Douluo: The Legend of the Dragon King: Throne of the Void

Chapter 105 Yu Nanyuan’s road to invincibility and fearlessness (4k)

Chapter 105 Yu Nanyuan’s Spear Intent—The Road to Invincibility and Fearlessness (4k)

The light was dim, the dark and oppressive clouds were rolling in the howling wind, and the sky seemed to have collapsed.

Perhaps because of mankind's excessive exploitation of Douluo Planet's resources, various natural disasters have occurred particularly frequently in recent years.

The typhoon is about to land on the east coast of the Sun-Moon Federation again, and it is far more powerful than before. Led by Tianhai City and Donghai City, more than a dozen coastal cities in the eastern part of the Sun and Moon Federation will be affected by this typhoon tonight.

Officials in major cities have already broadcast announcements of the approaching typhoon in advance, informing people in the city to make appropriate preparations in advance.

Outside Donghai City, at the junction of offshore waters and far seas. A chain blooming with bright silver light extended from the void, crossing the sky above the sea, eye-catching and dazzling.

A tall and tall young man stood quietly on this silver chain, looking towards the depths of the sea.

The young man's long silver hair was blowing in the wind, messy yet beautiful. The facial features are exquisite and flawless, and the golden eyes are clear and deep, seeming to contain the arrogance and indifference of overlooking everything in the world. It's like a fairy in a painting coming to the world.

The young man is Yu Nanyuan. As he grows older, the lines on his face become more three-dimensional, and coupled with his current arrogant temperament, he has a rather cold and fierce look.

Two and a half years later, Yu Nanyuan's height exceeded 1.75 meters. Although he is only twelve and a half years old now, he already looks like a boy of fourteen or fifteen years old.

The loose gold and silver sportswear fluttered in the strong wind, revealing the perfect muscle lines of his body. The muscles all over the body are not the exaggerated and bulging type, but are restrained and even appear a little thin.

Yu Nanyuan held the Phantom Spear tightly in his right hand and gradually entered a strange state. He and the phantom gun in his hand seemed to have merged into one whole, no longer distinguishable from each other. It seems that his breath can no longer be felt in this world.

This is clearly the prototype of the realm of unity between man and nature.

The true realm of unity between man and nature must be established on the premise of spiritual power in the spiritual realm. Only those top experts with particularly strong mental power and strong cultivation can comprehend it.

The realm of unity between man and nature is also the threshold for breaking through the realm of Ultimate Douluo.

The reason why modern soul masters pay attention to the cultivation and improvement of mental power is not only because they need strong enough mental power to carry the soul, but also to lay a good foundation for future training. According to clear research data, strong mental power can help a soul master increase his cultivation speed to a certain extent.

The stronger the mental power, the greater the increase in the speed of a soul master's cultivation. This is fully reflected in Yu Nanyuan.

In the past two and a half years, his mental power has continued to grow, and has now reached a level close to the intermediate level of the spiritual sea realm. Under normal circumstances, only an average Soul Emperor could possess such mental strength.

With the blessing of powerful spiritual power, Yu Nanyuan's cultivation speed has not slowed down much due to the improvement of soul power cultivation. Instead, he continues to maintain a cultivation speed of one level of soul power every three months or so. Two and a half years had just happened to allow him to break through the level 40 bottleneck not long ago.

You only need to fuse a suitable soul to immediately advance to the realm of the four-ring soul sect.

Of course, Yu Nanyuan can also choose to upgrade the Silver Winged Void-Breaking Snake's cultivation level to the ten thousand year level. In this way, the Silver-Winged Void-Breaking Snake can attach a soul ring to him again. But this also means that his body will need to withstand the energy impact of four thousand-year soul rings at the same time, and there may be certain risks in this process.

After all, this was something that even Tang Wulin, who had the blood of the Golden Dragon King, could not do.

Moreover, Yu Nanyuan could feel that it would be difficult for the Silver-Winged Void-Breaking Snake to bring him a fourth soul skill that perfectly matched the two martial soul forms of Void Chain and Phantom Spear. So instead of using this method to advance, he decided to fuse a brand new second soul.

In addition, Yu Nanyuan has made another bigger gain in the past two and a half years. That is, by facing a natural disaster like a typhoon head-on, he realized his own gun intention.

He walked the path of invincibility and fearlessness.

The silver chain at Yu Nanyuan's feet is like the dividing line of this space. Although the offshore waters behind him were also gloomy, the undulating sea surface was relatively calm.

But in the depths of the sea he was facing, there were rough waves, rendered into the same color by the dark and oppressive sky. Countless huge waves surged up, as if connected to the sky.

Even the most advanced warships of the Sun-Moon Federation may be capsized instantly if they are involved. This is the amazing power from nature, which is far beyond the power of human beings.

It didn't take long for the darkness and depression in the depths of the sea to spread here. The waves undulated, making deafening low rumbling noises, and heavy rains swept in along with the strong winds.

After taking a deep breath, Yu Nanyuan slowly raised the Phantom Spear in his hand. Three circles of luxurious purple soul rings rose from his feet, shining alternately. If you observe carefully, you will find that his three purple thousand-year soul rings are filled with a thick black halo.

Yu Nanyuan, who is a third-ring soul master, is in the primary spiritual ascension platform as if he is entering and exiting a deserted place. The age of his three soul rings has exceeded eight thousand years. Even the thousand-year-old Titan giant ape that was the guardian of the depths of the primary spiritual ascension platform of the East China Sea Spirit Pagoda was defeated by him not long ago. However, he did not kill it and take away the soul bone.

Yu Nanyuan's eyes narrowed slightly, his whole body lit up, and his aura suddenly changed. His momentum instantly became like a mountain standing tall, full of majestic feeling. So much so that the air in this space seemed to be compressed a bit and became solid.

The spear thrust out, and the powerful and intense spear intent rippled on the tip of the Phantom Spear, and Yu Nanyuan's aura also surged. The golden and silver gun light flashed and extended to dozens of meters away. He did not integrate the ability of the Dark Gold Terror Claw Soul Bone into the Shadow Divine Gun, nor did he mobilize the space-cutting power attached to the Shadow Divine Gun.

This golden and silver spear light is just pure spear intent.

Immediately afterwards, Yu Nanyuan stabbed out with another spear. The gun light of the first shot was still flickering in the air, and the gun light of the second shot had already appeared again. The second shot's gun light was brighter than the first shot, and extended farther.

Every time the gun is thrust out, a golden and silver gun light will appear in this space, and the depression caused by the typhoon at sea will be dissipated a little.

Yu Nanyuan swung his spear faster and faster, filling the space of a hundred meters in diameter with thread-like golden and silver spear light. Above this pitch-black sea, it was as if a golden and silver sun appeared out of thin air. It is a self-contained area where the wind and waves brought by typhoons cannot invade at all.

He is using his own gun will to fight against the typhoon, which is tantamount to using his own power to fight against the will of the world.

The darkness in the surrounding sky disappeared silently, and even the undulating sea below suddenly became calm. With his body as the center, a magical windless zone was formed.

Yu Nanyuan fired a sweeping shot and stopped moving. The golden and silver light in this space became particularly dazzling, but it became dim again in the next moment. Darkness fell again, and as if to counterattack his gun intent, a huge wave of 100 meters stretched from the depths of the sea.


Yu Nanyuan stared calmly ahead, watching the black wave expand in his sight. And at the moment when his body was swallowed up, the phantom gun in his hand suddenly thrust out again, instantly transforming into countless golden and silver gun lights that flashed in this space.

A series of strong piercing sounds sounded, and the entire space seemed to be torn apart. In the endless waves, a wide passage suddenly appeared, just enough to accommodate Yu Nanyuan's figure to pass through.

The golden and silver gun light flashed, and the gun intention containing a terrifying and sharp aura temporarily isolated the surrounding sea water. Thousands of lights and shadows pass by, and being in this channel inside the waves is like being on the bottom of the sea.

However, creatures in the sea basically have the instinct to seek good fortune and avoid evil. In the event of natural disasters such as typhoons or tsunamis, people will generally avoid them in advance. There are no figures of sea soul beasts or sea fish inside the waves.

Yu Nanyuan calmed his breathing, his figure was wrapped in silver light, and he disappeared instantly. The silver-winged Void-Breaking Snake emerged from the void higher up, supporting him as he flew quickly towards Donghai City.

With the improvement of his cultivation level, the size of the Silver-Winged Void-Breaking Snake has also become larger. It is now over twenty meters long, with a pair of silver light wings on its back stretched out, giving it the feeling of blocking out the sky and the sun.


The silver-winged void-breaking snake shuttled through the dark clouds, like a silver dragon swallowing clouds and spitting out mist. Yu Nanyuan stood behind the silver-winged Void-Breaking Snake, like a majestic silver dragon knight returning home in joy.

It was an unexpected surprise to be able to achieve mastery of spear intention before acquiring the second soul and breaking through to the fourth-ring soul sect realm. And when he breaks through the bottleneck, his understanding of the meaning of the gun will definitely go further.

As if thinking of something, Yu Nanyuan lowered his head and looked at the bracelet-shaped soul communication device on his wrist. Noticing the time displayed on the screen of the soul guide communicator, his expression suddenly froze and he murmured helplessly.


Tunghai College.

The enrollment work of Donghai College has been extremely prosperous in recent years. Because of the publicity effect brought by Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue's defeat of Shrek Academy in the Tianhai Alliance competition, many students in the Tianhai Alliance who meet the admission requirements will choose to apply for Donghai Academy. It was in the limelight for a while.

Donghai College even built several new teaching buildings for this purpose. The experimental building where Class Zero's classroom is located was divided by Yu Zhen and used exclusively for Class Zero's daily teaching. It is equipped with various advanced teaching equipment.

For this reason, Class Zero has few opportunities to come into contact with other students from Tunghai Academy. Normal teaching is independent.

Wu Zhangkong is not a rigid person. He formulated a corresponding teaching plan based on the situation of each person in Class Zero. Like Yu Nanyuan, he got Wu Zhangkong's approval some time ago and can practice independently without attending classes.

Tunghai College notified all teachers and students this morning that all classes will be suspended until the typhoon is over.

Among the people in Class Zero, Zhang Yangzi and Wang Jinxi, who were outsiders, could only stay in the dormitory, while Xu Xiaoyan and Xie Xie returned home respectively, and Tang Wulin happened to go to the studio to practice forging during the typhoon. .

Only Gu Yue stayed alone in the classroom of Class 0, waiting until now. She has also grown up compared to two years ago. He is tall, over 1.7 meters tall. Although they still look a little green, girls develop earlier than boys. Their slender bodies are almost perfect and full of youthful atmosphere.

She has long, glossy black hair neatly tied into a ponytail, and the uniform of Donghai College also has a different charm when she wears it. Especially the high-quality black knee-high pantyhose, which perfectly highlighted her straight and slender legs.

And between the black knee-high pantyhose and the hem of the skirt, there is still a coveted and absolute realm of snow-white.

Gu Yue sat there quietly, looking very calm. It wasn't until Yu Nanyuan appeared at the door of the classroom that some emotional fluctuations appeared in her black eyes.

Yu Nanyuan's face was filled with a gentle smile, which was completely different from the arrogant temperament he had when he realized the intention of the gun. Now he is very approachable and looks like a sunny and cheerful boy. Even if it's the first time you meet him, it's easy to like him.

Gu Yue remained silent, staring straight ahead.

And Yu Nanyuan didn't rush to explain anything, but just sat down next to Gu Yue.

"Sorry, it took me a long time."

"We didn't wait long." Gu Yue just glanced at Yu Nanyuan expressionlessly.

Yu Nanyuan directly grabbed one of Gu Yue's hands. Gu Yue's hand was placed right between the absolute field. When Yu Nanyuan took advantage of it, it was inevitable that it would come into contact with the skin between Gu Yue's thighs.

Gu Yue's body trembled slightly, and her eyes looking at Yu Nanyuan were obviously a little shy and panicked, but she tried her best to maintain her calm appearance. Such a strong contrast made her look a little more delicate and cute, which was not in line with her previous image.

"I'll be there in the morning."

"Let's go, I'll take you there."

Seeing Gu Yue's frank answer, Yu Nanyuan smiled again and led Gu Yue out of the classroom. Boys and girls held hands and walked side by side on the deserted campus of Donghai College.

From a perspective that Yu Nanyuan couldn't see, the corners of Gu Yue's mouth outlined a subtle arc.

The match against Shrek Academy in the Tianhai Alliance competition was the opportunity that led to all this. Yu Nanyuan noticed Gu Yue's care and concern for him, and his repeated attempts later led to the current situation.

For Yu Nanyuan, most people in this world are mediocre people with limited abilities, but Gu Yue is an exception.

There was no so-called interest involved, he just simply liked this feeling. The feeling of being surrounded by like-minded people and the feeling of no longer being alone.

The arrogant little girlfriend Gu Yue is online, hehe.

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