Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 122 The kitten joins Shrek for the first time

In the forest on the border of Tiandou.

The girl with a hot figure and delicate appearance was dressed in black. Her long shawl hair fluttered gently in the night wind, like an elf in the night, walking quickly among the jungles.

It was Zhu Zhuqing who had just left the Star Luo Empire.

At this time, more than a year has passed since she practiced the Nirvana Sutra. Now her cultivation has reached the soul master realm, and she has added a third soul ring to her martial soul.

The improvement of her bloodline and the effect of her skills helped her make up for the foundation she had lost before.

Coupled with the soul power from absorbing the soul ring, her current level is four levels higher than in the original timeline.

However, this situation will be difficult to repeat in the future.

After all, the lower the strength of the martial spirit, the easier it is to purify and strengthen it.

As quality continues to improve, it will become more difficult to further improve it.

Unless we can make up for the missing part of the essential information in the martial spirit and evolve the Nether Civet Cat into the Netherworld White Tiger, we can only rely on time to slowly accumulate it.

And the purpose of her trip was precisely for the Netherworld White Tiger.

To the south of the Tiandou Empire, there is the Balak Kingdom and Soto City.

When Zhu Zhuqing followed the young man with strange eyes who walked out of the hotel with a pair of twin sisters from a distance, he arrived at the Shrek Academy registration location outside the small village.

His eyes wandered around the wooden enrollment sign outside the village, the old man behind the table, the young man standing next to him, and the queue. He did not rush forward in a hurry, but stood in the distance and watched silently.

Today's Dai Mubai is only a soul master, not much higher than Zhu Zhuqing.

But Zhu Zhuqing has richer experience and understanding in the use of martial arts. The martial spirit is also a ghost civet of the agility attack system, so he will naturally not be discovered by following him silently.

As a result, after observing for a while, Zhu Zhuqing frowned at the conduct style of this college.

She is not a soft-hearted person.

In the memories that were imprinted in her mind in the dream, she walked among the many nobles with ease, and there were countless bloody battles with swords and shadows.

But she thought she was unable to make money from ordinary people.

Too cheap.

Ten gold soul coins are not a small amount for ordinary people.

In Douluo Continent, a gold soul coin is enough to sustain the normal expenses of an ordinary family of three for several months.

But this money is nothing to a high-level soul master. At this time, the old man sitting behind the table was obviously not weak.

It would be fine if the admission criteria were explained in advance, but after taking the application fee and then turning around and saying that the applicant does not meet the admission requirements and refusing to refund the application fee, this behavior is simply deception by force.

However, Zhu Zhuqing had no intention of redressing the injustice.

Today, she is different from the past. She has long recognized the reality of this world.

At this time, the dislike of the other party's behavior has nothing to do with a sense of justice. I simply feel that this method is too low-level.

At this moment, another boy and another girl walked side by side from a short distance away.

She didn't pay much attention to him at first, but she was a little surprised after noticing the other person's approximate age and cultivation level.

Although these two people are slightly older than me, they are close to level 30 based on their aura.

"...Brother, don't think about Su Cheng. Maybe you simply felt that you were not suitable to be a soul master, so you just dropped out of school early."


Zhu Zhuqing had already turned around, but after hearing the name, he suddenly looked back and looked in the direction where the two of them were.

"Huh?" Tang San raised his head keenly and looked around, but he didn't find anything unusual.

Zhu Zhuqing, who was hiding behind the tree, was shocked and secretly said that the other party had such a keen intuition.

She just focused her gaze for a moment, and then the other party noticed something was wrong.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Wu was a little confused when he saw this, and looked around.

"It's nothing, maybe it's an illusion."

Tang San shook his head, his slightly gloomy expression now calmer.

Originally, when he graduated, he wanted to find Su Cheng to avenge his shame, and then follow Yu Xiaogang's instructions to enroll in Soto City.

After all, with his current soul power level of twenty-nine, it would be easy to defeat Su Cheng.

After searching to no avail, he learned from the director of the college that Su Cheng had already dropped out of the college, but the other party did not disclose the details to him.

He glanced at Xiao Wu with a smile on his face.

"You are right. The teacher also told me before that with his innate soul power level, he is not suitable for taking the path of a soul master at all. He should have given up long ago."

Zhu Zhuqing, who was hiding in the dark, frowned when he heard this.

From what these two people said, the "Su Cheng" they talked about seemed to have poor qualifications and was not suitable for cultivation.

Although the age and name match, it is obvious that if Su Cheng is really that person, his training qualifications will not be bad.

Moreover, the White Tiger Martial Spirit would not have wandered into Tiandou territory for so many years without anyone noticing.

Even if ordinary people can't recognize it, the Wuhun Palace forces all over the continent should be able to spot it.

Shaking her head, she suppressed the matter for the time being.

"...Shrek is a kind of monster, an extremely weird existence even among soul beasts. The meaning of our Shrek Academy is the Monster Academy. In other words, we only accept monsters here, not ordinary people. Those who are older than If you are thirteen years old, or if your soul power has not reached Level 21 or above, there is no need to waste your time here."

At this time, the old man's cold voice came from a distance.

When Zhu Zhuqing heard this, he suddenly laughed in his heart.

Dai Mubai actually found such a poor place to hide. The academy's ability is not that great, but his tone is really not small.

But this is a good thing for her.

This college is located in a remote location, and the admissions standards are so weird. I don't think there will be too many people in it, which will make it easier for her to do things in the future.

Moreover, she has the Nirvana Sutra in hand and has the experience of practicing in dreams, so she does not need the knowledge accumulation in school at all.

It would be much easier to seize Dai Mubai's martial soul bloodline here.

However, the next moment, the old man behind the table suddenly released an extremely powerful aura. A rich red light suddenly appeared from the old man's body, and a long stick with countless fine lines appeared in his right hand.

What was even more terrifying was that six soul rings, one white, one yellow, three purple, and one black, rose from under his feet, and the dazzling light suddenly made him the focus of everyone's attention.

Zhu Zhuqing's eyes narrowed slightly.

She didn't expect that the other party would actually be a Soul Emperor.

She could indeed sense that this person was very strong before, but at her current level, she could not clearly detect his specific cultivation level, and she did not dare to detect it.

But the powerful cultivation shown by the other party at this time not only did not make her excited and expected, but she became more and more disappointed.

It is really shameful that the dignified Soul Emperor has been reduced to such a state, even trying to squeeze out ten gold soul coins from ordinary people.

He secretly suspected that the other party might have committed something outside, so he had to hide in such a nook and cranny.

Also shocked were the people queuing up.

If there were some parents who were angry because of the old man's words before, now everyone is silent.

Who dares to offend a strong man at the Soul Emperor level?

You must know that in a war, the strength of a soul emperor can at least match the strength of thousands of outstanding warriors.

The disdain and contempt in the eyes of parents and registered students disappeared in an instant. In this land of great power, strength represents truth.

The same expressions changed, as did Tang San and Xiao Wu.

But unlike Zhu Zhuqing's disappointment, they looked very excited at this time.

Looking at the applicants in front, Xiao Wu excitedly whispered in Tang San's ear: "This academy looks very interesting, especially what the teacher said about only accepting monsters and not ordinary people. It's really cool. .”

Tang San smiled and said, "Now you won't doubt the teacher's instructions. This Shrek Academy is anything but ordinary."

The remaining students quickly passed the old man's first round of tests, and it was finally Tang San and Xiao Wu's turn.

At this time, Dai Mubai had returned to the old man after sending several students to apply for the exam.

Tang San was about to say hello to him, but suddenly he noticed that Dai Mubai's eyes had changed, and he was staring directly in the direction behind him, as if he had seen something incredible.

He turned around subconsciously and looked around. Although he didn't lose his composure like Dai Mubai, he was secretly shocked.

Behind him and Xiao Wu, there was only one candidate left, and it seemed that he had just arrived.

It was also a girl, who seemed a little younger than him and Xiao Wu. Her long black hair was spread over her shoulders, her delicate face was expressionless, and her fair complexion was as warm as jade.

However, what is even more impressive is the unusual and special aura of this girl.

Although she was not very old, she seemed to have an extraordinary leadership temperament, and even her eyes seemed to be looking down on them from above. The expression on his face was calm. Although it could not be said to be indifferent, it naturally had a sense of alienation that made people feel thousands of miles away.

Under this temperament, even her plump figure that was not consistent with her age and her exquisite and exquisite appearance seemed less eye-catching.

Her limbs are well-proportioned and slender, her hands hang naturally on both sides of her body, and her calm aura makes people afraid to approach her.

"Do you want to sign up? If you don't sign up, don't block here." The old man's voice brought Tang San and others back from their thoughts.

Tang San felt a pain in his hand. When he turned around, he found Xiao Wu glaring at him fiercely.

"Let's sign up together."

Tang San endured the pain in his hands, put the twenty gold soul coins he had prepared into the wooden box, and stretched out his hands with Xiao Wu.

The old man squeezed Xiao Wu's hand first, nodded, and said, "You are of the right age."

When his hand was transferred to Tang San's, he couldn't help but let out a light sigh.

As if he didn't believe in evil, he squeezed Tang San's hand a few more times, and his expression suddenly became weird.

He looked up at Tang San and said, "Did you practice any soul skills on your hands?"

The reason why he pinches the applicant's hand is to identify the applicant's true age through the bones of his palm. This cannot be faked.

But Tang San's hands were extremely flexible when he squeezed them, and he couldn't feel the condition of the bones clearly.

Tang San felt a chill in his heart, nodded, and said, "Yes."

The old man frowned and said, "Lift your calves."

Tang San Ruyan lifted his calf and placed it on the table. The old man pinched his calf a few times through his pants, and Tang San suddenly felt a sense of soreness and numbness.

The old man nodded to him and said: "The muscles are well developed and the bone age is appropriate. Okay, let's release the martial arts of you two."

Tang San and Xiao Wu looked at each other and activated their soul power at the same time.

Blue and red rays of light rose up at the same time, and century-old soul rings hovered upward at the same time.

Tang San's Blue Silver Grass martial spirit and Xiao Wu's Soft Bone Rabbit martial spirit appeared in front of each other at the same time.

After a brief moment of surprise, the old man nodded with satisfaction.

Upon seeing this, Dai Mubai stepped forward and showed Tang San a smile, but his attention still seemed to be focused on Tang San's back.

He felt that there was some kind of aura in Zhu Zhuqing's body that was complementary to his martial spirit.

After noticing the other party's gaze, Zhu Zhuqing also stepped forward generously.

He looked at Dai Mubai with a cold face and a bit of surprise in his expression.

He nodded to him and said calmly: "Hello."

At this moment, Dai Mubai even felt inexplicably flattered.

He nodded quickly and said, "Hello, I'm Dai Mubai, I'm fifteen years old this year..."

"Ahem." Seeing that Dai Mubai seemed to want to continue introducing himself, the old man interrupted him with a slight cough.

He also looked at Zhu Zhuqing and motioned for the other person to extend his hand.

After feeling it for a moment, he nodded and said: "Eleven years old, the right age. Okay, release your martial spirit."

A faint blue light lit up, and the soul rings circled upward at the same time.

At the same time, cat ears sprouted from her head, sharp claws pierced out from between her fingers, and her body became more slender.

The spirit of martial arts is possessed by the ghost cat.

But that's not the most eye-catching thing.

The light of the three soul rings, two yellow and one purple, was the focus of their attention.

Especially after Tang San and others heard about her age, they felt even more incredible.

You know, he and Xiao Wu only reached the twenty-ninth level at the age of twelve despite having full innate soul power.

The girl in front of them, who is younger than them, has actually achieved the level of Soul Master?

But after seeing her martial spirit, Dai Mubai's eyes widened slightly, with a look of disbelief on his face.

Even the old man's face showed a trace of admiration. He had been aware of Zhu Zhuqing's soul power level before, but he was a little afraid to confirm it.

He turned around and said, "Mubai, take them in."

Led by Dai Mubai, several people walked into Shrek Academy, the village behind the admissions office.

During this period, the corner of Dai Mubai's eyes couldn't stop drifting towards Zhu Zhuqing who was at the side and behind. 6⃞ 9⃞ s⃞ h⃞ u⃞ x⃞ .⃞ c⃞ o⃞ m⃞

Zhu Zhuqing seemed unaware and followed everyone silently.

Not long after, several people arrived at the next assessment location.

Looking at the queue not far ahead, Dai Mubai patted Tang San on the shoulder and said, "Let's go, I'll take you to pass the exam, there's no need to queue."

With that said, he led a few people towards the front of the second level assessment team.

The person responsible for the second round of exams was also an older teacher.

Dai Mubai walked up to the teacher, whispered a few words in his ear, and pointed at Tang San, Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing.

The teacher nodded and said, "Okay, you can take them directly to the fourth level. If they pass, they will be admitted."

Dai Mubai returned to Tang San and Xiao Wu, and was about to lead them towards the interior of the academy.

But the other candidates who were waiting in line gave up.

A male candidate said: "Teacher, what's going on? Why can they enter the fourth level without taking the test, but we have to pass every level?"

The elder teacher said calmly: "If your soul power is also above level twenty-five, then you can go directly to the fourth level test without wasting time with me. But the soul power you have tested now is only twenty-five." Level one, then it must be passed one by one.”

"Their soul power is above level 25? This is impossible. We are only twelve years old, how could we have such high soul power?"

Those who can stand here are young men with soul powers above Level 21 and no more than thirteen years old.

In the original junior college, existences like them were undoubtedly the most popular figures in the college.

But when I came to Shrek Academy, I encountered many obstacles. It was inevitable that my mood would change.

Dai Mubai snorted coldly, "If you can't do it yourself, don't think that others can't do it either. When I entered the academy, my soul power was level 25."

After thinking about it, a smirk suddenly appeared on his lips, and he picked up a white crystal from the table and handed it to Zhu Zhuqing.

But when he touched those calm eyes, for some reason a trace of nervousness and fear arose in his heart.

Asked softly: "Do you want to test it?"

The test crystals have different colors according to their levels. This white crystal is for testing soul power below level 30. If the soul power exceeds level 30, the crystal will explode directly.

Zhu Zhuqing glanced at the other party after hearing this, but did not refuse.

He stretched out his hand to take it, and then injected his soul power into it.


The crystal exploded instantly.

The smile on the face of the teacher in charge of the test suddenly froze, and he turned to look at Dai Mubai, "Is this...?"

"This school girl is only eleven years old now, and she has already reached the level of cultivation of a three-ring soul master."

"Awesome. It seems that our Shrek Academy will welcome some good little monsters this year."

This scene not only surprised the teacher, but also directly blocked the mouths of other candidates, and their eyes on Zhu Zhuqing suddenly became weird.

If someone hadn't used that test crystal before, they would have doubted whether there was any fraud.

Eleven years old, soul power above level 30? How can this be!

The test teacher took a deep look at Zhu Zhuqing again, and then said in a deep voice: "Mubai, take the three of them to the fourth level together."

"Yes." Dai Mubai respectfully agreed, turning around and walking towards the inside of the academy with a few others.

This time, no student came up with any meaning. Strength has proven everything.

After Tang San glanced at the silent Zhu Zhuqing with a complicated expression, he asked Dai Mubai, "Brother Dai, is there only four levels in the entrance exam?"

Dai Mubai nodded.

"There are four levels in total. The first level tests age, the second level tests soul power and martial arts, and the third level tests the candidates' application of their own martial arts. However, the academy has regulations. If the registered candidate's soul power exceeds 20 At level five, no matter what the martial spirit is, you can directly pass the second and third levels of the test.

"As for the fourth level, it is a test of actual combat. Some students have good martial souls and good control over their martial souls. But they have lived in aristocratic families since childhood and grew up in a honeypot. They have no understanding of the outside world at all. Not to mention fighting. The academy will not accept students like this. The dean has said that we don’t want anyone who is pampered or pampered."

After listening to Dai Mubai's words, the three people present fell silent despite having different thoughts.

It was Xiao Wu who couldn't help but speak first: "Are you selecting students or wives? You are too strict. No wonder the teacher at the door said you only accept monsters. The only ones who can pass these four tests are probably monsters. . I would like to ask, how many students are there in Shrek Academy now? How many students can it recruit every year?"

This time it was Dai Mubai's turn to smile bitterly.

"Our Shrek Academy has admitted a total of forty-two students in the past twenty years since its establishment, an average of a little more than two a year. Before that, the academy had not received any students for two years. Currently, there are three students including me who are studying in the academy."

"Three?" Tang San and Xiao Wu almost exclaimed, and Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, secretly wondering in his heart, and for a moment he couldn't figure out what the dean of the academy was thinking.

If he is greedy for money, it is obvious that he will not make much money by doing this.

What's more, based on the strength of the teacher who was guarding the door just now, there are many better ways to make money.

If it is selfless dedication and you want to cultivate more outstanding soul masters, then using such bizarre enrollment standards to find some top-notch talented soul masters to take under your disciples, what kind of training is that?

With this kind of qualification, it is obvious that no matter which college you go to, your final achievements will be the same.

As for the academy in front of us, the cultivation environment is not very good at first glance, unless it contains the universe.

But from the analysis of the scene just seen, it is obviously not the case.

Or maybe this academy just wants to collect young talented soul masters?

At this time, Dai Mubai smiled mockingly, "In the entire Douluo Continent, we are the only academy with more teachers than students. Even after we admit you, the number of students in our academy will never exceed the number of teachers."

Tang San said: "If this is the case, how can the college survive? If there are no students, there should be no income."

Dai Mubai shrugged his shoulders and responded casually: "Otherwise, why do you think the academy is in such a small village? It's because of lack of funds. If it weren't for my family's sponsorship, I'm afraid the academy would have closed last year. If we recruit again this year If there are less than 100 students, then the three of us studying there will be the last batch of students at Shrek Academy."

"Then why doesn't the college relax some of the entrance exam requirements? I think there are not many people signing up." Xiao Wu said doubtfully.

There was a look of respect on Dai Mubai's face, and he explained in a very serious tone.

"The dean has said that it is better to have less than to waste. No matter when, even if Shrek Academy is closed, we will never accept waste, only monsters.

"Do you know what the graduation requirements of the academy are? Ours here is neither an intermediate soul master academy nor an advanced soul master academy. Because our requirements are different from theirs. We only need students under the age of thirteen, and they must be talented Extraordinary talent. The graduation requirements of the academy are to exceed level 40, and they must exceed level 40 before the age of twenty and reach the level of Soul Sect before they are allowed to graduate.

"A total of sixty-two students were admitted to the academy, but only fourteen people actually graduated. After these fourteen people left the academy, they all became world-renowned figures. The most outstanding one among them is now The youngest elder in Wuhun Palace, his authority is second only to the Pope.

"The rest who have not graduated are those who were unable to complete the forty-level training before the age of twenty or died while hunting soul beasts. The dean said that if you are not at the forty-level level, don't go out and embarrass him."

At the end of the sentence, Dai Mubai became obviously excited. He obviously respected the dean of Shrek Academy very much.

Tang San smiled, looked at Dai Mubai and said solemnly: "I'm very lucky to be here."

Zhu Zhuqing: "..."

As for the conversation between the following people, she was too lazy to listen to it anymore.


Not long after, Dai Mubai stopped and several people came to another open space.

This place is much smaller than the previous second level, only about 200 square meters.

A middle-aged man who looked to be in his fifties was sitting on a chair and dozing off.

"Teacher Zhao, I have brought someone to conduct the fourth level assessment."

"Huh? Has anyone come to the fourth level this year? There are still three."

The middle-aged man opened his hazy sleepy eyes and looked at the three young men and women in front of him with some surprise, as if he had encountered something incredible.

Dai Mubai said quickly: "Not only did they come to the fourth level, but they were also exempted from the second and third level tests."

Teacher Zhao's eyes lit up and he immediately stood up from his chair.

He is not tall and his appearance is very ordinary, but he looks extremely strong and strong. His height, which is shorter than the twelve-year-old Tang San, actually gives people a majestic feeling.

His broad shoulders are like city walls, and his coat cannot cover up his strong muscles that are made of steel. Although the expression on his face is kind, his strong figure will invisibly give people a strong sense of oppression. .

"All three are above level 25. Not bad, not bad. It seems there are a lot of little monsters this year.

"This is the last level for me. If you pass my test, you can officially become a member of Shrek Academy.

"However, my test is not that easy to pass. Practical combat experience is what every soul master must possess.

"And what I am assessing is your ability in this area."

His eyes swept over Zhu Zhuqing and the other three, looking at them gently.

"My name is Zhao Wuji. Since the three of you have passed the second and third levels without taking the test, I will come and play with you personally.

"Now I will give you one stick of incense to get to know each other and discuss it. After one stick of incense, the test begins.

"The content of the test is for you to work together to resist my attack for half a stick of incense. As long as one person can persist to the end, you will pass.

"I hope you understand, don't try to take any tricks, no one can escape from this range with speed.

"At the same time, I can also remind you that it is impossible to block my attack on your own. Coordination and cooperation are your only chance of success."

After hearing this, Dai Mubai glanced at Zhu Zhuqing and the others, and said with a slight hesitation: "Teacher Zhao, this is not good."

Zhao Wuji glared at him and said: "What's wrong? The dean is not here and I am the oldest in the college. I said yes and that's okay. Okay, I'm going to order some incense. You don't have much time, so prepare yourself. Xiao Bai, you can also tell them my strength and characteristics so that they can be prepared."

After saying this, he took out a piece of incense from somewhere, put a pinch of it on the head of the incense with his fingers, and lit the incense directly. In the blink of an eye, the incense was inserted into the ground without trembling at all.

After doing this, Zhao Wuji sat back on his chair, closed his eyes and prepared to continue sleeping.

However, at this moment, a cold voice suddenly intervened.

"I don't want to fight with a team of people. Is there any other assessment method?"

Several people turned their heads when they heard the sound.

He saw Zhu Zhuqing looking at Zhao Wuji with a calm expression.

After hearing what she said, Dai Mubai suddenly became nervous, while Tang San and Xiao Wu both looked surprised.

Zhao Wuji, who was sitting on the chair, frowned in displeasure, "I just said it, I have the final say here."

"Then it seems that I may not be able to attend this academy. Farewell."

Zhu Zhuqing nodded and immediately turned around and left the assessment site.

"..." Zhao Wuji was stunned.

Not only him, but Tang San and Xiao Wu didn't react for a moment.

Only Dai Mubai glanced at Zhao Wuji anxiously and said anxiously: "Teacher Zhao, she is an eleven-year-old soul master!"

Zhao Wuji was stunned when he heard this. He had never paid much attention to Zhu Zhuqing, who had been standing silently behind everyone before. He did not expect that the other party would have such qualifications.

"And... alas!"

Dai Mubai originally wanted to say something more, but he saw that the girl's figure had gradually walked far away.

He could only glance at the other people, then turned around and chased after Zhu Zhuqing.

Zhu Zhuqing walked alone on the way out of the village.

Part of the reason why she refused Shrek Academy's fourth level test just now was for her own safety.

She could tell that the soul master just now was very strong, far stronger than the teacher at the entrance of the academy before, at least reaching the soul saint level.

Because of this, she didn't want to join forces with others to fight against the enemy.

Because she didn't know what methods Tang San and Xiao Wu had.

As for what Zhao Wuji said before about mutual understanding, Zhu Zhuqing just thought he was farting.

What can be learned in one stick of incense?

Judging from the observation just now, that Tang San was quite mysterious and a secretive guy.

Zhu Zhuqing has been practicing the Nirvana Sutra for many years, and he thinks he has some understanding of martial arts. He simply does not believe that someone can use the Blue Silver Grass martial spirit to reach the twenty-ninth level at the age of twelve.

Unless that is not the Blue Silver Grass Martial Spirit at all, or the other party possesses some kind of cultivation technique like himself.

Because of this, she didn't want to join forces with him even more.

If she and Tang San used some extraordinary means to deal with Zhao Wuji's attack, wouldn't she be in danger if the Soul Saint loses her power under the stress?

On the contrary, playing alone can make her feel more at ease.

Beyond that, the academy is a bit quirky.

She felt that even if he did not accept the fourth level assessment, the other party would not want to give up on her as a student.

On the way to follow Dai Mubai to look for Zhao Wuji, Zhu Zhuqing had already thought carefully about what this academy wanted to do.

Judging from the other party's behavior, from the dean to the teacher, it is obvious that they are not the kind of people who are willing to make selfless contributions.

Otherwise, the best choice would be to train those common people who have soul master talents but cannot meet the requirements of Wuhun Palace and have no money to go to high-end academies.

But Shrek Academy didn't do this.

Their admissions standards are even higher than those of Wuhun Palace.

Then the dean of this college is probably someone who is greedy for fame and fame.

Even if it is not so exaggerated, there is still some kind of appeal for inner comfort.

In Zhu Zhuqing's opinion, this kind of person is not difficult to deal with.

If you have no desires, you will be strong. If you have demands, you will naturally have weaknesses.

An eleven-year-old three-ringed soul master may not be able to give up easily.

Of course, the most important point is -

She knew Dai Mubai would follow. With her previous experiences and training to win over so many young men, she still has this grasp of people's hearts.

How should we deal with a boy like Dai Mubai who hangs among flowers all day long?

Show him kindness and make him feel grateful and dependent on you?


On the contrary, give him a chance to show his abilities and let him help himself, such as helping him successfully enter the academy without going against his will.

Let him continue to be moved by himself, even immersed in it.

As the sunk cost of the other party's investment increases, the more he can't do without himself.

In the meantime, if you give the other party some emotional feedback, you will naturally be able to easily control the other party.

Of course, the premise of all this is that you get the other person's attention to a certain extent from the beginning.

There is no doubt that all the actions Dai Mubai secretly observed before were caught by Zhu Zhuqing.

After a while.

There was a sound of footsteps behind him, followed by Dai Mubai's shout.

"Hey, wait a minute."

Zhu Zhuqing paused when he heard the sound, turned around with a calm expression, and looked at Dai Mubai who was chasing after him.

His eyes flickered and he looked like he was hesitant to speak.

In fact, Zhu Zhuqing's complicated emotions at this time were completely understandable.

From Dai Mubai's perspective.

They had almost given up on the fight for the family's heir, and were ready to wait and see the tragic ending in the future.

But one day, he suddenly discovered that his future comrade-in-arms and fiancée was extremely talented. How could he not be upset in his heart?

Zhu Zhuqing looked at Dai Mubai and said softly: "You already know who I am, right? My name is Zhu Zhuqing, and I am the youngest daughter of the Zhu family."

"It's really you..." Dai Mubai heard this, a pair of evil eyes showed a complex light, "I didn't expect you to be so strong and come to this place."

"Is it strong?" A faint smile appeared on the corner of Zhu Zhuqing's lips, like an epiphyllum blooming, "My eldest sister is much stronger than me."

Dai Mubai stared blankly at the other person's smile, and then came back to his senses after a moment.

He quickly said: "It doesn't matter, I will help you."

"You help me?" Zhu Zhuqing suppressed his smile, with a hint of sarcasm in his tone, "How to help? Is escaping from the Star Luo Empire what you said you would do to help me?"

"I..." Dai Mubai felt a heat on his face, but for a moment he didn't know how to defend himself.

"It doesn't matter." Zhu Zhuqing shook his head slightly at this time, "I can understand that you were still young at that time, and the pressure to survive in the royal family was high, so leaving there may not be an option."

Dai Mubai nodded quickly.

"However, I am only eleven years old this year. When you left the Star Luo Empire, I was only six years old." Zhu Zhuqing looked at him quietly.

Dai Mubai pursed his lips and looked at her seriously.

"Don't worry, I will help you persuade Teacher Zhao. This Shrek Academy has a very deep foundation. The dean and deputy dean are both soul saint level experts. As long as you are here, you will definitely achieve something. .Come back with me."

"Is that Teacher Zhao the deputy dean you are talking about? I don't want to fight a Soul Saint." Zhu Zhuqing shook his head and looked at Dai Mubai, "Do you have any other ideas?"

Dai Mubai looked at those calm eyes, and a surge of heat surged in his heart.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Don't worry, I'll tell you for you, you can definitely stay in the academy without fighting!"

"Can you do it?" Zhu Zhuqing tilted his head slightly, with a hint of doubt in his eyes, "I think that Teacher Zhao seems to be very embarrassed to speak."

"Don't worry, it's absolutely fine." Dai Mubai nodded heavily.

"Okay, then I will wait for your good news." Zhu Zhuqing nodded and said, "Mubai, what happened in the past is in the past, so don't take it too seriously."

Hearing this, Dai Mubai's heart trembled, and he couldn't help but feel moved.

Then he turned around and left.


At this time, Zhu Zhuqing suddenly spoke again: "Here you go."

While talking, he took out a bottle of potion and handed it over.

"What is this?" Dai Mubai looked stunned and reached out to take it.

"A potion that can increase the speed of cultivation." Zhu Zhuqing said calmly, "Used in battle, it also has the effect of enhancing combat effectiveness. You can try it when you are free."

When Dai Mubai heard this, he looked at the potion in his hand, and his heart felt hot.

Then he looked up at Zhu Zhuqing and said, "Zhuqing, is your cultivation speed so fast because of this thing?"

"Part of the reason lies inside, you should try it first and see how it works."

"I won't let you down." Dai Mubai clenched the potion bottle in his hand with a determined look on his face.

As he turned to leave, Zhu Zhuqing's eyes gradually darkened.

Even if Dai Mubai shows the potion to the teachers in the academy, it doesn't matter.

Because it's not poison at all.

Different from the one-time medicine that Su Cheng once took, this chronic medicine is actually a good thing that can assist in cultivation.

Although the effect is average, this thing can indeed improve cultivation and combat effectiveness in a short period of time.

It's just that when used, the martial soul and energy and blood will fluctuate.

Thank you all for your monthly votes, I’m so touched! It’s still ten thousand today, and it should be the same tomorrow! I will pay off all the debt I owe this week!

ps. The conversations between the characters other than Zhu Zhuqing and the situation in the academy that appear in this chapter are basically from the original settings.

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