Douluo: Starting from the Spirit of Time Worm

Chapter 290 News from the mainland

After a long time, Tang San finally calmed down from the excitement of Xiao Wu's resurrection. He loosened his arms, took a step back, and cast his eyes on his companions.

"Congratulations, Xiao San... Welcome back, Xiao Wu." Dai Mubai said sincerely.

"Xiao Wu, you are finally back." Ning Rongrong happily stepped forward and gave her a big hug.

"Yes... I am back." Xiao Wu smiled.

Poseidon's voice with strange rhythm sounded: "Child, it is indeed worth being happy to meet again after a long absence, but can you spare some time now to answer some of my questions?"

Tang San looked at Poseidon, and his eyes were full of respect and gratitude for this elder who provided great help to Xiao Wu.

"Please tell me, senior. Tang San will tell me everything he knows."

Poseidon asked in a gentle voice: "What's the matter with that soul skill you just used?"

Tang San thought for a while and shook his head: "I don't know much either. The sixth soul ring that Xiao Wu sacrificed to me originally had two soul skills.

"The first soul skill is virtualization. After using it, it can make me immune to physical attacks and weaken soul power attacks by 50%.

"The second soul skill is 'random'. I can't control this soul skill. The effect is to randomly generate a skill that will help me according to the situation I face.

"Just now, when I was about to shake the sixth soul ring out of my body, it spontaneously absorbed my soul power and started.

"I don't know what skill it 'randomly' got just now, but the effect is timed... After the start time is preset, it is activated at that time, which makes my time go back a few minutes ago...

"Not only did it restore my body and my soul power, but even the sixth soul ring that should have been shaken out of my body and integrated into Xiao Wu was restored.

"It's just that the effect of the soul ring skill has changed a little. 'Void' has disappeared, leaving only 'Random'."

"This..." Poseidon looked a little confused. Even though she was knowledgeable, it was the first time she heard of such a strange soul skill.

"That is to say, you can't control it. Now you can't 'randomly' use the skill that made time go back?"

Looking at Poseidon's eager expression, Tang San smiled helplessly:

"It would be great if it could be fixed to that skill... This skill that is so powerful that it can be called a miracle, I am also very tempted.

"However, even if it is that 'miracle', it is probably unlikely to be used to resurrect my great-grandfather...

"Everyone's will is unique. I have a feeling that the skill just now can't work on this kind of thing that is related to the essence of human beings and has a unique nature."

"Is that so... That's right, otherwise whoever has that skill will be more like a god than a god." Poseidon sighed and smiled with relief.

"However, although your sixth soul skill is not a fixed time skill, it can play an unexpected miraculous effect at certain times, and the effect may be greater... Is this the infinite possibilities brought by love?"

Tang San's face was full of pride and pride: "This is the testimony of my love with Xiao Wu, and it is our common treasure."

A thief who was watching here muttered: "Well, yes, this is indeed the infinite possibilities brought by 'lovers'..."

Just when the Shrek Seven Devils were extremely happy about the reunion of their partners, Poseidon slowly spoke:

"Although it may seem a bit ruthless to pour cold water on you at this time, it is time for you to know some things... In order to let you practice with peace of mind, I didn't tell you before."

Then, she briefly told everyone what happened on the mainland in the past three years.

These major events shocked them.

The Haotian Sect was destroyed, "Xue Qinghe" married Bibi Dong, the Tiandou Empire was renamed the Wuhun Empire, and the two empires went into full-scale war...

"Is this true?" Ning Rongrong couldn't help but worry about her father and the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect.

"It's true... This war is not an ordinary war. Even Qian Daoliu has set foot on the battlefield, Bibi Dong has also demonstrated the power of the Ultimate Douluo, and the general of the Tuduo Empire has fought against many Titled Douluos of the Spirit Hall alone... These are what Hailong Douluo personally went to the mainland to explore, and even I find it a little unbelievable." Poseidon looked solemn.

She had fought with Qian Daoliu before and knew his strength. And Yan Jin was able to fight against two Ultimate Douluos including Qian Daoliu and the rest of the Titled Douluos by himself, which means that the other party has stepped into the realm of God in some aspects through some means!

"My God... Is that red-haired guy so powerful?" Ma Hongjun smacked his lips.

Zhu Zhuqing's body trembled unconsciously after hearing the news about Yan Jin. The memories of the past began to awaken again, and the despair and pain of having his appearance destroyed never disappeared.

Dai Mubai had a gloomy face, and the strength of his opponent made him feel hopeless about revenge.

"Haotian Sect... How was Haotian Sect destroyed?" Tang San's eyes were filled with a hint of ferocity.

"It is said that at the beginning of the war, the Imperial Master Yu Xiaogang promised to help the Spirit Hall to eliminate the Haotian Sect in order to ask for help from the Spirit Hall and let them help the Heaven Dou Empire... But he didn't expect to let the wolf into the house, and finally the Spirit Hall took over the Heaven Dou regime with the help of the former crown prince Xue Qinghe." Poseidon replied.

Then, she continued: "I didn't expect that the Pope of Wuhun Palace would be willing to sacrifice his own happiness for power and marry someone with whom he has nothing to do."

"What? Teacher? Impossible... This is absolutely impossible!" Tang San couldn't believe it.

Bo Saixi was unmoved and said softly: "We don't know what the truth is. It's just that Sea Dragon Douluo got this information when he went to inquire about the information."

"Sister Bo Saixi, what about Shrek Academy? Has Senior Hai Long heard about this?" Ma Hongjun asked with a smile.

"A smooth-tongued boy." Bo Saixi glanced at him and replied:

"Sea Dragon Douluo has only collected the basic situation of the mainland. His main focus is on the big forces that can determine the future direction of the mainland. He doesn't have that much energy to pay attention to one academy."

A trace of worry appeared on Ma Hongjun's face.

Bo Saixi looked towards the direction of the mainland and said in a deep voice: "I don't know how long this war will last, but you don't have much time. This is a war involving faith and divine examination...

"Perhaps, after both of them get what they want, a real god will be born... As for the previous fluctuation, I don't know what happened. It may be that someone succeeded in becoming a god, or it may have failed. Already...

"The situation on the mainland is very confusing, but there is only one thing that is certain. Even the Ultimate Douluo cannot play a decisive role in the war. If you want to become the leader in this chaos, you must become the Poseidon...

"You have to know that Lord Poseidon is at the forefront even among the gods. His inheritance is naturally first-rate."

"I understand." Tang San nodded heavily: "Senior, can you prepare a sea ship for us? I want to hunt sea spirit beasts, add spirit rings to my Clear Sky Hammer, and complete the eighth test as soon as possible."

"Your current condition is not suitable for fighting. Why don't you rest for two days before going? Although time is tight, it is not bad at all." Bo Saixi asked.

Although Tang San recovered a lot under the influence of the time countercurrent, activating the time counterflow also had a cost. Even if Amon secretly shouldered most of it for him, the remaining consumption was enough to drain a titled Douluo.

His mental fatigue did not go away.

"No need." Tang San shook his head and refused: "Just rest on the boat for a day or two. This won't delay our search for the Sea Soul Beast."

Bo Saixi agreed, and reminded: "Since you insist on this, let's make this arrangement. By the way, don't waste the soul ring and soul bones of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King. You can attach his soul ring to Haotian." Hammer's last soul ring

"In addition, your right arm bone is relatively weak. If you have a chance, you can cut off your right arm when you are about to kill the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King... The hundred thousand year soul beast will definitely explode to kill it. The soul bone that a soul master lacks.”

"If there is a chance, I will do this." Tang San responded decisively.


On the "Blue Avenger", rough and heroic, but completely out of tune singing echoed:

"Push, rush, rush,

"O sea, rushing against the gray and cold rocks!

"Push, rush, rush,

"O sea, break at the foot of the rocks!"

This song is completely contrary to normal human cognition, with a noisy metallic roar that makes people irritated and disgusting.

Lei Yin walked out of the cabin with his forehead twitching and looked at Alger expressionlessly. He opened his mouth and tried his best to restrain his dissatisfaction:

"I feel a little dizzy."

Alger pretended to be concerned and asked, "Are you seasick? Oh, the ship's infirmary always has medicine to treat seasickness. You can go get some."

"For soul masters from the mainland, they often cannot adapt to life on the ship quickly. This is normal and there is no need to show off."

Lei Yin glanced at his crew members who had their ears blocked, and thought to himself that your sailors are not adapting well either...

He stopped being tactful and said in a cold tone that was not easy to question:

"I mean, stop your damn murderous singing!"

"You can't deprive a captain of his dream of becoming a singer!" Alger tried his best to retort.

"Commissions are up ten percent."

"Deal!" Alger replied decisively, "Sometimes, dreams have to make some compromises with reality."

"Remember, if I hear you disturbing my rest with this damn noise again, I will let you and your ship sink into the sea!" Lei Yin threatened in a low voice.

Alger clapped his chest and promised: "Now that I have received the money, I will never sing again!"

Lei Yin opened his mouth, a little speechless. He had only heard of paying people to listen to singing and paying people not to sing. This was the first time.

After Lei Yin turned around, Alger raised his hand and pinched his eyes, a smile of successful mischief appeared on the corner of his mouth.

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