The next day, after having breakfast, Su Cheng and Ning Rongrong went to the core hall of the Qibao Glazed Sect.

Today they are going back to Tiandou Royal Academy and are going to come over to say hello first.

When Ning Rongrong saw Su Cheng, she still had a slightly unnatural look on her face and her eyes were slightly evasive.

Su Cheng didn't think too much about it. He had so many things on his mind right now that he didn't have much energy to pay attention to anything else.

And later he was going to take the opportunity to ask Ning Fengzhi and others some other questions.

At this time, if only the naked eye is used instead of soul power to actively detect, others can no longer see the dark golden lines on his forehead, and it is obviously impossible for these people from the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect to use soul power to observe him.

It was really inconvenient to explain such a change overnight, so Su Cheng used the prepared medicine to temporarily cover it up.

Just be prepared to wait until you add the fourth soul ring to the Eternal Life Sword before revealing that you have an externally attached soul bone.

After a few people took their seats in the hall, they started chatting casually.

Ning Fengzhi didn't show any reluctance about the two people's imminent departure.

Tiandou Royal Academy is very close to Qibao Glazed Sect, so you can meet whenever you want, it won't be a problem.

"Sect Master, do you know anything about the major element academies?"

After a few casual conversations, Su Cheng finally asked the question he wanted to ask.

"I know a little bit." Although Ning Fengzhi didn't know why he suddenly asked this, he still nodded.

Unlike other sects that are either closed or low-key, the Qibao Glazed Sect has always been active in the upper circles of the Tiandou Empire and is well aware of all the news.

"These major elemental academies are Thunder Academy, Divine Wind Academy, Tianshui Academy, Blazing Fire Academy and Elephant Academy. They are quite powerful. They represent five powerful elemental powers and are collectively known as the Tiandou Empire Academy. The Five Elements Academy in the world.”

"I remember there was a botanical college?"

"The strength of the Botanical College cannot be compared with these five colleges, and their Botanical College's martial arts are mainly plant-based martial arts. However, neither the martial soul attributes nor the combination of soul rings are a single attribute. It is simply neither fish nor fowl."

Speaking of this, Ning Fengzhi seemed very disapproving.

Su Cheng nodded and continued to ask: "If I want to join one of the five elemental academies, is it possible?"

Ning Fengzhi was stunned when he heard this and looked at Su Cheng in surprise, "You want to go to the Academy of Elements?"

"That's the idea."

Chen Xin and Gu Rong, who were sitting aside and listening to their conversation silently, were also surprised.

Chen Xin even asked directly: "Cheng'er, those element colleges are not suitable for you. Why do you suddenly have such an idea?"

"I just think it's interesting and want to see it." Su Cheng smiled and didn't explain much.

His external soul bone is not well known, and his promotion ideas are also different from others. It would be too troublesome to explain in detail.

After hearing Su Cheng's words, Ning Rongrong, who was sitting next to him quietly drinking tea, couldn't help but shake the hand holding the tea cup.

First, she glanced at him sideways in astonishment, and then her face turned pale and instantly became ugly.

He lowered his head and remained silent.

However, others did not notice anything strange about her at this moment. They were still surprised by what Su Cheng had just thought.

"I'm afraid this plan of yours won't work." After pondering for a moment, Ning Fengzhi shook his head and said seriously.

"The Five Elements Academy itself is powerful and has sufficient student resources. It does not accept admission from outside students. Of course, your qualifications are also unique there. But the problem is that these academies have always been exclusive. Except for the children of their families, We always recruit students of the same type. Their teaching concepts and teamwork ideas are always extreme."

"I see." Su Cheng looked thoughtful, but he was not too disappointed.

He probably knew something about the Five Elements Academy, but he had never really been in contact with it before, so his understanding was not detailed.

As for the so-called extreme flow, Su Cheng naturally knew about it given his knowledge base.

The so-called extreme flow means that the soul master's ability should be as pure as possible, so that his ability can only develop in a single direction, and the ability in this single direction should be as prominent as possible.

The balanced flow believes that a soul master's abilities should be developed in a balanced way, with a balance of offense and defense.

In fact, because these elemental academies have a high status in the Tiandou Empire, most of the soul masters here are supporters of the extreme flow.

Most of the soul masters in the Star Luo Empire follow a balanced path. Their explosive power may be inferior, but their flaws are much smaller, and their follow-up abilities are also better.

But these situations are only suitable for ordinary people and are used to improve teamwork among soul masters.

There are countless soul masters in the Douluo Continent, how many of them can break through to the Titled Douluo? So it’s only natural to think about teamwork.

But Su Cheng is different. He is confident that he will reach the peak level in the future.

Therefore, there is not much that I want to learn about team fighting techniques, just using force to overwhelm others is enough.

Seeing that Su Cheng was silent, Ning Fengzhi thought that he had not given up on the idea yet, so he continued to explain.

"The issue of elemental attributes is not the most critical reason. The key is that the forces behind these colleges are not simple. Although they are called colleges, they are actually similar to sects.

"Behind the Thunder Academy, it is actually the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family that supports it. However, the way of support is more subtle. Those who join the academy are also some of the side disciples of the family, while the direct disciples are trained within the family. Only Yu Tianheng joins Tiandou Royal Academy. Although it is a side line, the side line of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family has always been very strong.

"Behind Kamikaze Academy, there is the support of Fengjian Sect, which can be called their direct subordinate force. At the same time, Fengjian Sect also uses the channel of the academy to recruit new blood and form a virtuous cycle to maintain the strength of the sect.

"The Blazing Fire Academy is well hidden. I don't even know the specific situation, but I am certain that there must be a sect or family behind them. There are a very large number of students in this academy who are related by blood. .

"The situation of Tianshui College and Blazing Fire College is somewhat similar. Even their deans and vice-presidents are related by blood. They are also a family inheritance type of college. Moreover, the students in their colleges are all women, and their martial spirits are all water-type. Martial spirit, you definitely can’t count on this place.

"The power background of the Elephant Armor Academy is very clear. It is the Elephant Armor Sect, one of the four lower sects. The martial souls of the disciples in this academy are all diamond mammoths. It is also impossible for outsiders to join."

Su Cheng nodded silently, thinking to himself that it looked like he would have to wait until the college competition in the future to find out more about it.

He has no intention of going to the gym in the name of communication.

There was no enmity between the two parties, and he was not a powerful force like Wuhun Palace or Haotian Sect behind him. Without huge benefits, he had nothing to do before he did such stupid things that offended others.

After a moment of silence, Ning Fengzhi said again: "Besides, an auxiliary soul master with a clear sect background like Rongrong will definitely not be accepted by those colleges."

Su Cheng was stunned when he heard this.

He had never thought about taking Ning Rongrong to study elsewhere. He would definitely go there by himself.

Looking at the slightly scrutinizing looks of the people opposite him, he couldn't help but frown secretly, did he think that I was Ning Rongrong's nanny?

But Su Cheng didn't say anything more.

It looks like they won't be able to go anyway, so they can think whatever they want.

After the Soul Master Competition is over, he will go to the Spirit Hall.

Before that everything was just a transition.

After lunch, Su Cheng and Ning Rongrong left the Qibao Glazed Sect and walked back to Tiandou Royal Academy.

Along the way, Ning Rongrong looked a little gloomy, and Su Cheng didn't care. He was still thinking about his own problems.

The elemental academy should have a very deep understanding of the attributes of martial souls and soul rings.

There will definitely be a lot worth learning from.

Maybe you couldn't see anything before.

But now that he has the Eye of True Sight, there are so many places he can explore.

However, judging from Ning Fengzhi's explanation, the previous idea of ​​enrolling in school was indeed a bit fanciful.

"Brother, what did you mean by what you said at home before?"

While Su Cheng was thinking silently, Ning Rongrong who was following him suddenly asked.

The tone was slightly low, making him slightly stunned.


"You didn't even want to take me to other colleges with you, right?"

"That's right. Why are we taking you here? You are not suitable to join the Elements Academy."

"Obviously you are not suitable for those elemental colleges. Why did you leave me in Tiandou College for no reason?"

Ning Rongrong stopped and looked at Su Cheng with a pair of bright eyes.

"The teaching environment of Tiandou Academy is more suitable for you." Su Cheng was a little confused, "And it is also close to the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, which makes it easier for the sect master and teachers to take care of you."

"I don't need others to take care of me. Why do you treat me like a child? Aren't you about the same age as me?" Ning Rongrong's voice suddenly became excited, "Or are you going to other places to avoid me? of college!"

Su Cheng frowned and said helplessly: "You are thinking too much. These are my own thoughts and have nothing to do with you. Besides, why should I avoid you?"

Ning Rongrong didn't believe his words.

In her opinion, Su Cheng's attitude suddenly changed in just one night. There must be other reasons why he wanted to go to those elemental colleges inexplicably.

You know, Su Cheng had always wanted to join the Imperial Fighting Team.

As a result, now that I have entered the academy and joined the team, I am thinking about leaving.

After thinking about it, the reason for this sudden change can only be caused by myself.

To be precise, it was because of Ning Fengzhi's proposal last night.

"If you want me to stay away from you, just say so. With my talent, people are rushing to get it everywhere. Isn't Tiandou Royal Academy good?"

Ning Rongrong was in an extremely bad mood at the moment.

The messy words Ning Fengzhi said the night before did not have much impact on Su Cheng.

His mental age is very mature, he has his own thoughts and cognitions, and he will not think too much because of a word or two from others.

But Ning Rongrong was different. Those words had a great impact on her.

I couldn't even sleep well all night. I kept thinking over and over again and reviewing my feelings for this "brother".

The two of them didn't get along for a long time, but it lasted nearly half a year.

And in the past six months, too many things happened between the two.

At least in the eyes of a little girl like Ning Rongrong, who had not experienced many changes, the two of them had experienced enough.

Everything was constantly impacting her cognition.

In the sect, her father had also brought her to meet many young talents. Whether they were talented soul masters with extraordinary talents or noble children with extraordinary backgrounds, she knew a lot about them.

But he has never seen anyone of the same age like Su Cheng.

Not only his strength and talent, but his mental maturity was what surprised her the most.

Whether it was calling him brothers with the famous Poison Douluo, or talking and laughing freely in front of her father and Grandpa Jian, she was impressed.

When he was in danger before, he was still able to deal with the fake Xue Qinghe, and then delayed it until Dugu Bo arrived. No matter what method he used, it was surprising enough.

What caused Ning Rongrong's emotional transformation to a certain extent was the evolution of her martial soul.

This incident had a profound impact on her.

The Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda is the legend of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect and the dream of their entire sect from generation to generation.

Since her childhood, she had often heard Ning Fengzhi talking about the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda.

The words contained sighs or emotions, which had long been imprinted in the deepest part of her heart.

But she never expected that this dream that had been difficult for the entire sect to realize for countless years would actually be realized in her hands with Su Cheng's help.

Until last night, under Ning Fengzhi's guidance, the complicated feelings in Ning Rongrong's heart finally began to ferment further.

But after all, these are just her unilateral thoughts.

From Su Cheng's point of view, Ning Rongrong's words and actions just now were completely insane.

It made him feel a little irritable.

"Then what do you want to do now?"

"I'm not going back to Tiandou Academy. You can go back by yourself. I can live just as well in other academies."

Su Cheng stared at Ning Rongrong, who also stared back unceremoniously.

After a moment of silence, he said calmly: "Rong Rong, you stay with me, I will teach you to protect you and fulfill your responsibilities as an elder brother. But if you act willfully, you must bear the consequences of your actions. Even if you die, you deserve it.”

"..." When Ning Rongrong heard this, his expression suddenly changed, and a layer of mist suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"I am not saying this to be angry with you. Since you said you are no longer a child, then I will treat you as an adult and talk to you."

Ning Rongrong didn't speak, she just glared at him with red eyes, the anger and grievance in her heart had long overtaken the sadness.

Su Cheng didn't care, his voice remained calm and his expression cold.

“I just want to tell you two things.

“First, everyone has the right to choose their own future, and no one is qualified to make decisions for you, including your parents.

"Second, if you want to control your own destiny, then dare to take it. Don't think that you are my sister and I will take care of you for the rest of your life. If you make up your mind, don't regret or complain even if you die outside. What's more, Don’t think that I will save you from danger.”

Su Cheng looked at Ning Rongrong calmly.

He wants to be willful but is afraid of danger. He makes a choice but is unwilling to pay the corresponding price.

There is no such good thing in the world.

There is another update in the evening.

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