Yan Jin sat on the platform, her soul power kept flowing, and the rich fire element gathered around her, emitting a faint halo.

Walter sat cross-legged on the steps above. These days, he personally waited by Yan Jin's side and almost never left.

The soul power fluctuations on Yan Jin became more and more intense. After breaking through a certain threshold, she suddenly opened her eyes.

"Old man, I'm level 30!" She stood up and shared the good news that made her happy.

"Good, good, good..." Walter clapped his hands in praise. He was very satisfied with Yan Jin's talent.

With the extreme training environment and the auxiliary training drugs Walter brought her, Yan Jin rose two levels in more than a month. Of course, this is also related to her own accumulation at level 28.

Walter had a satisfied smile on his face:

"This training journey has reached the final stage. If we hunt another soul ring, we will be done. Yan Jin, remember the location here.

"I suspect there is something special under the volcano that caused such an abnormal environment... Even if it is not, in this special environment, it is easy to produce some treasures with fire attributes. When you become stronger, you can come and explore.

"Now, adjust your state, let's go hunt soul beasts. Correa and Amon have already selected targets for you."

"Okay, old man." Yan Jin nodded.

Walking up the steps, she came to the camp on the top of the mountain and saw Amon. She said proudly:

"Haha, I will be a soul master soon. What soul beast should I hunt this time? Slime?"

Amon stroked his monocle and chuckled:

"Slime is indeed one of the options, but this time there is a better one... For your third soul skill, my suggestion is to choose the ability to adjust the temperature of the martial soul.

"Flame slime also has such characteristics, but it is not very obvious. The temperature range it can adjust is relatively small.

"I originally wanted to find the Ice Fire Ape, but I accidentally discovered a variant of the Flowing Flame Lizard. It can retract the flames on its body and disguise itself as a large rock lizard. It is a better option."

"Adjust the temperature of the martial soul, right?" Yan Jin repeated, and then kept reciting in his heart to deepen this idea.

According to Amon's theory, the soul master's own desire is also a factor that affects the soul skills. She has an almost blind trust in Amon, so she accepted this suggestion without much thought.

After leaving a deep enough idea in her heart, she clapped her hands and said, "Okay, let's go hunt for soul rings."

"Then follow me, Correa is watching the lizard." Amon led the way in front.

After walking a few kilometers, they came to a rocky wasteland.

Correa was lying on a rock, staring at something in front.

"You are here..." Seeing Yan Jin, Correa breathed a sigh of relief. Even with his cultivation as a soul emperor, he would feel tired after monitoring and tracking a soul beast for a long time.

"Thank you for your hard work." Walter nodded slightly.

"This is what I should do." Correa bowed.

"Is that it?" Walter looked at the brown rocky ground in front of him, among which there was a long black rock that stood out a little.

Walter frowned after estimating its age from its size. "Its age is about three thousand years, which exceeds the limit of obtaining the third soul ring."

Amon smiled faintly, "The so-called soul ring age limit is just a reference value. Due to different physical conditions, the maximum age that can be tolerated is also different... However, three thousand years is indeed a bit high, and there is a considerable risk."

Feeling that the Time Worm in his body still exists, Yan Jin and Amon looked at each other, and then confidently said to Walter:

"Teacher, it's okay, I can do it."

Although he was a little worried, seeing Yan Jin's confidence, Walter did not dissuade him, but just reminded him:

"This is your own choice. Remember, there is no turning back. When absorbing soul rings, you can only rely on yourself, and others can't help."

"Yeah." Yan Jin nodded, and then walked forward.

Feeling the threat, the originally black body of the Flowing Flame Lizard suddenly brightened, and dark red lines covered the whole body.

These lines became brighter and brighter, and flames ignited on its body, and it seemed that lava was flowing on its skin.

It roared at the approaching people and moved back slowly and cautiously.

"Corea." Walter said lightly.


Corea immediately took action. A green spear appeared in his hand. He mobilized his soul power and threw the spear at the Flowing Flame Lizard.

Under the huge gap in strength, with just one blow, the Flowing Flame Lizard lost half of its body. It twisted in pain and blood flowed all over the ground.

"Big Fire!"

The surging magma engulfed it.

The battle ended very quickly and smoothly, making Lei Yin feel unreal.

Recalling the hardships and dangers of their past hunting soul rings, he couldn't help but sigh.

Countless purple light spots drifted from the wreckage of the Flowing Flame Lizard, and these light spots gathered in the air and condensed into a purple halo.

Yan Jin sat cross-legged, waved his hand, and used his soul power to pull the soul ring closer to himself.

The others stood quietly beside her, waiting for the result.

The surging soul power flowed into her body from the martial soul. Feeling the violent and powerful energy, Walter showed worry on his face.

With the secret help of Amon's clone, Yan Jin absorbed the soul ring without any trouble.

"Hahaha, it worked." She jumped up from the ground, with her hands on her hips and laughing.

Feeling the powerful force surging in her body, her eyes showed an eager light.

Looking at Walter, this one is too strong, skip it...

Correa, can't beat him, skip it...

Amon, a little coward, skip it...

Leiyin, stinky brother, it's meaningless to fight, skip it...

In the end, reason defeated her eager heart, she put away her fighting spirit and tried her best to calm the surging soul power in her body.

Amon touched the bottom edge of his glasses, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Just now, he thought Yan Jin was going to challenge him again.

To be honest, he was really no match for Yan Jin with just a clone.

The clone was only more than 20 levels, a level lower than the main body, and could only use one or two soul skills.

Moreover, the soul was incomplete and the mental power was weak, so the effect of "deception" was only one tenth of it.

Hmm... that's not right, if the target is Yan Jin, it seems to still be useful.

"Congratulations, kid, you've taken another step forward on the road to becoming a soul master." Walter said gently.

"Hey, hey, hey..." Yan Jin touched his head and smiled foolishly, "Thank you, old man."

"Okay, let's go back to Beidi City." Walter said, "Although I really want to stay with you for a while, I'm also the platinum bishop of the Wuhun Hall, and I still have a lot of government affairs to deal with."

"I know, old man, you've done enough for me... But I won't go back, I want to stay here to practice." Yan Jin looked towards the volcano with a firm look.

"It's dangerous here." Walter emphasized.

"It's dangerous, but I can get stronger faster here, I'm not afraid."

"Sister..." Lei Yin opened his mouth and wanted to dissuade him, but he couldn't say it when he got to his lips.

Yan Jin looked at Amon, who smiled and said:

"I respect your decision."

He patted Yan Jin's shoulder and kept all the time worms except this time clone that replaced the original body to walk in the outside world.

Walter was silent for a long time before he slowly spoke:

"No strong man can successfully reach the top without some hardships. Since you have this determination, I, as a master, will certainly not stop you.

"Every once in a while, I will ask Correa to send you some supplies. Don't let me down."

"Hey... Of course not!" Yan Jin grinned.

"Then I will stay too..." Lei Yin hadn't finished speaking when Amon held his head down, "There is no increase in your practice here. Go back to the academy obediently. There is at least a mimicry practice site there."

Watching Walter and others leave, Yan Jin suddenly spoke:

"Amon, you are here, right?"

"Yes, I am." Amon's voice sounded in her mind.

"Even if I am so far away, can I borrow your power?"

Amon was silent for a moment and replied, "Yes!"

After being together for so long, Yan Jin is the person who is most familiar with and understands him the most. Some secrets that have been guessed do not need to be deliberately concealed.

"Terrible ability." Yan Jin murmured to himself.

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