After the college started in the second year, everyone discovered that Zhu Zhuqing had changed.

She is no longer submissive.

This little girl who used to be bullied and silent began to show her claws and fangs to everyone.

She first started with the fringe characters of Su Cheng's group and divided them up bit by bit.

Most of these people are weak people who join Su Cheng's group to seek shelter, or to gain a little prestige so that they can appear superior to others on the surface.

His talents are average, his strength is insufficient, and his mental will is not strong.

In fact, they were not favored by those aristocratic children with prominent backgrounds or extraordinary talents.

After entering this group, they are just inferior to others.

Zhu Zhuqing's approach was simple, resorting to force.

Of course she wouldn't attack anyone in public.

After being verbally provoked, she pressed back with a spirit master level aura.

Today, there are not many students of the same age as her who have achieved the level of soul master.

There is a huge gap between the strength of martial souls with and without soul rings, not to mention that the quality of the ghost cat's martial soul is not weak in the first place.

Often, Zhu Zhuqing only needs to show off his martial arts a little bit, without making any moves, to overwhelm the opponent, at least giving him an absolute upper hand on the scene.

This is not over yet, she will take revenge afterwards.

With her current strength, even without using martial arts, she can easily teach these weaker students a lesson in secret.

And as long as she doesn't reveal her martial spirit and uses the Nether Civet's unique attack methods, she shouldn't be too harsh. Even after the attack, who will hold her accountable too much without evidence?

Ordinary conflicts between soul masters are inevitable. As long as you pay attention to propriety, it is not a big problem.

Last year, Zhu Zhuqing did not dare to use force because he was frightened by the dean's verbal criticism and threats to drop out on his first day at the college.

In fact, the situation at that time was special, and generally speaking, a slight conflict would not have too serious consequences.

At that time, Su Cheng used some tricks to make it appear that his injuries were too serious, and his identity was a little different. In addition, during the period when he had just entered school, he had already created his own group of forces in advance, and he had a very good reputation among the teachers. good.

The combination of many factors caused the dean to make angry accusations.

As for other people, why can they get extra care from the college?

Not to mention that Zhu Zhuqing's identity is also unique.

Even if the probability of success is extremely low, this is still one of the candidates for the future queen.

Indeed, as a teacher in the Royal Academy, he does not particularly care about the origin of his students. There is nothing wrong with what Dean Zong Yun said at the time. Even if the children of the royal family come to the academy, they must abide by the discipline of the academy.

However, for different students, the bottom line and standards of the academy's punishment will not be exactly the same.

For Zhu Zhuqing now, the only issue that needs to be considered is the revenge of the other group.

These people are marginal figures and are not taken seriously by others.

As the leader of the team, Su Cheng has been reclusive during this period and rarely appears in public.

Naturally, it gave her plenty of room to play.

And violent means are only one of them.

Zhu Zhuqing is also taking advantage of his status.

Everyone knows the status and power of the Zhu family in the Star Luo Empire.

Zhu Zhuqing was targeted by so many people in the past, and Su Cheng's secret fueling was only one aspect.

Her noble background is also a very important reason.

A child from an ordinary family, but he could overlook the eldest lady from the Duke's Palace from a high position.

This kind of psychological satisfaction also makes people flock to it.

Unlike Su Cheng, who gradually expanded his influence by relying on his own strength, words, temperament and prestige in the academy.

Now, Zhu Zhuqing is constantly using his family's power to win over followers.

Coupled with her extraordinary strength, after a while, many people gathered around her.

After all, compared to Su Cheng, her advantage is quite intuitive.

Needless to say about his family background, Zhu Zhuqing seems to be stronger in terms of strength currently.

After all, except when he entered school, Su Cheng had almost never shown his strength. He was once knocked down by Zhu Zhuqing with a punch.

Even those who have the best relationship with Su Cheng don't understand its depth very well, let alone these fringe characters.

Although Zhu Zhuqing's way of handling conflicts and winning people's hearts is still a little immature now, it is enough in this junior college.

Part of this is due to Su Cheng's teachings to her.

But more importantly, it is her daily understanding.

Zhu Zhuqing is not stupid, but he just didn't realize it before.

In addition, Zhang Sansan's few aristocratic children who couldn't stand Su Cheng's past behavior were also attracted by her.

In fact, what Zhu Zhuqing didn't know was that those few people were specially left for her by Su Cheng.

Although in Su Cheng's opinion, these fights in the academy were just minor fights and were not serious at all.

But it was an exercise for Zhu Zhuqing.

And the resources behind these people cannot be underestimated.

Especially someone like Zhang Sansan, who is almost certain to be the future heir of the family, and can be of great use even in the future.

Except for Su Cheng, most people didn't pay much attention to these silent changes in the situation.

Although Su Cheng noticed it, he was obviously happy to see it happen.

He even voluntarily hid his own existence and spent most of his time in the college's library, studying various materials related to martial arts. He didn't even attend classes.

In this way, three months gradually passed.

The trend in the college began to change a lot.

At the end of the month, Zhu Zhuqing quietly left the college alone.

At this time, Su Cheng, disguised as Zhu Hongtao, was already waiting in the woods outside the college.

"Dad, I'm here." Zhu Zhuqing greeted softly.

This is already the third secret meeting this year.

Today, she is no longer as gloomy as before.

Although he still has a cold face, it is more of a habit.

Compared to the past, her cheek lines have become softer, her eyes are clear and moving, and her long hair is gently blowing in the night wind.

This coldness adds a special mysterious temperament and personal charm to her.

"Xiao Qing, it seems that you are making good progress in the academy?"

Zhu Zhuqing nodded slightly when he heard the words.

The shadow in her heart gradually dissipated, and she now became more confident after tasting a little bit of the sweetness of power.

"Su Cheng is different from those people. If you want to win him over to your side, in addition to impressing him with benefits, you also need to have enough strength." Su Cheng looked at Zhu Zhuqing, who was now becoming more and more beautiful, and said in a deep voice, "Do you think that with your current strength, you can defeat him?"

Zhu Zhuqing hesitated and shook his head, "I don't know."

During these days, Su Cheng was reclusive in the academy, and there were not many opportunities for the two of them to meet.

Even though her strength has improved by leaps and bounds now, she doesn't dare to underestimate the other party at all.

In the past year, that person had left too deep a shadow on her.

Su Cheng nodded when he heard this. It seemed that Zhu Zhuqing's mentality was still very stable and not too arrogant. He was indeed a malleable talent.

He took out a manuscript from his arms and handed it over.

This is a training method that he has developed over the past year or so, combined with research on Wuhun bloodline and human body medicine, which is more suitable for soul masters.

Although I don't know how it compares to Tang San's Xuantian Technique, the efficiency is obviously far better than the basic meditation method currently popular in the mainland.

The most important thing is that this kind of skill has the same origin as the movement of soul power, and there is no saying that you must practice it before you can practice it.

In addition to improving the efficiency of cultivation, practicing with this method can also briefly stimulate the blood potential every day and increase the upper limit of cultivation without damaging the foundation.

In fact, this second advantage is the most critical.

For soul masters, what limits their upper limit of cultivation is not the speed of cultivation, but the bottleneck of how much soul power the body can hold every day.

If the quality of the martial soul is poor, the soul power that can be improved every day is less. No matter how much time and energy you spend on training, it will be difficult to make any progress.

After using this cultivation method, although it cannot essentially improve the martial soul, it can greatly broaden the upper limit of future development.

Because of this characteristic, Su Cheng himself named this practice "Nirvana Sutra".

Judging from the current effects of this technique, this name does sound a bit loud.

But now he has just started, and as he deepens his research in the future, he may actually be able to achieve the effect of bloodline nirvana.

"What is this?" Zhu Zhuqing took the manuscript and asked curiously.

"This is the unique inheritance and cultivation method of our Netherworld Zhu Family." Su Cheng made it up casually, "I didn't give it to you before because you had just awakened your martial spirit at that time, so you shouldn't be too radical in your cultivation. Now is the time. With this help, it will not be difficult to defeat Su Cheng in the future."

"Inherited skills?" Zhu Zhuqing was a little confused.

Since there is such a thing, why does the family's strength still lag behind the royal family.

Su Cheng saw her confusion and explained calmly: "This technique can only increase your cultivation speed, but it cannot increase the potential limit of your martial soul. At the end of your practice, it is the quality of your martial soul that determines your final strength."

"Martial spirit quality..." Zhu Zhuqing was shaken and felt a little heavy in his heart.

"It's too early for you to consider these things now. Let's wait until you reach the upper limit of your cultivation." Su Cheng shook his head, nodded at her, and then took out several glass bottles filled with emerald green liquid.

"Take these potions and take them during your daily practice. They can help you lay a solid foundation. Remember, take three drops at a time and mix them into water. You must not use more, otherwise it will affect your future potential."

Zhu Zhuqing reached out and took the bottles of potions, with a look of surprise on his face again.

It was completely beyond her expectation that the family had such a profound accumulation of knowledge, including both techniques and potions. She had never even heard of such a thing as "practices" before.

In fact, Su Cheng was a little helpless at this time.

These things cannot be denied.

Otherwise, with Zhu Zhuqing's innate qualifications, no matter how hard he practices, it will take countless more years.

By then, the Xingluo Empire might have been destroyed by the Wuhun Empire that was established later, and it would not be her turn to ascend the throne and proclaim herself emperor.

Even if she had doubts because of this, there was nothing she could do about it.

Anyway, as long as it can be cultivated, everything else doesn't matter.

No matter whether you have any doubts or not, after using it, the other person will naturally know the benefits.

"Xiao Qing, I have to remind you that you don't have much time left. It's best to reach a stable cooperative relationship with Su Cheng before the end of this year."

Before leaving, Su Cheng looked at Zhu Zhuqing and said solemnly.

There will be another chapter later.

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