Douluo: Starting from the Spirit of Time Worm

Chapter 286 Lei Yin's Choice

"Didn't you go to the front line? Could it be that the domestic riots have become more serious and you have to contain them? You are so busy...

"Why don't you learn from me? Become a dog officer under the dog emperor and do easy and interesting bad things every day." Romil said with a smile.

Lei Yin's face was expressionless, showing no emotion or anger: "Sister is dead."

"Huh?" Romil was stunned.

Lei Yin said in a low tone: "My sister is dead and the attack on the divine realm failed... Amon no longer needs the Tudor Empire. He said that I can take it away if I want it."

Romil changed from lying to sitting, leaning forward, and his expression became serious and serious:

"My condolences... where is the captain? What did he do?"

"I don't know... His plan has never let us see the whole picture clearly. He asked me to seize the Tudor Empire or go back to the north to live in seclusion..." Lei Yin responded.

"There is a feeling that a storm is coming. The wars in the past few years are probably just the prelude to something." Romil sighed.

After a moment of silence, he continued: "What are you going to do? It doesn't look like you want to go back to the North to live in seclusion, right?"

"Well, I will become the new emperor of the Tudor Empire, but I need your support. I am not good at internal affairs. Even if it is chaotic, it is better than order in the hands of others." Lei Yin stared at Romil.

Romil smiled with a deep look in his eyes: "Oh, chaos is because the captain needs chaos. If you want order, I can also give you order.

"Of course, I can guarantee that there won't be too many areas. Maybe you can invite Vidal and Aaliya over, they are better at it.

"Also, what about the fat man in the city? He should be considered the captain, right?"

Lei Yin thought for a while and said tentatively: "How about... kill him? Amon said that it would be better if I took the initiative to seize the Zen position than if he gave it to me directly... If the fat man is still there , indicating that this was a... sacrifice that he left behind on purpose."

Romil said "Hey", "I've long been unhappy with that fat man. It's really damaging to the captain's wise image!"

He waved to the opera troupe and maid troupe: "You guys, go down. There are some things that it's better not to hear."

The members of the opera troupe and the white-haired maids who had long wanted to plug their ears seemed to have been granted amnesty. Only Gu Yuena was a little regretful that she could not hear more information.

At this moment, Romil said: "Miss Gu Yue, please stay for a while... Your identity must not be simple, and you have an ulterior motive for applying as a maid."

Romil's words almost made Gu Yuena's hair explode. She looked solemn and whispered: "When did you find out?"

"Now... I just lied to you. I didn't expect you to admit it like this." Romil spread his hands, with a joking smile on his face.

Gu Yuena's face froze, then turned gloomy: "Are you kidding me?"

Romil raised his hands in a gesture of surrender: "Okay, okay, it's my fault... Actually, the last sentence was just to tease you. You are usually so obvious, can I not notice it?"

Gu Yuena: "..."

Fist, hard.

She had the urge to take out the silver dragon gun and give it to this guy.

"I guess you are a noble lady whose family was ruined because of that dog emperor, and you want to take revenge by sneaking in secretly? Wait, your target won't be me, right?" Romil looked horrified. shape.

Gu Yuena's face calmed down and she said in a somewhat deep and gloomy tone:

"My home was literally destroyed by him, and my family died because of him."

"Very good, let's kill the Dog Emperor together. Lei Yin will step on the bones of the old king and become the emperor. You will take revenge, and I will continue to be a dog official for the common people. We all have a bright future!" Romil said excitedly! .

Gu Yuena asked: "What is the difference between the dog emperor and the captain in your mouth?"

"The Dog Emperor is just a puppet, or a clone. In short, the captain is the captain, and the Dog Emperor is the Dog Emperor. He is just a fat loser!" Romil answered without hesitation.

Sure enough, the person in the city is just a clone, but by following these two people, I should be able to get more information... The guy named Amon makes me even more uneasy than the gods...

Thinking like this, Gu Yuena nodded: "Okay, let's go together. When will we do it?"

Romil looked at her in surprise: "What? Do you really want to assassinate His Majesty? I am a loyal minister, and I said this deliberately. I just wanted to test for His Majesty whether you have any rebellious intentions. I will report it right away."

Gu Yuena took a deep breath and looked at Romil coldly, murderous intent surging.

Lei Yin also looked at him with deep eyes, and there seemed to be thunder in his eyes.

"Well, what I said just now was just a joke...choose a time to take action." Romil twitched the corner of his mouth and changed his tune decisively.

"It's up to me, Romil, remember to help me spread the word that I overthrew the tyranny of the 'Blood Emperor' and established the Second Tudor Empire." Lei Yin said solemnly.

Romil patted his chest and assured: "Don't worry, I'm the best at publicity."


Due to the loss of command, the Tudor Empire's army was defeated like a mountain, and the long front was completely defeated in just a few days.

The Wuhun Empire's army advanced step by step, regained a large amount of territory, and restored the national boundaries to the time before the Soul Beast War, when the Tiandou Empire had not yet ceded territory to the Star Luo Empire.

The supreme commander of the battlefield, "Pope" Bibi Dong, also received support and support from the army and the people.

However, after regaining the lost territory, the Wuhun Empire did not continue to advance, because Bibi Dong was not sure of Amon's attitude, nor was she sure of Amon's current state.

And according to this trend, she would be able to gain enough faith in a short time, so there was no need to make trouble.

Leiyin and Romiel's actions were not carried out immediately. The emperor of the Tuduo Empire was still Amon, but due to the defeat in the war and the pain brought by years of war, signs of rebellion appeared in various parts of the Tuduo Empire, and several nobles announced their separation from the rule of the "Blood Emperor".

The war brought hunger, poverty, chaos, and more suffocating oppression. Countless people cursed the "Blood Emperor", hated him, loathed him, and hoped that someone could overthrow his rule.

In the darkness, people always look forward to light.

And the light that penetrates through the layers of darkness and brings hope will also be praised by the world.

"So, Lei Yin... it's about time for you to smash my darkness and illuminate this country with your thunder, right? I hope you won't be like a certain idiot."

In the palace of the Tudor Empire, the chubby Amon calmly accepted his fate as a sacrifice. He pinched his monocle and muttered with a smile:

"Well, this is probably the price of being a tyrant and enjoying yourself."


In a certain basement, there was no light, and deep darkness enveloped everything.

Suddenly, a sizzling sound was heard, followed by dazzling lightning. The blue-white electric snake kept moving, and the dark blue light illuminated the darkness.

Lei Yin stood up, with thunder jumping in his eyes. He refined the last three soul bones that Amon gave him, and his level reached level 90. Of course, this is not his limit, but he was limited because of the lack of soul rings.

Because he increased too much at once, he couldn't control his surging soul power. The surging current broke through the basement, and his body moved to the ground with the current.

"It seems that you have gained a lot. I envy you two... You can get the captain's full training." Romil said sourly.

Lei Yin did not comment, and replied: "But it also has a price. Sister has already demonstrated it. Even so, are you still envious?"

Romil shook his head decisively: "Forget it, I still want to live longer. Don't ask me for too dangerous things. I will be satisfied if I can become a Titled Douluo and enjoy more time."

"Didn't Amon give you a set of 50,000-year soul bones? It shouldn't be difficult to become a Titled Douluo... The soul beasts in the Xingdou Great Forest are gone. Is there any place you recommend? I need a soul ring, preferably more than 400,000 years old." Lei Yin asked.

Romil "hissed", "I have been with you guys for a long time. I have some doubts about my worldview. Why do you say you want to hunt such a big guy...

"Maybe you can try your luck in the sea. This world is very big. In addition to land, there is also the ocean... And many attributes of soul beasts in the sea are related to water, thunder, and wind. Maybe you can meet them. "

Lei Yin pondered for a moment: "In the sea... give me the information about 'Sea God Island'."

"I'll go find it and send it to you later."

Gu Yuena looked at Lei Yin, whose soul power was surging, and judged his current level from the fluctuation of soul power, with a slightly gloomy look in her eyes.

This means that another soul beast of a relatively old age is going to be killed. Even though she has only commanded soul beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest and has not had much contact with other places, it is still a soul beast.

Although she is still in the recovery stage, she has always had the idea of ​​leading soul beasts to rise and counterattack humans. Therefore, all human heroes are her potential enemies.

Gu Yuena suddenly had the idea of ​​killing Lei Yin now, but she quickly dismissed it.

She looked up at the sky with some fear. The spiritual network covering the entire Night City has not been Some dispersed.

A little impatience can ruin a big plan. It is most important to use the two of them to find out some details about Amon... Thinking of this, Gu Yuena restrained the murderous intent in her eyes.

Lei Yin glanced at her and ignored her.

He didn't know Gu Yuena's true identity, but he guessed from some details that Romil knew something.

Romil was very timid and even a little afraid of this white-haired girl!

Although he was a little curious, he suppressed his desire to explore. There is no need to rush to find the truth. Sooner or later, clues will be revealed.

Lei Yin's body suddenly turned into thunder and rushed out of the city. He needed a wider venue to adapt to his skyrocketing soul power.

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