Douluo: The soul skills are too abstract, Tang San burst into tears!

Chapter 212 The clown turned out to be me! Fortunately, I didn't cut it! [Additional updates pr

Chapter 212 The clown is actually me! Fortunately, I didn’t cut it! [Additional update·Author’s commitment to 2030]

Regardless of what Zhuge Lan thinks.

Everyone present.

Anyway, it was the operation of the fire hammer that made me feel cold all over——

This guy is a ruthless person!

To be so decisive.

He immediately got to the root of his troubles without hesitation...

He is so cruel to himself.

It is conceivable that the opponent's enemies will definitely not have a hard time in the future!

The atmosphere on the field was particularly tragic.

Beyond shock and fear.

What's more, it's a tribute to Fire Hammer's desire to become stronger.

A hardworking person, a determined person.

It’s always easier to be appreciated by others.

Even Huo Wushuang's eyes showed a little more recognition——

I used to think that Fire Hammer, Fire Horse... these people were just my sister's accessories.

Normally I can only paddle and play for assistance.

But what happened today really changed his attitude completely.

Not only can he be ruthless enough to practice the Sunflower Manual.

Even entering the palace for the second time, there was no hesitation.

That decisive action made people's scalp numb even more.

——Thought of this.

Huo Wushuang also felt a sense of urgency inexplicably.

He was the captain of Blazing Fire Academy!

If this girl Huo Wu really comes together with Zhuge Lan - her rise in the future is inevitable!

She was simply surpassed by her own sister.

It's really not something to be ashamed of.

But it has to be surpassed by other teammates.

That would be great fun——

Don't say it's impossible!

The cultivation speed of the Sunflower Book is now known to everyone across the continent!

That's really a one-month training, which is as fast as a year...

If you still follow the rules.

Not to mention Fire Hammer, even Huo Jun and the others would easily surpass him.

after all.

Here are these two guys as an example.

There is no guarantee that Huo Yu and Huo Yun will not be tempted...

For a while.

Huo Wushuang also became a little sad and angry——

Originally, everyone was happily practicing, exercising, and fighting.

Let’s make progress together.

Why did it suddenly roll up?

It doesn't matter if you roll it up.

But Huo Wushuang felt the root of his troubles - God really couldn't be so cruel!

It's so painful!

【Emotion Points +15555】

——This is one of the reasons why Zhuge Lan wants to spread the Sunflower Book across the continent!

If only one or two people practice the Sunflower Book.

That really doesn't stir up any excitement.

But once everyone starts to practice, there is no substitute for it - even a slightly slower practice.

in this case.

Watch your peers surpass yourself one by one.

Watching the friend next to me reach a point where it is difficult to look up to him.

How many people can resist the temptation to practice?

The temptation is too great!

In other words, Zhuge Lan also conveniently left a bottom line for his college.

Other techniques such as Xuantian Kung were placed.

after all--

It doesn’t matter if there are a few people in the academy who are just having fun, everyone is just having fun.

But what if Xuanji Pavilion turns into Wuhun Palace and is full of old men?

That wouldn't be fun!


Huo Wushuang is still hesitating now.

The expression he looked at Zhuge Lan became more and more complicated.


He still can't bring himself to be cruel!

Forget it, forget it...

Anyway, the dean still has a lot of good things in his hands.

Even the age of the soul ring can be increased.

There may not be any techniques that are comparable to the Sunflower Manual - and at the same time do not have too many side effects.

Not to mention Huo Wushuang.

Now I also received a reward for increasing the age of my soul ring.

I am not afraid of being surpassed for a while.

Otherwise, wait a little longer?

Zhuge Lan here looked at the reactions of everyone present and understood clearly——

It seems.

Fire Hammer, such determination to become stronger.

It has indeed shaken many people’s original beliefs.

I’m starting to fall in love with Sunflower Collection!

after all--

Although the enemy's strength may make you feel disappointed, it may also put you in crisis.

But as long as you can protect yourself, there's no problem.

But the progress of the companions makes people have no choice but to envy them to the point of going crazy!

Tsk tsk——

Fire Hammer this guy.

It is really a leek of extremely high quality.

Not only do you thrive – but you also lead others to thrive.

——As the dean of the college.

Zhuge Lan just likes people like this!

"Ha ha--"

The fire hammer here was breathing heavily.

After the treatment of the Holy Light, he finally regained his composure.

I also understand that what I did just now was too crazy.

Although the younger brother below has already cut it off, there is no use in regretting it, and it is too late to regret it——

But don't scare the brother next to you.

"The matter has come to an end, and I don't want to say anything more."

Fire Hammer's face was calm.

Don't be happy with things and don't be sad with yourself, as if you have entered the state of a sage who sees through everything——

"Huo Jun, if you really can't bear the pain again."

"Then give up the Sunflower Book!"

"As my brother, I will always protect you."

"elder brother--"

Huo Jun was almost frightened just now.

Now that I heard these comforts, I finally reacted.

A warm current flowed through my heart in an instant.

No! Wait——

Now is not the time to be moved.

Huojun twitched his mouth in embarrassment, and didn't know what to say for a while. .

He could only remind carefully——

"That, brother, I want to tell you something, don't get excited first."

"Don't worry."

Huochui, who lost the root of troubles, felt bored and waved his hand casually and said——

"I've let go of everything now."

"As long as I can become stronger, I can do anything at any price!"

Hearing this, Huojun was relieved and reminded——

"That's good."

"Let me make it clear first, I still have to practice the Sunflower Manual——whatever my brother does is right, it's all for my good, I understand!"

"It's just that I just want to remind my brother that you are still standing in the holy light of the dean."

"It seems useless to cut it now."

"It will grow back again!"



Just one sentence.

It made Huo Hammer, who thought he had let go of everything, lose his power instantly!

He seemed to be in another world.

He could no longer hear the movement around him, and there was only one voice left in his mind.

It’s useless——

It will grow back again——


[Emotional points +55555]

For a moment.

Huo Hammer’s emotions collapsed directly, and he only felt that he had just said the words of a strong man.

It was simply a joke!

Now Huo Hammer only felt that the bustling voices around him were all mocking himself.

It turned out that——the clown was actually me!

The next moment, Huo Hammer, who could not accept the reality, fainted directly and chose to escape from this terrible world.

In fact.

——There was no bustling mocking voice around.

Everyone just gasped and was shocked by Huo Jun’s opinion.


They are still in the holy light, it’s useless to cut them off.

Especially Shi Mo and Shi Mo brothers couldn’t help but sweat——

It was too thrilling!

If they were moved by Huochui's action just now.

They cut it on impulse.

Wouldn't they have to endure this pain again and again?

It's too scary!

[Emotional points +33444]

It's okay, it's okay.

Their actions were not that fast.

At this time, everyone looked at Huochui with eyes - in fact, there was no ridicule, but only pity.

Although the other party was unlucky and did a stupid thing.

But this strong heart is not fake, it is indeed touching.

It's just too impulsive.

Especially when the brain is not enough.

Being too impulsive is really killing people!

"Thank you."

Shi Mo and Shi Mo hurriedly thanked Huo Jun - after all, their brains were not very good, and they almost followed in Huochui's footsteps.

"It's okay, my brother is just too impulsive."

"It's better to sleep."

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