The stars are scattered and the night is as cold as water.

Su Cheng stood outside the academy disguised as Zhu Hongtao, waiting quietly.

Not long after, a slim figure appeared from the entrance of the Royal Academy in the distance, and then ran towards him with light steps.

Although the face of the visitor is still a little immature, his figure has begun to take shape and is full of temptation.

The cold expression adds a strange charm to it.

It was Zhu Zhuqing.

"Dad, I'm coming."

After standing still in front of Su Cheng, she said softly.

Under the influence of the soul bone, Su Cheng, who perfectly disguised himself as Zhu Hongtao, looked at the other party silently and nodded lightly.

In fact, the frequency of such meetings has now been reduced from once a month to once every six months.

The reason is also very simple. He has already said almost everything that should be taught before. Except for the cultivation techniques and martial soul characteristics, the rest can only be understood by Zhu Zhuqing himself.

The more they meet, the more flaws are exposed. He doesn't want to lose something because of small things. This identity will still be of great use in the future.

He has even decided that after this conversation is over, Zhu Hongtao's vest can temporarily withdraw from the scene.

"Xiao Qing, you have done very well in the past two years or so. Whether it is soul cultivation or human behavior, it far exceeds my expectations. I have nothing left to teach you." Su Cheng looked at Zhu Zhuqing and said in a deep voice.

"Now that you have attached a second soul ring to your martial soul, it means that you can graduate from the academy at any time. Next, you can rely on yourself to experience and improve. Whether you want to join the Advanced Soul Master Academy, or It’s up to you to choose any other way.”

Zhu Zhuqing was stunned when he heard this.

Although I knew this day would come sooner or later, I didn't expect it to be so sudden.

He pursed his lips, but didn't know how to speak.

"You don't have to think too much. If you can exceed my expectations in the future, I will hand over the control of the family to your hands." Su Cheng ignored her confusion and continued.

"To be honest, you are doing better than your eldest sisters. I suggest that you and Su Cheng talk to them when the time is right in the future. But this is a matter between you sisters, don't mention me Things. You have different talents and personalities, and the way I help you is also different."

"The right time?" Zhu Zhuqing was a little confused and didn't know when the right time would be.

"In this world, one must rely on strength to speak for itself."

The next day.

Zhu Zhuqing and Su Cheng, as usual, went to the mountain behind the academy to practice soul skills and martial soul fusion skills together after completing their training.

And in the process, they look for each other's shortcomings and learn from each other's strengths.

Having said that, in fact, it was Su Cheng who gave Zhu Zhu a lot of guidance more often.

After all, his experience in the application of soul skills is far superior to that of the other party.

"What are your plans for the future? We have now been promoted to great soul masters and can graduate from the academy at any time.

After his soul power was exhausted, Zhu Zhuqing looked at Su Cheng and asked softly while taking a break.

I don't know why, but I suddenly felt nervous.

"I personally recommend that you join the Xingluo Advanced Royal Academy." Su Cheng responded casually.

"It is the first choice for most noble children. Most of the boys in this junior college will enter it for further studies in the future. In that place, you can also come into contact with more people. If you really have If you have any ambitions, no place is more suitable than Star Luo Royal Academy."

Zhu Zhuqing nodded gently when he heard this, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

This is also her own inner thought.

But Su Cheng's opinion must also be considered.

Now that she has fully felt the power of martial soul fusion skills, she is naturally unwilling to give up this help, and she does not want Su Cheng to escape her control in the future.

Others are fine, even if they are separated for a short time, it won't be a big problem.

But for Su Cheng, she always felt that she couldn't see through him.

"However, there is something you need to consider carefully." At this time, Su Cheng said again.


"Davis and Zhu Zhuyun are also in that college, do you understand what I mean?" Su Cheng said lightly.

Zhu Zhuqing's face darkened upon hearing this, and his heart suddenly became a little heavier.

Then he thought of what his father said last night.

Turning to look at Su Cheng, "Then let's wait a few years. After we reach the soul master realm, we can go find them again."

"It's up to you." Su Cheng nodded, looking noncommittal.

With the speed of their cultivation and the two levels of soul power provided by the second soul ring spanning multiple years, they can be promoted to the soul master realm in less than three years.

When the time comes, go to the door and talk to Zhu Zhuyun first. It may not be impossible to resolve the conflict peacefully.

Zhu Zhuyun is not too old now, and his relationship with Davis may not be very deep, so it is very possible to instigate him to rebel.

But he must be with Zhu Zhuqing when the time comes.

Otherwise, if there is any flaw in Zhu Hongtao's identity due to their communication, it will probably cause a lot of trouble.

"..." Zhu Zhuqing looked at Su Cheng and did not continue to speak.

"What do you think I'm doing?" Su Cheng was confused and frowned.

"Su Cheng, don't you have anything you want to do?" Zhu Zhuqing suddenly asked.

"Yes, I have."

"What is it?"

"I can't consider this issue until I'm free first." Su Cheng stretched and said calmly, "If you realize your ideal, I guess I will be completely free."

Zhu Zhuqing nodded and looked into the distance.

Regarding future arrangements, Su Cheng had his own plans.

They don't have much time left, but it should be enough.

According to the original timeline, about ten years later, Qian Renxue would launch a coup at Bibi Dong's urging.

But one of the reasons for the early launch was the pressure from Tang San and others.

However, the time traveler Tang San does not exist in this world.

Without this heavy interference, Qian Renxue's actions to usurp the country in Tiandou can continue.

And even if she succeeds in launching a coup, coupled with the help of a large number of soul masters from Wuhun Palace, it will still take a lot of time to fully control the situation in Tiandou.

On this basis, the establishment of the Spirit Empire is estimated to be five to ten years later.

The launch of a national war also requires a lot of time and energy.

In the same way, Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong from Wuhun Palace will probably become gods much later.

Bibi Dong must still be taking the Rakshasa test.

But she kept stalling on becoming a god in the original timeline.

It wasn't until the angel god Qian Renxue and the sea god Tang San appeared one after another that she took the last step because she was stimulated.

Based on this calculation, Su Cheng and Zhu Zhuqing are estimated to have about twenty years of development period.

In Su Cheng's plan, they must at least reach the soul saint level within this time. On this basis, the higher the level, the better.

Only at this level can Su Cheng's final plan have a chance to take effect.

"With the active cultivation of the Nirvana Sutra, the aid of medicine, and the absorption of the additional energy from the multi-year soul ring, plus the continuous improvement of the quality of the martial soul, it should not be difficult to reach this step in cultivation."

Su Cheng glanced at Zhu Zhuqing, who was sitting not far away and was distracted, and said silently in his heart.

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