Seeing Amon's gloomy look, Yan Jin was a little confused: "What's the human heart?"

"I should teach you what lies and deception are...instead of being like this, being as stupid as a curly baboon all day long." A look of helplessness appeared on Amon's face.

"Am I stupid?" Yan Jin's face suddenly fell, and he said in frustration.

Dazzling stars shone from Yan Jin's body, and she felt that her consciousness was getting blurry.

Vaguely, he seemed to see Amon wrapped around his body like a python.

She suddenly thought of what Amon said, the secret price tag.

Everything about this what I mean...

Everything in the past flashed through Yan Jin's mind one by one, starting from when Amon took him to hunt slimes...

He beat up all his classmates in the academy in the North, stole the show in the soul master competition, was admired and worshiped by countless people in the war, and in the end absorbed the soul rings and soul bones of so many ferocious beasts, and suppressed the Spirit Hall alone... …

A faint smile appeared on Yan Jin's face... Lei Yin has grown up, his younger brothers and sisters are living well, and the old man's revenge has been avenged... I have lived a wonderful life these years, and I should be satisfied.

But why do you still feel like crying?

She stretched out her hand as if to hold something...


Yan Jin offered no resistance and only left a few words in his mind:

"Tell Leiyin to take good care of his brothers and sisters..."

"If Leiyin is also your target, then let the old man take care of them..."

Xinghui restrained himself, "Yan Jin" reached out and took out a pair of monocles from the void, put it on his right eye, adjusted the position, and muttered:

"Why don't you resist, you idiot..."

She raised her hand and took away the burning red diamond-shaped lens, held it and stuffed it into her mouth.

The great hall in the void began to collapse, starting from the dome above, shattering inch by inch.

The figure of "Rock Ember" gradually faded and disappeared, and she went to the Bone Church.

Amon took one step forward and appeared at the entrance to the void. He looked at the slowly closing entrance, stretched out his hands, "held" both ends, and pulled hard to widen the entrance.

Then, he got into the hole in space and returned to Douluo Continent.

A magnificent will suddenly descended into the Void Hall, as vast as the sea and as powerful as a prison.

"Failed? Guren, the candidate you chose seems not very good.

"Did you shrink back when facing a strong enemy in the last illusion? Huh... cowardly people are not worthy of inheriting my divine throne.

"Forget it, just let it go..."


As Amon emerged from the void, the flames burning on the Jialing Pass battlefield became smaller and smaller, and eventually extinguished, leaving only a piece of scorched earth and the remains of the unburned city wall.

"Why is he alone? Where's Yan Jin?" Bibi Dong asked with a puzzled look.

"Maybe...failed." Qian Daoliu sighed with emotion, "It seems that the road to becoming a god is far more difficult than we imagined. Even such an amazing and talented person died sadly in the end."

He felt strong worry in his heart, worried that Qian Renxue would not be able to overcome these difficulties.

"Tsk, failed." Amon whispered to himself.

Although his voice was small, it could be heard clearly by Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu.

A hint of joy appeared on Bibi Dong's face. A great enemy disappeared like this, and the Spirit Empire would have to face much less pressure.

Amon glanced at them, making the two of them extra vigilant.

But he didn't seem to pay any attention to them. He took a step forward and came to Lei Yin with a look of disinterest.

Lei Ying was silent for a long time, and then asked in a trembling voice: "Sister, she, sister, she..."

"She asked you to take care of your brothers and sisters."

Amon was neither sad nor happy, and said in a very calm and calm tone.

Lei Yindendenden took a few steps back, his body shook, and his face turned pale.

"Sister, she told me before that she wanted me to take good care of my brothers and sisters...I didn't care at the time, but she had already expected today..."

Amon pinched his monocle and responded: "Maybe... As for how to go next, you can choose for yourself, I no longer need the Tudor Empire.

"If you need it, I can give you the throne of the empire, but the position that the 'tyrant' voluntarily gave up has no legal basis. I suggest that you overthrow the empire and seize the throne yourself.

"If you don't need power, you can also take away the wealth in the palace's treasure house... Well, I haven't touched it much, there should be quite a lot... Then return to the North and live with your brothers and sisters. ”

Amon reached out and grabbed Lei Yin's older "Thunder Magnetic Gun" 30,000-year-old right arm bone and "Thunder Speed" 60,000-year-old left leg bone, and exploded the Ice Bear King and Titan Snow Demon King. The soul bone was handed over to him, and after a short pause, he took out the wing-shaped attached soul bone left by Zi Ji.

"This is what your sister left for you."

Lei Yin held these three pieces of soul bones that exuded a faint halo and were perfect without any defects. There was no joy in his heart and he shed tears silently.

"With your ability, you can probably hunt any ferocious beast easily. I won't worry about your ninth soul ring... Then, see you again."

Amon's figure gradually became illusory, the color became lighter and lighter, the lines on his body became more and more blurred, and finally disappeared.

Lei Yin put the soul bone into the soul bone space of his left arm bone, stood quietly alone in the darkness for a long time, and then turned into a ray of thunder and disappeared into the sky.

Qian Daoliu, Bibi Dong, and the other titled Douluo from Wuhun Palace looked at the lightning disappearing in the sky, with doubts on their faces.

Golden Crocodile asked in surprise: "What do they mean?"

"The rock ember has fallen, and Lei Yin has left...Looking at the chaotic appearance of the Tuduo Empire's army, it seems that the 'blood emperor' Amon is not present either..." Qingluan observed the Tuduo Empire's army and replied.

"Is it possible that they just gave up the war? The empire doesn't want it anymore?" Lion Douluo looked puzzled.

Qian Daoliu thought for a while and said: "It's not impossible. Maybe their purpose in launching this war is to promote Yan Jin to become a god... It may have something to do with faith, or it may be a requirement for the divine test. War is always about blood and fire. related.

"The 'Blood Emperor' represents blood, and Rock Ember represents fire. After Rock Ember failed, the goal was lost, and there was no need to continue fighting, so the war naturally didn't matter.

"For existences like them, the Tudor Empire is nothing, and neither is secular imperial power. Becoming a god is the only pursuit. Who doesn't long for the supreme eternity..."

Bibi Dong showed approval: "The key now is that Amon may represent 'blood', so has he succeeded? If he succeeded, why let us go? Even for gods, other gods are a threat Bar?"

"I don't know. It may have failed, but somehow escaped the backlash and survived. It may also have succeeded, but because gods have different realms and look at problems from different angles, it is difficult for us to speculate on a god's The idea... is just like those emperors of the two great empires who have not gone very far on the path of soul masters do not understand the ideas of you and me." Qian Daoliu responded softly.

Amon's disappearance made Bibi Dong slightly uneasy, but this uneasiness soon gradually disappeared amid the steady flow of faith.

Soon, soon, soon...

The damage to the Rakshasa God's throne has already been replenished in the war, and the power of faith is also flowing in continuously. Enough faith will soon be collected to start the Rakshasa God Exam!

Because Bibi Dong is not used to condense the divine status, there is no need for specific beliefs related to functions, as long as the number is sufficient and it points to oneself.

Lion Douluo looked at the chaotic Tuduo Empire's army and asked, "Do we need to take advantage of the situation and defeat them?"

Bibi Dong thought for a while and replied: "No need, reorganize the army and wait for orders."


Tudor Empire, the residence of the Minister of Ceremonies.

Romil was lying on the sofa with a leisurely expression. In front of him, the cabaret troupe he invited was performing a dance that had been practiced for a long time.

The girl wearing complicated and gorgeous costumes has a graceful figure and dances like a peacock with its tail spread.

Behind him, stood a row of white-haired maids wearing half-covered clothes, some carrying drinks, some carrying fruits, all with respectful faces.

Only Gu Yuena didn't take anything and looked at Romil with a look of disgust.

"Do you think that with such an emperor and such officials, this country is hopeless?" Romil suddenly said.

Gu Yuena was stunned for a moment and realized that this was what she was talking about. She thought to herself, "Does your human country save me? What does it have to do with me?" It would be best if they all died...

She said with a cold voice:

"I don't understand this... It's just that as a leader, you don't want to make progress, and as a courtier, you indulge in pleasure. It's just a matter of time."

Romil chuckled: "You are right, but what does it matter... The captain once told me that the basis of rule is strength, not anything else...

“In this world where great power belongs to oneself, when your power is enough to surpass the violence of the state, then no matter how the lower class objects, your position is as stable as a mountain.

“And no matter how prosperous a country is, it may be destroyed in an instant under the interference of higher-level forces.

"The captain's goal is to hit the highest realm. As long as he succeeds, even if everything comes to nothing now, he can easily re-establish a more powerful empire."

The great power belongs to oneself...a higher level of power...Gu Yuena held her chin, thoughtfully.

At this moment, a bolt of lightning penetrated the window and came in.

The shattering sound of the window made the dancer in front stunned for a moment, and Gu Yuena's eyes were also attracted to it.

The thunder gradually dissipated, and Lei Yin, wearing a blue-black military uniform, ocean blue hair, and blue eyes, appeared in front of Romil.

Romil raised his eyebrows: "Leiyin... what are you doing here?"

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