Accepting Poseidon's advice, Tang San rested for two days and adjusted his condition before preparing to replace his soul bones.

Poseidon took out two boxes with a serious look. The boxes were made of special materials, which sealed the energy fluctuations caused by the soul bones inside.

When she opened the lid, Tang San's pupils shrank when he saw the surging energy. Even the trunk bone of the evil demon killer whale king was inferior to the energy fluctuations emitted by these two soul bones.

Especially the left arm bone that was black and had a deep light, which even made him feel a little scared.

"This left arm bone was actually left by your great-grandfather..." Poseidon explained with a smile, "It's just right for you."

Great-grandfather... Tang San had also talked to Poseidon about Tang Chen, and knew that he was the King of Slaughter who had met in the Slaughter City. Thinking back to the "bloody velvet" he had cast, he couldn't help but blame himself:

"It's all my fault. If I hadn't destroyed the Slaughter City, my great-grandfather wouldn't have left there, wouldn't have met Amon, and wouldn't have died."

Poseidon shook his head: "Silly child, for a proud man like your great-grandfather, being controlled by a soul beast and being in a daze is far more unbearable than death... Are you ready? If you can't do it yourself, I can help you."

Tang San smiled, and a resolute look appeared on his face: "That's not necessary. The joy of Xiao Wu coming back is enough to offset any pain."

As he said, his right hand formed a palm knife, and the soul power condensed on the side of his palm, and then he cut off his right leg from the root of the leg without changing his face.

Blood splattered and flowed all over the ground, and Ning Rongrong, who was standing next to him, showed an expression of pity on her face:

"Third brother... he is so cruel to himself!"

Bai Chenxiang's face showed a moving expression: "Is this what it means to risk your life for love?"

"Xiangxiang, I am willing to save you." Ma Hongjun leaned over and said.

"Go away, do you want me to end up in this situation?" Bai Chenxiang said unhappily.

Ma Hongjun scratched his head and said embarrassedly: "Uh, that's not what I meant."

Dai Mubai nodded affirmatively: "Xiao San, good job, this is the responsibility of being a man!"

Tang San had a slight cold sweat on his forehead. He used his soul power to capture the right leg bone and pressed it against his wound. Then, a golden light bloomed between his eyebrows.

This light was transmitted to the Sea God Trident, which was amplified by it, becoming stronger and warmer.

Tang San only felt a warm current flowing through the broken part of his leg, followed by a tingling feeling.

The soul bone glowed with a pale blue light, and a few buds of flesh were pulled out from the base of the leg, and then began to spread downwards. While growing downwards, it also grew outwards, growing muscles, meridians, and skin.

Soon, his right leg was restored to its original state. Since the quality of this soul bone far exceeded that of the original right leg bone, which was only 50,000 years old, Tang San's soul power did not decrease but increased, reaching level 93.

Tang San exhaled lightly. Even though the expectation of resurrecting Xiao Wu made him extremely excited, even though he could endure the pain with a strong will, physiological pain was inevitable.

He did not delay for too long, and immediately used the same method to cut off his left arm bone. Then he took the black 300,000-year soul bone and installed it.

Under the powerful recovery power of the right leg bone, Tang San's left arm immediately began to proliferate based on the black soul bone.

After the left arm was completely formed, Tang San moved his left hand, without any discomfort, and he even felt better. This arm was stronger and more powerful than before.

Then, Tang San released the white rabbit-like Xiao Wu from the Baibao Ruyi Bag.

He gently placed her on the ground.

The white rabbit's ignorant eyes seemed a little dazed, it just instinctively wanted to get close to Tang San.

Tang San's mind flashed with bits and pieces of his past interactions with Xiao Wu...

"My name is Xiao Wu, the dance-like Wu."

"From today on, I'm the boss of this dormitory."

"Brother, help me comb my hair."


Tang San murmured, "Xiao Wu, we can finally be together again. This time, no one can separate us! Until the end of time, the seas dry up and the rocks crumble!"

He took a deep breath and clenched the Sea God Trident. The red light spread on the left arm bone of the soft bone rabbit he removed, exuding a palpitating breath.

The blue silver grass was released, and nine soul rings emerged. The blue-gold airflow surrounded Tang San's body and kept circling.

The nine soul rings shone almost at the same time, illuminating Tang San.

He held up the Seagod Trident, and the divine pattern on his forehead gushed out golden light, and a majestic, sacred and warm aura emerged.

The golden light was projected onto the trident, and the Vast Sea Universe Cover, no, it should be called the "Heart of the Seagod", burst into a strong light.

The white rabbit was particularly intimate with Tang San, and was not afraid of this abnormality. There seemed to be starlight flowing in his red eyes.

Tang San struggled, trying to shake the sixth soul ring out of his body.

But at this moment, something unexpected happened.

The sixth soul ring suddenly burst into light, frantically extracting Tang San's soul power. As his soul power poured in, two long shadows suddenly flew out of the soul ring.

They appeared so fast that even with Tang San and Poseidon's mental power, they couldn't see clearly what they were. They just felt like two snakes, or insects.

The two shadows followed each other end to end, forming a circle vertically.

The ring rotated slowly, and scales appeared one after another, and a huge ancient mottled shadow was reflected behind Tang San.

This shadow is like a clock carved from stone. It is divided into twelve grids. There are only two colors: gray and white. They are mixed with each other and have clear boundaries. When people look at it, they feel like their life is draining away at an accelerated rate.

After the phantom of the clock appeared, Tang San's sixth spirit ring successfully left his body.

A burst of blood mist erupted from his body, and Tang San couldn't help but change his expression in such extreme pain.

Tang San didn't care about the changes or the pain. He cheered up and sent Xiao Wu's soul bone into the air to merge with the shaken sixth soul ring.

Red light bloomed, and an illusory shadow slowly emerged under the divine light released by the Poseidon Trident.

She has long, silky black hair, a delicate and flawless face, fair and attractive skin, and eyes as beautiful as stars.

"Xiao Xiao Wu..." Tang San looked at this figure that haunted him, and tears of excitement flowed from his eyes.

This was Xiao Wu's soul. She couldn't speak, couldn't open her mouth, and stared at Tang San, her crystal eyes filled with sadness and worry. She seemed to want to convey something, but could do nothing.

Tang San looked firmly and persistently into Xiao Wu's eyes, and shouted in a roaring voice:

"Resurrection, my love!"

The Poseidon's light suddenly condensed, forming a golden beam of light that enveloped Xiao Wu's soul and the white rabbit on the ground.

In the light, the corners of Xiao Wu's mouth were slightly raised, forming a smile.

The vast spiritual power pours into the Poseidon Trident like a flood, and is continuously transformed into Poseidon's Light, providing assistance for the integration of Xiao Wu's soul and body.

Even Tang San's terrifying mental power gradually became exhausted under such consumption.

His face began to turn pale and his body began to tremble. But he didn't give up. In order to revive Xiao Wu, he was willing to sacrifice everything.

Just when Tang San was about to lose his support, Xiao Wu's voice came from the light pillar:

"Brother, I'm resurrected..."

The pillar of light formed by the Poseidon's Light gradually converged, and a pretty person fell out of the light. She opened her arms and rushed towards Tang San with a smile on her face.

Tang San's face was filled with a joyful smile, but the huge consumption brought his body to the verge of exhaustion.


The bells that seemed to have transcended time and traveled through history rang out and swayed far away on Poseidon Island.

Everything around him slowed down. The thinking of everyone present was still sharp, but their bodies seemed to be out of control and extremely sluggish.

Even Xiao Wu's falling speed was slowed down dozens of times.

An indescribable invisible torrent emerged, washing over Tang San's body. The hands of the huge clock behind him suddenly began to rotate rapidly.

Turn counterclockwise!

Suddenly, Tang San felt that his body's fatigue was getting lighter and lighter, his condition was getting better and better, and the spirit ring that was shaken out of his body to resurrect Xiao Wu also reappeared.

Time has gone backwards!

Bo Saixi's eyes widened, looking at this miraculous scene, his face full of disbelief.

This is an even more shocking miracle than Xiao Wu’s resurrection!

After a few turns, the ghost of the clock dissipated and time resumed its normal flow.

Xiao Wu fell into Tang San's arms, and Tang San, who had regained his strength, hugged her very, very tightly. Feeling the softness in his arms, Tang San wanted to rub her into his body.

Except for Tang San, whose mind was filled with the resurrected Xiao Wu, the others had unspeakable shock on their faces.

"Am I right? Did time go back just now?" Ma Hongjun's tone was full of suspicion.

Dai Mubai took a deep breath, calmed down, and affirmed:

"You read that right, time... has gone backwards. Xiao San's soul skill restored himself to the state he was in a few minutes ago!"

Oscar's mouth was so big that it seemed like he could fit a fist into it. "This skill... is too perverted, right? If you can control it freely, wouldn't you be invincible?"

There was a hint of excitement in Bo Saixi's eyes. If he could go back in time long enough, could he resurrect Tang Chen, who had been dead for a long time?


In the sky, Amon, who was wearing a black classical robe, a pointed soft hat, and a monocle on his right eye, was sitting on a dark cloud, looking at Poseidon Island below.

He raised his hand and pinched the crystal monocle, and said interestingly:

"Hey, this skill is really useful... thank me, I gave you all the skills to use at random."

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