Douluo: Starting from the Spirit of Time Worm

Chapter 288: For Xiao Wu, I can give up everything

The Sea God Platform trembled violently, and the Sea God Temple, Sea God Mountain, and even the entire Sea God Island were trembling.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, and the whole world was dark. In this gloomy world, the Sea God Temple was emitting dazzling light.

The golden light shot up into the sky, breaking through the dark clouds and penetrating the darkness. The seven Sea God Holy Pillars also lit up at the same time, shining brightly.

The light lasted for more than ten seconds, illuminating the dark clouds in the sky into a golden cloud. The clouds changed and formed a figure.

It can be vaguely seen that this figure is wearing armor and holding a golden trident that seems to be able to tear the sky and the earth.

The seven Holy Pillar Guarding Douluo in front of the Sea God Temple looked up at the sky, and knelt down on the ground at the same time, worshiping the figure condensed by the cloud.

The same scene appeared in every place on the Sea God Island. All those who saw the vision put down their things and knelt on their knees. Even the baby seemed to be attracted by it, opened his eyes wide, and stared at the sky motionlessly.

The pressure of the Sea God swept across the sea. At this moment, the wind stopped and the waves subsided, and all marine creatures felt the great pressure above their heads.

In the Demon Whale Sea, a whale as big as an island slowly emerged from the sea, with a white circle of its right eye staring at the phantom, revealing an interested look.

In the Sea Dragon Sea, a graceful dragon broke through the sea surface. It was covered with metallic scales, and a row of fins extended from the back of the neck to the tail. Its slender snake-like body did not look slender, but gave people a sense of power. It narrowed its eyes, stared at the clouds for a while, snorted coldly, and dived back into the sea.

The virtual image of the Sea God in the sky gradually became clear, and his face became the same as Tang San.

"Xiao San, that's Xiao San!" Dai Mubai shouted.

The Sea Witch looked at that face with a dull expression. She remembered the face of the person who killed her sister, and it was somewhat similar to this face.

When Tang San went to her to take the fifth test, the two sides even fought directly. If Poseidon hadn't stopped them, it would have been a life-and-death struggle.

"Damn it, why do you have such a face?" The Sea Witch gnashed her teeth and whispered.

At this time, the Sea God Trident had completely turned golden, emitting brilliant golden light, with complex patterns wandering on the body of the trident, and the diamond-shaped gemstone transformed by the Vast Sea Universe Cover also changed from blue to gold, blooming with brilliance.

Tang San raised the trident in his right hand, shining brightly. At this moment, he became the center of the Sea God Temple, the center of the Sea God Mountain, the center of the Sea God Island, and even the center of the entire sea.

He was recognized by the Sea God's Divine Weapon, pulled it out, and completed the Sea God's Seventh Test!

Tang San showed a happy smile on his face. The reward for the Sea God's Seventh Test is to increase the Sea God's affinity by 15% and obtain the right to use the Sea God Trident.

Outside the Seagod Temple, the light and shadow in the sky suddenly shrank, turning into a stream of light pouring in from the top of the Seagod Temple and into the Seagod Trident.

Poseidon's voice came: "Congratulations, you have completed the seventh test of the Seagod. Among the nine tests of the Seagod, the first six tests are just the foundation. Starting from the seventh test, it is the real test from God... Child, you have taken an amazing step. There are two tests left, I believe in you."

Because Tang San's strength at this time is stronger than in the original work, he has reached the Titled Douluo, so after completing the seventh test, his condition is much better and he did not fall into a coma.

Although he was a little weak, he was still full of energy, and his mental excitement covered up his physical fatigue.

He concentrated his mind and checked his eighth test.

"The eighth test of the Seagod Nine Tests: cultivate the martial soul to the nine-ring level, gather the soul bones of all six parts of the body, revive the loved one, and kill the Deep Sea Demon Whale King."

Seeing such conditions, Tang San was excited.

Especially the resurrection of Xiao Wu, which was something he had always wanted to do but had not done.

Tang San released his Blue Silver Grass Martial Spirit, and the nine soul rings of yellow, purple, purple, black, black, red, red, red, red moved rhythmically.

He looked at his sixth soul ring, his eyes were extremely gentle: "Xiao Wu, wait for me, I will let you come back soon."

As if responding to him, the sixth soul ring shrank slightly, and vaguely, it seemed that the starlight could be seen flowing.

Tang San has collected six soul bones, namely the wisdom skull of spiritual concentration, the right arm bone of power amplification, the left arm bone of the soft bone rabbit, the right leg bone of flying, the left leg bone of the sky blue bull python, and the trunk bone of the evil demon killer whale.

What he needs to do is to add nine soul rings to the Clear Sky Hammer, kill the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, and then revive Xiao Wu.

Poseidon's face darkened slightly, and he said softly: "Your eighth test is terribly difficult."

Tang San smiled slightly: "The difficulty of this test is to revive Xiao Wu, right?"

Poseidon shook his head: "Not only that, the Deep Sea Demon Whale King is also an extremely terrible opponent. It is probably only one step away from breaking through a million years."

"What?" Tang San's face also changed, "Senior, are you saying that the age of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King is more than 990,000 years?"

Poseidon nodded: "Although the combat effectiveness of the Deep Sea Demon Whale may not be as strong as that of the Di Tian race, but with the advantage of realm, the comprehensive strength of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King will definitely not be inferior, not to mention that it lives in the sea. If you want to kill it, you can only fight it in the sea."

Tang San was a little confused. The Deep Sea Demon Whale King's momentum was indeed strong, but it didn't seem as terrible as Poseidon said... At least when he fought with it before, he didn't think it was so strong that it was invincible.

"You guys have encountered the Demonic Whale King of the Deep Sea before, right? Don't underestimate it just because you think you can escape from it alive. I'm sure it's definitely not serious... To deal with you, the most it can do is just look at the ants on the roadside casually. Just step on it," Bo Saisi reminded.

Tang San was still a little puzzled... It might have been like that at first, but he himself had absorbed a lot of life essence from the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King through the Eight Spider Spears. Did the other party not care about this?

"But don't be discouraged, you still have it." Bo Saixi pointed at the Poseidon Trident in Tang San's hand that had returned to its dark appearance:

"This is Lord Poseidon's weapon. It is a true artifact. Even I cannot fathom what kind of power it can exert in the hands of the successor."

After a moment of pause, Bo Saixi looked at the white rabbit that ran out of the Ruyi Treasure Bag and rested on Tang San's shoulder and said:

"Ignoring the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King for now, resurrecting her is also difficult. If you resurrect her according to your own method, you will lose your left arm and all the soul rings, and you will have to bear the cost of lowering the soul power level by ten levels... This is really Is it worth it?

"You will not be able to pass the next Poseidon test, you will not be able to become Poseidon, and you will not be able to return to the mainland to face that terrifying opponent.

"I have a way for you to pass the eighth test without resurrecting her. Although your Poseidon affinity will be slightly lower, it is better than losing the chance of becoming a god completely.

"But I need to remind you that if you use a trick, her soul ring will be completely integrated with you in the final Poseidon ceremony. Even if you become a god, you will not be able to resurrect her."

Tang San was silent. The pressure brought by Amon, his responsibility to the teacher, the sect, the academy and his companions, and his love for Xiao Wu conflicted, leaving him in a dilemma.

After thinking for a long time, he said with a helpless smile: "I'm sorry, High Priest, I'm afraid I have to live up to your expectations. I would rather give up everything to resurrect Xiao Wu."

Bo Saixi's face instantly became very gloomy, and she said coldly: "Are you sure? Are you sure you want to give up the divine test for her and live up to Lord Poseidon's expectations of you?"

Tang San nodded heavily and emphasized again: "For Xiao Wu, I am willing to give up everything. What's the point of a world without her?"

He turned around and was about to walk outside the Poseidon Temple.

"Stop." Bo Saixi stopped him.

Tang San didn't look back, "Senior, do you have any other instructions? If you want to persuade me to give up Xiao Wu, then there's no need to say anything. I'd rather give up myself."

The gloom on Bo Saixi's face gradually receded, revealing a smile:

"I'm moved by your persistence in love. You're so handsome! Your great-grandfather was just like you now... Unfortunately, he fell into the trap of the Rakshasa God."

There was a look of regret on her face, and then she said abruptly: "I have a way for you to resurrect your lover while avoiding most of the costs."

"What?" Tang San suddenly turned around and looked at Bo Saixi in astonishment, with a touch of excitement in his eyes.

Bo Saixi smiled and said: "A few years ago, your great-grandfather was seriously injured when he came to Poseidon Island. In order to heal him, I traveled all over the sea and hunted more than a dozen sea soul beasts that were over 100,000 years old. Finally, Successfully obtained a right leg bone with powerful healing ability, which can even regenerate broken limbs.

"Unfortunately, it still can't cure your great-grandfather... Maybe it's fate. This soul bone can be used on you now.

"You only need to cut off your right leg bone, replace it, and then use Poseidon's Light for basic treatment. This right leg bone will establish a connection with you, exert its powerful healing ability, and make your right leg heal." Leg regeneration.

"Then use the same method to cut off the left arm and replace it with another left arm soul bone... I happen to have a 300,000-year-old left arm bone in my hand. Use it to replace your current Soft Bone Rabbit left arm bone. , not only will you not lose your soul power, but you will also be able to improve it.

"When resurrecting your lover, you don't have to pour all your soul power into her. She can't bear that much power... Return the sixth soul ring to her, and under the light of Poseidon, you can revive her. Resurrection...but this does not guarantee that she will reach the best state before the sacrifice.

"Actually, the best choice is to pour your one to four soul rings into her body and then return the sixth soul ring, but if you want to make up for the lost one to four soul rings, you need the same soul beast.

"According to the information I have received, something has happened in the Star Dou Forest. It may be difficult for you to find the same kind of soul beast again... and your current situation makes it inappropriate to return to the mainland... so we can only adopt a compromise method. ”

Tang San said with great excitement: "Thank you, High Priest, for making it possible."

Bo Saixi's eyes showed some kindness: "You are the person chosen by Lord Poseidon, and you are also his great-grandson. As an elder, I naturally have to take care of you."

Tang San asked his doubts again: "What about my sixth spirit ring? Do I need to hunt the same kind of spirit beast to replenish it?"

There was a trace of worry on his face, he loved Wujiwu, he didn't want to hurt Xiao Wu's kind.

Bo Saixi's words dispelled his worries: "This one is unnecessary. After all, it is obtained from a sacrifice. There is always something different."

Hanhai City, west wall.

A beautiful woman with long red hair, dark red eyes, and a red dress sat on the wall, her slender legs hanging freely in the air.

In her hand, she was playing with a shrunken, shiny bone that exuded blue-green light. This was the right leg bone of Blue Silver Grass, obtained from Tang Hao's corpse.

The soul bone gradually faded and disappeared in his hand. "Yan Jin" raised his right hand, pinched the monocle on his right eye, and smiled:

"Hehe... Poseidon has a lot of good things in his hand... This is good, so I don't have to send him the right leg bone of the blue silver grass.

"The eighth test requires the nine soul rings of the Clear Sky Hammer to be supplemented. Counting the sixth soul ring of the Blue Silver Grass martial spirit, a total of ten soul rings are needed... Well, I will arrange it now."

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