Douluo: Starting from the Spirit of Time Worm

Chapter 324: Fighting Power, Three Stages!

In the boundless and dead void, Amon was wrapped in a layer of hazy white light.

There was nothing around, space, time, temperature, speed...all the most basic rules, the most basic concepts, it seemed that they did not exist.

This feeling seemed familiar. Before he traveled to the mysterious world and the Douluo world, he also had this feeling vaguely, but at that time he had no clear understanding at all, and he knew nothing.

But now it seems not much better. Except for being able to think, he can't feel anything. He just feels that he is moving, but he doesn't know how to move.

Suddenly, an extremely blazing, extremely bright, and extremely dazzling light burst out. Countless soft lights intertwined like silk threads, bright or dark, fluctuating.

Amon seemed to see countless small light balls in a huge light ball flashing all colors.

His consciousness began to fall towards one of the small light balls. During this process, his consciousness gradually blurred, his body was disintegrating, his soul was dissipating, everything was integrated into the light ball, and he became a complete information state.

A kind of enlightenment emerged, which was a message from the world and a hint from the "Gate of Order".

In the process of entering the new world, except for the will of the self, everything will be dedicated to this new world.

In contrast, this world will recognize Amon's identity and give him talents equivalent to his original life level.

Now Amon's life level is the God King in Douluo, which is slightly equivalent to Sequence Four in Weird. When he dedicates everything to the world, the world will give him corresponding talents.

If he practices step by step and grows to adulthood without any accidents, he will naturally have the strength equivalent to Sequence Four.

In the floating light and shadow, Amon saw groups of flames of different colors and properties. They are the darlings of the world and condense the essence of this world.

A name suddenly jumped into his mind...

Fighting the Sky!


"Fighting Power, Stage Three!"

Looking at the five bright and even dazzling characters on the test magic stone tablet, the boy's tender face was calm, and his clenched palms trembled a little because of the great force.

"Xiao Yan, fighting power: third stage! Level: low level!" Next to the test magic stone tablet, a middle-aged man took a look at the information displayed on the tablet and announced it.

As soon as the middle-aged man's words came out, it unexpectedly caused a commotion in the crowded square.

"Third stage? As expected, Master Xiao Yan has improved again!"

"It is a blessing from heaven that my Xiao family can have such a genius."

"With Master Xiao Yan, in time, my Xiao family will definitely be able to compete for the position of the top ten families in Gama."

"He is worthy of being the son of the clan leader. It is true that a tiger father has a dog son!"

The waves of compliments and praises from the surroundings fell into the ears of the boy standing on the stage, making the boy's breathing slightly hurried, and a smile inevitably appeared on his originally calm face.

The boy's dark eyes swept over the compliments and praises around him, showing flattering smiles, and the smile at the corner of his mouth became more obvious.

He looked at the middle-aged man sitting in the center of the viewing platform with a strong smile on his face, nodded slightly, and then jumped off the test platform.

Xiao Yan returned to the last row of the team in the crowd, giving his position to the next clan member to be tested.

But even at the end, he was still the focus of the whole audience, the center of everyone's attention.

He, Xiao Yan, is a well-known genius in Wutan City, Jia Ma Empire, in the northwest of Dou Qi Continent. He practiced Qi at the age of four, and in less than two years, he had the power of the third stage. Such talent, the entire Jia Ma Empire has not been able to find a few in the past ten years.

Moreover, he was married to Nalan Yanran, the pearl of Nalan Jie, one of the top ten strong men in Jia Ma Empire. Such talent and such an opportunity, it is simply envied by countless others.

"Congratulations to the clan leader, you have such a son..." An old man said to the middle-aged man sitting in the center of the viewing platform.

This old man is the second elder of the Xiao family. Although he and the clan leader Xiao Zhan often disagree on some family affairs, they are surprisingly consistent in dealing with Xiao Yan.

After all, this is the hope for the rise of their Xiao family. If a strong man can emerge from the family, all clan members can benefit.

"Haha... my son Xiao Yan has the appearance of a Dou Huang!" Xiao Zhan said with high spirits.

The elder on the other side said: "Clan leader, since young master Xiao Yan has such a talent, then the resources invested in him in the future will be doubled."

After these words came out, Xiao Zhan was slightly stunned and very tempted, but still said hesitantly: "This... is not good."

The third elder on the side also reacted and agreed: "What the elder said is that since young master Xiao Yan has such a talent, he should naturally be cultivated well. A genius should be treated as a genius!"

The elders have their own considerations. How many resources can a little guy who is not even a Dou Zhe consume? It's nothing to double it, and it's the family's resources that are used, not their own money.

If this can leave a good impression on this genius, it will be a sure win. As for when Xiao Yan reaches a higher level and needs more resources... that's also a matter for the future.

When Xiao Yan still had the talent he has now, why not support him with gritted teeth? And if he has reached the point where the family assets will hurt, then his cultivation must be close to that of a great Dou Shi, and he can give back to the family to a certain extent.

"Since the three elders have said so, then I will not refuse. I thank you all on behalf of Yan'er."

"Next, Xiao Xun'er!"

"Xiao Xun'er, Dou Qi: two stages! Level: low level!"

"Xun'er's talent is not bad either. She is slightly younger than Master Xiao Yan, but not much weaker."

"Yes, I see that the Dou Qi fluctuations on her body are very close to the third stage. I'm afraid it won't take long for her to break through."

The girl still had some baby fat on her face. She didn't care about other people's comments. Her big watery eyes looked in the direction of Xiao Yan.

Seeing her favorite brother Xiao Yan looking at her and nodding slightly at her, she smiled happily, her eyes narrowed like a crescent moon.

But when she saw Xiao Mei and some other girls from other families also surrounding Xiao Yan, she pouted her lips and was a little unhappy.

In the sky that could not be seen by the naked eye, an ordinary middle-aged man who looked about 40 years old, wearing a simple linen shirt, with a slight smile on his face:

"This girl... I hope she can live happily. The atmosphere in the clan is still too depressing."

He smiled slightly and ordered the old man standing beside him: "You protect her here and don't let her find out."

The old man bowed slightly and said very respectfully: "Yes, clan leader."

"Then I'll leave this place to you." The middle-aged man grabbed the void with his hand, and a space channel full of silver cracks appeared in the sky in the dark.

Suddenly, the middle-aged man paused, frowned, and looked at the mountains in the distance.

"What's wrong? Clan leader?"

"No, it's probably my illusion."

In the void, a terrifying space storm was raging, and huge energy was surging without order, but the middle-aged man walked in without changing his face.

As he entered, the space storm began to subside, and the surge of energy was forcibly curbed. He did not deliberately show his power, but made the whole world surrender!

The old man looked at the place where the middle-aged man disappeared with fear and admiration, and then his figure gradually twisted. When he appeared again, he had reached the ground and merged into the crowd... This was also a strong man who could control the power of space!

On a big tree at the edge of the Xiao family's training ground, an old man in a black robe, who was completely immersed in the shadows, looked at the girl who was following Xiao Yan with a bright smile from time to time.

He muttered in a voice that only he could hear: "Why would the clan only send a useless old guy like me to protect the young lady? Alas, I don't understand, I don't understand..."


In the Warcraft Mountains, in a steep mountain stream, on a raised platform on a cliff, there lay the corpse of an unknown Warcraft.

The corpse had been dead for a long time, but there was still no sign of corruption. The corpse of a Warcraft is full of energy, so it will rot much slower than the corpse of an ordinary beast, and the higher the level, the more so.

There is a small hole on the head of the corpse. There is no blood splashing around the hole. This is something that opened it after it died and the blood coagulated.

Deep in the hollow is the brain of the corpse. Hundreds of crystal eggs are densely covered on the white brain.

One of the eggs seems to be different from the others. It has twelve rings on it and the surface has a star-like color.

The egg trembles slightly, and the energy in the corpse seems to be pulled by something and begins to gather towards the unique egg.

The speed of energy gathering is getting faster and faster, forming a small energy vortex.

Since the energy in the corpse is extracted first, the disturbance to the outside world is minimal.

The originally full and plump corpse quickly shrank, as if something had sucked away its essence.

The egg changed, and a translucent worm with twelve rings and star-like colors drilled out of the egg.

The worm twisted its body and looked around, as if it was looking at the world. After a slight pause for a few seconds, it immediately took action.

It was seen that it separated from its body one transparent and illusory shadow after another, all of which had twelve rings and star-like colors.

These phantoms merged silently into the other insect eggs around it and disappeared.

After doing all this, the insect with twelve rings seemed very tired and exhausted.

After lying down and resting for a while, it began to drill into other parts of the corpse. Along the blood vessels, it drilled into the heart.

This is one of the few places in the corpse that still has a little energy left. At this point, it stopped moving and went into hibernation.

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