Amon's team has already decided on the candidates, and Alia submitted the list.

Amon, Leiyin, Vidal, Romir, Binglan, Aaliya, Yanjin.

The student-organized team still has an alternate spot, and there is no candidate for this spot in Amon's team.

This list caused an uproar among the students, especially since Aaliyah's name was also on it, which was very intriguing.

Although Alia had already agreed to join Amon's side, she did not disband the team she had formed before and kept pretending to be actively preparing for the war. This caught the other three competitive teams off guard.

In addition, some other people on the list are also surprising. Judging from their usual behavior and habits, it is difficult to believe that these people are actually members of the same team.

Binglan has always maintained a cold appearance, keeps to herself and seldom communicates with others.

The Romil people hate dogs, and there is almost no student who doesn't want to beat him up.

Lei Yin and Vidal are normal, but what's interesting is that the two of them once teamed up to beat Romir!

The name Yan Jin is impressive, but the person has not appeared for a long time.

As for Amon... his presence is extremely low.

When seeing this name in a team with two noble heirs, Alia and Vidal, the first reaction of most people is:

Who is this? Is there such a person in the academy?

On the training ground, Brady held the list given to him by Roy. There was no emotion or anger on his face. He whispered:

"I thought Vidal had given up, but I didn't expect that he would secretly play such a trick and get involved with that woman Aria. Does this mean that Marquis Fecris and Earl Iron Mountain intend to deepen their cooperation?"

After Brady was slightly surprised, the first thing he thought about was not the outcome of the college game, but political matters.

In fact, the student pool of Northland College is very good. If we can really integrate the strength of the whole school and form the strongest team, it may not be unable to compete with the five major element colleges.

However, due to its special selection mechanism, internal friction is very serious. In addition, these captains who are from great nobles all have politics, interests, connections and other things in their minds. They do not have the determination to move forward, so it is difficult to succeed as a soul master. Achieve good results in competitions.

Roy scratched the back of his head, looking a little confused, "Are they serious? These people are strong, but they don't look like they can cooperate. I feel that they are not as good as Aria's original team?"

He looked at the people around him and asked, "Have any of you seen them training together?"

"I, I've seen it." The person who spoke was a young man in white.

He is the oldest student in the academy and is also very strong. He was invited by Brady to be their sparring partner.

"Cheng Shiyang, have you seen him?" Roy looked suspicious.

Cheng Shiyang, who was wearing white clothes, had a strange smile on his face:

"I have seen Vidal and Leiyin team up to beat Romil. Binglan once froze Romil into a ball and threw it into the river. Aaliya seemed to have had a conflict with Romil, but she failed to break his defense."

Bateman suddenly whistled, "If this can be considered a kind of training, then I have also participated in it, but one thing must be admitted, that guy Romil's tortoise shell is really hard."

Brady clapped his hands and said:

“Although tacit understanding cannot be developed in a short period of time, it is undeniable that their individual strength is strong and should not be underestimated.

"Alia, that woman, will not do some meaningless things. Since she has chosen this team, if there are no political factors affecting it, it means that in her eyes, the individual combat capabilities of these people are enough to make up for the lack of cooperation among the members. insufficient.

"Of course, we don't have to be too nervous, just do our best. In order to perform better in the trials, our training volume will increase by 50% in the future."

"Huh?" Bateman lamented.

Brady ignored the whines of the players and looked at Cheng Shiyang: "Senior, do you have any questions?"

"Well... there is no big problem, but since the sparring time has increased, then..."

"I'll double the sparring fee!" Brady said directly.

"Master!" Cheng Shiyang had a sincere smile on his face.

The in-house selection competition is a grand event for the entire Northland College. In addition to the few teams that aim to win, there are other teams.

Some want to show themselves in the trials so that they can develop better in the future, while others specifically work as sparring partners for others to earn money.

Cheng Shiyang belongs to the third type. He gathered several older students like him who were unable to compete because they were overage to form a sparring team.

Because they are generally older and stronger, they are the best partners for sparring and are very popular. Brady paid a hefty price to have them serve exclusively for him.

At this time when people's hearts were floating and the atmosphere was noisy, a heroic girl wearing white clothes with red stripes, long fiery red hair, and dark red eyes came to the school gate.

Looking at the long-lost campus gate, she took a deep breath and shouted: "I'm back! Everyone, do you miss me?"

Some newly admitted students looked at this strange and beautiful face, and their hearts skipped a beat. They felt like they were in love.

The old students who had been fortunate enough to communicate with Yan Jin all looked like they had seen a ghost when they saw her, and their hearts skipped a beat.

At this moment, they remembered the horror of being dominated by lava and fists.

A second-year student walked over and asked:

"Hello, beautiful lady, are you also a student of the academy?"

Yan Jin showed a simple smile, "Hey, you praised me for being beautiful... Not bad, you have good taste."

She patted the boy's shoulder, looking like you are very smart.

Although this reaction was completely different from what the boy expected, he was still happy in his heart, thinking there was a chance.

"By the way, do you know which powerful students are there in the school? I want to communicate with them?" Yan Jin asked before he could respond.

It seems that this is a girl who works hard and likes to practice... With this idea in mind, the boy who approached smiled:

"To be honest, my strength is also good. I am a regular member of a team in the internal selection competition of the academy. If you don't mind, I can also exchange my practice experience with you."

He showed pride on his face. Being able to become a regular member of the team means that his strength must be better than that of ordinary students, and he is at the upper level among them.

"You?" Yan Jin glanced at him. She wanted to refuse, but then she thought that others had praised her beauty, and it seemed a bit disrespectful to refuse directly, so she nodded.

Twenty minutes later, on the training ground...

Rising heat, melting arena, and a boy lying on the ground with lifeless eyes...

He was not injured, but was frightened by Yan Jin's terrible attack. At one point, he thought he would be melted like the ground under his feet.

Some third-year students who were watching shook their heads and sighed. Taking the initiative to communicate with Yan Jin? How can this be so unreasonable... You know, she likes to "fight" with her classmates the most.

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