Tiandou Royal Academy.

In the luxurious academy team lounge, there were a total of eleven people standing or sitting scattered around.

These people don't seem to be very old, and they are all students in the academy.

They are the current members of the Fighting Royal Academy team.

It includes regular players and substitute members, and everyone except Su Cheng has arrived.

"Where's Su Cheng?" Yu Tianheng glanced at the members in the room and asked in a deep voice.

"He is with my grandfather. He should be back today." Dugu Yan said from the side.

Hearing this, Yu Tianheng suddenly felt a little envious.

He couldn't understand how Su Cheng could get along so well with someone like Dugu Bo at such a young age.

You know, every time he sees Dugu Bo's expression, he feels a little scared from the bottom of his heart.

"You won't train with us when you come back."

The speaker was a handsome young man with lively eyes and a slightly frivolous tone.

This person's name is Yu Feng. He is an agility-based attack spirit master with the Wind Chime Bird Spirit. He is already an official member of the first team.

He is short in stature and has short blond hair. He is currently sitting against the large crystal window in the south of the room, looking carefree.

"It's normal not to come. If you have Su Cheng's strength and age, you don't have to come."

Opposite Yufeng, leaning on the other side of the crystal window, was a young man dressed all in black, with an appearance comparable to that of a woman.

This man also had blond hair, and his tone was slightly mocking when he spoke.

"Osluo, are you saying I'm weak? How about we go out and compete?"

"Exactly." The young man in black, known as Oslo, looked disdainful, "You, a flying soul master, want to spar with me, a ground soul master? You have the nerve to say that. If you have the ability, go find Su Cheng and spar with me. What is it called here?"

The martial spirit of Oslo, a young man in black, is a ghost leopard. As an agility and attack spirit master, he was restrained by Yu Feng.

"Okay, then I'll compete with him. I'd like to see what this so-called genius is capable of. He's so arrogant." Yufeng said with a sneer, and instantly jumped down from the window and stood up straight.

Qin Ming, the team leader, was obviously not the only one who was dissatisfied with Su Cheng's frequent absences.

When Su Cheng and Ji Yuan fought that day, Yu Feng was not present.

He believes that with his flying ability, he can remain invincible even if he is defeated.

After hearing his words, Oslo smiled a little gloatingly.

This guy with a martial soul and wings relied on his ability to fly, but he always looked carefree, which made him unhappy for a long time.

"Let's see if you wait until someone plucks all the feathers off the bird."

At this time, other people in the room also had different expressions.

Most of the substitute members looked low-key and did not want to participate in this discussion.

The two brothers from the Shi family have straight noses and square mouths, strong bodies, and thick and steady breaths. One of them is now a regular player and the other is a substitute.

At this time, everyone was sitting on the ground under the wall, meditating cross-legged, and paying no attention to external things.

Ye Lingling, who was standing alone in the corner, glanced at Yufeng lightly, then lowered his eyes without making any sound.

Dugu Yan frowned. Su Cheng was kind to her and didn't want such a meaningless conflict to occur, so he was ready to mediate.

At this time, a clear voice suddenly sounded, with a strong smell of gunpowder in his tone.

"Are you worthy?"

It was Ning Rongrong who spoke.

She is now a substitute member of the team, but no official member dares to underestimate her.

With her current soul power level, it will not be difficult for her to become an official team member in the future.

After being promoted to Soul Lord, Qiluo Tulip's medicinal power has further exerted its effect. In recent times, her soul power has increased extremely quickly.

What's more, the auxiliary soul master is the cornerstone of the team, a rare species, and no one wants to offend him.

It's just that these days she mainly focuses on cultivation and usually keeps a low profile.

After hearing Yu Feng's remarks just now, he couldn't bear it any longer and reprimanded him on the spot.

Yufeng also knew Ning Rongrong's identity. He frowned and tried to choke out a few words.

"Okay, please stop talking." Yu Tianheng tried to dissuade him, "Teacher Qin will be here later, so there is no point in arguing."

In fact, he had no dissatisfaction with Su Cheng not coming to training on weekdays.

The two of them had also fought against each other during this period. Although he was a higher level and had a strong blue electric dragon spirit, he was no match for Su Cheng.

Not to mention that Su Cheng's cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds in recent times, and is about to surpass him, and is not far behind the Soul Sect.

Yu Tianheng's character is not tough, nor does he have the arrogance of being a disciple of a noble family.

Even deep down, I was envious of Su Cheng's free behavior.

This also has a lot to do with the environment in which he grew up.

In the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, although he is the direct eldest son of the family head, he receives very limited attention.

Moreover, there are some discords within this family, and there are serious factional conflicts. Even the head of the family cannot speak with enough weight.

Although Yu Tianheng's own talent is good, there are people in the family who are not weaker than him.

The superior status did not bring him more confidence, but gave him great pressure.

At this moment, the door to the team lounge room was suddenly opened, and a person walked in from the outside.

As this man appeared, all the team members in the room who were sitting in different positions stood up and bowed to him.


Walking in from the door was a middle-aged man, who looked about thirty years old, with ordinary appearance and black hair, simple and plain clothes, and only one pair of particularly bright eyes.

The person who came was none other than Qin Ming, the instructor of Team 1 of the Fighting Royal Academy.

After entering the room, Qin Ming nodded slightly towards a few people, and then quickly glanced around everyone present.

He couldn't help but frown slightly and looked at Yu Tianheng.

"Su Cheng didn't come again today?"

Yu Tianheng and Dugu Yan glanced at each other subconsciously, with a hint of worry in their eyes.

Qin Ming is very strong. He is the peak soul king in his early thirties and deserves everyone's respect. It is also an honor for them to be their instructor.

But Su Cheng is not weak either. Judging from his current progress, I am afraid that he will be promoted to the Soul Sect in less than a year and will become the core strength of the team.

If there is an unpleasant quarrel between these two people, it will obviously not be a good thing for the team.

But the two of them obviously have conflicting ideas, and this is not the way to go.

"Teacher Qin, my brother was busy yesterday and may not have returned to the academy yet."

In the silence, Ning Rongrong took the initiative to defend Su Cheng.

Qin Ming glanced at her and said nothing.

Dugu Yan also said: "Yes, Teacher Qin, if Su Cheng doesn't come, it won't affect our team's training. Isn't it also okay to substitute a substitute member? As long as I control the field, Ling Ling's assistance is enough."

Qin Ming's face darkened when he heard this, and he reprimanded: "Yanzi, let it go if Ning Rongrong says so. As the vice-captain, how can you have such a mentality? Can you substitute players at will in future games? You usually don't take training seriously. If you cooperate well, you will encounter greater setbacks sooner or later!"

Upon seeing this, Yu Tianheng quickly offered words of persuasion: "Teacher Qin, the thing is like this. Su Cheng can practice faster on his own, and can achieve greater improvement than being with us. In fact, looking at it this way, he may be more It will help improve the overall combat effectiveness of our team in the future.”

Qin Ming took a deep look at everyone and sighed.

His voice became deeper, and his dark eyes revealed deep emotions.

"When I was in school, my teachers have always taught me the principles of teamwork and sharing the joys and sorrows with my partners. Even if they are punished, I will take the initiative to bear it with them. Are you willing to speak for Su Cheng today? , I'm very pleased. But Su Cheng's behavior makes me very dissatisfied."

"Your previous college?"

After hearing Qin Ming's words, the students present couldn't help but be curious.

They really don't know which college this extremely talented teacher Qin Ming is from.

"That's right, my previous academy was also the place where I was taught to become a talented person——"

Qin Ming was waiting to elaborate when suddenly there was a sound of opening the door.

Everyone present turned their heads to look.

Then Su Cheng stepped into the room.

It seemed a little surprising to see so many people there now.

After being stunned for a moment, he saluted Qin Ming and said, "Teacher Qin."

Qin Ming did not appreciate it, but snorted coldly.

The next moment, the members of the Royal Dou Sentai in the room felt their hearts contract instantly, and the strong shock made everyone's faces show a bit of horror.

Only Su Cheng, who was facing Qin Ming directly, suddenly had a layer of sword intent wrapped around him and a thin sword energy spontaneously emerged around him.

After a faint ripple appeared, it disappeared immediately, as if nothing had happened.

Su Cheng looked at Qin Ming calmly and asked softly: "What's wrong, Teacher Qin?"

Qin Ming narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at him deeply.

He didn't mean to hurt Su Cheng just now, and his cold snort was just an intimidation effect.

But although the power of this sound wave is not high, it is extremely fast and has extremely strong penetrating power. Soul masters with insufficient cultivation will have no way to defend themselves, and their aura will inevitably float.

But the layer of protection on the young man in front of him seemed to emerge passively, and his invisible attack was resolved in an instant.

There wasn't even the slightest breath fluctuation during this period, which was beyond his expectation.

Qin Ming had only heard several members of the education committee brag about Su Cheng's talent before. He had never seen him take action during their previous meetings, so he didn't take it seriously.

I just realized today that I had definitely underestimated the other person before.

This is not the method that Soul Lord should have.

Not to mention the Soul Master, even the ordinary Soul Sect would never be able to do this, at least not with such ease.

"The strength is indeed good, but this is not a reason for you not to train with the team."

Qin Ming looked at Su Cheng and said in a deep voice.

Born in Shrek Academy, he has always believed in the concept of teamwork.

I will raise the standards so that ordinary people cannot meet my eyes, and I will even raise the threshold to a level beyond the reach of ordinary people.

But after you cross this threshold, no matter whether your talent and strength are strong or weak, you must act in unison with others and become a whole. There will never be any special preferential treatment.

"You are right." Su Cheng also looked at Qin Ming and nodded, "I am also very sorry about this matter. It did delay the team's training progress."

After hearing Su Cheng's admission, Qin Ming's expression softened and he pointed in the direction of the other people in the room.

"In that case, come here first, and don't act alone again in the future."

Qin Ming's tone slowed down, but others were surprised.

Those who didn't know Su Cheng well said that it was okay, but Yu Tianheng, Dugu Yan and others who had had a lot of contact with him before were surprised.

Especially Ning Rongrong, whose face was full of disbelief at this time.

She knew what kind of person Su Cheng was.

How could you change your plans just because of a few words from an instructor?

At this time, Su Cheng's words came to their ears again.

"Teacher Qin, I won't go there yet."

Qin Ming's body that he just turned around turned back again.

Su Cheng looked at him and smiled apologetically.

"I'm sorry that I delayed the training of a team before. But fortunately, it's not too late to make up for it. The team has only been established for a month now, and there is still a long training time ahead. I decided to transfer to the Royal Fighter Team 2 and no longer It’s taking up a spot on the first team.”


"Junior, please think clearly."

"Su Cheng, don't be impulsive."


When Qin Ming said this, Yu Tianheng, Dugu Yan and others panicked before Qin Ming said anything.

It’s broken, the thigh needs to go!

The worst happened.

Qin Ming was stunned for a moment.

He found that he didn't know what to say at this time.

If they are no longer prepared to stay in the first team, what position does he have to discipline the other party?

After a long silence, he said: "... Changing the team is not just based on your will. Now that the first team has been established, the Education Committee also needs to consider it."

Su Cheng smiled and said: "It doesn't matter. In fact, I just came from the Education Committee. I just came to say hello to you. You can just continue training normally."

Before coming to the team lounge today, Su Cheng had already gone to the Education Committee in advance.

With the royal guest Dugu Bo as a guarantee, and his promise to stay and participate in the next competition if he does not advance to the finals this year, and he still occupies a less important spot in the second team, it will not affect Huang Dou's first team's recommendation. How can one personally disagree.

At that time, I approved Su Cheng's idea.

This matter seemed very simple to Su Cheng.

Now that the decision has been made, there is no need to delay any further.

No matter how this teacher Qin Ming wants to discipline the team, that is his idea.

If you continue to stay here, it has no meaning except exacerbating the conflict and internal friction between the two parties. In the end, one of them will always leave.

He was going to the second team anyway. It would be better to leave early than to leave late, which would give him more freedom.

No matter what Qin Ming thinks about meeting the Shrek team in the future, at least at this stage, his strength and talent are here, and he will definitely have a good effect on these team members.

However, although Su Cheng was not prepared to stay here, Qin Ming was obviously very unhappy.

"Su Cheng, I advise you to think about it carefully. The first team has a quota, and the soul master competition can directly enter the finals. If you go to the second team, you are just wasting your talent. Do you still want to rely on the second team? Will my teammates make it to the finals?”

Su Cheng glanced at him in surprise.

"Teacher Qin, is it inappropriate for you to say that? Although all soul masters know the importance of talent, they can always make up for it the day after tomorrow. What's more, if a soul master's future achievements only rely on talent, then I will I want to ask you, what is the teacher used for?"

Looking at Qin Ming's frown, Su Cheng continued: "Teacher Qin, are you able to achieve what you have achieved today because the teacher who taught you back then had teaching talents far beyond ordinary people, or is it because your own talent is outstanding enough? "

Qin Ming was startled when he heard this.

"Teacher Qin, it doesn't make any sense for you to tell me this. I have already decided to go to the second team."

Su Cheng glanced at the other team members again and nodded gently to them, "Come on, seniors and sisters."

After saying that, he turned around and left the team lounge.

After he left, Yu Tianheng and others first looked at each other, followed by a period of silence.

"He's gone as soon as he's gone."

Seeing that the morale of these students seemed to be a little low, Qin Ming coughed lightly, and his soul power was shaken, waking everyone up in an instant.

"I can tell you bluntly that no matter how strong a person is, his strength is limited. With Su Cheng's mentality, it is impossible for him to achieve anything in the game. You all should cheer up."

Before he could finish his words, he saw another figure leaving the team lounge.

"Huh?" Qin Ming was stunned.

"It's Rongrong." Dugu Yan mouthed towards Yu Tianheng.

Yu Tianheng smiled bitterly and ran away two at a time. It might be difficult to face the Star Luo Royal Team now.

As for the Wuhundian Academy team, he never thought that they could win the championship from their opponent.

Not long after Su Cheng walked out, he heard footsteps coming from behind.

Turning around, he saw Ning Rongrong's figure.

"Why are you here? What did Teacher Qin say?"

"It's not Teacher Qin." Ning Rongrong came to Su Cheng. After calming down for a while, she looked at him and said, "I will go to the second team with you."

Su Cheng was startled when he heard this, and then thought about it for a moment.

The members of the second team were very weak, and he knew this. Even during the competition, no one might be able to practice Soul Sect.

Now that Ning Rongrong has taken Qiluo Tulip, her strength is indeed very strong, and she will usher in a period of rapid improvement.

In the Soul Master Competition, not only will it help her in terms of combat power, but it will also be a good training for herself.

Thinking of this, he looked at Ning Rongrong's fair and pretty face.

"You can come to the second team if you want. At least you don't have to come on as a substitute. You will definitely be able to fight all the time, but you can't be sent to the finals, and the process may not be easy. It depends on how far we have reached in practice."

"It doesn't matter, I didn't want to be recommended. Anyway, even if they were recommended, they wouldn't be able to beat the Wuhundian Academy team." Ning Rongrong said with a smile.

Su Cheng nodded.

"This is also an experience for you. Now that your martial soul has evolved, you have to work harder to practice. Don't waste your talent. If nothing goes wrong, I should be able to be promoted to the Soul Sect in less than half a year. If the competition I had the chance to go one step further before, and reaching the finals was just a piece of cake.”

The so-called "opportunity" he mentioned was the 100,000-year-old right leg bone of the Blue Silver Emperor.

Ning Rongrong didn't know what Su Cheng had in mind. After hearing these remarks, she opened her mouth in surprise and looked at him blankly.

"No need for such an expression." Su Cheng was amused by her expression.

"Don't think that joining the second team is just messing around. Since I really want to compete, I must be aiming for the championship. Coming to the second team is a kind of experience for both you and me. Since I can't go to the fifth team Element Academy, then let’s see it on the competition field. In less than three years, the competition will begin, so work hard.”

Ning Rongrong calmed down, nodded heavily and said: "Well, no matter what, we have to win the first team so that the teacher who leads the team can see it. Just now he was making nonsense in the lounge, saying that you must be impossible Get results.”

"What he thinks is his business and has nothing to do with us. Besides, it's still unclear whether he will lead the Huang Dou team by then." Su Cheng smiled and his expression became solemn.

"They are not the key. Huang Dou's first team is not strong, not even the Star Luo Royal Team can match. The real difficulty is Wuhundian Academy."

While speaking, Qian Renxue's face flashed across Su Cheng's mind involuntarily.

The age limit for this continent-wide Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition requires contestants to be under the age of twenty-five.

After Qian Renxue returned to Wuhun Hall, she was qualified to participate in this competition based on her age.

If she really participates in the competition, he should be able to restrain her, but on this basis, it is definitely impossible to defeat many with one.

Others in the Wuhundian Academy team still need other helpers to deal with them.

Of course, if Qian Renxue didn't bother to participate in such a small competition, things would become much simpler.

However, Su Cheng instinctively felt that the other party would probably fight in person.

Xiaoxue in normal state may not.


Su Cheng recalled how Qian Renxue's black-clothed persona called him "Little Brother Su Cheng" and couldn't help but feel a chill.

That guy has a bad personality and his behavior is completely unpredictable. It's hard to say what he will do.

Today’s two chapters are 10,000 words, and I still owe 4 chapters.

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