Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 103 Zhu Zhuqing: Su Cheng, how about you become my little brother?

After Su Cheng enjoyed the luxurious aristocratic lunch in the cafeteria, he stood up and prepared to leave.

But he didn't expect that just as he stood up, a figure suddenly stood in front of him.

It was Zhang Sansan, the "old friend" whom I hadn't seen for a long time.

He didn't pay attention, and prepared to walk by as soon as he stepped aside.

Who knew that the other party would move slightly and block the front again.

Su Cheng raised his eyebrows and said calmly: "A good dog doesn't block the way."

"This canteen is run by your family? Can't I stand here?"

Zhang Sansan looked over with a provocative look.

Su Cheng didn't bother to argue with him, so he stretched out his hand to push him away.

"What are you going to do? The young master of the Su family is really domineering. Others have to give way to you."


Only then did he come to his senses. The other party seemed to be well prepared today.

Although this guy would occasionally act provocatively in the past, he would never dare to be so blatant.

There was a slight change of thought in my mind.

Looking around, he found that many people were watching silently.

There are quite a few people working with Zhu Zhuqing now.

Zhang Sansan is one of them.

Zhu Zhuqing herself was sitting quietly eating alone not far away at this time, with no one sitting next to her.

She didn't look at what was happening here either.

But obviously, today's matter has nothing to do with her.

As the conflict between Su Cheng and Zhang Sansan was noticed by more people, many people were gathering around.

Su Cheng's heart suddenly felt like a mirror.

On the surface, he pretended not to know, and said with surprise: "Hey, what's going on, you guys? Sansan, you are very brave now. Are you floating? Your face doesn't hurt now, right?"

Zhang Sansan's face turned green when he heard this.

He had always regarded being slapped twice in public as the biggest shame in his life.

Now that Su Cheng mentioned it in public, he felt a little angry.


But when his gaze touched Su Cheng's eyes, which were as cold as a cold pool, he couldn't help but feel a little scared.

He is not a little kid who doesn't understand anything now.

More than a year ago, the opponent could easily injure him, but he couldn't even see the opponent's movements clearly.

The level of innate soul power between the two of them is similar, and there is not much difference in their cultivation talents, so there is a high probability that I will not be their opponent now.


When Su Cheng saw this, he sneered and walked straight forward.

Zhang Sansan was instantly angered by his casual attitude.

Zhu Zhuqing's promise flashed in his heart, and he was so courageous that he stopped in front of him again.

"It's endless, right?"

Su Cheng frowned, raised his arm and gently clenched his fist.

"How dare you beat up your classmates in public?!"

Seeing his gesture, Zhang Sansan's eyes twitched and asked sharply.

Su Cheng raised his eyebrows, but without speaking, he stepped forward and said, "What's wrong with hitting you!"

He did not use the pulse-breaking and qi-restoring method this time.

But based on his cultivation alone, his speed was far superior to Zhang Sansan's.

Zhang Sansan could only dodge slightly, but found that it was impossible to avoid the blow. He could only watch the fist getting closer and closer to his face in despair, and closed his eyes helplessly.

At this time, a white palm suddenly stretched out from the diagonal stab and blocked Su Cheng's punch.

Su Cheng turned his head to look at the person with a calm expression.

Apparently this incident did not surprise him.

"Hey, who do I think you are? No wonder you dare to come to me and call me. It turns out you have found a backer. What, are you, the Zhang family, going to be dogs for the Zhu family?"

Upon hearing this, Zhang Sansan's face turned red instantly.

His eyes were almost ready to burst into flames as he stared at Su Cheng.

Zhu Zhuqing frowned slightly when he saw this.

Saying such things in public is not in line with Su Cheng's style of conduct.

Is he too inflated now?

These words seemed to sow discord between her and Zhang Sansan, but in fact they were even more detrimental to Su Cheng herself.

Will Zhang Sansan be her dog?

So what do Su Cheng's group of people count? Being a dog for the Su family?

A glance out of the corner of my eye.

Sure enough, among the students watching, several of them looked slightly unnatural.

Suddenly, the scene became cold and silent.

"Su Cheng, don't speak so harshly."

Zhu Zhu's cool and cool voice with a hint of unique melodious charm broke the slightly awkward atmosphere in the restaurant at the moment.

"Since we are friends, it is our duty to help each other."

"Help?" Su Cheng looked Zhu Zhuqing up and down with empty eyes, "Why? You want to stand up for him, do you have the ability?"

"There is no point in a dispute of words. If you have this ability, you can just see the truth." Zhu Zhuqing said calmly.

"Interesting, really interesting." Su Cheng suddenly chuckled, "We haven't seen you for a few days, but you really impressed me. I remember that you couldn't even speak well before."

He crossed his arms, leaned on the dining table behind him, and said jokingly: "Miss Zhu, how do you want to meet me?"

"In three months, let's have a duel between soul masters. Do you dare?"

"Three months?" Su Cheng was slightly startled.

There is still more than half a year left in the plan he made for Zhu Zhuqing, so why does this girl speed up on her own?

Moreover, a fight is the most direct, most effective, but also the most risky method.

Didn't she think that she might lose?

The most fundamental way to resolve all conflicts between soul masters is to rely on strength.

Fighting between students is too normal.

Moreover, this is a fair and just duel in public, and when the time comes, the winner will be determined by strength, and there is nothing much to say.

But at this moment, Su Cheng just couldn't refuse, but he was definitely not unable to refuse.

Because this fight is unfair.

For Zhu Zhuqing, there was no loss in losing. She had always been outclassed by Su Cheng in the academy.

Even though there are signs of momentum now, it is still far behind Su Cheng.

But for Su Cheng, losing to Zhu Zhuqing will obviously damage his prestige.

In fact, the best way at this time is to just find any reason to refuse.

Although he may be a little timid, with his methods, he can easily resolve this embarrassment without any sequelae.

The two of them were already strangers to each other.

Except for the time when school started, there were no tit-for-tat incidents in front of outsiders.

Su Cheng was a little surprised at this moment.

He didn't tell Zhu Zhuqing what to do and let her figure it out on her own.

But I didn't expect that the other party would choose this seemingly simple and direct method, but in fact it was the most effective method.

Of course the premise is that she can win.

He has indeed grown...

Su Cheng smiled, looked at Zhu Zhuqing, and fell silent.

At this moment, Zhu Zhuqing also felt a little nervous.

She didn't know if Su Cheng would agree to her fight.

If he doesn't agree, it may be difficult to fulfill his father's request this year.

After a long time, Su Cheng nodded slowly.

A meaningful smile appeared on his face, "Okay, I promise you."

As the matter settled, everyone gradually dispersed, and Su Cheng walked out of the restaurant on his own.

At this time, Zhu Zhuqing caught up with him alone.

Su Cheng turned around and looked over.

Zhu Zhuqing stood in front of him, with a soft complexion and eyes like autumn water.

"Su Cheng, I don't want to embarrass you. But Sansan is my friend, and I can't embarrass him."

"What do you mean?" Su Cheng raised his eyebrows and mocked, "You just declared war on me, and now you're explaining something about it?"

"That's not what I meant." Zhu Zhuqing shook his head, with a serious look on his face, "I know that you are not actually a true child of the Su family. You possess the White Tiger Martial Spirit and have royal blood flowing through you."

Su Cheng's face darkened, "Are you here to laugh at me?"

"Who am I to laugh at you?" A bitter smile appeared on Zhu Zhuqing's cold cheek, "It's not like you don't know the bloody tradition between the Zhu family and the royal family. If I fail in the competition for the successor, what will happen to the final outcome? How miserable. I just feel that you must be as unwilling as me, right?"

"Why, the fourth lady is now amazingly powerful and has gained a lot of popularity. Has she begun to swell and come to preach to me?" Su Cheng said calmly.

"No." Zhu Zhuqing denied seriously, "In the past, I was too naive and thought too simply. When we first met, I struck too hard and accidentally hurt you. I should apologize to you."


Hearing this, Su Cheng looked at Zhu Zhuqing silently for a long time.

This little girl finally learned to put on a mask.

At that time, Zhu Zhuqing himself should know very well whether the attack was serious or not, but now he comes to apologize sincerely, which is really surprising.

First, he declares war with himself in front of everyone, establishes his prestige, and fulfills his duties as a leader.

Then he came to explain and show his goodwill to himself in private, and used words to get closer to each other.

In this way, it will not damage her majesty, but also prevent herself from having a grudge, paving the way for future cooperation between the two parties.

It even reversed the first impression of her that she had always had in many people's minds as being weak and easy to bully.

These little tricks really made her understand.

But the premise is that she must be able to defeat herself in three months.

Su Cheng didn't mind giving her this chance.

But we are not prepared to release too much water by then.

It's up to her whether she can seize this opportunity.

"...Okay, I probably understand what you mean."

Su Cheng stretched and his tone returned to his previous casual tone.

"I won't play tricks with you. You are right, I am an illegitimate child that no one wants. If you can beat me in the battle in three months, I will play a game with you. I hope Don’t let me down.”

After saying that, he ignored Zhu Zhuqing and turned to leave.

"...Su Cheng, did you deliberately give me this opportunity today?"

After he took a few steps, a voice suddenly came from behind him.

"You must be dissatisfied with the status quo, right?"

Su Cheng only paused for a moment, then left the place without looking back.

The simulation time this time will not be particularly long, because I am now the strongest person who updates eight or nine thousand times a day! The simulation will end next week at the latest, and then we will enter the main line of Shura Field~

ps, I have created a group. The group number is under the introduction on the homepage. If you are interested, you can join. I may post occasional extras in the future.

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