Douluo: This soul master is too strange

Chapter 33 Can you do it? Thin Dog

Chapter 33 Can you do it? Xigou~


Feng Xiaotian laughed dryly, not knowing what to say.

"How old are you? Have you ever dated a girl? What's your soul power level? Is there anyone at home? By the way, take off your mask. You are so young, why are you playing mysterious?"

Mu Yang asked a series of questions that penetrated the soul.

Feng Xiaotian: "???"

"Ahem~, well, I'm eighteen years old this year, I've never dated a girl, I'm a level 36 strong attack system battle soul master, and I'm an orphan."

Take off the mask, Feng Xiaotian glanced at Huo Wu, and said a little awkwardly.

It's not to mention that the reason why Feng Xiaotian wears a mask is not because he is ugly. Although he can't be called a peerless handsome guy, he can be regarded as a little handsome.

"Tsk~, eighteen years old, level 36 soul master, can you do it? Xigou~"

Mu Yang sighed and shook his head and teased.

If it were someone else, Mu Yang would definitely not say so.

After all, cultivation talent is not something that soul masters can decide on their own. Most soul masters in the soul master world cannot cultivate to level 36 soul master at the age of 18. Even the upper limit of most soul masters' achievements is lower than level 36. It is inevitable that this hurts people's self-esteem.

But Feng Xiaotian is different. Mu Yang knows that he is a genius with innate full soul power.

Even though Feng Xiaotian has nothing to do with his cousin Huo Wu now, Mu Yang can't help but feel sorry for him.

The starting point of innate full soul power, the first soul ring close to the best ratio limit will increase the soul power by two levels after being attached, and the second and third soul rings will increase the soul power by one level respectively, which is fourteen levels of soul power.

In other words, Feng Xiaotian awakened his martial soul for about twelve years, and increased his soul power by twenty-two levels through his own efforts, with an average of less than two levels per year.

nmmp~, this is also called innate full soul power?

"Who said I can't do it? I have innate full soul power!"

Feng Xiaotian said stiffly.

Also, he is a wolf, not a dog!

"Tsk~, you also have innate full soul power? Come on, come on, tell me, how come you are only level 36 at the age of 18 with innate full soul power?"

Mu Yang said with disdain.

Feng Xiaotian was a little unconvinced: "That's mainly because I put my energy into creating my own soul skills."


Hearing this, Mu Yang shook his head and smacked his lips, saying: "If you practice well with innate full soul power, you can basically advance to the fifth ring before the age of 20, and you will definitely be level 45 or above at the age of 18.

Although I don't know what kind of boys my sister likes, I can be sure that she will never like those who talk nonsense.

If you have innate full soul power, then show your ability to prove yourself. Let's not talk about the soul master competition next year, and the next soul master competition , if you can advance to the Five-Ring Soul King, then I believe you have innate full soul power.

It took nearly six years, from level 36 to level 50, which is no pressure at all for innate full soul power.

In addition, I advise you that you are in the golden period of cultivation, don't waste your energy on creating your own soul skills, and practice well is the right way.

Even if you want to create your own soul skills, you can wait until your soul power level is high in the future and the upgrade speed slows down before trying. "

After saying so much, Mu Yang didn't mean anything else, but just hoped that Feng Xiaotian could "turn over a new leaf".

From the original book, Feng Xiaotian is a good man, and from his "licking strength", Mu Yang estimated that his cousin really couldn't stand it, and he might still become his cousin's husband.

And even if this factor is excluded, Mu Yang also values ​​Feng Xiaotian very much.

After reading the original novel, Mu Yang knew that the continent would be in chaos in the future. He excluded the Xiangjia Academy, which was backed by the Xiangjia Sect, and the Leiting Academy, which was backed by the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family. The remaining Chihuo, Tianshui and Shenfeng in the Element Academy would be merged and reorganized. That was the general trend.

After the merger of the Element Academy, he and Feng Xiaotian would be considered a family. Mu Yang naturally did not want Feng Xiaotian to delay the golden age of cultivation.

"Xiaoyang, why are you talking to this white-haired monster? Bing'er, Yue'er, let's go~"

Seeing that Mu Yang was still chatting with Feng Xiaotian, Huo Wu, who was still angry, pushed Mu Yang, Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er away.

"Hey~, Xiaoyang's sister, I Feng Xiaotian will definitely prove it to you!"

Looking at Huo Wu's departing back, Feng Xiaotian shouted loudly.

Since he didn't know Huo Wu's name yet, Feng Xiaotian could only call her 'Xiaoyang's sister'.

Hearing Feng Xiaotian's words behind him, Huo Wu's pace suddenly quickened a bit.

What are you talking about, you white-haired freak? Do you really think I like someone as arrogant and rude as you?

On the other side, in a conference room.

Huo Lie, the dean of Chihuo College, Mu Xiyue and four other vice deans of the college, Shui Yanyu, the dean of Tianshui College, Feng Zhen, the dean of Shenfeng College, Lei Batian, the dean of Lei Ting College, and Hu Yanhong, the dean of Xiangjia College, gathered together.

In addition, behind Huo Lie, there stood a slightly embarrassed boy with short reddish-brown hair.

"Huo Lie, if you have anything to say, just say it directly, don't hide it."

Hu Yanhong, who has dark skin, a body shape far beyond that of an ordinary person, and a height of more than 2.4 meters, like a black little King Kong, asked Huo Lie in a muffled voice.

After receiving the invitation from Chihuo College, Hu Yanhong was not going to come. After all, Xiangjia College and Chihuo College are not on the same page, so there is no need to waste time on emotional relations.

But after seeing the words on the back of the letter saying that Chihuo Academy had made a major discovery and wanted to share it with all the elemental academies, Huyan Hong had the idea of ​​participating in the meeting.

As for bringing a wallet? That's nothing.

If Blazing Fire Academy really has some remarkable discovery and can benefit itself, then Elephant Armor Academy is willing to pay the price.

As Hu Yanhong finished speaking, the burly Lei Batian nodded: "Yes, Huolie, just say it! If the major discovery you said is indeed of great use, then my Thunder Academy is willing to pay for it."

Hearing this, Shui Yanyu and Feng Zhen raised their eyebrows slightly, and then looked at each other tacitly.

It seems that Blazing Fire Academy is ready to make a killing of Elephant Armor Academy and Thunder Academy.

But this is normal. These two academies are different from the other three. They are supported by one of the seven major sects on the continent. The position of the academy itself will follow the sect behind it.

Especially the Elephant Armor Academy, rather than the high-level soul master academy of the Heaven Dou Empire, it is better to say that it is the high-level soul master academy of the Wuhun Hall.

With different positions, the relationship between each other is naturally a little worse, and it is reasonable to pay tuition.

"Well, I won't hide it anymore. Huoyun, release your soul ring."

Nodding, Huo Lie gestured to Huoyun standing behind him.

"Yes, Dean. Huohe, possess!"

With a light shout, Huoyun's fire soul power surged around him, a red crane shadow flashed, and the fire crane martial spirit possessed him. The index fingers of both hands turned into crane claws, and three soul rings of yellow, yellow, and purple bloomed and moved up and down around him.

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