On the roof of the teaching building, Amon sat on the guardrail without any image, with a faint smile on his face:

"Speaking of which, this is our first time to gather as a whole?"

In front of him, six team members were either standing or sitting on the ground, all looking at him quietly.

Amon clapped his hands, "I am very happy to move forward with you all, but the atmosphere between a group cannot be so tense, how about everyone introduce themselves first?"

He continued: "Let me start first, Amon, 19 years old, level 40, auxiliary system war soul master."

"Vidal, 21 years old, level 38 agility attack system war soul master."

"Alia, 22 years old, level 38 strong attack system war soul master."

"Binglan, 16 years old, level 35 control system war soul master."

"Romil, 23 years old, level 44 defense system war soul master."

Even if it is a very normal self-introduction, when it comes from Romil's mouth, people have the urge to punch him in the face.

"Lei Yin, 13 years old, 31st level Agility Attack War Soul Master."

Lei Yin's age and level caused everyone to marvel. Alia looked at him frequently. For the first time, she felt the gap between her talent and others so intuitively.

"Yan Jin, 14 years old, 40th level Strong Attack War Soul Master."

She was promoted to another level.

Yan Jin's innate soul power is level 8, and the first three soul rings are absorbed by leaps and bounds. Each leap and bound absorption allows her to increase her level a lot, saving a lot of practice time.

And high-quality soul rings not only bring additional soul power, but also increase qualifications. Her cultivation qualifications are no worse than those with full innate soul power.

In addition, the very suitable practice environment and Walter's resource support at all costs are also very important factors.

But...Walter is not teaching an apprentice? He is raising Yan Jin as a daughter! Amon thought to himself.

Everyone was scared by her, and Bing Lan's expressionless face was also extremely surprised and horrified.

Romil opened his mouth exaggeratedly, "How is this possible?"

"Hehehe...you must be shocked." Yan Jin smiled foolishly, with his hands on his waist proudly.

Amon raised his right hand, stroked his monocle, jumped off the railing, and said softly:

"Maybe you are not familiar with each other, maybe there is no tacit understanding between us, and it is difficult to have good cooperation on the field..."

This is also the only thing that Alia and Vidal are worried about. Hearing this, they frowned and looked a little heavy.

Amon paused, ignored the heavy look on their faces, and continued with a smile:

"But this is not a problem. You just need to remember...there is no opponent in front of us."

He took off his glasses and flicked his hair.


The selection competition in the academy started as scheduled.

The main purpose of the selection competition is to select the strongest team to represent the academy to participate in the elite competition of advanced soul masters across the continent. Therefore, the competition system does not have so many complicated arrangements. It is the simplest competition, and the winner advances.

The competition venue was placed in the Douhun Arena of Beidi City. Not only the teachers and students of the academy, but also other residents in the city could go there to watch.

This also made the selection competition no longer just a grand event for the academy, but also a grand event for the entire Beidi City.

In the vast oval building, there were gray-white arenas in the center, and the surrounding audience seats spread outward and upward in a stepped manner.

In the center of the back of the audience seats, the best view position was the VIP seat.

One was a man with small eyes, a hooked nose, thin eyebrows, thin sides, and bloodless lips. He looked gloomy. He was the master of the Beidi City Wuhun Main Hall, Soul Saint Vargas.

The other was a middle-aged man with a strong body, a resolute face, and short black hair. He was the principal of the Beidi Advanced Soul Master Academy, Soul Saint Zhong Yuming.

Amon looked at the two in the waiting area for the players. He had met Vargas a few times when he went to the Wuhun Hall to find Walter, and it was the first time he saw Principal Zhong Yuming.

Yan Jin crossed her hands and rested them behind her head. She felt a little regretful that she couldn't beat up all the powerful students in the academy before the start of the selection competition to achieve the goal of dominating the academy.

After Zhong Yuming and Vargas made standard speeches, they announced the official start of the competition.

In the first game, Brady's seeded team, which was quite popular among the students, competed.

Their opponents were not bad either, all of them were third-year students.

When Brady's team showed their martial spirits, Yan Jin was happy.

Lion, leopard, wolf, owl, pangolin, octopus, snake.

"Amon, look..." She pointed at Brady and others who looked like orcs after being possessed by martial spirits, "It's really interesting..."

Amon touched the bottom edge of his monocle. He didn't care about what happened on the field. What made him care was that in such an occasion, Zhong Yuming and Vargas, the two soul saints, were both there, but the mayor of Beidi City was absent.

He discovered a long time ago that Beidi City seemed calm, but in fact there were undercurrents.

Walter, one of the four platinum bishops of the Spirit Hall, has been hiding in the dark for more than two years.

As the representative of the royal family's interests, the Lord of the Northland City is secretive and rarely shows up.

The eldest daughter of the largest noble in the Northland, the daughter of Marquis Fikris, Alia, frequently goes to the Spirit Hall...

And Zhu Youzhi, as a middle-level manager of the Northland College, is actually Walter's subordinate.

No matter how you look at it, the Spirit Hall is infiltrating the Northland and is secretly fighting with the royal family.

Amon had originally planned to use the vacant spots in the team to win over one or two northern nobles, but after discovering that old man Walter was making trouble, he gave up the idea.

He was still a little afraid of this guy who was strong in Soul Douluo and good at calculating and arranging.

"By the way, Amon, is there a substitute spot in our team?" Yan Jin suddenly asked.

"Yes." Amon nodded.

"The old man asked me to tell you that he wants this spot and hopes that you can cooperate with him to a certain extent. The condition is your fifth soul ring. He can help you hunt for up to 50,000 years."

Yan Jin didn't know what Walter and Amon were planning, and she didn't want to figure it out, just simply passed on the message.

"50,000-year soul ring... a condition that people can't refuse." Amon said with a smile.

This is definitely a generous condition. You know, many Title Douluo's ninth soul ring is only 60,000 or 70,000 years old.

Needless to say, it is known that this is a preferential treatment given to him by Walter for Yan Jin's face.

Suddenly, there was a commotion nearby, as if a few people had a little conflict.

Vidal frowned, looked at Yan Jin, and then looked at the empty seat beside him, and had a vague premonition of something.

When he looked over, as expected, Romil was using his barrier martial spirit to form a sphere, wrapping himself up, and madly mocking the students of other teams.

He put his hands in his pockets, raised his chin slightly, and his eyes revealed disdain and arrogance, with an extremely arrogant expression and asking for a beating.

Even Vidal, his teammate, who was supposed to be in the same camp with Romil, had the urge to beat him up.

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