Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 119 Talent is not willful capital, strength is

Watching Ning Rongrong running away.

Su Cheng frowned, turned around and walked towards the Qibao Glazed Sect.

It's okay to say those words to Ning Rongrong. She is pampered at home, but if she maintains this kind of personality outside, she will suffer losses sooner or later. The Seven Treasures Glazed Sect is not an invincible force in the world.

If she wants to run away from home, that's up to her, but she still has to say hello.

As for how to deal with it later, it is Ning Fengzhi's problem and has nothing to do with him.

For Chen Xin's sake, Su Cheng was willing to take care of Ning Rongrong as his younger sister. But the two of them had only been together for a short period of time. It was OK to tell others what they said, but it was impossible for them to deceive themselves about their true feelings.

In the Qibao Glazed Sect, except for Chen Xin, he has no deep emotional ties to others.

Saying "friend" is enough.

What's more, he thought he was worthy of Ning Rongrong.

It can even be said that, except for Qian Renxue in the simulated world, Su Cheng considers himself worthy of everyone close to him.

There is always a balance in his heart.

There is nothing wrong with paying a little more for many things. It is perfectly fine to give first and take later, but you cannot go too far.

Ning Rongrong's current behavior was obviously over the line.

Which college you want to go to is up to you.

It was Ning Rongrong's freedom to stay in Tiandou Academy or not.

She is not yet eleven years old now, and it is completely late if she wants to go to Shrek Academy according to the original timeline.

It is no exaggeration to say that what I gave to the Qibao Glazed Sect was definitely much more than what I received.

Qiluo Tulip gave it to Ning Rongrong to help her evolve her martial soul to the nine treasure level.

If she insisted that this should have been her chance, then before that, Su Cheng had also sent potions to improve her foundation.

In addition, he forced Qian Renxue away. Although the purpose of this was to prevent Qian Renxue from wasting his talent here, it also indirectly allowed the Qibao Glazed Sect to avoid the bad luck of being bloodbathed by him in the future.

Not to mention that the training environment of Tiandou Academy is far better than that of Shrek Academy.

He does need the Qibao Glazed Sect as his current background support, but even without the Qibao Glazed Sect, Dugu Bo is not a vegetarian. This is just an extra layer of insurance.

Among the Qibao Glazed Sect.

Ning Fengzhi and Chen Xin Gu Rong were a little surprised when they saw Su Cheng returning alone.

"Xiao Cheng, why are you back? Where is Rongrong?"

"Rongrong is a little unhappy because I want to enroll in another college. She wants to run away from home. You can go and persuade her."

"What?" Ning Fengzhi was confused for a moment.

Ning Rongrong did have a gloomy face when she left the sect.

At that time, he thought that the child had emotions because he was reluctant to let go of him.

At that time, I felt very emotional. Is it because I am so sentimental after making trouble for a long time?

"Which direction did he go to?" Before Ning Fengzhi had time to speak, Gu Rong beside him already looked slightly anxious.

"It should be to the west." Su Cheng thought for a moment and pointed in a direction.

"Hmph!" Gu Rong didn't say anything more because of the reputation of Ning Fengzhi and Chen Xin. He just snorted coldly and then turned around and left.

He had always loved Ning Rongrong the most, and now he was naturally angry with Su Cheng.

"Uncle Gu has always been like this, Xiao Cheng, don't worry about it." Ning Fengzhi smiled gently at Su Cheng and prepared to go out and look for him.

"Cheng'er, why did you want to go to the Five Elements Academy before?"

Seeing that Gu Rong had already gone to look for Ning Rongrong, Chen Xin felt relieved, turned to Su Cheng, and couldn't help but ask this question again.

At this time, Ning Fengzhi, who was planning to leave the sect with Gu Rong, couldn't help but stop and listened.

When Su Cheng mentioned this matter before, he was inevitably curious, but his temperament had always been reserved, and he didn't want to ask more questions unless Su Cheng said anything.

"My soul skills are combined with various attribute elements. Maybe some of the soul ring combinations and soul skills from the Elements Academy can give me some insights. To be honest, I have been in Tiandou Academy for a while. The environment is of limited help to my cultivation." Although this explanation is slightly far-fetched, it is still tenable.

"That's it." Chen Xin nodded thoughtfully.

He had seen Su Cheng perform soul skills and sword moves in the sect before, and had some pointers on Su Cheng's sword skills using the Seven Kills Sword Technique, so he knew the effects of his first few soul rings and talent areas.

As for Su Cheng's situation in the academy, I also learned about it through Ning Rongrong.

I know that he mostly practices alone and rarely follows the team or goes to the academy teachers for lectures.

After the two casually chatted for a few more words, Su Cheng left the Qibao Glazed Sect and went to the academy.

As he left, Chen Xin and Ning Fengzhi, who were still in the sect, looked at each other with helpless expressions.

Chen Xin thought for a while and said to Ning Fengzhi: "Fengzhi, don't be anxious about the things you are thinking about. The two children are still young, so it can easily be counterproductive.

"I understand, I'm going to look for her now."

Ning Fengzhi nodded, feeling that there might be something wrong with what he said before.

"No matter what, you have to persuade Rongrong to come back. Don't let her just find a college and enroll."

"Don't worry, Uncle Jian."

Just as Su Cheng rushed back to the academy, Gu Rong followed the direction and found Ning Rongrong's location.

With the Title Douluo's powerful perception ability, it was too easy to find a great soul master like her who had not yet attached a third soul ring.

She had not gone too far at this time and was standing under a tree in a daze.

What she said before about leaving was mostly out of anger and she didn't really want to enroll in another college, not to mention she didn't have anywhere in particular she wanted to go.

Her life has been wonderful these days, far from boring like before in the sect.

"Rongrong, what are you thinking about?"

The tall old man with a haggard and skeleton-like face fell from the sky and moved to Ning Rongrong's side in an instant, speaking softly in a gentle tone that was completely inconsistent with his appearance.

"Grandpa Bones." Ning Rongrong raised her head and glanced at Gu Rong, her eyes a little red.

"What's wrong? Who made our little princess angry?" Gu Rong felt heartbroken when he saw the look in her eyes, "Is it because of Su Cheng?"

"..." Upon hearing Su Cheng's name, Ning Rongrong lowered his head and remained silent for a while.

"Ha, I guess it's that kid. Wait until I teach him a lesson and vent my anger for you. Does that kid think I won't dare to touch him because of the sword man's protection?"

"There is also Poison Douluo." Ning Rongrong said in a muffled voice with a slightly nasal voice.

"Poison Douluo is nothing. I can hang him up and beat him with one hand." Gu Rong said as if he was about to leave, "I will go to Tiandou Royal Academy to find him now."

"Grandpa Bones!" Ning Rongrong quickly called him out, her tone a little hesitant and aggrieved, "If I encounter danger outside in the future, will you leave me alone?"

"That's what he said?!" Gu Rong was suddenly shocked and angry.

He had just guessed that something must have happened between Su Cheng and Ning Rongrong that led to Ning Rongrong's idea of ​​running away from home, but he did not expect that there were these remarks.

Anger suddenly surged up.

If it was just a joke just now, he is really a little unhappy now.

"Rongrong." At this time, another voice came from not far away.

Ning Fengzhi arrived.

"What your brother said is actually right. We can't take care of you forever. You have to understand that Uncle Jian and Uncle Bone are not invincible. There are far more strong people in this world than you think."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Gu Rong's eyes widened, and his already withered face suddenly became a little scary, "If you want to say anything, just talk about yourself, and don't involve me. I can take care of Rongrong for the rest of my life."

Ning Fengzhi was not afraid of him, but she looked helpless when he scolded him.

The two Protector Douluo of the Qibao Glazed Sect were powerful and senior, and they were like fathers to him. Many times, he could not refute what they said.

And it must be said that 70% to 80% of Ning Rongrong's current problems were caused by them.

"Okay, I won't say anything anymore."

Ning Fengzhi didn't want to, let alone argue with him. She turned to look at Ning Rongrong and said softly: "Actually, your brother is still worried about you. After you left, he came to the Qibao Glazed Sect to find us, and even took you He told us his whereabouts."


"If you don't believe me, ask your Grandpa Bones how you think we found it."

Ning Rongrong's eyes lit up after hearing this, and she turned her gaze towards Gu Rong.


Gu Rong frowned at her hopeful eyes and reluctantly agreed.

"Rong Rong, listen to dad and go back to the academy." Ning Fengzhi said warmly, "You have to know that Xiao Cheng has done a lot for you, and it is thanks to him that your martial spirit can evolve. And you will follow him in the future. By his side, we all feel at ease.”

In fact, it's not that Ning Rongrong doesn't understand these principles, it's just because of his temperament that he will inevitably lose control of his emotions.

At this time, he calmed down, and with Ning Fengzhi on his side to persuade him, the previous emotions slowly dissipated.

He nodded silently.

"Go back and communicate with Xiao Cheng. No matter what your brother said to you, I believe his starting point is for your own good. Don't be so willful in the future."

"Rongrong, don't listen to your father. You can do whatever you want. If anything happens, your Grandpa Gu will support you."

When Ning Fengzhi heard this, he smiled bitterly again.

After Su Cheng returned to the academy, he first went to find Dugu Bo.

Although Qian Renxue has left the Tiandou Empire, he still stays in the academy.

After all, Su Cheng hasn't treated him yet for the poison in his body.

The reason why Su Cheng found him was precisely for this matter.

They were going to go to the Ice and Fire Eyes together after some time to resolve the toxins in his body.

By the way, help him choose a suitable fairy grass to take to improve his foundation so that he can break through to the peak Douluo realm in the future.

When Su Cheng walked out of the team lounge, he saw Ning Rongrong standing under a tree not far away, silently looking in his direction.

Seeing him coming out, his eyes suddenly lit up and he seemed a little hesitant.

Su Cheng thought for a moment and walked over without ignoring it.

He has no intention of quarreling with the other party.

In Su Cheng's eyes, Ning Rongrong was just a child.

Now that she has returned to the academy, I think it was Ning Fengzhi who persuaded her.

"Let's go have a meal together?"

Ning Rongrong nodded silently and followed Su Cheng towards the restaurant.

"...Brother, do you look down on me?" Ning Rongrong suddenly asked softly while walking halfway.

Su Cheng was a little surprised to see her say that.

This thought never occurred to him.

Everyone has his own way of living. If he himself is not stable, then why should he have the leisure to judge others?

Although he had no interest in teaching children, he felt a little soft-hearted when he saw Ning Rongrong's attitude.

I couldn't help but sigh.

"You think too much Rongrong, I have never looked down on you. You have good talents and a good family background. You are the princess of the Qibao Glazed Sect and the apple of everyone's eye. It is normal to have some sense of superiority. I am just a soul. My respect, my cultivation level is not much higher than yours, so I have no right to point fingers at you, let alone look down on you."

Su Cheng kept walking and whispered softly as he walked.

"I have said before that everyone has their own choice. As long as you have the awareness and don't regret it later. At home, you can rely on your talents to do whatever you want, but outside, others will only recognize you. The size of a fist."

His eyes were looking into the distance, his eyes were blank, as if he was stuck in the memories of the past.

"Among the people I know, there are two people whose background is no worse than yours, and one of them is even more talented than you. Even I feel ashamed of myself, but she has never acted willfully because of her talent. Even once.”

Ning Rongrong remained silent and followed him quietly.

After a long time, he whispered: "Are you talking about the woman who pretended to be Xue Qinghe that day?"

Su Cheng's eyes twitched and he didn't understand how she thought of it.

I'm going to adjust the update time later and see if I can post the daily updates together. Dear readers, please don't wait~

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