At the gate of Hanhai City, an old man and a young man stopped at the same time.

The young man wore a black classical robe, a pointed soft hat on his head, and a monocle on his right eye.

The old man wore a white robe embellished with gold thread, and white boots on his feet, which were soft and shiny.

Looking at the majestic city in front of him, Walter's face showed a look of reminiscence:

"My wife said before that she had been stationed here. However, I have never heard her mention any mermaid clan. I am afraid that even here, the race you mentioned is something that is rarely known."

"It's indeed rare, otherwise it wouldn't have taken half a year for the news to arrive." Amon pinched his eyes, his expression slightly dull.

He is making spiritual connections with the clones in Hanhai City to understand what has happened here in the past six months.

After accepting the message from the clone, he glanced at the guard at the city gate with interest. In the past six months, this unlucky guard had lost his wallet six times.

The two rested for a day in Wuhun Hall.

Early the next morning, a man with dyed blond hair, wearing a white robe, and a smile on his face, giving people an inexplicable sense of intimacy, came to the door of Wuhun Hall.

He exuded a sweet fragrance and had light makeup on his face.

The guards at the door greeted him with a smile: "Mr. Adam, why are you here?"

"Adam" said gently: "The person I was waiting for has arrived."

Amon and Walter walked out of the Spirit Hall.

Walter looked at "Adam" with a look of confusion on his face. He always felt that the blond man in front of him gave him a sense of familiarity.

He did not recognize that "Adam" and Amon actually looked exactly the same. After all, a person could almost become another person by putting on makeup, changing his hairstyle, and changing his clothing.

"Mr. Walter, this is my good friend, Adam, who found the target this time. Adam, this is Mr. Walter." Amon introduced both parties.

"Hello, Mr. Walter." "Adam" saluted.

Walter nodded slightly, his eyes wandering between "Adam" and Amon, as if he wanted to see through the connection between the two.

Under the leadership of "Adam", the two came to the port and boarded a medium-sized fishing boat on a pier.

On the fishing boat, there were dozens of sailors, most of whom were ordinary people, with two or three Amon clones among them.

The reason why they are not all clones is because they are worried that Walter will become suspicious. One or two people with similar faces could be considered a coincidence, but if dozens of people on the entire ship had the same face shape, it would be difficult not to find a problem.

The sail was lowered and the fishing boat, half loaded with cargo, slowly sailed away from the shore.

"Adam" looked at Walter and asked:

"Mr. Walter, how much strength can you exert on the sea? Although according to my plan, there is a high probability that we will not fight at sea, but we may need to escape at sea."

"No need to worry, the combat terrain does not restrict me much." Walter replied.

The three of them came to the captain's cabin. "Adam" took out a chart and began to explain his hunting plan:

“It took me half a year to gain the trust of the mermaid clan and gain the qualification to trade with them.

“Every other month, I will bring unique goods from the shore and go to the settlement of the mermaid clan to exchange for the things they collect from the sea.

"This is a huge profit. If there were no other substitutes for Amon, I wouldn't want to let it go."

"Adam" intentionally or unintentionally revealed to Walter the information that he and Amon had a good relationship.

After a pause, he continued:

"Not all mermaids meet the requirements. First, they must have a higher proportion of sea soul beast blood, second, they must be of the right age, and third, they must have sufficient talent and the ability to read minds."

"Wait a minute, if the other party has the ability to read minds, wouldn't he be able to detect our plan when he sees you?" Walter couldn't help but interrupt when he heard this.

"Well... she can read other people's voices, but she can only read instantaneous thoughts, and can't check past memories. As long as she restrains her thoughts and concentrates all her thoughts on what she is doing at the moment, there is no need to worry about this. "Adam" explained.

The mermaid's mind-reading ability is similar to that of Honesty Hall in Mystery. As long as you restrain your thoughts, you can deal with it. This is not a problem for "Adam".

Moreover, the ability to read minds is not maintained all the time. There will be fluctuations in mental power before activation. This means that "Adam" does not have to keep his mind focused all the time, and the difficulty is reduced a lot.

"Adam" continued: "Currently, there is only one person who meets the conditions, the second daughter of the mermaid clan leader, Hai Yun. The specific action process is as follows..."

"Adam" pointed to the chart and drew a circle in the sea area:

"This is the settlement of the mermaid clan. It is a small island, but it is not marked on the map."

Then, he moved the charcoal and drew another circle on another island closer to the mainland:

“I will put Amon and Mr. Walter down here, this is the selected hunting point.

"After that, I will go to Mermaid Island and steal the treasures they have enshrined for generations. If nothing else happens, Haiyun will come to hunt me down.

"I will lure Haiyun to the island where you are ambushing me. You need to kill her as soon as possible and then leave immediately.

"She probably has the strength to join Contra for the first time. If the arrangements are made in advance, I think it won't be difficult for you, Mr. Walter, to kill her, right?

"What needs to be noted is that we must move quickly, otherwise we will most likely be chased by Titled Douluo."

"Title Douluo?" Walter's face changed slightly, and he asked with a bit of solemnity: "What's going on?"

Even though his combat power is second to none among Contras and he can even fight against some less powerful Titled Douluo, he does not want to be an enemy of a Titled Sea Spirit Master on the sea.

"Adam" said with some seriousness:

"Hai Yun's sister, Sea Witch, is one of the seven sacred pillars guarding Poseidon Island, the sixth pillar is 'Sea Lady Douluo'.

“But she usually guards the Poseidon Pillar on Poseidon Island and won’t leave easily.

"But if something big happens to the mermaid clan, she will probably leave the sacred pillar and go to the rescue.

"Mr. Walter, don't worry. I also have people in the sea near the Sea God's Pillar. If the Sea Witch leaves the Sea God Island, I will get the news as soon as possible."

Walter thought for two seconds and asked:

"If you can lure her into my trap, then I have a high degree of confidence in killing her.

"But how can you be sure that she will definitely come to hunt you down? It must be her who comes to hunt you down?"

"Adam" said with a smile: "The mermaid family are all devout believers of Poseidon.

"The treasure they have enshrined for generations is said to be a gem on the crown of the former Poseidon. It was given to their ancestors by the Poseidon and has been passed down to this day.

"Although it has no special power, it is the spiritual sustenance of the mermaid clan. They will not give up recovering the gems.

"Hai Yun is the strongest among the mermaid clan, and she is the only one who can catch up with my 'sea-breaking shuttle'"

The "Sea-breaking Shuttle" is a soul guidance device that "Adam" purchased specifically for this operation. It can only be ridden by one person. The advantage is that it is incredibly fast.

Walter looked at "Adam" deeply, "Isn't your plan a bit simple?"

"Adam" smiled without changing and replied:

"Sometimes, the more sophisticated the plan, the more likely it is that problems will arise, but some simple means can bring unexpected results."

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