This time, Amon was born as a monster.

"Spirit Worm" is the name of his current race. This is not a race that existed in the original Douqi Continent, but was born from the world power that Amon sacrificed everything he had.

Based on the eggs of a monster called "Ink Feather Butterfly", it was irrigated by the world power, and then Amon's message entered, and finally formed such a new monster... This race only has Amon.

It can be said that he was mutated, or born and raised, and bred by heaven and earth. And it was not Doupo, a separate small plane, that bred him, but the entire Doupo series universe.

As a special monster created by heaven and earth, the spirit worm is born with all kinds of incredible talents and skills.

These talents and skills are "localized" according to Amon's original characteristics. It is divided into explicit talents and implicit talents.

Among them, explicit talents are born and can be used, while implicit talents need to reach a certain level of cultivation or meet certain special conditions to be stimulated.

The explicit talents are: splitting, aggregation, parasitism, soul-devouring, and hiding.

Amon can split into many different individuals on his own. The size of each clone shall not exceed one-tenth of the original body, and the total size shall not exceed one hundred times the original body. "Size" is calculated by the body, fighting spirit, and soul. If the original body dies, the original body's will will be revived in a clone, and the clone will become the new original body.

Spirit worms can aggregate with each other. The original body absorbs the clone, which cannot directly improve the cultivation and body, but can improve the soul. The will of the original body Amon is the same as the sum of the wills of all "pure Amon".

Spirit worms can directly "eat" other people's souls and strengthen themselves, but this will cause their own souls to be affected, polluted, mottled, and "impure".

The connection between the original body and the clone, and the clone and the clone is through the power of the soul. If the distance is too far, they will lose contact, and only the original body can vaguely perceive the status of the other clones.

Spirit worms can parasitize other creatures, and parasitism is divided into shallow and deep levels.

Shallow parasitism is parasitism in the flesh, and can only perceive what the host sees, hears, smells, tastes, touches, and receives from the soul. It can guide and influence the host's thinking, but cannot control the host or read the host's thoughts.

Deep parasitism is parasitism on the soul. On the basis of shallow parasitism, it can forcibly control the host's behavior and read the host's thoughts in real time. The deep parasitic state will cause the host's strength to be unable to improve due to the interference of Amon, a foreign body.

The spirit worm has a very strong hiding ability and is difficult to be perceived by the soul power.

In addition to these explicit talents, Amon also has implicit talents such as time and space.

After sorting out the abilities he currently has and resting for a day to recover, Amon began to act.

When Amon was born, he had just reached the second-level magic beast, but split out a hundred clones, so the level dropped and reached the lowest level of the first level. And his clones are not even at the first level, which is only equivalent to the level of a human's fighting spirit.

After he hatched, the rest of the black feather butterfly larvae also began to drill out of the eggs. Those larvae that were parasitized by Amon's clone immediately attacked the larvae that were not parasitized. Killing and eating them, the hundred larvae then dispersed to guard the surroundings for the main body.

He was now on a raised platform on a deep mountain cliff. The black feather butterfly larvae would originally grow and live here, feeding on the body of the monster until they became adults and cocooned, and then flew away from the platform.

But Amon would not waste time here. The black feather butterfly larvae have good climbing ability, and he let several larvae climb up to explore the way.

From the perspective of the larvae, Amon's main body saw the white fog, the uneven rocks on the cliff, and the cracks on the rocks where he could rest. After a day of climbing, the clone finally came to the top of the cliff.

What came into view was a lush forest, with towering trees and luxuriant branches and leaves, blocking the sunlight. The forest was somewhat dark and damp. Looking into the distance, the mountains were filled with a faint mist, revealing a sense of mystery.

More and more spirit insects came to the top of the cliff. They spread out in a semicircular manner to conduct reconnaissance around. Only after they were sure it was safe did the main body parasitize a black feather butterfly larva and slowly climb up.

Amon left a larva in the corpse on the protruding platform, relying on the energy retained in the heart of the corpse to survive. This is a backup plan. Since the black feather butterfly lays its eggs in such a place, it means that this place is relatively safe. At least it is much safer than the main body going to the forest to take risks.

After the main body climbed up the cliff, the spirit insect split bodies quickly devoured the host... The bodies of these black feather butterfly larvae are no longer useful. The previous parasitism was because the spirit insects were not good at climbing, and they needed to use their climbing ability to climb the steep cliff.

Before gaining more self-protection power, Amon was not going to go too far. He now plans to grow by hunting common insects, birds and other weak creatures.

The "volume" of the clone cannot exceed one-tenth of the original body, but "volume" is a combination of soul, body and fighting spirit. Amon can specialize in one of them and weaken the other two depending on the situation.

While maintaining a certain "volume", make the clone more prominent in a certain aspect, so that the role it plays in a specific situation will be more significant.

The first level of Dou Qi is the lowest level of existence in this Dou Qi continent. In an environment like the Dou Qi continent, generally speaking, even the most ordinary people will have one or two levels of Dou Qi.

There are only some low-level small animals, which may be weak and not even have one level of Dou Qi. And the target of Amon's spirit insect splits is precisely this kind of low-level animals.

Hunting them can not only be used as food to fill hunger, but also devour their souls, so that the souls grow rapidly and specialize in this aspect.

Although devouring souls will make one's own soul mottled, it is only a clone, so it is not a big problem... The main body will not be affected if it does not gather and assimilate these clones.

And now the main body's volume still accounts for a large proportion of the entire Amon's volume, which is enough to suppress the clones and keep the will of the whole Amon from deviating too much from the main body.

The Amons who remain in the form of insects attack everywhere, hunting the surrounding mice, cockroaches, mantises, birds, etc.

Eat their flesh and blood and eat their souls.

Under efficient hunting, the souls of the spirit insect clones began to grow rapidly. After the soul was strengthened, it looked a little chaotic because too many impurities were mixed in, but it still maintained a minimum stability.

If the soul of a person on the Douqi Continent fell into this state, it could be said that this person had gone crazy... But for the visitors in the mystery, especially Amon, this was just the normal level.

The soul network composed of spirit insects was laid out, and their sensitivity was greatly improved, and their ability to perceive danger was further enhanced.

The effective reconnaissance provided by the clones made the situation of the main body safer, and Amon gradually gained a foothold.

The Amons have not yet reached the upper limit of the overall volume, but they cannot continue to expand, because the proportion of the main body's volume has been reduced to a very dangerous level...

If the souls of the clones are very pure and their mental state is stable, then it doesn't matter if the proportion of the main body is low...

However, in order to develop himself as quickly as possible, the clones devoured the soul without scruples, and their mental state was too chaotic. At this time, the weight of the main body must be kept at a high level, otherwise the chaotic clones may bite back at the main body.

Just like managing a group of people, the more the will of the managed people and the manager are unified, the less pressure the manager has, and the more people he can manage. If the people being managed are all troublemakers who are undisciplined and do not obey the arrangements, then the pressure on the manager will be greater, and the fewer people he can manage.

The way of development by devouring the souls of ordinary small animals such as mice, cockroaches, and ants is no longer suitable for Amon.

If he wants to continue to improve, he needs to find stronger and more dangerous creatures, parasitize them, and thus gain initial combat effectiveness.

The spirit insects carefully avoided those predators that were too powerful and could not be matched at the moment, and looked for weak objects that could be parasitized in the forest.

Using soul power for exploration is a very high-end perception method, which is extremely rare among low-level beings, so Amon has a great advantage in this regard.

In addition, the spirit insects are small in size and good at hiding their breath, so they did not encounter too many dangers. Only two unlucky spirit insects were discovered and eaten by passing monsters.

After a long search, a spirit worm found the target. Although the other party was not in a complete state, Amon could not covet it now, but he felt that if he waited, there might be a chance.

So he hid on the branches of a bush and kept a close eye on the front.

In front, there were two magic beasts fighting. Judging from the energy fluctuations they emitted, both of them were first-level magic beasts, and they were also weaker among the first-level ones.

One of them was a magic beast with black legs and white back, fangs in its mouth, and looked like a honey badger.

The other side was a colorful big snake.

The hair on the honey badger stood up, making it look bigger. These hairs were also a kind of protection. If it dodged in time, the snake might bite a mouthful of hair, but could not inject venom.

It walked around the colorful big snake with four short legs, and kept swimming around, making fake moves to attack from time to time.

The giant colorful snake coiled up its body and hissed threateningly. It obviously didn't want to fight this powerful enemy, but the opponent didn't seem to want to let it go, so it had no choice but to fight back.

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