Douluo: The soul skills are too abstract, Tang San burst into tears!

Chapter 258: Making a wedding room plan! No news from Lao Du!

Although it is childish.

But it is really fun.

Even Zhuge Lan couldn't help thinking about it.

How proud will Qian Renxue be now? Will she show off to him next time they meet?

If she really can't help showing off.

That would be even more interesting!

And Zhuge Lan is really looking forward to when Qian Renxue understands everything in the future.

Thinking of the stupid things he did today.

Will her delicate jade feet be so embarrassed that she can dig out a 3-bedroom 1-living room on the ground.

"With the physique brought by the Angel Martial Spirit, maybe it will work..."

"This wedding room is here, hahaha!"

Zhuge Lan couldn't help but raise his mouth, and he felt extremely comfortable physically and mentally.

Sure enough!

Bingdi is really stupid now.

Although teasing a fool can bring a moment of pleasure.

But it is really meaningless over time, and it is easy to get a sense of guilt.

But Qian Renxue is different.

Among all the women Zhuge Lan has met, the other party is definitely smarter...

Even the strongest one!

——Otherwise, she would not have been able to hide in Tiandou Imperial City for so many years.

She even sat firmly in the position of the crown prince.

The emperor of Tiandou Empire is old, and he might die one day.

When that happens, Xue Qinghe, also known as Qian Renxue.

The young master of the Wuhun Hall, will take the throne, and that will be the highest position in the Tenacious Empire.

At that time.

It will be really fun!

The arrangement and planning to complete all this.

The backup force provided by the Wuhun Hall and the means of hiding are indispensable.

And Qian Renxue's own wisdom is also indispensable!

So when teasing Qian Renxue, Zhuge Lan always has a different taste in his heart.

After all, no matter what.

The other party is the crown prince of the Tiandou Empire.

The core identity is still the young master of the Wuhun Hall.


It's really worth it!

This is it.

The shame of teasing a fool before was directly washed away.

"Huh - I feel free now."

Zhuge Lan stretched slowly, and felt that his life was indeed very comfortable now.

There were no foreign enemies far away, no worries nearby, eating, drinking, playing and making noise every day, being with his own woman, and flirting with those leeks by the way, it was really too good!



Zhuge Lan shook his head violently, and his eyes regained some clarity.

—— Zhuge Lan, Zhuge Lan.

How can you be so degenerate?

There are still so many fun things on Douluo Continent that you haven't found.

That little jerk hasn't been played by you yet.

The map of Wuhun Hall and Haotian Sect has not been opened up yet.

If you are so degenerate.

Then those people will not be entertained, and no one will play tricks on them to adjust their body and mind.

How boring they will be!

——Many leeks: "Not boring, we are really not bored, woo woo woo..."

"But there really isn't much going on recently. The King of Dance battle won't start for a few days, and the group of people ambushing in Tiandou City haven't made any moves at all."


Zhuge Lan pouted in disdain, and was very contemptuous of the initiative of those guys--

"You've been here for such a long time."

"You still haven't made a move!"

"What boring guys are you? If you don't come to me to have fun again."

"Then I'll go find you to have fun!"

"But I always feel like I forgot something..."

Zhuge Lan narrowed his eyes.

Suddenly a golden light flashed in his mind.

That's it!

Poison Douluo Dugu Bo.

It seems that that guy hasn't come to me for a long time!

Even Dugu Yan didn't join Xuanji Pavilion.

What on earth is this old onion thinking?

Zhuge Lan touched it, a little confused.

——He didn't have much interest in Dugu Yan. The other party was so repulsive to Xuanji Pavilion, or seemed to be repulsive to himself.

Then Zhuge Lan was too lazy to try his best to please someone who was not his friend.

After all, what others had used could not inspire much enthusiasm in him.

Zhuge Lan was more curious about Dugu Bo.

——He gave the old onion the Five Poison Palm.

It was a trap.

It wasn't that he made any secret changes.

It's just that Zhuge Lan was sure that Dugu Bo would never be able to collect the five Title Douluo-level poisons.

In the end, he would definitely ask for help from him and offer it to him for fun.

But so much time had passed.

Dugu Bo should have discovered the problem, right?

Why hasn't there been any movement after so long!

"This old man who is so obsessed with face that he suffers in life, can't he gather all the poisons needed to practice the technique, and can't bring himself to practice it."

"Did he go crazy?"

Zhuge Lan touched his chin, thinking curiously.

But it shouldn't be like that!

If that's the case, then regardless of whether he will rescue her or not, Dugu Yan will definitely ask for it.

Dugu Bo will definitely burst out with a huge emotional value at once.

But neither of these two situations happened.

So Dugu Bo should not become crazy and unable to move...

But I can't be sure.

Maybe he just died.

--Dugu Bo: "Thank you so much for your blessing, you bastard!"

Zhuge Lan shrugged his shoulders. Since he couldn't figure it out, he would go and take a look.

Anyway, he didn't believe that Dugu Bo could successfully practice the Five Poison Palm by himself.

After all, this old onion has only studied one poison of the Title Douluo level for so many years.

Want to complete the others.

How easy is that!

Otherwise, Dugu Bo would not have been in the position of the shame of the Title Douluo for so many years.


There is an opportunity.

"In that case, it would probably be very fun."

Zhuge Lan's mouth curled up.

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated, flew on the sword again, and flew towards the Tiandou Royal Academy.


As for Dugu Bo.

Zhuge Lan was just overthinking.


How can it be so easy to meet?

Although Dugu Bo did experience a lot during this period, and also found a bunch of strange people.

But he didn't take it to heart.

It was just that he couldn't bring himself to find Zhuge Lan.

Of course.

If it was just like this, he wouldn't hesitate for so long.

After all…

——Zhuge Lan said that it is easy to peel the skin of an old onion!

Although Dugu Bo cares about face, he will not block his own path of cultivation for the sake of face.

He finally got rid of the shame of the Titled Douluo.

He finally got rid of the title of floor tile.

These days.

Dugu Bo did not fail to find his "old friends" and "learn" from them.

The result was naturally very satisfactory to him.

Dugu Bo, who tasted the sweetness, did not want to return to the original situation.

He wanted to go further and look at the higher realm of the Titled Douluo.

Of course.

Only in the realm of Titled Douluo.

As for becoming a god or not.

Dugu Bo really has never considered it——

His goal is short-sighted.

Most people, even most Titled Douluo.

have never considered this issue.

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