In fact, Amon's plan is certainly not that simple, and there is another variable that needs to be excluded.

That is the current patriarch of the mermaid clan, the grandfather of Haiyun and the sea witch.

He is the strongest person in the current mermaid settlement, a soul fighter close to the title level. But he usually does not leave the settlement.

Amon plans to spread his clones to make trouble in the settlement while stealing the gems.

In this way, between the patriarch and Haiyun, one person will definitely stay to guard the settlement, and the other will be responsible for hunting down the thief who stole the gems.

The one who stays in the settlement is most likely the patriarch who rarely leaves the settlement, and the task of hunting down will naturally fall on Haiyun.

However, there is no need to explain these to Walter, because Amon is not easy to explain where he got the manpower to cause damage in the settlement.

You know, this is a mission with a 100% chance of death. If it is not for some big forces, they can't train enough deadpools to do such things.

So Amon simply concealed the existence of the mermaid patriarch, anyway, the final result will not change.

Amon sat at the bow and looked out at the sea. The sea breeze brought moist air mixed with a unique salty smell.

The afternoon sun was warm and comfortable.

He looked back at the sailors who were chatting and bragging on the deck. A wave of emotion appeared in his eyes, but it soon disappeared, leaving only a deep feeling.

After three days of sailing, the outline of an island slowly emerged in the field of vision.

"Adam" smiled and walked to Amon and Walter, saying softly:

"You two, the island ahead is the one I mentioned for ambush. The location of this island is between the mermaid settlement and the mainland, and it is convenient to retreat after the hunt is over."

He handed a space ring to Amon, "Here is a soul guide speedboat with two seats. Use it to evacuate to the mainland immediately after killing Haiyun."

Amon handed the ring to Walter, "Mr. Walter, please take me to retreat when the time comes."

This was to give the retreat to Walter, showing his full trust in him.

Walter took the ring, sensed the soul guide in the ring, frowned and asked:

"If the sea witch really chases you, then you may not have time to absorb the soul ring."

Generally, absorbing soul rings requires a stable environment, which cannot tolerate any interference, and absorbing soul rings of more than ten thousand years often takes a long time, several hours is normal.

Amon stroked his monocle and said with a smile: "This is not a problem for me. I don't need a too stable environment to absorb soul rings. I can absorb while moving, but I can't be attacked too strongly."

Because the time worms in the body can guide energy, Amon doesn't need to concentrate too much when absorbing soul rings.

Amon and Walter got off the boat on this uninhabited deserted island. Their space rings carried enough water and food to live on the island for more than a month.

Walter had already prepared for a few days of wind and rain, but he saw two simple but exquisite wooden houses in the center of the island. The furniture in the house was neat, and the bed was even covered with soft velvet quilts.

He asked with a strange look, "Did your friend prepare it?"

Amon nodded, "Since I am the one who prepared the early arrangements, I naturally cannot neglect Mr. Walter in such a place."

Walter nodded slightly, expressing his satisfaction with their thoughtfulness. Although he didn't mind sleeping in a tent for a few days, he would certainly accept a better choice.

The sailboat continued to sail on the boundless sea, and "Adam" ordered, "Don't be frugal, take out the best food and the best wine on the ship."

"Oh, long live the captain!" The sailors cheered.

Three days later, the sailboat arrived at its destination.

A wooden house hanging on the sea is sparsely distributed near the coast.

These wooden houses have only windows, no normal doors, and their doors are all opened at the bottom of the house, connected to the sea, and the mermaids enter and exit the house from the sea.

"Adam" smiled warmly on his face and nodded to the mermaids who looked at the ship from time to time in the sea.

On the island, by the river, near the inland, a dome stone building stands out among the simple wooden houses, highlighting its unique status.

Not far from the stone building, there is a more exquisite stone hut, which is the residence of the mermaid clan leader.

"Sister, the merchant ship is coming!" A little mermaid boy jumped into the house.

"Okay, I'll go over to maintain order." A girl wearing a blue half-dress, exposing her navel, and a huge fish tail below her waist nodded and said.

Her face, neck, arms, and waist are all covered with fine dark blue scales, her teeth are sharp and not like those of humans, and there are several cracks under her ears, which are traces of fish gills.

Haiyun "walked" out of the house, jumped into the river in front of the house, and swam along the river to the coast.

After a while, she came to the estuary of the river and saw a blond man standing on the bow with a warm smile on his face.

Because they were acquaintances, Haiyun only asked the guards to conduct a routine and not strict inspection of the ship.

She said to "Adam": "Still follow the old rules. First, complete the bulk goods trade between the village and you, and then allow your crew to set up stalls in the village square for two days with their own small items. After two days, you leave."

"Adam" said gently: "I understand. Please trouble Miss Haiyun."

Feeling the spiritual power that permeated around him, "Adam" gathered his mind and focused his attention on the upcoming trade, not thinking about unnecessary things.

Haiyun's mind reading did not last too long. She retracted her scattered spiritual power, waved her hand, and the soul power surged. A stream of water pushed the boat along the river and moved towards the island.

Following the river to a lake, the boat was docked on the shore. The sailors skillfully dropped the anchor and then threw down the ladder.

Some people stayed on the boat, and some people climbed down the ladder and began to unload the goods.

They hit three ground nails on the ground, straightened three ropes, tied one end to the side of the boat, and tied the other end to the ground nails.

The packed goods were carried by the sailors, slid down the ropes from the boat one by one, and piled neatly aside.

A team of mermaids came over and began to count and hand over the goods with Amon dressed as a sailor.

Haiyun led the guards to maintain order at the scene, preventing the mermaids who were extremely curious about the merchant ships from approaching to avoid disrupting the trade.

Adam's eyes inadvertently swept across the center of the lake, where there was a square pyramid with a statue of Poseidon on top. This was the altar where the mermaids worshiped Poseidon.

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