Xingluo Senior Royal Academy.

As the highest-level royal academy in the Star Luo Empire, its grand scale and luxurious buildings far exceed those of ordinary soul master academies.

The stone steps leading up to the entrance of the academy are carved from white jade. Each stone step has a different spirit beast pattern, and the craftsmanship is extremely exquisite.

The rays of the morning sun scattered down, leaving jagged and faint tree shadows on the stone steps, adding a bit of tranquility and unique atmosphere to the whole scene.

A young man and woman, who looked to be in their teens, were walking side by side on the stone steps.

The young man was dressed in a low-key but not cheap manner. He was over 1.7 meters tall, and his black hair was gently blowing in the morning breeze.

There is a trace of laziness on his angular cheeks, and he exudes a unique affinity that makes people feel close to him at a glance.

However, compared to him, the girl walking beside the boy attracted more attention.

Her long, silky black hair was scattered around her shoulders, and her tall figure seemed not much shorter than the boy next to her.

Just by looking at it, one could tell that the black tight-fitting coat was of exquisite workmanship and high value. It tightly wrapped her perfect and concave figure, and the curves of her slender and tight legs on the lower body were even more evocative.

But the most eye-catching thing is her upper body curve that does not match her age. One look at it and it is clear that this woman is a broad-minded person who will become a great person in the future.

However, her delicate but slightly cold face is in sharp contrast with her hot figure, and there is also a unique majesty in it.

Although the girl's face is still a little childish, she has an air of being bossy from a high position that no one dares to underestimate.

It was Su Cheng and Zhu Zhuqing who had just entered school.

It only took them two and a half years to reach the level of three-ring soul masters. At this time, their actual age was less than twelve years old.

Walking on the road, Su Cheng casually looked at this Royal Academy, the highest level in the Star Luo Empire, and sighed secretly in his heart.

There are many similarities between this academy and the real Tiandou Royal Academy, except that it looks more solemn and serious. It does not have as strong a sense of luxury as Tiandou, and the average quality of the students you encounter along the way is also higher. There is more than one chance to get out of Tiandou Royal Academy.

At this time, a figure suddenly appeared not far away and walked towards the two of them.

Seeing this, Su Cheng chuckled and said, "The people looking for you are here. Do you need me to avoid them?"

"...No need." Zhu Zhuqing's brows moved slightly, and then he said softly.

Walking towards her was a tall girl with a skin as white as mutton fat and a figure that was even more plump than Zhu Zhuqing's today.

The girl is extremely beautiful and looks very similar to Zhu Zhuqing.

But there was a gentle smile on his face, which was in sharp contrast to Zhu Zhuqing's coldness, and his whole person looked very soft.

It was Zhu Zhuyun, Zhu Zhuqing's eldest sister.

But she was alone at this time, and there was no Davis around, which made Su Cheng feel a little surprised.

He thought the two of them were inseparable on weekdays.

However, it is not ruled out that Zhu Zhuyun wants to talk to Zhu Zhuqing alone at this time.

No matter how you put it, it's much more convenient this way. You can talk directly today.

Su Cheng glanced sideways at the dull-looking Zhu Zhuqing next to him, intending to see how she would deal with it later.

"Zhuqing, if I remember correctly, you should be less than twelve years old. You came to the Senior Academy at such a young age. Are you eager to meet your sister?"

In an empty square in Xingluo Royal Academy, Zhu Zhuyun stood opposite Su Cheng and Zhu Zhuqing, saying softly with a charming smile on his face.

Her voice was different from Zhu Zhuqing's. It was not as cold as Zhu Zhuqing's, but it had a charming aura that came from the heart.

The soft voice makes it easy for people to fall into it unconsciously.

Like Tiandou Royal Academy, Xingluo Royal Academy also covers a large area and has countless mimicry training grounds and soul skill training grounds.

It’s not difficult to find an open space where no one will disturb you.

Not to mention that Zhu Zhuyun has a special status and many places that are inaccessible to outsiders can be opened to him.

At this time, she brought two people to this training ground.

In fact, Su Cheng's guess was correct before. Zhu Zhuyun's feelings for Zhu Zhuqing were indeed extremely complicated.

Women are inherently more emotional than men, and blood and family ties hold a lot of weight in her heart.

Because of the large age gap between her and Zhu Zhuqing, the younger sister in this family has been watched by her almost since she was a child.

But what she didn't expect was that Zhu Zhuqing would be the most talented person in the family besides her, and would have to take on the long-standing family marriage tradition between the Zhu family and the Dai family.

Zhu Zhuyun rarely went home these years.

In addition to not liking the depressive atmosphere in the Zhu family, the unwillingness to face Zhu Zhuqing is also a very important reason.

In fact, after learning about Zhu Zhuqing's enrollment in the college, she hid it from Davis and rushed over immediately.

The purpose was to persuade Zhu Zhuqing to voluntarily give up the internal fighting within the family.

As long as the other party can give up, and Dai Mubai is not very ambitious in the first place. Although he is extremely talented, he has always given up on himself and has a weak will.

She was quite confident that she could mediate and resolve this matter.

She didn't know the final outcome of Dai Mubai, but there was a good chance that she could save the little girl in the family.

"..." Hearing Zhu Zhuyun's teasing remarks, Zhu Zhuqing's face did not stir up much trouble. He was silent for a moment, and then said calmly: "Sister, I want to talk to you."

Zhu Zhuyun was stunned when he heard this.

Suddenly, I felt that the beautiful girl in front of me was very different from the little girl in my impression.

"What do you want to talk about?" After a moment of confusion, Zhu Zhuyun quickly recovered and said calmly.

"You give up on Davis, you have no chance."

After thinking about it, Zhu Zhuqing did not directly tell the deeper reason, but instead said these words that seemed to be slightly provocative.

Zhu Zhuyun's face froze when he heard this.

Then his eyes became cold and he said in a deep voice: "Little sister, are you trying to make me laugh on purpose?"

Zhu Zhuqing didn't reply.

Instead, he silently took a step forward.

The ghost civet spirit emerged, with three spirit rings, two yellow and one purple, circling around its feet.

"Zhu Zhuqing, thirty-level fighting spirit master, martial spirit ghost civet cat, please give me some advice."

Zhu Zhuyun suddenly froze on the spot. The pupils tightened, and the red lips opened slightly in surprise.

Of course she was not surprised by the sudden challenge.

But the soul ring displayed by Zhu Zhuqing and the soul power level reported by Zhu Zhuqing at this time were completely beyond her expectations.

She had just been promoted to the Soul Sect at this time, but the age difference between the two was a full seven years!

Seeing that the other party entered the state of martial spirit possession, Zhu Zhuyun had no time to think about it at this time, and summoned his ghost spirit cat martial spirit with a solemn expression.

After being possessed, Zhu Zhuqing's eyes changed color at the same time, with his left eye dark green and his right eye clear blue. The long hair on his head naturally stuck to his back, and spiky cat claws grew on his hands.

The soul ring under her feet lit up, and she quickly flew forward.

As the body moves, it carries a series of faint phantoms.

There was not a single sound during the entire action. There was no energy released, and there was no sound of soul power breaking through the air.

Like a ghost, the whole person quietly jumped out.

Zhu Zhuyun also moved.

Her speed was a little faster. Her figure disappeared and then appeared in an instant. Between the flickering light and shadow, her whole body only left a faint afterimage in the air, heading straight towards Zhu Zhuqing.

Then the two of them fought quickly, leaving behind a series of sparks in the violent collisions.

In terms of strength, Zhu Zhuqing is still much inferior to Zhu Zhuyun. After all, the gap in soul power between the two is not small.

Su Cheng did not teach Zhu Zhuqing the technique of breaking pulses and restoring qi.

But after his daily guidance, Zhu Zhuqing became more concise and clear in sending and receiving moves.

For agility attack type soul masters, the increase in attack power caused by the change speed and attack frequency is far greater than that of other soul masters.

Moreover, in terms of martial spirit strength, Zhu Zhuqing at this time has surpassed Zhu Zhuyun due to the effect of diligently practicing the Nirvana Sutra.

In addition, her second soul ring and third soul ring increase beyond ordinary people.

Although there is some gap between the two, they are not helpless.

It didn't take long for both sisters to have many scars on their bodies. Among them, Zhu Zhuqing was slightly behind, but he obviously still had the energy to resist.

Zhu Zhuqing, who was on the court, took advantage of Zhu Zhuyun's blow and jumped out of the court.

When Zhu Zhuyun saw this, he did not continue to pursue her, but looked at her solemnly.


Several people present were in ups and downs at this time, and the scene seemed a little quiet for a while.

In fact, not only Zhu Zhuyun, but Zhu Zhuqing was also surprised at this time.

In her opinion, she has improved rapidly over the years, and Zhu Zhuyun should not be much worse.

Although she believed that her efforts would not be less than anyone else's, she also understood that her eldest sister's innate qualifications were even greater than her own.

Coupled with the blessing of family traditions and the assistance of medicine, the gap between the two may not be able to be narrowed much.

Her confidence comes more from those two soul rings.

But he didn't expect that the other party's cultivation level was much lower than he expected.

But at this time, Zhu Zhuyun was obviously even more unbelievable, and his deep voice could not conceal his surprise.

"How is it possible? With your seventh-level innate martial soul qualification, it is absolutely impossible for you to practice so fast!"

"What is impossible? We have been practicing and improving in this way for so many years, and there is no shortcut to improving soul power."

At this time, Su Cheng's lazy voice suddenly came from the side.

"Sometimes you should look for your own reasons. Your cultivation has been slowly improving over the years. Have you practiced seriously?"

Zhu Zhuyun's face was stiff, and he was speechless for a moment.

I can't help but secretly wonder, is it really because I haven't worked hard enough?

Zhu Zhuqing glanced at Su Cheng strangely, pursed his lips but said nothing more.

Su Cheng spoke at this time, naturally to interrupt Zhu Zhuyun's questioning.

It didn't matter what she thought, the key was to prevent Zhu Zhuqing from having unnecessary associations.

"Zhuqing, do you want to show her?"

Hearing Su Cheng's inquiry, Zhu Zhuqing nodded silently.

Immediately, the white tiger martial spirit emerged from Su Cheng's body.

Integrate with Zhu Zhuqing, who is possessed by the civet next to him.

The huge Netherworld White Tiger appeared, overlooking Zhu Zhuyun who was standing not far away.

Strong pressure suddenly hit his face, and Zhu Zhuyun's expression changed.

This is not right!

She also knows the Netherworld White Tiger's spirit fusion technique and knows its power very well.

But for the two people in front of them, the power of the Netherworld White Tiger used by the Soul Sects had actually surpassed the martial soul fusion skills used by her and Davis, the two Soul Sects!

Zhu Zhuyun naturally had no idea that the root cause of this change was the Nirvana Sutra, a special technique developed by Su Cheng.

Follow the practice of the Nirvana Sutra.

The bloodline cores of Su Cheng and Zhu Zhuqing began to rely on instinct to move closer to the essential information of the Netherworld White Tiger.

Under this premise, the martial soul fusion skills they performed were naturally fundamentally different from the ordinary Netherworld White Tiger.

Although the appearance looks similar, in fact the core is completely different.

The bloodline of the soul master has been passed down for countless years, and the pure information of the Netherworld White Tiger has been continuously diluted as time passes, until it is finally dismantled into two different martial spirits: the White Tiger and the Netherland Civet Cat.

With the help of the power of martial soul fusion skills, only after the two are reunited can the majesty of the Netherworld White Tiger be restored, but this reappearance is incomplete and not the true form of the Netherworld White Tiger.

But at this time, the martial soul fusion skills performed by Su Cheng and Zhu Zhuqing were different, closer to the essence of the original complete Nether White Tiger.

Of course a layman like Zhu Zhuyun cannot understand the mystery.

The martial soul fusion skill only lasted for a moment before dissipating on its own, and Su Cheng and Zhu Zhuqing also reappeared.

They just showed Zhu Zhuyun a deterrent and had no intention of doing anything.

At this time, Zhu Zhuyun was indeed shocked.

Her heart was filled with ups and downs, and she was at a loss for a moment. The future that was originally clearly visible in her eyes seemed to suddenly become blurry.

Zhu Zhuqing waited quietly, while silently observing the facial reaction of his eldest sister.

The other party's subsequent response will determine her subsequent negotiation methods.

Because the person with whom she had just performed martial arts fusion skills was not Dai Mubai, the legal heir to the royal family who had made a marriage contract with her.

It was Su Cheng, the illegitimate son of Emperor Xingluo who was living abroad.

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