Douluo: The soul skills are too abstract, Tang San burst into tears!

Chapter 78 Brother Lan’s happiness! Is Ma Hongjun a pervert?

Although there are important opponents today.

But none of Shrek's teachers have arrived yet.

—— In order to make things easier, Zhuge Lan did not notify them at all.

Dai Mubai and Tang San, speed up.

"Brother Lan, we have two sets of tactics, you can choose one." Dai Mubai said.

Zhuge Lan raised his chin and indicated to explain.


I found something wrong.

Dai Mubai focused on strong attack.

They delayed Yu Tianheng and others, Zhuge Lan and Zhu Zhuqing used the martial soul fusion technique to take down Ye Lingling first, and then turned back to harvest.

Tang San advocated consumption.

Make full use of their per capita skills, let Zhuge Lan open the thorn armor to kill the opponent.


Zhuge Lan stopped running, and everyone stopped.

Seeing his disappointed eyes, everyone's heart skipped a beat!


Two sets of tactics, one attack and one defense, at least one can be used, right?

Zhuge Lan took out a red pen and unscrewed the cap.

"You have ten seconds to prepare."

The other seven people immediately moved closer to each other after hearing this.

-- In the past month, Zhuge Lan has used training as an excuse to beat 7 people with 1 to brush their emotional points.

They are all familiar with this.

But Meng Yiran, who has never seen this scene, frowned.

You are just a soul master, how can you 1V7?

Time is up.


Zhuge Lan turned into seven shadows and merged into one.

Put the cap on the red pen, like putting the sword back into the sheath.

And Dai Mubai and the other seven were still waiting in full battle.

Meng Yiran was confused, not fighting anymore?

Chen Xin exclaimed.

"What a fast speed, I lost them without paying attention."

"Yiran, look at their necks." Meng Shu reminded.

Meng Yiran looked as he said.

The seven Shrek people who were waiting in full battle, without exception, had a red line on their necks.

【Emotional Points +11111】

How is it possible!

When did Zhuge Lan make his move?

Let's look at Oscar and the other seven.

【Emotional Points +99999】

【Emotional Points +66666】

【Emotional Points +77777】


Zhuge Lan had been slowly torturing them to gain emotional points before.

Everyone was stunned by his sudden display of strength!

"I don't plan to be your babysitter."

Zhuge Lan said slowly--

"There is one thing I am not satisfied with about your tactics."

"Even without using martial spirits, I can fight across levels."

"If I go all out, even without using external objects, I can still deal with the title."


"Using me as the core of the tactics will not have any training effect."



【Emotional Points +66666】

【Emotional Points +66666】

I was shown off!

But they were all blushing and unable to refute.

Dai Mubai and Tang San, who were responsible for formulating tactics, lowered their heads and dared not see anyone.

They were arguing about whether to attack or defend.

What was the result?

"Then Lan, do you mean you won't play?" Zhu Zhuqing asked tentatively.

"Then it will be really difficult to fight." Ning Rongrong frowned and said, "The opponent is indeed very strong, and we are at a disadvantage in all aspects."

Tang San raised his head, isn't this the opportunity?

In the past, due to age issues, their advantage in level and spirit ring configuration have now become disadvantageous.

A strong attack is definitely not advisable.

Only consumption can win.

Immediately straightened his chest

Zhuge Lan directly ordered——

"Your main task this time is to train."

"The second is winning."

"By the way, do some show effects."

"We do this. That and then do this. This"

"Any problem?"



Chen Xin was silent.

Meng Yiran was still in a daze.

The Peerless Dragon Snake couple was stunned.


Your plan

is just to treat the other side as animals?

"Brother Lan." Oscar bared his teeth and said, "It's just a game, do you need to be so cruel?"

Although the others didn't speak, their expressions all agreed.

—— It's really not that bad!

Zhuge Lan simply stopped pretending and showed his cards directly.

"Shrek Academy itself is not qualified to participate in the elite competition."

"So if nothing unexpected happens, after this battle, we will go to other academies to seek cooperation to obtain a place in the competition."

"Before leaving, I want to leave a little bit of my mark on this city."

"Is there a problem?"

[Emotional points +66666]

[Emotional points +66666]

Since you said so, what else can there be?

"No problem!" Tang San was the first to agree.

"That's no problem!" Dai Mubai followed the team.

"We will try our best to cooperate with Brother Lan!" Oscar was ready.

"Let's work together to teach the Soto Fighting Arena a profound lesson!" Ma Hongjun laughed so hard that his fat flesh shook.

Needless to say, Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong were almost all Zhuge Lan's men.

Only Xiao Wu was left.

She had been looking at Chen Xin in a subtle way, and then quickly looked away when his gaze met.

It was very awkward.


Zhuge Lan entered Xiao Wu's line of sight.

"Xiao Wu, why are you looking at Grandpa Jian all the time?"

[Emotional Points +99595]

Xiao Wu really jumped three meters high like a frightened rabbit!

The reaction was so big.

It made the rest of the people feel puzzled.

Only Chen Xin and the other two understood why.

Chen Xin hesitated.

He had some ideas about Xiao Wu, a 100,000-year-old soul beast - even if the soul ring could not be used, the soul bone could still be exploded.


Did Zhuge Lan know about this?

"Xiao Lan." Chen Xin probed: "This girl has amazing bones, look."

"Indeed." Zhuge Lan nodded and said: "Xiao Wu's soft skills only appear once in 100,000 years. What, Grandpa Jian, do you want to accept her?"

Accept Xiao Wu?

To others, it means accepting a disciple.

To Xiao Wu, it means taking her life!

She trembled, waiting for the fate to decide.

Chen Xin was also thinking.

Zhuge Lan had long seen Xiao Wu's true identity.

But he did not move, which means he did not want to move.


The core of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect is almost all auxiliary.

The quality requirements for soul rings are not as high as other soul masters.

In recent years, there have been no potential Soul Saints or Soul Douluos.

As for selling it for money?

What a joke!

How can the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect be short of money?

There is really no demand.

So, let's calculate it this way.

Because of a 100,000-year soul beast that is not in high demand, Zhuge Lan has been offended.

It's not worth it.

So he said: "This girl doesn't use a sword, and she is not suitable for me, so forget it."

-The attributes are not compatible, so forget it.

Zhuge Lan nodded in understanding and shrugged at Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu paused for a few seconds.

Only then did she hear the meaning of Chen Xin's words and the faint murderous intent that dissipated.


Is it saved? !

She didn't understand the reason.

But Chen Xin's murderous intent before was not concealed.

It was only for Zhuge Lan's sake that he chose to let her go.

[Emotional points +190,000]

He cast a grateful look at Zhuge Lan.

Xiao Wu's eyes gradually brightened, and she was even a little eager to try.

"Making trouble? I like it!" Xiao Wu said in cooperation: "Brother Lan, I want to try your happiness too!"

The rest of the people were stunned.

After thinking about it carefully, imagining the scene at that time

The heart couldn't help but beat violently!




It's a wonderful experience.

No wonder Zhuge Lan is so keen on making trouble, it's really a bit exciting.

Looking at everyone "united as one", Zhuge Lan was very satisfied.

This time with the cooperation of teammates.

It will definitely be a big wave!


Chen Xin and Meng Yiran felt their scalps tingling!

——Have you seven been led astray?

Especially Chen Xin saw Ning Rongrong's signature smile.

I couldn't help but touch my chin with memories.

I remember that he also had a beard in the past.

Until a little witch took a fancy to it, and then it was plucked out.

Pulled out! All! !

At that time.

She smiled like this.

Soto Grand Arena, the main arena in the center.

In the VIP box.

The floor-to-ceiling windows on one wall allow people to sit in their seats and easily overlook the entire arena.

But Ma Hongjun insisted on lying on the glass with his eyes shining.

He stared at the female referee flying in the air and turned with her.

"This central competition area is different. Not only is the referee a cute girl, but she is also flying in the sky in a skirt."

"How to wear safety pants?"

"Who invented this thing? Damn it!"

Everyone was speechless when they heard it.

He really can't change his bad habits.

Meng Yiran frowned even more, and didn't like Ma Hongjun's obscene remarks.

"I say, Fatty." Oscar complained, "You don't even have one anymore, why do you still pay attention to this every day?"

"What do you mean by paying attention?"

Ma Hongjun turned around and defended himself-

"I'm good at discovering beauty!"

"Before, I was affected by the evil fire, and I knew that when I saw a girl."

"After the surgery, I found that simple appreciation can also be very pleasant."

Speaking of this.

Ma Hongjun continued to stare at the flying figure and licked his lips subconsciously.

"It would be great if I could always appreciate it."

Zhuge Lan: "???"

Why does this sound so perverted?

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