Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 111 Su Cheng, it’s time to take medicine

"Hey, what's the matter with you? You were worried all the way. Someone died in your family?"

In the Star Forest, two figures were walking side by side.

The auras of the Soul Saint and the Peak Soul Emperor spread wantonly, and ordinary soul beasts on the periphery were afraid to avoid them, so the path was almost unimpeded.

Su Cheng glanced at Zhu Zhuqing next to him and complained casually.

Zhu Zhuqing's expression turned cold when he heard this, but he did not speak.

She has long been accustomed to the other party's unscrupulous attitude.

"You'd better concentrate, the hundred thousand year soul beast is not easy to deal with." Su Cheng said while looking at the map Zhu Zhuqing handed him.

"They are not 100,000-year-old soul beasts, but three 90,000-year-old soul beasts."

"Three 90,000-year-old soul beasts?" Su Cheng asked pretending to be surprised, "That's a bit difficult to do, but with the power of our martial soul fusion skills, there shouldn't be much of a problem. But in this way, it will be in vain Two soul rings were wasted."

He didn't say much about the age of the soul ring.

Because Zhu Zhuqing's physical quality at this time, coupled with the silver needle pricking method, is enough to absorb the ninety thousand year soul ring.

Both of them knew this.

"What are you worried about? Is it because of the war situation in the Star Luo Empire?" After the two of them walked some distance away, Su Cheng asked again.

"Su Cheng, I want to ask you a question."

"you say."

"If you have to give up one of your family members or friends, how should you choose?"

Zhu Zhuqing said slowly.

The voice was low and the eyes were shining, which seemed to contain some hints.

Su Cheng didn't seem to understand the deeper meaning, and replied decisively: "Of course it means giving up on friends."

Zhu Zhuqing frowned.

After a long while, he said dullly: "Why?"

"Do you even need to ask? If you lose your friend, just make another one. If your sister and your father die, how can you make another one?"

"Is this how you treat your friends?!" Zhu Zhuqing raised his eyebrows and his voice became louder unconsciously.

"Yes, that's how I am." Su Cheng said seriously, "No way, Miss Fourth? We have been together for more than 20 years, and you still don't know who I am? Let me tell you, among friends I just want to have fun, but my true feelings have to be with my family."


Hearing this, Zhu Zhuqing immediately stopped and looked back at Su Cheng angrily.

Her already towering breasts drew a seductive arc between her rough gasps.

Her behavior shocked Su Cheng, who didn't expect the other party to have such a big reaction.

After the two looked at each other for a moment, Su Cheng said calmly: "My future Duke, you don't think that people like us will have any so-called friends, do you?"

"..." Zhu Zhuqing glanced at him coldly, then turned around and continued walking forward, "I didn't expect that you, an illegitimate child, would value family ties so much."

As she spoke, a sarcastic look appeared on her pretty cheeks.

"Who said anything about the Dai family? The Su family is my family. It is better to cultivate kindness than to show kindness. Is there any problem?" Su Cheng looked indifferent.

"I'm talking about Zhu Zhuqing, what are you trying to say by beating around the bush here? Who are you trying to stumbling upon? Once you've made a decision, don't be indecisive and just take action. This is not like you at all."

Zhu Zhuqing was suffocated upon hearing this, and then took a deep look at Su Cheng beside him.

"Su Cheng, what is your greatest pursuit?"

"...Be free." Su Cheng thought for a while and said calmly.

"No matter what, freedom is good. In fact, I have no special pursuit. Things like strength and power are dispensable to me. As long as you can set me free, everything else is optional.

"But with my current status, I'm afraid it's still difficult to achieve this. The Dai family must have ideas. Originally, I wanted to rely on you, Miss Fourth.

“But I think the Star Luo Empire is almost over, so there’s no need to think so much about what’s available and what’s not available, just enjoy yourself in the moment.

"To be honest, I don't even know why you asked me to accompany you to kill soul beasts and advance to the next level. Even if there is no use in being promoted to soul saint, you won't be able to escape death by then."

He looked at Zhu Zhuqing with a smile.


Zhu Zhuqing ignored his teasing, sighed softly, nodded silently and said, "I understand."

It didn't take long, and with the help of the map, the two of them found their destination, which was the center of the Star Forest.

Su Cheng had already figured out the situation here when he came to investigate alone.

As expected, the two hundred thousand year soul beasts had long since disappeared.

Without Tang San's interference, Bibi Dong had already killed it and absorbed it into her own soul ring.

And now entrenched here are the three 90,000-year-old Giant Ant Emperors.

At this time, the three soul beasts had obviously discovered the existence of Su Cheng and Zhu Zhuqing, but they had no intention of retreating and were quietly waiting for their arrival.

Come to think of it, with the cultivation auras of the two of them, how could they frighten away three ninety thousand year old soul beasts.

Soon, the two people came closer.

A layer of light mist ripples on the clear lake, making it a rare place of peace and tranquility in the Star Forest.

However, the faint murderous aura that permeated the surroundings ruined the atmosphere of this place.

Three identical monsters were creeping coldly by the lake and watching them.

That was exactly the goal of their trip, the Fifteen Ant Emperor.

The bodies of the three Thousand Jun Ant Emperors are about the same size, with a length of about three meters. In terms of size alone, they are not considered large even among ten-thousand-year-old soul beasts.

But even so, it's outrageous enough.

The body length of a Thousand Jun Ant that has been cultivated for ten years is only about three inches, and it will not exceed six inches if it is cultivated for a hundred years. Only after a thousand years of cultivation can it be possible to grow to a foot long, and this is already extremely rare.

One can imagine how rare it would be to have a three-meter-long Ant King.

The Thousand Jun Ants themselves have very tenacious vitality, outstanding defense capabilities, and extremely strong resistance to attacks. They are also extremely powerful, possessing strength far beyond their body proportions.

But unfortunately, as a kind of soul beast, they do not have any soul skills themselves. Although the defense is good, it is limited after all, and it lacks soul skills as a means of attack, making it difficult to exert its power.

Because of this, this race is often at the bottom of the food chain in the soul beast forest.

But what is different from ordinary Giant Ants is that the three ridiculously old Giant Ant Emperors in front of them each have a pair of huge transparent wings, and two thick forelimbs covered with green light that are as sharp as triangular thorns.

The most peculiar thing is that they each have six eyes on their heads, two big and four small, emitting a faint green light.

The hard carapace covering the bodies of the three Fifteen Ton Ant Emperors shone with dark golden metallic light, and each of their six thick and powerful short legs had stood upright at this time, looking ready to attack.

Then, the two left and right slowly separated to both sides, forming a semi-encirclement of Su Cheng and Zhu Zhuqing, slowly pressing forward.

The dark golden color on his body has become more and more obvious, but his own energy is completely contained without any leakage.

Su Cheng and Zhu Zhuqing looked at each other.

Then he summoned his martial soul without hesitation and directly used the martial soul fusion skill Netherworld White Tiger.

The violent aura fluctuations that far exceeded those of ordinary titled Douluo swept around.

The huge white tiger crouched on the ground and stared coldly at the three soul beasts in front of him.

Under this pressure, the movements of the three Giant Ant Emperors stagnated slightly.

The momentum was completely suppressed by this super-level martial spirit.

Immediately afterwards, the silver-white light, with the Netherworld White Tiger as the core, spread out to the surroundings instantly like a strong wind passing by.

The huge body of the Netherworld White Tiger seemed to merge with the wind at this moment.

Not only is it filled with an overwhelming sense of power, but its huge figure also gives people a sense of elegance as fast as the wind.

On the opposite side, the three Giant Ant Emperors felt heavy resistance squeezing from all sides, constantly oppressing their bodies and limiting their speed.

In the current state where Su Cheng and Zhu Zhuqing are using martial soul fusion skills, Netherworld White Tiger also has its own domain skills, which Su Cheng named "Wind God Domain".

Being in the domain, the speed of the Netherworld White Tiger, which already has extremely high agility, has been blessed to an extremely ridiculous level.

Coupled with its already powerful strength, it has almost no weaknesses among its peers.

Although the three Jun Ant Emperors could not understand why a Soul Saint and a Soul Emperor could burst out with such powerful power in an instant, they were also clearly aware of the crisis.

They all flapped their wings behind their backs and slowly flew up.

These three brothers have lived together for many years. Their movements are uniform, just like mirror images. Whether it is the speed of flapping their wings or the height of their rise from the ground, they are exactly the same.

However, it didn't work.

These three soul beasts were almost completely restrained by the Netherworld White Tiger.

The Thousand Jun Ant itself has no tricks, its strength lies only in its defense, strength and speed that are different from ordinary soul beasts.

But when the strength and speed are suppressed, it is only a matter of time before the defense is broken.

What's more, the Netherworld White Tiger has soul skills at his disposal.

Soon, the two sides began to fight one against three.

Although the three brothers of the Qianjun Ant Emperor were slightly behind, they acted in unison and had the same mind. If any one of them is attacked, the other two will immediately launch a siege and rescue.

Although the Netherworld White Tiger appeared to be able to advance and retreat with ease in the battle, in fact, this battle was not easy for Su Cheng and the other two.

The reason is very simple, the martial soul fusion skill consumes soul power too quickly.

Even if there is a speed advantage, we must do our best to win the battle quickly and not be dragged into a war of attrition.

Therefore, the Netherworld White Tiger chose to take the initiative to expose its flaws when attacking.

After struggling with them for dozens of rounds, the Netherworld White Tiger controlled by Su Cheng and Zhu Zhuqing suddenly pounced on one of them, its huge tiger claws raised high.

Upon seeing this, the other two ant kings surrounded and attacked from both sides.

Just when the three Fifteen Ant Emperors thought they would dodge like before, the Netherworld White Tiger chose to directly receive the combined attacks of the other two Ant Emperors.

It even uses this extremely powerful impact to further speed up.

Immediately, the silver-white claws wrapped with wind blades slapped the ant emperor's head directly in front!

Normally, ordinary physical attacks are almost ineffective against their hard carapace, and energy attacks are difficult to quickly break through their defenses.

But the Netherworld White Tiger is obviously extraordinary.

This claw went down and directly smashed the head of the ant king in front.

But just such an attack also consumed most of the soul power of Su Cheng and Zhu Zhuqing.

But it's all worth it.

The three Fifteen Ant Emperors, who are connected by heart, cooperate with each other to attack each other, and there are almost no flaws, but the two combined forces have too many loopholes.

After that, the Nether White Tiger killed them all without even suffering any further damage.

As the dust settled, the huge Netherworld White Tiger also dissipated after landing.

Su Cheng and Zhu Zhuqing reappeared.

However, at this time, the two of them no longer showed their previous calm posture, but instead looked extremely embarrassed.

They all looked pale and panting, their soul power was almost exhausted, and there was blood overflowing from their mouths and noses. This was the injury caused by the powerful attack previously.

At the same time, three pitch-black soul rings also appeared on the bodies of the three Fifteen Ton Ant Emperors.

Zhu Zhuqing looked at these three soul rings, but did not immediately step forward to absorb them. Instead, he stood there in a daze.

"Why are you so stunned?" Su Cheng coughed lightly and said, "Hurry up and absorb the soul ring. Do you remember how to stimulate the strength of the physical body?"

Su Cheng had already told Zhu Zhuqing in advance about the acupuncture points that needed to be stimulated to absorb the ninety thousand or even one hundred thousand year soul ring.

"Huh? Hmm."

Only then did Zhu Zhuqing come back to his senses, responded and walked towards the corpse of Qianjun Ant.

Su Cheng frowned secretly while watching her movements.

Judging from Zhu Zhuqing's behavior over the years, it is obvious that she has been decisive enough to kill and has deep sinister intentions. It stands to reason that she would not be bound by those meaningless views of good and evil. Otherwise, she would not be able to fight in a country like the Star Luo Empire. He climbed up to where he is today in a harsh environment.

Why are you being so sloppy now?

After thinking about it, Su Chengzhuangruo casually said: "It is estimated that if these three soul rings can be absorbed at the same time, there will be some additional effects, which is a pity. But it doesn't matter, I don't think the Star Luo Empire can last too long. , as the descendants of a great noble and the illegitimate children of the royal family, you and I will not end well in the end."

Zhu Zhuqing, who was walking in front, suddenly stopped when he heard what he said.

Then he turned back and found a bottle of light red potion in his hand.

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