperor Tudor.

Originally, this kind of belief that has nothing to do with "thieves" cannot be used to condense the position of "the God of Thieves", but Amon has a trick.

He can use the "deception rules" to temporarily let the rules mistake these beliefs that have nothing to do with "stealing" as "the beliefs of thieves" to replace the missing parts.

In addition, because his connection with Yan Jin and Lei Yin is close enough, he can also use this connection to steal the beliefs of "God of Fire", "God of War", "God of Thunder" and "God of War" pointing to them, and use the method of "deception" to make up for the lack of belief.

And if you want to make a "stealing" behavior that is enough to trigger the rules of the world, what is more appropriate than replacing the original owner and stealing his position at the last stage of someone else's god-making ceremony, when he is about to become a god?

So what Amon wants to do is actually to become a god through belief, condense the "thief's position", and then use the power of the "God of Thieves" to directly accommodate the stolen "position" and permanently occupy the stolen position!

Then he became a god with two god positions!

But Yan Jin, who was very smart, gave up at the last moment when he was about to become a god. He gave him the God of Fire position directly by taking advantage of his partial control over the god position, which made Amon have nothing to steal!

Without the ability to "steal the god position", Amon could not use it to trigger the rules of the world and become the "God of Stealing".

The God of Fire position did not recognize Amon. Even if he could temporarily deceive the God of Fire position through "deception", accommodate and become the God of Fire, his "deception" was ultimately lacking and could not deceive permanently. Sooner or later, he would be backfired because of insufficient fit.

In fact, Amon had already made a "feat" that was enough to trigger the rules of the world. He traveled through time and could condense the "Door" position by himself, but he had no relevant beliefs.

He could also use "deception" to use those messy beliefs to cast the "Door" position, but this would also be temporarily successful because the level of "deception" was not enough, and it would be backfired by "wrong beliefs" over time.

The only ones who can use miscellaneous beliefs to become gods and not be backlashed afterwards are the "God of Thieves" and the "God of Errors"!

Only this god can use his own authority after ascending to the godhood and ignore the problem of backlash.

Amon looked at Yan Jin, who looked like "I'm very smart, I helped you get something good, praise me now", and was silent for a long time.

He raised his right hand and touched the bottom edge of his monocle with the knuckles of his index finger, and said, "Tsk":

"I still missed the human heart."

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