Half a month has passed since he came to Douluo World, and Amon has gradually become familiar with the rules of Frost Leaf City.

This is a backward and barbaric city.

The Nords are the main ethnic group in the Northern Province. They are rude and aggressive, and often fight over a disagreement, just like a group of human honey badgers.

Perhaps it is because most Nords are stubborn, and the proportion of soul masters among them is very low.

Yan Jin can be regarded as a typical representative of Nord soul masters. She has fought with more than half of the students in the school!


"Who are you scolding?"

The two drunkards accidentally bumped into each other, and then a fight broke out. One picked up a stone, and the other picked up a stick.

They developed from pushing and shoving with bare hands to fighting with weapons.

The pedestrians on the side were not surprised at all, and some even watched the show with relish.

"Well, this punch is really good, with great force and tricky angles!" Someone applauded.

A patrolling guard passed by and yelled, "Didn't I say that we can't fight on the street? If you want to fight, find an empty alley to solve it by yourselves. No one will care even if you use knives."

Amon glanced at the guard. This was already considered to be faithful to his duty. Most people turned a blind eye.

He came to a clothing store. A man wearing a khaki robe and a semi-circular felt hat came out with a smile, "Hello, customer... Oh, it's you? The clothes you ordered here are ready."

The store manager was very impressed with Amon, a big customer. Few people in Frost Leaf City were willing to pay a gold soul coin to order a flashy and thin robe.

After all, the climate in the Northland Province is cold. Ordinary people can only wear such robes on the hottest days of the year. Even soul masters with strong physiques prefer to wear those fleece clothes.

Amon put on the customized clothes and stood in front of the full-length mirror to look at himself.

Black eyes, black hair, wide forehead, thin lips, thin face, pointed wide-brimmed soft hat, black classical robe, and black leather boots. He exudes a light bookish air and a bit of wizard-like mystery.

"Customer, are you satisfied?"

"Not bad." Amon handed the balance of three gold soul coins to the store manager, picked up the remaining clothes in the bag, and walked out of the clothing store.

He touched the remaining six gold soul coins in his pocket and said to himself, "Maybe I should find a way to make some money."

Putting the clothes back to the staff dormitory, he walked to the west of the city.

This is the most chaotic street in Frost Leaf City. Dirty alleys, dilapidated houses, complicated roads, idle hooligans, and hungry refugees, all kinds of reasons intertwined, making this place a breeding ground for sin.

A thin man with a pointed face and monkey cheeks looked at the clothes on Amon with greedy eyes. His Adam's apple rolled up and down. He finally made a decision and tiptoed closer.

Amon noticed his movements with his peripheral vision, but ignored them. He just thought in his heart whether he should cut his throat or pierce his heart if the other party wanted to harm him.

To his surprise, the man did not attack and hurt people. Instead, he bowed his head and said, "My lord, what can I do for you?"


Amon was silent for a while, and said softly, "Is Yan Jin a guy who lives in this area? Do you know the specific location?"

"Xiao Qushuai? I know, my lord..." He rubbed his palms.

Amon understood and threw him two copper coins.

"Please follow me."

After walking through several alleys, he came to a stone house that looked relatively intact.

"It's here."

Amon threw two more copper coins to the skinny man, sent him away, and stepped forward to knock on the door.

"Who is it?" The door opened a crack, and a little head looked out from behind the crack.

There was a chain on the door connecting the door frame, and the position where the little head was sticking out was also at knee height, which was unexpected for ordinary people.

Amon's condescending gaze collided with Yan Jin's downward gaze in the air. The latter smiled and scratched his head, "Amon, why are you here?"

"Aren't you going to invite me in?"

Yan Jin hesitated for a moment, untied the chain, and opened the door.

"You are quite cautious." Amon walked into the house.

"If I wasn't more cautious, I would have been swallowed up by others without leaving any residue." Yan Jin shrugged.

A boy with dark blue hair brought two small stools, and then retreated behind Yan Jin like a guard.

Amon noticed that there were a few younger children in the inner room, looking over here. He chuckled, took out a bag of candy and put it on the small table, "Here, are these the eight brothers under your command?"

"Ahaha..." Yan Jin scratched the back of her head a little embarrassedly. She noticed that the children looked at the candy with eager eyes, and waved her hand and said, "Lei Yin, take the candy and take the brothers and sisters away, don't eavesdrop."

"Big sister..." Lei Yin looked at Amon hesitantly, her eyes full of vigilance.

"Don't worry, he is a teacher in the academy."

"I know." Lei Yin picked up the candy, walked into the inner room, and closed the thick wooden door at the same time.

"I asked about you. It is said that you rejected the invitation of a Contra?" Amon asked.

"Ah...that old man is Contra? I only know that he is a big shot, it seems a bit of a pity." After saying this, Yan Jin didn't look annoyed at all, and she didn't regret her choice.

"because of them?"

"Yes, if you become his disciple, you have to go to Wuhun City. Although he promised to let the people from Shuangye City Wuhun Palace help take care of Lei Yin and the others, I don't feel at ease. I can feel that he doesn't actually value me that much, let alone It was hard for me to believe that the people he arranged to take care of them would do their best because of me. They were too young, so I refused.”

"That is to say, if you were the only one, would you agree to become his disciple? Are they really that important to you? For this reason, you refuse to take a broad road. You should not be related by blood." Amon straightened his glasses.

"It's very important...we all belong to the same village. When we encountered bandits, all the adults in the village were killed, and only a few of us were left. Their parents gave their lives to protect us. I can't leave them alone. Take care of them. When I reach adulthood, it’s my responsibility!”

Yan Jin said seriously, "So teacher, can't you really teach me? I want them to live a better life."

"You can't make their lives better through petty means like stealing." Amon shook his head, "One mistake can make you and them miserable."

Yan Jin looked at the young man in front of him, who was not much older than himself, and felt that he might have had a similar experience to himself. His proficient stealing skills must have been developed after a lot of practice, and he couldn't help but feel a little more sympathetic.

"Then you came to me..."

"Are you interested in joining me? Let's go to the Pan-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition together. Although I can't promise you more material help now, I can take you to a bigger stage." Amon Shen Take action and invite.


"Of course not. I don't have that strength now. I've wasted a lot of time and I need time to catch up. Similarly, you probably can't let go of your younger brothers and sisters.

"Five years, I will stay in Frost Leaf City for five years. By then, you will have just graduated from the junior soul master academy, and your younger brothers and sisters will be older than you are now. After settling them properly, we will go to the senior soul master academy. Academy.

"Then find a way to participate in the next Soul Master Competition and prove yourself on that world-famous stage.

"In these five years, I will help you on your journey as a soul master, and I will also help take care of your younger brothers and sisters."

"Sounds like a good thing, what do I have to pay?" Yan Jin's eyes were full of surprise and vigilance.

"Don't you want to worship me as your teacher? Just think of me as your teacher. I will arrange for you to do some things. Of course, this must be done if you are willing." Amon smiled slightly.

"Oh well."

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