Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 113 A person’s true identity of the Netherworld White Tiger (additional update)

Under the influence of Su Cheng's precise soul power, Zhu Zhuqing's tight black dress robe fell to the ground.

Later, the white lining specially made for the children of top wealthy aristocrats was also cut open behind him.

Immediately after the last protection was removed, the naked body was no longer displayed in front of Su Cheng's eyes.

However, Zhu Zhuqing's skin, which had once bullied Shuang Saixue, was now covered with a layer of blood, which destroyed some of the beauty, but added a different kind of sadness.

She has always had a good figure and is almost unrivaled among her peers.

Even Su Cheng is often amazed by this.

But Zhu Zhuqing's frame is actually not big, but rather slender and light.

This makes her figure curve forward and backward without looking bloated, and the lines look soft like a delicate work of art.

But at this time, Su Cheng obviously had no time to care about these things.

Although his cultivation level has dropped significantly now, his perception is still sharp.

You can clearly feel that the next energy shock in the opponent's body is about to come.

But in Zhu Zhuqing's current state, he was obviously unable to resist.

Su Cheng was now ready to use external force to stimulate her physical potential and increase the capacity of her meridians to hold energy, thereby buffering the damage caused by energy confrontation in her body.

It is obviously stupid to use the silver needle at this time. The soul power in her body is too violent, and the silver needle is only suitable for use when the physical condition is stable.

The better way now is to stimulate the soul for a short period of time and directly use your fingers to stimulate the soul power.

However, before his fingers could get close to her body, there was already a clear layer of resistance blocking his approach, like a layer of energy covering her body.

With his mere soul power at the level of a great soul master, he couldn't break through this heavy defense.

Su Cheng couldn't help but frown secretly.

This layer of defense was probably not Zhu Zhuqing's original intention.

In fact, the energy level in the opponent's body is too high at this moment, and the body's passive defense is enough to make him helpless.

In fact, if it weren't for this defensive instinct, her body would have been blown to pieces by this extremely violent energy wave.

Without hesitation, Su Cheng took out a bottle of potion and drank it.

The moment he took it, his originally sluggish soul power surged instantly, even slightly surpassing his previous peak state.

This bottle of potion was originally left behind by him.

It is a special method that is planned to stimulate the burning of blood at the cost of life force in the future after the cultivation level falls.

The foundation of his bloodline has been damaged. How can he return to his former peak at this time without paying a price?

But now I don’t care much anymore.

If Zhu Zhuqing died here, what would be the future?

With the blessing of the advanced soul saint's cultivation, Su Cheng easily broke through the energy defense on the opponent's body.

His fingers touched her fair skin.

Zhu Zhuqing's body shook slightly, and the breath in his body fluctuated violently. His closed eyelids trembled slightly, but he did not speak.

"Don't worry, I will help you protect your physical body. You only need to concentrate on fighting the energy impact in your body."

Su Cheng's calm voice sounded in Zhu Zhuqing's ears, invisibly soothing her turbulent mood at this time.

Her body surface was now covered with a layer of blood.

It seemed miserable, but in fact it was just a superficial injury caused by the previous energy explosion, and it was insignificant compared to the chaos inside the body.

In just a few moments, it had already been restored to its original state.

When Su Cheng touched it with his fingers, his skin was as soft as gelatin and as delicate as white jade.


As he stabbed her with one finger, Zhu Zhuqing's red lips opened slightly, and she couldn't help but let out a muffled sound that sounded like a groan in pain.

Xuan Ji felt a sense of relief all over his body, and the meridians all over his body instantly expanded a little.

Su Cheng kept moving his hands.

Start from the shoulder blades, then to the spine of the back, and then down to the lower back.

Immediately afterwards, the soul power was tapped into Zhu Zhuqing's waist, arms, armpits, etc. in turn.

After everything was done, he sighed softly.

Without hesitation, he turned directly to Zhu Zhuqing.

The white curves and two dots of red that caught his eye stung him for a moment.

Then he forced himself to calm down and put his fingers on the opponent's chest, tanzhong, lower abdomen, and Shenque...

After everything was done, he breathed a sigh of relief, his forehead already covered with sweat.

He was not nervous, but tired.

With Su Cheng's understanding of the human body, and having been with Zhu Zhuqing for so long, he had used martial soul fusion skills countless times, so he naturally knew each acupuncture point extremely accurately.

But at this time, Zhu Zhuqing's strength was much higher than him.

He was strong on the outside but weak on the inside. The opponent's Netherworld White Tiger was still suppressing his incomplete White Tiger Martial Spirit in all directions. It was naturally not easy to penetrate the soul power.

Of course, the beautiful scenery he just saw was also a great test for his will.

It is obviously difficult to concentrate in that situation without excellent willpower.

Following Su Cheng's actions, Zhu Zhuqing's aura stabilized again and he was able to cope with the arrival of the second energy shock at any time.

"Zhuqing, take the initiative!"

At this time, Su Cheng suddenly spoke.

When Zhu Zhuqing heard this, he did not hesitate and no longer cared about his physical injuries. He activated the energy in his body without hesitation and launched a second round of attacks on the soul ring energy.

It may seem crazy to do this, using her own body as a battlefield, hurting herself before hurting the enemy, but it is already the best solution at the moment.

The powerful collision unfolded again. This time, Zhu Zhuqing's own energy was squeezed and completely integrated with the help of Su Cheng's external force, cutting forward like sharp blades formed by hurricanes.

When the energy collided for the first time, the energy condensed by the three Thousand Jun Ant Emperor Soul Rings had been shocked and scattered backwards. Although not much was shattered and integrated into her body, it would take time to condense it again.

Under Su Cheng's command, Zhu Zhuqing did not give them this time at all this time.

Before the surging energy had finished condensing for the second time, her attack had already arrived.

The violent roar sounded again, and a thick mist of blood spurted out from Zhu Zhuqing's mouth and nose again.

At this time, her face was as golden as paper, and her whole body was shaking violently.

But no matter what, she was able to withstand the second energy shock.

The energy of the broken soul ring was also continuously absorbed by her at this time, and she raced against time to repair her broken body.

Su Cheng was not too excited about this.

He could feel that the huge soul ring energy in Zhu Zhuqing's body was still condensing.

That would be the last impact, but for Zhu Zhuqing, it would be extremely difficult to deal with it again.

At this time, with Su Cheng's help just now, her physical potential has been fully stimulated. If she continues to stimulate it at this time, it will greatly overdraw or even damage her future potential.

Even if he successfully absorbed these three soul rings by then, the sequelae would not be something Zhu Zhuqing could bear.

Her current martial soul level is too high. If she does not have enough energy to feed back, she may even fall directly to the realm of Contra. Maybe even the Netherworld White Tiger martial soul will be damaged as a result.

Su Cheng frowned and thought silently in his heart.

After a moment, he suddenly said: "Zhuqing, have you ever thought about the nature of the Netherworld White Tiger?"

"Essence?" Zhu Zhuqing was stunned when he heard this.

The series of incidents just now happened one after another.

First, there was the energy impact of the three soul rings that was far beyond imagination, and then there was Su Cheng's unexpected move, which successfully helped her calm down the crisis in her body, but then she had to face the next wave of energy. A new round of offensive.

In this situation, how could she calm down and think.

There are already thousands of thoughts in my mind.

At this moment, I suddenly heard Su Cheng ask this, and I couldn't help but feel a little confused for a moment.

Su Cheng frowned even more tightly.

"Zhuqing, now is not the time to think wildly, you just need to think about my problem!"

Zhu Zhuqing's body was shaken and he quickly put aside all the doubts in his heart.

Now is a time of life and death, there is no room for her to think about something.

"The White Tiger Spirit is powerful because of its power, and the Nether Civet Cat is powerful because of its speed." Su Cheng said solemnly, "Zhu Zhuqing, think about your true intentions!"

"My true intention?" Zhu Zhuqing's heart moved.

"Do you crave power? Do you crave strength? But are these really your ultimate pursuits?! Zhu Zhuqing, think carefully about why you are on this path today!"

Su Cheng shouted sharply.

"You have never been interested in proving yourself to anyone, and you don't have much desire for power. Even power is dispensable to you. All of these are just tools for you to lead to the final path!"

Zhu Zhuqing's body was shaken.

That's right, her efforts have never been to gain strength or prove how strong she is.

It's just reality that forces her to have power before she can be herself.

What she really yearns for is——

"Zhu Zhuqing, what you long for is freedom! You hope to be unrestrained. No one can control your destiny, and no one can determine your future!"

Su Cheng's voice continued to echo in her ears.

"Think carefully about what kind of martial spirit the Netherworld White Tiger should be in your mind, and what kind of person you are!"

At this moment, Zhu Zhuqing felt suddenly enlightened.

She seemed to have transformed into the ghostly white tiger that roared proudly between heaven and earth.

Free and unrestrained.

The world is as big as she can go.

Understand your own martial spirit!

The next moment, all the energy in Zhu Zhuqing's body merged into one, and there was no longer any separation between her and Wuhun.

At the same time, the Netherworld White Tiger Martial Spirit, which was constantly absorbing the energy of the soul ring outside her body, surged with white light all over its body, and then seemed to be alive, straightening up and roaring with its head held high.

Behind it, a pair of transparent wings formed entirely from hurricanes appeared out of thin air as the strong wind surged.

The wind god's wings were raised high behind him, and astonishing energy fluctuations spread around.

In that kingly posture with his energy and energy concentrated to the peak, Zhu Zhuqing had long forgotten the pain in his body and the upcoming test, and his aura also improved further.

Like an abyss or an ocean, it is unfathomable.

I kept forgetting to write it two days ago. I would like to thank the boss "The name has no name" for the reward for building a building. I also want to thank the readers who have been voting for Sansan and subscribing during this period for their support. I kowtow to everyone. !

A thousand monthly tickets plus rewards from the boss, plus two updates, and then I have paid off the six chapters I owed for the first and second subscriptions, and there are four chapters left. I will try my best to pay back the six chapters in total before the end of next week. If I can write the next chapter in the early morning, I will post it at eight o'clock tomorrow to prevent anyone from staying up late with me again. .

ps, it’s a great day today!

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