Douluo: This soul master is too strange

Chapter 34: The correct way to get something for free

"Isn't it just a three-ring soul master? What's so good about this?"

After looking at Huo Yun, he couldn't see anything special. As a big boss, Hu Yanhong asked with some confusion.

At this moment, Lei Batian, who was observing more carefully than Hu Yanhong, suddenly turned his head to look at Huo Lie and asked in a deep voice: "The third soul ring around two thousand years ago? Is this what you said?" That important discovery?”

Even though they are all thousand-year-old soul rings, if you look carefully, you can still see that there is a difference in color between a 1400-5000-year-old soul ring and a 2000-year-old soul ring.

Although both are purple, the color of the latter is undoubtedly much darker than the former.

As for the soul master refining soul bones to improve physical quality, it is not impossible to add an over-limit soul ring, but in the current situation, it is definitely not the reason for the soul bones, otherwise Huo Lie would not need to mention it specifically.

"Brother Lei has good eyesight. It is indeed the third soul ring of more than two thousand years! And Huo Yun has not refined any soul bones."

Huo Lie said with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, both Lei Batian and Hu Yanhong immediately tightened their pupils.

Maybe the two of them are not good at knowledge, but after all, they have a lot of experience, and they naturally understand what kind of benefits a soul master can bring by adding an ultra-limited soul ring.

And unlike refining precious soul bones, the method discovered by Blazing Fire Academy can probably be applied to most soul masters, rather than to individual cases.

In fact, Huo Yun is not the only one in Blazing Fire Academy who has an over-limit soul ring attached to him, Mu Yang is also the one, and the second soul ring of a thousand years is undoubtedly more effective than the third soul ring of more than two thousand years in reflecting the effect of whale glue.

But if possible, Huo Lie didn't want Mu Yang to enter the sight of a certain force early.

Well, I am talking about the ambitious Wuhun Palace.

Hu Yanhong is a direct descendant of the Elephant Armor Sect, and the Elephant Armor Sect is the weakling of Wuhun Hall. If there is a genius in Chihuo Academy, Hu Yanhong will definitely report it to Wuhun Hall.

Because Tianjiao is the strong man in the future, and for Wuhun Palace, strong men who are not under his own command are unknown variables.

Even if Mu Yang is just a food-type soul master on the surface, there is no guarantee that Qi Wuhun will do some shameful things secretly.

Killing non-own forces in advance, especially the genius soul masters of hostile forces, is the favorite thing of all forces on the mainland.

Of course, pure academic forces are not included in this category.

Because the academic force itself is only a platform for cultivating soul masters, under normal circumstances, it will not conflict with other forces.

There is no conflict of interest, and since his own strength is not bad, ordinary forces dare not provoke him, so naturally he has no enemies.

As long as no one comes looking for trouble, even if super geniuses appear from other forces, it will not have much impact on the academy itself.

It's up to you, I'm only responsible for training students. As for which force the students will join after graduation, it depends on whether the conditions offered by each of you are attractive enough.

It is precisely because of this that every one of the famous high-level soul master academies on the mainland has a wide network of contacts. The graduates of the academy are from various forces, and even the best among the graduates are some who have become members of their respective forces. High-rise.

Immediately, Lei Batian, who came back to his senses, stood up and walked quickly to Huo Yun, grabbed his arm and explored it carefully.

After a moment, Lei Batian let go of Huo Yun's arm and turned to look at Huo Lie: "Sure enough, there was no sign of refining soul bones! Brother Huo, please give me a price for the method of attaching this ultra-limited soul ring. I bought it from Thunder College!”

Thunder College is backed by the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex Family, one of the three sects on the mainland. Although the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex Family is not as arrogant as the Qibao Glazed Sect, it is not lacking in extraneous things such as gold soul coins.

Moreover, if Thunder Academy buys it, it means that the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family also buys it. After reporting this method, Thunder Academy will probably be able to have a round of prostitution for nothing and let the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family directly pay the bill.

"The same goes for my Elephant Academy!"

Hu Yanhong also spoke.

Lei Batian thought so, and Hu Yanhong even more so.

And compared to Thunder College, Elephant Armor College not only has the Elephant Armor Sect as its backer, but the Elephant Armor Sect as its backer also has a big backer.

After spending money to buy this method, the Elephant Armor Academy can share it with the Elephant Armor Sect, so that the Elephant Armor Sect can pay the bill.

And if the Elephant Armor Sect finds a way and reports it to Wuhun Palace, then the Elephant Armor Sect can ask Wuhun Palace to pay the bill, and most likely it will also receive a commendation from the Pope.

At this moment, Hu Yanhong's calculations were rattling.

However, Hu Yanhong didn't know that it was the envoy sent by Wuhun Palace who was already on his way to Blazing Fire Academy with the golden soul coins.

In the future, the Elephant Armor Sect will be able to pay for the Elephant Armor Academy, but will Wuhun Palace pay for the Elephant Armor Sect? Or after Wuhun Palace pays for the Elephant Armor Sect, it will be discovered that due to inconvenient communication, the news cannot be conveyed in time. Because of this, I spent an extra amount of money unjustly. What will happen then is unknown.

“Haha, thank you Brother Lei and Brother Huyan for your generosity!

Speaking of which, our Blazing Fire Academy spent a huge amount of money to make this discovery! Ruhuo, come and explain it carefully to the two deans~"

Huo Lie laughed, then turned to Yan Ruhuo beside him and said.

It's a sale~, it must involve bargaining. He is not good at this aspect, so it would be better to let Yan Ruhuo, who is sharp-tongued and more eloquent than him, do it.

Then, after half an hour of pushing and pulling, the selling price of five million gold soul coins per family was finally determined.

Lei Batian took out three gold coin cards with a face value of one million gold soul coins and handed them to Huo Lie, saying: "Brother Huo, this trip was in a hurry and the funds brought were insufficient. My Thunder Academy will temporarily pay three million, and the remaining two million will be sent later."

As he said this, Lei Batian couldn't help but glance at Shui Yanyu and Feng Zhen who were sitting beside him.

Needless to say, these two people probably discussed this matter with Huo Lie a long time ago. Even if it was not free, it must be the "internal price".

However, Lei Batian was not too envious. After all, compared with his own Thunder Academy, Tianshui Academy and Shenfeng Academy are indeed closer to Chihuo Academy.

What's more, five million gold soul coins are not a huge sum of money. In addition, the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family will pay for it later, so this wave of Thunder Academy is not a loss.

Like Lei Batian, since Huo Lie didn't say much in advance, Hu Yanhong didn't bring enough funds, and he had one million less than Lei Batian, so he was also prepared to pay part of it first and pay the rest later.

Without much hesitation, Huo Lie agreed.

They were all people of status, and since they had already negotiated, they would not deny it for just two or three million gold soul coins.

Of course, rather than saying that Huo Lie believed in the character of the two, it would be better to say that he believed that Thunder Academy and Xiangjia Academy could not afford to lose face.

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