Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 120 You should also join the Wuhun Palace

"No." Su Cheng said as he walked forward without stopping.

"..." Ning Rongrong, who was following him, raised his eyes and did not continue to dwell on this topic.

Then he said: "You really didn't want to go to other colleges because of me?"

Su Cheng sighed, a little helpless, "Didn't I tell you earlier? It's because of my own reasons that I want to go to the Five Elements Academy. If it's because of you, why should I go to the Five Elements Academy? Didn't you hear what the sect leader said? Well, outsiders are not accepted there at all.”

"Don't you want to participate in the Soul Master Competition?"

"Who said you can't participate in the Soul Master Competition if you go to the Five Elements Academy. As long as you can enter the academy, the team is not just based on strength. In short, this matter has nothing to do with you, you don't need to think too much."

"Then why did you let me stay in Tiandou Academy by myself?"

Su Cheng stopped and turned to look at Ning Rongrong.

"To be honest, the cultivation environment here is the most suitable for you. It is close to the sect, so they can take care of you easily. Unlike the sect master, you have a titled Douluo to protect you. The wealth of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect will inevitably be coveted by others. How much experience do you have that can help you avoid these dangers?"

After speaking, he shook his head again.

"If I tell you this now, you may not understand it. The environment in the sect is too comfortable, and there are many things you can't see. There is no guarantee that an incident like yesterday will not happen again. But if something like this does happen again, It’s too late to regret it, but you should think more before you lose your temper and run away from home again.”

On the continent now, with the suppression of Wuhun Palace and the existence of the Slaughter City, the number of evil soul masters living outside is not large, but it is definitely not none.

Ning Rongrong himself is an auxiliary soul master, so the possibility of encountering danger is not small.

Even he himself was cautious and hired Dugu Bo as his bodyguard.

The name of the heir to the Qibao Glazed Sect is far more resounding than his, and the wealth he represents is even more astonishing. There is no guarantee that someone will not take the risk.

If Ning Rongrong exposes the existence of the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda Martial Spirit in the future, there is no telling how many people will become a thorn in their side.

"By the way, you want to add a third soul ring, right? Remember to find the academy teacher and promote yourself to Soul Master as soon as possible."

When Su Cheng said this, he secretly thought it was a pity.

His external soul bone cannot be exposed yet, otherwise he can take this opportunity to observe how the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda absorbs soul rings and transforms them into fixed soul skills.

He now has an extremely rich accumulation of knowledge on martial arts. If he could see the rules of its operation, he might be enlightened.

Su Cheng had thought about this problem before, but found a good way to hide it.

Now if we only rely on the combat method of "seeing through", we can do it with just our eyes.

But if you want to enter that kind of deep vision, you must use the Eye of True Sight between the eyebrows. The aura fluctuations and external manifestations in it cannot be hidden from Ning Rongrong and others.

As for the promotion and use of the Nine Treasure Glazed Pagoda Martial Spirit, Su Cheng no longer needs much reference.

The special vision that can see through martial spirits and soul rings is far more useful than observing an alternative auxiliary martial spirit.

Soon, three months passed.

Su Cheng stood next to a strange hot spring, and some water vapor continued to rise around him until it slowly dispersed at the mountain pass hundreds of meters high.

The milky white and vermilion hot spring water is clearly divided into two halves, each occupying one side.

It is the Ice and Fire Eye in the Sunset Forest.

Su Cheng glanced at the hot spring beside him.

He knew in his heart that thousands of feet below the spring were buried the bones of the two great dragon kings, the Water Dragon King and the Fire Dragon King.

I just don’t know if a being of that level still has soul bones left.

However, even if there is indeed a true dragon soul bone left in it, it is not something that he can get his hands on now.

Not to mention the ridiculously high ranks of the two dragon kings, their energy must be extremely strong.

No matter how easy it is to absorb soul bones, there is still a limit.

What's more, such a deep position is simply out of reach with his current strength.

Not to mention him, even a god-level expert who has just reached level 100, whether he can reach that position is anyone's guess.

Moreover, if the bones of such an extremely powerful man can create such a blessed place on earth after thousands of years, the remaining pressure must be extremely shocking, and ordinary people may not be able to bear it.

Therefore, after taking a glance, Su Cheng stopped looking closely and turned his gaze back to Dugu Bo in front of him.

This was the last time I treated Dugu Bo.

Once this is completed, the poison in his body will be completely resolved.

Su Cheng moved very quickly. In the past three months, he had repeated the same operation many times.

The snake venom in Dugu Bo's body has long been integrated into his blood and bone marrow, especially the poison in his soul power, which is even deeper than in the simulation.

He needs to guide it many times to completely eradicate it without damaging the opponent's soul power foundation and toxic characteristics.

"I heard that you were having a bad time with your team's new instructor?"

The shirtless Dugu Bo said casually while feeling the changes in his body that made him extremely comfortable.

"Not really." Su Cheng said lightly.

A month ago, the quota for the first team of Huang Dou was finally officially determined.

There are seven full members in total plus five substitutes.

In addition, the college also assigned them an instructor Qin Ming.

He is very strong and extremely talented. At the age of less than thirty-two, he has already reached the peak of Soul King. He is not far away from Soul Emperor and can break through within two years.

It can be said that the talent is quite good, and the possibility of becoming a titled Douluo in the future is extremely high.

"Still saying no?" After hearing Su Cheng's answer, Dugu Bo's tone sounded a little gloating.

"I heard from Yan Yan that Qin Ming is very dissatisfied with you because you often don't train with the team."

Speaking of this, Su Cheng was a little helpless.

He didn't have any objections to Qin Ming.

Although this teacher will leave Tiandou Royal Academy and return to Shrek Academy in the future, it doesn't have much to do with him.

At this stage, this teacher is still very responsible.

But Su Cheng really didn't want to waste time with the team, and those training programs were of little help to him.

Besides, even if he doesn't participate in training, he won't have much impact on the team.

He is an attack-type soul master, not a control-type soul master. He is not the core of the team combat system. He only needs to wait for a few days to adapt to it.

But Qin Ming obviously didn't think so, which also led to a cold relationship between them.

While Su Cheng led Dugu Bo's blood to be filtered and neutralized with drugs, he said, "Actually, it doesn't matter whether he is satisfied or not. Anyway, I won't be able to control him right away."

"What do you want to do?" Dugu Bo looked at him strangely.

"What's that look in your eyes?" Su Cheng was speechless, "To tell you the truth, I'm going to join the Second Emperor's Dou Team."

"What?" Dugu Bo was startled when he heard this, "You didn't know that Huangdou's first team could be sent to the finals?"

"It's because the first team of Huang Dou was sent to the finals that I went to the second team." Su Cheng said casually.

"Is there anything wrong with you, kid? I remember you said before that you wanted to join the Spirit Hall as a champion?"

"It's not like the second team can't win the championship." Su Cheng said calmly, "The place in the finals is not important. With me leading the team, they will definitely be able to enter the finals. I need to play against Five Elements Academy. If I get a walk-off, I won't have this chance."

"Fight against Five Elements Academy? Why, what's so special about them?"

"You wouldn't understand even if I told you."

"I noticed that your tone is getting louder and louder." Dugu Bo snorted coldly.

After thinking for a while, he suddenly said: "How about I ask Yan Yan to go to the second team with you? I think you are more reliable than Qin Ming and can give her guidance."

Su Cheng was dumbfounded when he heard this, "Don't think about your messy things. Have you forgotten what happened that day?"

"Uh." After hearing what he said, Dugu Bo suddenly thought of the woman from Wuhun Palace he met that day.

"So, you still plan to let your granddaughter follow me?"

Su Cheng looked at him with a half-smile.

"Think about it." What he didn't expect was that Dugu Bo actually nodded, "I didn't mean anything else, and don't be too arrogant. Anyway, you said you can make it to the finals. If you are defeated by If you are eliminated, I will settle the score with you."

"Oh, forget it." Su Cheng shook his head.

"You have to consider other people's thoughts. It doesn't matter to you. After all this trouble, haven't I become a target? Duguyan is also the vice-captain of the first team after all. If he follows me to the second team, what will the college think and what will the other team members think? Think about it, what will Yu Tianheng and the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect behind him think? I don’t want to offend the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect inexplicably because of you."

"Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect..." Dugu Bo frowned upon hearing this.

Leaving aside what Yu Tianheng's real thoughts are, the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect must have some intentions. If Yu Tianheng's relationship can be used to tie up his title Douluo, it will be a sure profit no matter what. pay.

He didn't want Su Cheng to get into trouble because of this.

In fact, Su Cheng himself didn't care much about offending the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect.

This family has a great name, but in fact it is not very strong. By this generation, it is obvious that it has become a bit weak. Even when it comes to true strength, it may not be comparable to the Qibao Glazed Sect.

But whether you care or not is one thing, whether it is necessary is another.

Dugu Yan is good in the same team. She practices snake-like beast martial arts and has a grandfather who is a titled Douluo. How can Su Cheng have any ability to give advice to others.

"Don't talk about your granddaughter for now. Let me talk to you about something serious."

Su Cheng put away the silver needle and began to prepare the potion.

He said: "I have a way to help you break through the bottleneck of level 95 peak Douluo in a short time. Do you have anything to say?"

Dugu Bo was surprised at first, but then he reacted and became a little excited, "Is it that kind of fairy herb?"

He knows his own situation well.

The foundation of the Jade Phosphorus Snake Spirit is not very strong, and being able to break through to the Titled Douluo realm requires a certain amount of luck. Evolving the spirit into the Jade Phosphorus Snake King can be said to have reached its limit, and it is almost impossible to go further.

This is one of the reasons why he has been ridiculed as the weakest titled Douluo.

The potential is almost completely exhausted, and if you want to make progress, you can only study some side methods such as poison.

Although the group attack is powerful, it is also due to the attributes of the martial soul, not how high his strength is.

"That's right, it's fairy grass." Su Cheng said bluntly.

"You have a grass jelly here called Snow Swan Kiss, which can catalyze the poison and make it exert its full effect in a short time. But even you can't take this thing directly. I need to deal with it first. Yes. This stuff will help and your foundation will be greatly improved.”

After hearing his explanation, Dugu Bo's expression gradually calmed down from his initial excitement.

He hesitated slightly and said: "Can Yanyan use this snow-colored swan kiss you mentioned?"

Su Cheng glanced at him in surprise, not expecting that the other party was actually willing to give this opportunity to Dugu Yan.

But he still shook his head and said: "I don't recommend you give this fairy grass to her. The power of Snow Swan Kiss is to stimulate the potential of the poison itself. I made some adjustments to it to delay this catalytic effect as much as possible. So that it will not explode too violently and cause danger. But if Duguyan wants to use it, not to mention that her current body can hardly bear it, and using this thing with her foundation is also a waste."

"That's it." Dugu Bo nodded thoughtfully.

At this time, Su Cheng suddenly asked: "Senior, how about joining the Spirit Hall with me when the time comes?"

When Dugu Bo heard this, his eyes widened and he turned to look at Su Cheng.

"I've been making trouble for a long time, and your boy is waiting for me here."

"I'm just making a suggestion, not trying to repay a favor. If you don't want to, I'm too lazy to force you." Su Cheng chuckled, "I asked you for two fairy grasses before, so it's natural for me to help you get promoted."

After Dugu Bo was silent for a while, he smacked his lips and said, "You know that I have already rejected the invitation from Wuhun Palace, right?"

"Of course I know. To be honest, the reason why you don't want to join the Spirit Hall is just because you don't want to be restricted in your freedom. But the treatment of ordinary titled Douluo and peak Douluo in the Spirit Hall are completely different. The few worshippers in the Spirit Hall , after living for so many years, how many times have you seen them take action? Not to mention that after using the fairy grass, your martial soul bloodline will also undergo transformation, and then you will no longer be the mediocre Poison Douluo you used to be."

"You really dare to say that you, a little soul master, still say that I, a titled Douluo, am mediocre?" Dugu Bo laughed angrily at his last words, but there was some thought flashing in his eyes.

"I am also an ordinary soul master." Su Cheng smiled and continued: "You are a loner, and it is just a wild idea to train your granddaughter. It is difficult to impart knowledge systematically. In this regard, Wuhun Palace also It's not necessarily bad, I can always give you a destination. You know, your reputation as a Poison Douluo is not very good."

Of course he had his own selfish motives when he said this at this time.

If Dugu Bo, whose strength has greatly increased, joins the Spirit Hall, he will no longer be considered a person without any foundation.

But these words are not deceiving Dugu Bo.

In the Wuhun Palace, the treatment of peak Douluo is indeed different.

Even Ju Douluo Yueguan, although he usually has a lot of affairs, is because he can be regarded as Bibi Dong's most trusted confidant.

Most of the dirty and tiring work was basically not his turn to do, and ordinary titled Douluo had long been responsible for it.

For example, Qian Renxue’s previous act of usurping the country.

In the plan at that time, in addition to the two direct descendants of the Qian Family, Snake Spear and Thorn Blood, there were also two titled Douluo on standby. They were both titled Douluo with ordinary status in Wuhun Palace.

Su Cheng's thoughts didn't mince words, they were all straightforward.

Dugu Bo is not stupid, and he naturally knows how to weigh gains and losses.

He was indeed a little moved.

The most important thing is that Wuhundian Academy is indeed more suitable for the cultivation of children as Su Cheng said.

Nowadays, the students in Wuhundian Academy are basically the descendants of Wuhundian soul masters.

Some of the soul masters who died fighting for Wuhun Palace also received an excellent education from their descendants.

Now the three golden generations of Wuhun Palace are all in this situation.

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