After leaving the study, Zhu Zhuqing's face was as calm as usual, but his heart was filled with ups and downs.

No wonder his father, who had not contacted him privately for many years, suddenly talked to him today.

It turned out to be for this matter.

Including those words such as promotion to Soul Saint, I'm afraid they are secondary.

The key is the so-called secret method of seizing blood.

But Su Cheng was different to her.

Zhu Zhuqing's feelings towards Su Cheng have always been extremely complicated.

Over the years, she has been able to make rapid progress in cultivation and amaze everyone, and she is able to run a tight network of connections in the aristocratic circle to check and balance the royal family.

Of course, it is inseparable from her own efforts, but it also benefits from the help of the Nirvana Sutra.

But in this process, Su Cheng also helped her greatly, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that he took half of the credit.

At the soul master level, whether it is the absorption of soul rings across many years, or the understanding of soul skills that are far beyond ordinary people, or even the soul fusion skill of Netherworld White Tiger, it all contains Su Cheng's hard work.

When developing a network of relationships with the upper echelons of the empire, Su Cheng was often relied upon to negotiate.

Whether it is his special identity or his own special temperament that makes people unconsciously trust him, it greatly reduces the difficulty.

In addition, their martial soul fusion skills have become more and more smoothly used over the years.

Two soul masters with the cultivation level of soul emperors can perform it with strength comparable to that of a titled Douluo.

It is difficult to say that there is no connection between the support of those established aristocratic forces and this matter.

Although the attitudes of those people are still ambiguous, it at least helped them relieve the pressure from the Dai family to a great extent.

Zhu Zhuqing stood in the center of the courtyard, staring at the shadows of trees on the wall in a daze.

Along the way, she seems to have gained a lot, but nothing seems to have changed.

It was clearly the deepest and most disgusting shadow of her childhood, but it seemed to have occupied her entire childhood.

But looking back now, Zhu Zhuqing found that she had no friends in the first place.

No, not even enemies.

Between welcoming and sending off, all we talk about is interests.

Only that figure stuck in her heart like a signpost.


Zhu Zhuqing suddenly chuckled.

All the worries and worries seemed to disappear like smoke.

"How is it possible to do that...Give me another twenty years, who in the Star Luo Empire can stop me?"

As for the so-called five-year period, it was just a delaying strategy discussed with Su Cheng.

She raised her head and looked around the Zhu family, looking at the vast courtyard and tall walls in front of her, and breathed a long sigh of relief.

"From today on, I will be in charge here..."

However, fate played another big joke on Zhu Zhuqing.

Not twenty years at all.

Not even five years.

In the past five years, the situation on the continent has changed drastically.

First, the crown prince of the Tiandou Empire, Xue Qinghe, ascended to the throne. Then, the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect and the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect in Tiandou were destroyed overnight.

At the same time, several kingdoms and principalities in Tiandou were quickly absorbed by it.

Before the Xingluo Empire could take any action, the Tiandou Empire took the lead and sent troops to declare war.

During this process, Wuhun Palace had no intention of stopping it at all. Instead, it gathered all the soul masters it could control and prohibited them from helping the two empires.

As the two countries fought, the Star Luo Empire suddenly discovered that Tiandou had found a large number of high-level soul masters and titled Douluo from nowhere, frequently appearing on the battlefield.

Although the Star Luo Empire's army is still resisting tenaciously, in fact anyone with a discerning eye can see that it is just a powerful force from outside.

"finally come."

Su Cheng was not surprised at all when he heard the news. Instead, he felt relieved that everything was finally on track.

During this period of time, except for necessary communication with Zhu Zhuqing, he rarely acted as Zhu Hongtao. Most of the time, he got along with Zhu Zhuqing as his original identity. The power of the Zhu family is now basically under Zhu Zhuqing's control. Got off.

Although he was very familiar with Zhu Zhuqing, he didn't know much about the rest of the Zhu family.

It's okay to say a few words occasionally, but if you really want to live together, it's obviously not possible.

"Xiao Qing, what do you think of the current war between the two empires?"

In the Zhu family's study, Su Cheng pretended to be Zhu Hongtao, looked at Zhu Zhuqing and asked.

"In less than three years, the Xingluo Empire will be defeated."

Ordinary civilians may not understand, but they can tell at a glance that the Tiandou Empire is clearly supported by the Spirit Hall.

Although I don't know what the reason is, the combat power of those titled Douluo and high-level soul masters can only be obtained by Wuhun Palace.

"What do you think will happen to us when the Star Luo Empire is destroyed?"

Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help but remain silent after hearing this.

From the perspective of Wuhun Palace, it doesn't really matter that they are the subjects of the subjugation of the country, and there is a high probability that they will be allowed to continue to exist.

But from the perspective of the Tiandou Empire's royal family, no one of the Star Luo Empire's royal bloodline will be left behind.

And how could the Zhu family, who had been married to the Dai family for generations, avoid death?

"In the past few years, I have been searching around, and finally found a soul beast that is extremely suitable for you to attach a soul ring. But the prerequisite for absorbing this kind of soul ring is that you must have a titled Douluo without attaching a soul ring. Level of hidden soul power.”

"What?" Upon hearing this, Zhu Zhuqing was stunned and did not understand the meaning of Su Cheng's words for a while.

She did have a chance to push her soul power to the Titled Douluo level without attaching a soul ring with the help of the Nirvana Sutra. In fact, her current soul power level had already reached around level seventy-four.

But if you want to cultivate to a titled Douluo step by step like this, the difficulty is completely different.

The time required is simply countless.

In this crisis, there is no point in talking about it.

"You have a chance, Xiao Qing. As long as you capture Su Cheng's bloodline, you can reach the sky in one step." Su Cheng once again took out the manuscript filled with the secret method of capturing bloodline and said in a deep voice.

"Hurry up and make a decision, it will be too late. Even if you don't want to take action, Su Cheng, as a member of the White Tiger bloodline, will not be able to escape death by then. His existence is not a secret in the Star Luo Empire at all!"


Seeing Zhu Zhuqing silent, Su Cheng couldn't help but frown.

"He's just a loner. Besides, even if you take away his White Tiger Spirit bloodline, it won't hurt his life."

"...He is not the only one who has the blood of the White Tiger."

After a long silence, Zhu Zhuqing finally spoke again, his voice a little dry.

"No." Su Cheng slowly shook his head, "Both Davis and Dai Mubai are too weak. Even if you choose Davis, who has a stronger cultivation level, to steal his blood, you won't be able to push your cultivation level to the level of ban. The realm of Douluo.”

In fact, in addition to cultivation, there is another important reason that only Su Cheng himself knows.

There is a huge difference between the White Tiger Martial Spirit of those two people and his White Tiger Martial Spirit.

Over the years, his practice of the Nirvana Sutra was not in vain.

The essence of bloodline fusion is to complete. This method is used to seize the White Tiger Spirit, fuse it with Zhu Zhuqing's own Nether Civet Cat, and reproduce the complete Nether White Tiger. It will not damage her foundation at all, nor will it pollute herself. It is definitely not some evil method. .

But there is only one chance. If you absorb many Netherworld White Tigers, you will really go astray.

In this case, Zhu Zhuqing should of course absorb the strongest and most suitable one.

After Su Cheng practiced the Nirvana Sutra himself, the purity of his bloodline was far superior to that of Davis, and the core information in the martial spirit was closer to the true nature of the Netherworld White Tiger.

Coupled with his higher cultivation level, after Zhu Zhuqing takes his bloodline, he will definitely be able to directly raise his cultivation level to an extremely high level.

But at this time, Zhu Zhuqing seemed to be concerned about another thing.

Her eyes flashed with a little resentment, she stared at Su Cheng, and asked in a cold voice: "So, you didn't teach this technique to eldest sister at all! Because as early as twenty years ago, you targeted Su Cheng You’re sincere, right?!”

"..." Su Cheng's expression froze, and he quickly explained: "You have to know that he is just an illegitimate son, and Davis' identity is different. Moreover, I did not expect that the Tiandou Empire would actually compete with the Wuhun Palace. Hooked together.”

He put the manuscript directly into Zhu Zhuqing's hands without any explanation.

"It describes in detail how to capture the bloodline of the White Tiger Martial Spirit. In addition, there is also a method for preparing a chronic potion. This potion has the effect of improving cultivation and short-term combat effectiveness, but at the same time, it will also cause the opponent's The martial soul and qi and blood are floating. During this period, you can use secret techniques to slowly extract the opponent's blood. You spend a lot of time together on weekdays, and there are enough opportunities to slowly erode his White Tiger martial soul."

After saying that, Su Cheng took out another light red glass bottle.

The transparent bottle is filled with a thick reddish liquid, reflecting a faint pink light on the bottle.

"This kind of medicine can force out the opponent's full bloodline potential at once. If there is a chance, it is perfectly fine to use this medicine directly on him at once."


Zhu Zhuqing stared blankly at the radiant potion bottle, her lips feeling a little dry for no reason.

"Be ruthless, Xiao Qing. The life or death of the Zhu family in the future will all depend on you!" Su Cheng said in a deep voice.

"Actually, I have reached this age, and there is no way I can go further in my cultivation. Contra is already my limit, and life and death have long been ignored by me. But you are different. You are the hope of the Zhu family. What's more, don't forget. Your eldest sister, she has been waiting for the day when you succeed all these years."

After Zhu Zhuqing stood dumbly for a long time, he took the bottle of potion with a pale face, his long white fingers trembling slightly uncontrollably.

"Su Cheng is the emperor's illegitimate son living abroad. In terms of status, he is of no importance. No matter how much potential you have, if you don't get a clear identity, it will be useless if you don't get a clear identity. No one will pursue you for him. Responsibility."

Su Cheng stared at her, "But this is your last chance."

"The last chance..."

Zhu Zhuqing lowered his head and looked at the manuscript and potion in his hand.

Then she raised her head slightly and slowly closed her eyes, as if countless lights and shadows flashed in front of her eyes.

Zhu Zhuyun, Zhu Hongtao, and even the second and third sisters whose impressions are somewhat blurry.

Finally, the scene freezes to the punch when they first met in the academy.

The gears of fate begin to turn again.

Zhu Zhuqing clearly felt his powerlessness again.

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