Douluo: Starting from the Spirit of Time Worm

Chapter 5: Things that the thief stole

There is a small lake in the center of the academy. Amon sat on a bluestone by the lake, looking at the lake leisurely.

The breeze was gentle, the water was rippling, and a few fat ducks were playing in the water.

"Amon, give me back my things!" Yan Jin came to him angrily, with a cold face.

"Huh? Are you talking about this?" Amon tossed the purse and looked at her with a smile, "Why do I remember that this is my purse."

The gold soul coins collided, making a pleasant "dingling dingling" sound.

This was what Amon took from the opponent during the fighting teaching just now.

"Only part of it is yours, and some of it is earned by me stealing...earned with great effort, give it back to me." Yan Jin said fiercely.

"That's not okay. I earned it with my own ability. Why should I give it back?"

"Asshole, what do you want?"

"Stealing is a bad habit." Amon shook his head and taught.

You are more skilled than me!

Yan Jin opened his mouth and refuted silently.

Instead of trying to solve the problem with words, a hint of ferocity flashed in her eyes, and she whispered, "Then let's solve it with fists."

Yan Jin suddenly attacked, a red light emerged, and a ball of hot magma appeared in her palm.

Even if the spirit ring has not been attached, even if she can't control it freely, just simply reveal it, but just relying on its own characteristics, this martial soul has shown extremely strong destructive power.

"Magma..." Amon raised his hand with a little solemnity to greet it. He activated the spirit bone ability and turned the spirit power into a protective film covering his hand.

In order to resist the high temperature, he injected a lot of spirit power, so that the materialized spirit power that should have been transparent was light gray.

"Are you crazy?" Yan Jin just wanted to scare him, and had no intention of hurting anyone.

Originally, she planned to take back the martial soul at the end, but Amon raised his hand to greet it, which caught her off guard, so that she had no time to avoid it, and the two came into contact.

She was surprised to find that the white palm grabbed her martial soul like grabbing an ordinary stone.

"What? You can ignore the high temperature of magma? How did you do it?" Yan Jin's pupils shrank, and he said in disbelief.

Amon did not answer, with a smile on his face.

In fact, he was not at ease. Although the materialization of soul power itself would not bring much consumption, the magma was constantly consuming his soul power, so he needed to continuously output it to keep the protective film from being burned through.

Yan Jin retracted her martial soul, her eyes gradually became solemn, and she suddenly slid down and hugged Amon's calf, "Teacher, please accept me as your apprentice."

Amon's expression stagnated. Although he wanted to teach her a lesson, he did not intend to go too far. After all, she was just a child, and he only intended to tease her a little. The other party's reaction was beyond his expectations.

"You said you wanted me to accept you as your apprentice, so you didn't intend to let me teach you..."

"Yeah, that's right, please teach me how to put other people's wealth into your pocket without leaving a trace." She clasped her hands together and said with a serious expression.

"I'm a teacher in the school, not a pickpocket on the street. Do you think I can teach this?"

"I'm a student in the school. Why can't I learn the skills of the teacher?"

"Tell me about yourself."

"My name is Yan Jin. I'm seven years old this year. I'm a level nine soul master. My martial soul is magma, and my innate soul power is level eight. I have eight younger brothers under me. People I know on the road call me 'Little Qu Shuai'." She patted her chest proudly, and seemed to be very satisfied with her nickname.

"Qu Shuai" is a respectful title given by the hired labor groups in the city to people with high prestige within the group. It probably means the same as the leader or the boss. In addition, some criminal gangs also call their leaders "Qu Shuai".

Amon thought she was probably the leader of a small theft gang.

"Why do you do this kind of business? There are also work-study programs in the school. With your talent, you should be able to cultivate to the level of a soul master soon. At that time, you can go to the Wuhun Hall to receive a subsidy of a gold soul coin every month. Although you can't have big fish and meat, it is enough for daily living expenses." He asked with some suspicion.

"Well... this... I think it's not bad now." Yan Jin's eyes were a little vague.

"With your talent, no one wants to take you as a disciple?"

"An old man from the Spirit Hall asked me, but there are always all kinds of helplessness in life. For some reasons, I refused... I have reasons to stay in Frost Leaf City."

"It's up to you. You choose your own path. As long as you don't regret it in the future." Amon took out his share from his wallet and threw the rest to her.

"Thank you, teacher." Yan Jin accepted it with surprise. She thought she would not come back.

"As for taking you as a disciple, let me verify some things first." Amon pinched his monocle.

After leaving, Amon found Lu Wencong and asked him about Yan Jin.

"Director Lu, Yan Jin is a very talented person, so she should be a popular talent, right? Has no one thought of training her?"

Lu Wencong shook his head and replied, "She has a magma spirit and is at the eighth level of innate, so she is a rare talent that only appears once every ten years. But she once rejected a big shot in the Spirit Hall, and it seems that she angered him. So no one mentioned taking her in as a disciple for a while."

"Originally, the dean had this plan. He wanted to wait for a year or two, when the people in the Spirit Hall had forgotten about it, and then ask her. But the child always dealt with gangsters on the street and did many illegal things. We turned a blind eye to her behavior, but no one was optimistic about her anymore."

There was a trace of regret in his tone.

"Is that so?" Amon nodded in understanding, "Can you tell me about the Spirit Hall? I'm quite curious about the first soul master organization on the continent."

"The Spirit Hall..." Lu Wencong's face showed a trace of complexity, "They are indeed the hope of civilian soul masters, and have made a lot of contributions to the development of soul masters on the continent. But with the gradual expansion of their power, they have gradually become a major destabilizing factor in the empire."

As he spoke, he suddenly stopped, realizing that he had spoken out of turn, and some ideas should not be expressed too blatantly.

Amon seemed to be unaware and sighed, "His Majesty the Pope must be a very powerful spirit master..."

"Of course, a weak person is not qualified to lead the Spirit Hall."

"Who is the current Pope? I heard my father mention it, but I can't remember clearly. It seems to be His Highness Qianxunji?"

"That was six years ago. The current Pope is His Highness Bibi Dong, the disciple of His Highness Qianxunji."

"Six years ago?"

"Yes, the position of Pope changed six years ago. It is said that many major events happened at that time." Lu Wencong suddenly laughed, "Why? Are you interested in Yan Jin, the troublemaker? If you want to ask me who in the Spirit Hall she offended, I can only say that I don't know."

Amon smiled and shook his head.

Six years... Then Tang San is about six years old, and the plot has just begun. There is still plenty of time. He thought in his heart.

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