The new God King ruled the God Realm with her supreme wisdom and power, and history entered a new era.

The connection between the God Realm and the Human Realm became closer, and the boundaries became more blurred. For the people of Douluo Continent, the gods that used to be distant, mysterious, unattainable, and only existed in legends are no longer illusory, and Douluo Star ushered in an era of coexistence of humans and gods.

Gods are no longer gods, but have become a level in the practice of soul masters like Titled Douluo. Of course, their status is still respected.

Although strengthening the connection between the two realms has brought many problems and troubles, God King Yan Jin doesn't care about these, she just plays!

The God of Destruction and the God of Thunder jointly undertook the governance of the God Realm.

Without the restraint, the God of Destruction can expand the God Realm in a big way.

For many of his proposals, the God King would only say "um" and "ah" to indicate that she already knew it, and handed it to you, I am very relieved, and if you need military support, just say it.

This made the God of Destruction painful and happy.

The God King is not a steady and steady person. The expansion of the God Realm is unambiguous, but he is really busy because most of the work needs to be presided over and supervised by the God of Destruction.

What makes the God of Destruction feel gratified is that, except for the God King Yan Jin who does not do his job, the other three newly promoted first-level gods are all practical and aggressive.

Whether it is the God King's younger brother "Thunder God" Lei Yin or the mother and daughter "Raksha God" Bibi Dong and "Angel God" Qian Renxue, they seem to have brought their style in the human world.

Many policy proposals even make the radical God of Destruction say that you are too radical.

The God of Destruction suddenly began to understand the God of Evil. He looked at these three younger generations just like the God of Evil looked at himself in the past.

What he didn't understand in particular was the Angel God. The other two were fine. The priesthood was originally related to conquest, destruction, and killing, but how could you, an Angel God, have such a strong desire to conquer?

As the God Realm embarked on the road of rapid expansion, the gods became increasingly busy.

"Replenish manpower, must replenish manpower! Too busy!" The God of Destruction complained again and again.

But gods cannot be cultivated overnight. Even if the cultivation of soul masters in the Douluo Realm becomes easier due to the proximity to the God Realm, the road to becoming a god is still full of difficulties.

Unless the Sea God cultivates Tang San at the cost of sacrificing his own strength in the past... Few gods are willing to do so.

For this situation, Bibi Dong made a suggestion that some government affairs that do not require strength can be handed over to mortals to complete.

"Hand over government affairs to mortals?" The God of Destruction looked at the Rakshasa God with hesitation on his face.

"We can become gods, but we are more talented in cultivation. Some of our other insights may not be comparable to those of professionals among mortals. Therefore, handing over those administrative tasks that are not related to strength can greatly alleviate the problem of insufficient manpower."

The God of Destruction was still a little hesitant. Because of vision, cognition and other reasons, he doubted whether mortals could do the work that should be done by gods.

...Sure enough, these three new gods are very radical. The God of Destruction sighed in his heart again.

"Then we can not implement it on a large scale, but select one or two excellent people for the experiment for the time being, how about that?" Bibi Dong said.

The God of Destruction pondered for a moment and nodded: "Since you would make such a suggestion, then there must be a suitable candidate, right?"

"Yes." Bibi Dong nodded slightly, with a different brilliance in her eyes: "His name is Yu Xiaogang, the most knowledgeable and wise person I know."

The God of Destruction responded: "Since he is so respected by you, let him try it, I hope he can give me a surprise."

"Xiaogang will definitely not let you down."


Douluo Realm, God King Palace.

In the huge and magnificent white building, there are two statues. One statue shows a thin young man with a cheerful smile on his face, his right hand raised high, waving, like a cheerful and sunny boy. Next to him is an enthusiastic girl with a silly smile on her face.

On the second-floor balcony of the main hall, a man with purple hair and wearing loose casual clothes was lying on a recliner, his left leg resting on his right leg, basking in the sun leisurely.

"Lei Yin, didn't you say you were very busy in the God Realm? How come you have time to come down?" Romil turned his head slightly and looked at Lei Yin who was lying on the other side in the same posture.

"Bibi Dong took Yu Xiaogang to the God Realm, so I left the work to them and came down to vacation." Lei Yin sipped the red wine with a straw.

Romil, who was drinking juice, sprayed out the juice and coughed twice, "Huh? Yu Xiaogang, him?"

"Well, because the God Realm is too short of manpower, it plans to set up an 'Administrative Department' to recruit outstanding mortals to assist in management." Lei Yin smiled, "Do you want to go in too?"

Romil rolled his eyes: "I'll go to the God Realm to work hard after I play for a few hundred years... I hope that by then you will have built a system that will make the work less and make the gods more relaxed."

Beside him, a khaki crystal trembled slightly, as if expressing its dissatisfaction.

Romil glanced at it and said, "Go away, don't bother me. I said I would accommodate you after 500 years, so don't try to trick me into doing hard labor after 500 years."

The khaki crystal trembled even more violently.

"Don't bother me to find another god position again."

As soon as Romil said this, the khaki crystal immediately quieted down, as if it was swallowing its anger.


In the garden, a black swan walked with a step that did not recognize any relatives, swaying from side to side with a proud and arrogant attitude.

Its eyes were golden, and there were black dragon scales on its legs. The shape of its feathers also had some shadows of scales, exuding extremely strong vitality. If it were placed in the Star Dou Great Forest, it would definitely be coveted by other soul beasts... Although there were not many soul beasts there.

The palace maids and guards stayed far away from it, obviously afraid of this black swan that was as tall as a person's chest.

The black swan pecked the flowers in the flowerbed, and then snatched the weapon from the guard's hand and pecked it into a pile of scrap metal.

It also "ga ga ga" to scare the palace maids, watching them screaming and running away in panic, and then it chased after them. It seems to like this game very much and never get tired of it.

A woman in red, with a gorgeous face, full of heroic spirit and dark red eyes looked at the black swan with an expression of great interest.

She walked to the side of the black swan and laughed, "Come, shake hands!"

The black crane flapped its wings and looked at an idiot.

"Hey, don't ignore me... Can I ride you?" Yan Jin negotiated with it.

"Ga ga ga..." The black swan screamed at her, obviously unhappy.

"I'll give you a good thing." Yan Jin took out a piece of right arm bone that exuded a bright light mysteriously.

This soul bone is so complete, without a trace of defect, and exudes extremely powerful soul power fluctuations.

Looking at this soul bone, the black swan was stunned, and his eyes could no longer move away... It felt a very close breath from the soul bone.

"How about it? I'll give you the soul bone, and you can be my mount, okay?" Yan Jin smiled meanly.

The black swan snatched the soul bone in one gulp, with a sad look in its eyes. It carefully placed the soul bone under its wings and hid it in its feathers.

Then it turned its head and looked at Yan Jin, with a fierce light in its eyes.

It rushed up with extreme anger, jumped up and pecked at Yan Jin's head.

"Ah, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts..." Yan Jin ran away holding his head.

The black swan chased after it.

Romil stood up and walked to the edge of the balcony, looking down: "She is still so noisy? Didn't she say that she is the queen of your God Realm now? Is this okay?"

Lei Yin's mouth twitched slightly, "Probably okay... Sister has dealt with all the gods with her fists... At critical moments, she is still very reliable."

A woman with golden hair, snow-white skin, and a little dignity in her coldness walked into the garden.

Seeing her, Yan Jin seemed to have seen a savior, and shouted: "You come and take care of your son... Birdman."

Qian Renxue's forehead jumped: "How many times have I told you not to call me that... And how did you bully Di Ji again?"

When the Black Swan Di Ji saw Qian Renxue, she immediately ran over and threw herself into her arms, sobbing and crying, with tears streaming down in big drops.

Qian Renxue hugged Di Ji's big head and comforted her: "Don't cry, don't cry... Be good..."

She glared at Yan Jin fiercely.

Yan Jin's eyes wandered, and he said with some guilt: "I just gave it a soul bone."

"Soul bone?"

Di Ji turned her head, took out her precious soul bone from the feathers under her wings, and handed it to Qian Renxue.

A pair of big eyes were full of grievances.

Looking at the right arm bone that emitted strong energy fluctuations and still carried the breath of life, Qian Renxue froze... A complex expression appeared on her face.

That was Bi Ji's soul bone!

"Princess Di... I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."

Princess Di's golden eyes showed confusion.


Qianjun, who was wearing a white dress with gold patterns, and Jiangmo, who was wearing a red dress with black patterns, watched the scene quietly.

Qianjun raised his right hand and pinched his eye sockets, "I don't know why the lady wanted to keep the soul beast."

"It won't make any big waves... and we don't need to worry about it." Jiangmo also pinched his eye sockets.

Walter walked to them and asked in a strange tone: "Why are you still doing this?"

"I did it subconsciously, and it's hard to change it."

"Maybe it's the sequelae left behind."

"You kid, you're rich now." Jiangmo said to Walter in a calm tone.

Walter's face was full of smiles: "Haha, my vision for taking in disciples is the best in the world!"

Even Walter, who has always been humble and low-key, would look proud when he mentioned his disciples.

Taking in such a disciple was the wisest decision he had ever made in his life.

"Old man!" Seeing Walter, Yan Jin remained true to his original intention and headbutted him in the chest.

Walter: "..."

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