"Su Cheng, you said before that you would rather give up the power you have gained over the years in order to be free?"

"Of course. Su Cheng's face was still extremely pale, and his voice was a little weak, "Power is just a tool to achieve a purpose. However, if we have no power, how can we pursue freedom? "

"Yes, without strength, you can't do anything." Zhu Zhuqing's voice deepened.

Su Cheng glanced at the three soul rings not far away, and then asked: "What are you holding?"

Zhu Zhuqing hesitated for a moment, then hesitantly said: "This... this is a special potion that can temporarily restore soul power and even stimulate cultivation-"

However, before she could finish her words, Su Cheng took the glass bottle from her hand.

"Recovery potion, right? You're quite prepared."

As he spoke, he pulled out the cork of the bottle and drank it in one gulp.

A trace of astonishment suddenly appeared on Zhu Zhuqing's face.

As the medicine is poured into the body.

Su Cheng instantly felt heat surging all over his body.

Immediately, the soul power in the body circulated rapidly, vaporized, and transpired, rushing through the meridians like a torrent in an instant.

Waves of itching emerged from the bones, skin, and flesh, then spread throughout the body, and he lost local consciousness little by little.

This feeling is not painful, but it is extremely weird, as if the body is being gently peeled off, the whole person is gradually split into two halves, and even the soul seems to be shaking.

This is because of his tenacity of will, strong mental strength, and sword intent.

Different from the chronic potion written in the manuscript given to Zhu Zhuqing, the effect of this bottle of blood potion is more thorough and the effect is more violent.

The martial soul is inherently symbiotic with the soul of the soul master. If it were anyone else, he would have already lost consciousness under the impact of this strange feeling.

Even soul masters with slightly lower cultivation and mental strength cannot bear the power of the medicine at all, and there is a high probability that they will turn into a pool of blood after taking it.

At this time, Su Cheng's condition seemed extremely terrifying in Zhu Zhuqing's eyes.

I saw the illusory White Tiger Martial Spirit spontaneously emerge from his body.

But it is no longer the fierce and domineering appearance with white hair and black stripes in the past.

Instead, it was like a skeleton, with blood-red muscle lines exposed, covered with sticky blood and rising blood energy.

Bloody light shone in a pair of scarlet tiger eyes, revealing murderous intent.

But now that it has reached this point, the situation no longer makes Zhu Zhuqing hesitate.

She forced herself to calm down, and the ghost civet spirit emerged outside her body.

Before coming here today, Zhu Zhuqing had read all the contents of the manuscript.

With her current knowledge of cultivation, although she cannot create this secret method, she can still roughly see whether this secret method is feasible and effective, its general principles, and the subsequent changes between the two parties after it is used.

Otherwise, with her current meticulous thinking, no matter who she is on guard against, even if it is not for Su Cheng, she would not be able to use it easily.

As the secret technique circulated, a dark and deep mist surged out from the Netherworld Civet Cat's martial spirit, and then wrapped around the bloody tiger.

The giant bloody tiger instinctively looked at the thin mist floating over, as if it had self-awareness.

The exposed Senbai gums opened slightly, revealing the sharp fangs that shone with cold light, and seemed to be letting out bursts of silent growls.

The next moment, the mist covered the bloody white tiger spirit skeleton.

The blood tiger raised its head and howled angrily, but no sound came out.

As Xue Hu continued to struggle, Zhu Zhuqing's face turned pale.

She was also seriously injured in the previous battle, and her soul power was also consumed a lot.

Because his cultivation level is even lower than that of Su Cheng, his condition is even worse at this time.

But at this moment, the blood tiger's struggle suddenly weakened, and then stood motionless in place, allowing the dark mist to absorb and swallow it.

Soon, the blood essence of the White Tiger Spirit was eaten away, leaving only a few scattered remains.

At the same time, Zhu Zhuqing's body erupted with soul power fluctuations that were far beyond what her apparent Soul Emperor cultivation should be at this time.

The strength of its aura is even stronger than that of ordinary titled Douluo!

Her martial spirit has completely changed.

A giant tiger with a completely transparent body, white fur and black stripes, and flashing purple eyes crouched quietly behind him.

From now on, she no longer needs to rely on martial soul fusion skills to regain the power of the Netherworld White Tiger.

On the other side, as Zhu Zhuqing finished using the secret method of seizing blood, the remaining martial soul residue in the air returned to Su Cheng's body.

But his aura also plummeted.

The soul power cultivation level that was once as high as level 76 is now not even level 30.

And it’s a permanent fall.

His martial spirit has been destroyed, and there is no possibility of recovery.

Different from the malignant mutation of ordinary martial spirits, he was essentially damaged and almost irreparable.

Zhu Zhuqing glanced at Su Cheng, who seemed to have lost consciousness, with a complicated expression, then stood up and walked towards the corpses of three Jun Ant Emperors not far away.

The center of the Great Star Forest where they were at this time was originally occupied by two hundred thousand year old soul beasts, the ape god and the cow and horse. No soul beast within a hundred miles dared to approach easily.

Later, the two forest kings disappeared, and the place was occupied by three 90,000-year-old ant kings.

Now that the Thousand Jun Ant Emperor has just died, there is no risk in absorbing soul rings here in a short period of time.

Zhu Zhuqing temporarily put aside those irrelevant thoughts, sat cross-legged on the ground silently, and summoned the first 90,000-year-old soul ring in front of him.

Her original plan was to absorb one of them and become a Soul Saint.

With her current physical strength and actual cultivation, this step does not require much effort.

After absorbing the second soul ring as quickly as possible, regardless of whether it can be fully absorbed, we must attack the last level before the last soul ring disappears.

However, when she issued a soul ring summons to a Giant Ant King, a change occurred.

Three strands of black energy were simultaneously released from the bodies of the three Qianjun Ant Emperors, turning into black and red soul rings and covering them towards the Netherworld White Tiger.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Zhu Zhuqing reacted instantly after being slightly startled.

Her cultivation strength at this time, coupled with the extremely powerful Netherworld White Tiger Spirit, the pull of the spirit ring is too overbearing.

Although she was only summoning one of the spirit rings, the bodies of the three brothers were too close together, coupled with the powerful power of her current martial arts spirit, and her own cultivation level of a titled Douluo, the result was that the three spirit rings were Huan reacted at the same time.

However, if three soul rings are absorbed together, there is no doubt that the risks involved are extremely high, not to mention that these are absorbed across multiple years.

But at this time, Zhu Zhuqing did not hesitate at all and allowed the three soul rings to be placed on his Netherworld White Tiger at the same time.

Martial spirits and spirit masters naturally influence each other.

This is especially obvious for owners of beast martial souls.

The kingly aura of the Netherworld White Tiger also affected Zhu Zhuqing invisibly.

If her temperament was more cautious and calm in the past, now she is much more deep and domineering.

Even when faced with the terrifying three ninety thousand year old soul rings, he had no intention of backing down.

She had already paid so much for this step, and she had no other choice.

The soul ring is the tempering and evolution of the martial soul. When absorbing the soul ring, the soul master's physical fitness is only the first threshold. However, if the energy of the soul ring is too huge, the martial soul may be exploded by the energy of the soul ring.

Under the impact of the huge energy, the Netherworld White Tiger raised its head and roared, its purple eyes turned scarlet, blood overflowed from its white fur, and the Wind God Domain spontaneously spread.

The energy that rushed into the body at that moment was really terrifying. Even though Zhu Zhuqing was fully prepared, his vision went dark and he almost fainted due to the impact of this energy.

A stream of blood spilled from the corner of her mouth, but her eyes were as firm as ever.

"bring it on."

Whether it is the three 90,000-year-old spirit rings or the Netherworld White Tiger, they are both the best in the world.

At this moment, Zhu Zhuqing's seemingly delicate body instantly became a battlefield where these two completely different and powerful energies collided with each other.

Thanks to the fact that she has been absorbing soul rings for many years in the past, her physical fitness far exceeds that of the same level.

Coupled with practicing the Nirvana Sutra all year round, the meridians are extremely resilient, otherwise they would not be able to sustain it for even a moment.

But even so, she felt that she was approaching her limit.

The violent soul power rushed through her meridians, constantly tearing her body apart.

Not just meridians.

The blood was rushing through her blood vessels very fast, her internal organs were under extreme pressure, and blood was overflowing from all the seven orifices.

But at this time, Zhu Zhuqing could not slow down the operation of his soul power at all.

The energy in the soul ring was so violent that she couldn't guide it at all. The only solution she could think of was to fight head-on.

The sharp and violent soul power unique to the Netherworld White Tiger Spirit will not be at a disadvantage in such a collision.

However, as the two huge energies collided with each other, the meridians in Zhu Zhuqing's body finally couldn't support it, and the places where they hit began to shatter.

Severe pain swept through her body instantly, and a layer of blood appeared on her entire body.

Su Cheng, who had already opened his eyes and silently observed Zhu Zhuqing's current state, his eyes darkened slightly and his expression was a little solemn.

He had underestimated the power of these three 90,000-year-old soul rings before.

Even if Zhu Zhuqing is allowed to suppress her soul power in advance, even if she helps her transform her martial soul into a Netherworld White Tiger and be promoted to a titled Douluo in one fell swoop.

With her physical quality that she has just advanced, it is still too difficult to absorb three soul rings at the same time on her own.

Su Cheng pondered for a moment, then got up and walked over to Zhu Zhuqing.

Under the impact of the violent soul power in her body, her clothes were already in tatters.

With the movement of Su Cheng's fingertips, he easily cut it open and then scattered it on the ground.

Zhu Zhuqing naturally felt his movements.

In fact, the moment Su Cheng stood up, she had already sensed it.

Although she devoted almost all her attention to controlling her own soul power, the difference between Su Cheng's power level and hers at this moment was too huge, and it was impossible to hide it.

In Zhu Zhuqing's perception, the familiar aura and soul power fluctuations first kept approaching, and then stood behind her, with soul power gushing out.

The other party's actions made her sigh secretly.

But he didn't have much desire to resist.

However, when she discovered that the other party's soul power only cut her clothes open, she couldn't help but feel frightened and angry, and her face flushed unconsciously.

But then a wave of complex emotions surged through my heart, and strangely, I didn't even feel any disgust.

But it quickly turned calm.

"That's all, let him do whatever he wants..."

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