Douluo: Starting from the Spirit of Time Worm

Chapter 59 The Target of the Fourth Soul Ring

The time for the internal selection competition of the Northern Advanced Soul Master Academy is approaching.

Amon's original body walked out of the rented house, with soul power surging around him. Feeling the power filling his body, a smile appeared on his face. He had just broken through to level 40.

His normal cultivation speed was actually a bit slow, because when he was meditating, he had to endure the endless harassment of the mumbling from the depths of his soul, and it was difficult for him to really concentrate for a long time.

With a thought, he controlled the scattered soul power to shrink into his body. He successfully controlled his own soul power so that it would not show outward.

At the same time, all of Amon's clones also felt that an invisible shackle was broken. Regardless of the distance, regardless of whether they could contact the original body, they all had a sense of enlightenment at this moment:

The original body has reached level 40!

Most of Amon's clones did not practice much, hovering around level 21 or 22, because the cost-effectiveness of soul power cultivation was too low, and they would rather spend their time learning knowledge or various skills.

The Amons either pinched their eye sockets or adjusted their glasses, and all made a decision at the same time:

Go hunt soul beasts, and use the bug of the Time Worm clone to absorb soul rings when the main body needs to obtain soul rings, and quickly increase the soul power to level 30.

This is the message left by the main body when splitting each time clone. It is agreed that every time the soul power level is about to break through the realm, it will not rush to advance, leaving a month for the clones to have time to level up.

One by one, the Amons took action, either alone or in groups of three or five, heading for the forests and mountains where soul beasts appeared.

The young guard of the Northern City Guard found Holmes:

"Captain, I want to take a two-week leave. Something happened at home and I have to go to deal with it."

"Are there any difficulties? Do you need my help?" Holmes is optimistic about this young and clever guy.

"Thank you for your kindness, but I can handle it myself." The young guard scratched his head and smiled innocently.

In a tavern in Frost Leaf City, a storyteller in a long gown pinched his eye sockets and said to the regular customers of the tavern:

"I have something to tell you here. I have something to do in the next few weeks, so I will be closed for a while."

The storyteller left the tavern and joined various people such as beggars, carpenter apprentices, tailor shop assistants, and coachmen, and rushed to the Xilin Mountains.

In the Meteor Mountains, Yan Jin sat on the corpse of a huge wild boar.

The corpse was charred black and the smell of meat was everywhere.

She peeled off the charred shell with a dagger, cut a piece of cooked meat from it, sprinkled salt and cumin on it, and started to eat with the collected fruits.

The fallen leaves behind her made a slight sound, and she turned back immediately and crossed her arm wrapped in magma in front of her to block it. This was an instinct formed by living in the forest for a long time.

A figure wearing a black pointed soft hat, a classical robe, and a monocle on the right eye appeared in front of her.

Yan Jin's face showed joy and surprise, "Amon, why are you here?"

"Why, are you not welcome?" Amon touched the bottom of his glasses, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"I miss you so much!" Yan Jin rushed over and gave him a big hug.

Yan Jin only knew that the Time Worm that had been with him was a split of Amon's martial soul, containing part of his will, and he didn't know that the Time Worm could also transform into a human form.

So when the clone appeared in front of her, she was particularly excited.

"Hey, hey, I'm already level 39, and I have a hunch that I will be level 40 soon. Have I surpassed you again?" Yan Jin showed his soul power fluctuations and boasted proudly.

In the past, at the Ice Wind Junior Soul Master Academy, after she obtained her first soul ring, her soul power level was ahead of Amon for a long time.

Later, as Amon's soul was gradually completed and his cultivation talent was restored to the level it should be, his level gradually surpassed her and left her behind, which made Yan Jin feel unwilling.

The suitable training environment, the supply of Walter's resources, and the constant fighting with the soul beasts in the mountains and forests made her progress very quickly, and her training speed even surpassed Amon's original body with full soul power talent.

Amon smiled and did not answer. He took back the time worm in her body and said softly:

"I came here for something. You find a safe place to stay."

"What is it? Do you need my help?" Yan Jin asked.

Amon shook his head, "I can do it myself."

"Okay, you pay attention to safety."

"By the way, the in-school selection competition is about to start. You should pay attention to the time and don't miss it." Amon reminded.

"I can't wait... Hehe." Yan Jin said with a smile.


At level 40, Amon also began to consider the hunting target of the fourth soul ring.

The clones had already screened the suitable soul beasts and selected the best choice they thought, waiting for the original body to make a decision.

Originally, such a major event about the future should have required a "full Mongolia referendum", but many clones were too far away to be contacted, so they could only make expedient decisions.

However, the final result was actually the same, because the will of Amon's original body and the will of the "full Mongolia referendum" were ultimately consistent.

Although the personalities of the clones were different, after the opinions and views of all the clones were offset and combined, they would eventually coincide with the original body.

So the symbolic significance of the "All Mongolian Referendum" is greater than its practical significance. It just gives each clone a sense of participation in form.

After browsing the information of dozens of different soul beasts, Amon finally selected the most desired target from them - the Soul-stealing Ghost.

The Soul-stealing Ghost is a soul beast that looks similar to an orangutan, covered with red hair all over its body, and looks quite strange and ominous. They have a very special ability - stealing soul skills!

Each Soul-stealing Ghost can only steal one soul skill at the same time, and the duration is short and the randomness is large. Generally, it can only steal skills of the first or second ring. It seems difficult for them to steal those higher-level soul skills.

But the scary thing is that this is a soul beast that lives in groups!

Even if the probability of high-level soul skills being stolen is very low, this probability will be continuously magnified under the continuous theft of a large number of Soul-stealing Ghosts.

If someone accidentally enters the territory of the Soul-stealing Ghost and is surrounded by them, all soul skills will often be stolen and they will be slaughtered.

The ability of the Dementor is similar to that of the Thief Sequence 6 "Fire Thief", which fully meets Amon's requirements.

When the main body made the choice, the other Amons also conducted a less complete Amon referendum. They contacted all the Amons they could contact to vote.

After excluding some completely chaotic "Fun Amons", more than 90% of the remaining "Serious Amons" listed it as the best target.

The main body of Amon shared the same views as the Amons, and the results were gratifying, which showed that the Amons were in a good mental state and very stable.

Of course, it would be better if there were not so many "Fun Amons" clamoring to kill the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, Emperor Tian, ​​Snow Emperor, Silver Dragon King and other unrealistic and inappropriate targets.

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