If it was Ye Xinglan who couldn't tolerate even a grain of sand in his eyes before, and was ridiculed by Yu Nanyuan, he would definitely have a seizure instantly. But now all the confidence and pride in her heart have been ruthlessly crushed by Yu Nanyuan. Although she is humiliated, she can only grit her teeth and endure it.

What's more, she has received brainwashing education from Shrek Academy since she was a child. For her, Shrek Academy's reputation is even more important than her life.

Ye Xinglan looked at Yu Nanyuan with red eyes, pursed her red lips tightly, and still said unwillingly: "How do you want to help the college restore its reputation?"

Yu Nanyuan did not answer Ye Xinglan's question immediately. He looked past Ye Xinglan's figure and stared quietly in the direction outside the door. Through the external mental power, he keenly discovered Xu Lizhi who was lying on the door and eavesdropping.

In fact, when Ye Xinglan knocked on the door, he used the same method to know Ye Xinglan's arrival in advance.

This is why Yu Nanyuan was not surprised when he saw Ye Xinglan.

Yu Nanyuan's eyes narrowed slightly, and as he thought, the chains of the void were quietly released, hiding in the void. With his current level of cultivation, he is still unable to emit a sound-isolating soul shield, but letting his own martial soul resonate in the surrounding space to prevent the sound from spreading out can have the same effect.

Yu Nanyuan doesn't have much ill feelings towards the current Xu Lizhi. Just doing this kind of thing of leaning on the door and eavesdropping would make anyone feel disgusted.

If Xu Lizhi could muster up the courage to come in with Ye Xinglan, maybe Yu Nanyuan would look at him favorably.

After a while, Yu Nanyuan looked at Ye Xinglan again and said calmly: "Is this your attitude towards asking for help?"

Ye Xinglan's body trembled slightly, as if he was suffering some huge humiliation, and he knelt down heavily towards Yu Nanyuan. When she returned to her room to rest at night, she put on a close-fitting golden silk dress. At that time, her mind was so confused that she completely ignored the matter and did not realize that there was something wrong with her dressing up to see Yu Nanyuan.

There is a reason why little fat Xu Lizhi is so anxious. In the past, Ye Xinglan had always been extremely conservative, but he would never wear close-fitting clothing in front of outsiders.

His snow-white knees fell to the floor, making a low muffled sound that echoed in the empty living room.

Ye Xinglan was kneeling on the floor, her slender body outlines the graceful curves of her body. Coupled with her weeping expression of humiliation, she looked particularly helpless.

"As long as you can help the college restore its reputation, I'm willing to do anything."

Seeing this scene, Yu Nanyuan suddenly felt bored. He felt even more stupid for a child of a big family like Ye Xinglan who had lived in an ivory tower since childhood. It seemed that in her world, apart from cultivation, there was nothing else.

I can't even understand some of the simplest principles.

In contrast, although almost everyone in Class Zero came from a large soul master family, no one was as self-righteous as Ye Xinglan.

"Why do you just don't understand? This matter is no longer something you can solve. Even if Shrek Academy wants to negotiate with us, it should be done by your leading teacher after getting the permission from the higher-ups of the academy. And promised corresponding conditions or benefits. Even you can think of asking us to attach an identity as an internal student of Shrek Academy to eliminate the negative impact of this game. Will your team leader see this? Isn't this the case?" Yu Nanyuan said with interest.

"As a loser, you have no qualifications to ask me for these conditions. Or do you still think that just by relying on the name of Shrek Academy as the number one academy in the mainland, you can make everyone bow down?"

"But if you want to restore the reputation of Shrek Academy, there is a more direct way." At this point, Yu Nanyuan showed another playful smile on his face.

"That's what beats me."

After hearing what Yu Nanyuan said, Ye Xinglan's eyes were filled with confusion. Until she walked out of Yu Nanyuan's room, she looked confused and lost. Her long golden hair was messily spread over her shoulders, her eyes were blank and her knees were red.

The whole person is like a battered flower, going from beauty to ruin.

Being ruthlessly rejected by Yu Nanyuan was like the straw that broke the camel's back, causing Ye Xinglan's heart to suffer an unprecedented blow.

When Xu Lizhi, who was hiding in the corner of the corridor, saw Ye Xinglan's appearance, his breathing suddenly became rapid and he was panting like an ox. Especially when he noticed Ye Xinglan's snow-white knees that were obviously red, his fat body trembled with anger and his face turned red.

"Ah! What on earth did he do to Sister Xinglan?!"

Xu Lizhi's current thoughts are relatively simple, and his first thought is that Ye Xinglan was abused by Yu Nanyuan. The goddess in his heart was desecrated by Yu Nanyuan, and at this moment, he couldn't help but feel heartbroken.

pain! It hurts so much!

But there was nothing he could do.

The top floor of Tianhai Hotel.

Shen Yi stood on the wide balcony of his room, leaning against the wooden fence with his arms, looking a little tired. The sea breeze blew in her face, causing her strange long white hair to flutter.

If Shrek Academy loses the game, she, as the team leader, must shoulder the main responsibility. She had already reported the entire incident to the academy, and the next step was to wait for news from Shrek Academy.

Next to Shen Yi, there was a young man with a tall figure and a cold temperament. It was Wu Changkong.

Shen Yi slowly stretched out his right hand, as if to control the silver moonlight pouring down from the night sky. She would only show this attitude in front of people she was particularly familiar with and close to.

"Changkong, no wonder you are so confident in them. Did you know the power of their soul fusion skill in advance?" Shen Yi said to Wu Changkong in a faint tone.

Wu Zhangkong calmly shook his head.

"The last time they used martial soul fusion skills was in the chain form. This fusion in the gun form is actually the first time I've seen them use it."

"So, their martial soul fusion skills also have two forms?" Shen Yi couldn't help but look sideways and glanced at Wu Changkong in shock.

"From this point of view, these two martial soul fusion skills should be dominated by that little guy Yu Nanyuan. His absolute dominance in the martial soul fusion skills is enough to prove that the quality of his martial soul is better than that of Gu Yue. The little girl. But didn’t you say that the little girl named Gu Yue has an innate martial soul that can control seven elemental attributes?”

A martial soul that controls the power of seven elemental attributes is already quite incredible, so what level will the quality of Yu Nanyuan's martial soul reach?

After calming down his emotions a little, Shen Yi's eyes moved slightly.

"Are those children you trained just to be sent to the academy as compensation in the future?"

Wu Zhangkong remained silent.

Shen Yi sighed, and just when she was about to continue saying something, the communication soul guide she wore on her wrist suddenly rang.


"Don't worry about anything. Return to the academy first. This matter ends here. This is also the intention of the Pavilion Master." A majestic voice sounded from the other side of the soul guide communicator. You can feel it just from the voice. His aura is so strong.

“Growing from failure, the college has basked in past glories for too long.”

"Yes, teacher." Shen Yi responded respectfully, but the expression on her face became weird. This sentence didn't look like something her teacher could say, and there was clearly a hint of showoff in her teacher's tone.

Not long after, that majestic voice sounded again.

"Is he with you now?"

Hearing this, Wu Zhangkong's figure suddenly trembled, and a rare strong emotion appeared in his dark green eyes.

Shen Yi subconsciously looked at Wu Zhangkong, and the next moment the soul guide communicator had been hung up by the other party.

Shrek Academy, Poseidon Island Center.

A huge golden wooden house is built against a towering tree. This is the core of Poseidon Island, the core of Shrek Academy, and even the core of the entire Shrek City.

Because this golden tree house is where the highest authority of Shrek Academy is located, the Poseidon Pavilion.

All the elders of Poseidon Pavilion gathered in the conference hall on the first floor of Poseidon Pavilion. On both sides of the long wooden table, there were four people sitting on one side and five people sitting on the other side. Plus the person at the main seat, there were exactly ten people.

Sitting in the main seat was a young man who looked to be twenty-seven or eight years old. Handsome in appearance, elegant and restrained in temperament. I couldn't feel any powerful aura from him, just like an ordinary person. But he is undoubtedly the most powerful person on the continent, Qingtian Douluo Yunming.

The Holy Spirit Douluo Yali, wearing a long aqua dress, is sitting in the first position on Yun Ming's right hand side. Her beautiful face is clean and elegant, and her face is filled with a faint smile.

Because of their strong cultivation, Yun Ming and Yali both maintained their youthful appearance, which was in sharp contrast to the other elders of Poseidon Pavilion who looked like old men and women around them.

Wu Zhangkong and Shen Yi's teacher, Red Dragon Douluo Zhuo Shi, was among them, but his position was only at the end of the wooden table. He is tall and has long white hair. He has a high nose and deep eyes, and his pair of azure eyes are extremely deep. The aura is strong, as if it has the feeling of suppressing an entire world.

Although he didn't hear Shen Yi's reply just now, he actually already had the answer in his heart.

In the past, when Wu Zhangkong was still in the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy, Wu Zhangkong and Shen Yi had a very close relationship with each other. Shen Yi would always find Wu Zhangkong to talk to whenever he encountered something.

That's why Zhuoshi suddenly asked that question before.

Yun Ming looked at everyone and said with a smile: "The Poseidon Pavilion meeting today is mainly for this matter. Failure is not terrible, the key is to learn from it. A loss in a game is nothing, let alone It is impossible to shake the status of the academy. Instead of harshly criticizing those children, it is better to inspire them to use their strength to restore the lost reputation of the academy."

No one would question what he said. As long as he remains in Shrek Academy, Shrek Academy's status will remain stable. All this comes from strength.

"Finally, give me a message to those people. No one is allowed to touch that little guy, and don't interfere with his growth for the time being." The smile on Yun Ming's face did not diminish, but his words contained indescribable domineering.

"As for the Spirit Transferring Pagoda, I'll go there myself."

Among all the forces, the Spirit Transferring Tower may be the most restless. And that girl named Gu Yue joined the Spirit Transferring Pagoda a long time ago. The Spirit Transferring Pagoda will definitely let Yu Nanyuan, who has martial soul fusion skills with Gu Yue, join in at all costs.

An old woman sitting at the end of the long conference table reminded her with a subtle expression: "Pavilion Master, that little girl is the core disciple of the Spirit Pagoda, and her teacher is Tianfeng Douluo."

Yali was slightly startled when she heard the words Tianfeng Douluo. An unnatural look flashed across Yun Ming's eyes involuntarily. Although he quickly covered it up, everyone present was a powerful person in the world, so how could they not see it?

Fierce Dragon Douluo Feng Wuyu, who was opposite Red Dragon Douluo Zhuoshi, had already begun to hold back his laughter. If Zhuo Shi wasn't in such a low mood because he was thinking about Wu Zhangkong, his behavior would definitely be even more exaggerated than Feng Wuyu's.

Yali smiled elegantly.

"Brother Ming, let me go to the Spirit Transferring Pagoda on your behalf. It just so happens that I haven't seen that person for a long time."

"Then let's break up the meeting." Yun Ming coughed lightly.

Yu Nanyuan, who was far away in Tianhai City, naturally didn't know that because of him, he had caused a game between several top forces in the federation and the academy. In the early morning of the next day, he, Gu Yue, and Xu Xiaoyan were taken back to Donghai College by Yu Zhen in advance.

Yu Nanyuan did not participate in the subsequent competitions, and the results of Yu Nanyuan and the others in the three-person team competition of soul masters stopped there, not even reaching the top sixteen. The four Tang Wulin who stayed in Tianhai City to continue competing were lucky enough to break into the top four.

Under the leadership of Yinluan and Xu Xiaoyu, the Donghai College senior team also made an unprecedented breakthrough in the youth group of seven, reaching the finals for the first time. Although they lost to Tianhai College in the end, it still made Donghai College famous for a while.

However, after the Tianhai Alliance Competition, Class 0 of Donghai College disappeared like a flash in the pan. Donghai College has a very tight seal on Class Zero's information. Even Long Huantian from Tianhai College and Lu Zhenpeng from Hailu College were unable to find out anything. This invisibly adds a bit of mystery to Class Zero.

Because of the publicity effect brought about by this Tianhai Alliance competition, Donghai College has welcomed batches of high-quality students in the following years, and it seems to be a prosperous situation. According to the current trend, it won't be long before Donghai College can join the ranks of the top colleges in the Tianhai Alliance.

As the second largest city in the eastern part of the Sun-Moon Federation, Donghai City has always had no shortage of funds. Everything is developing for the better.

Of course, there are also rumors circulating in Donghai College about Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue teaming up to defeat Shrek College.

Time flies, and two and a half years have passed so quickly.

Accelerate, accelerate, push the main line quickly.

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