Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 30: One Hundred Thousand Years Soul Bone (This chapter is free, 4k words)

Just when Zhu Zhuqing entered Shrek Academy, Su Cheng had already left Tiandou Royal Academy.

In the past year, his cultivation has improved rapidly.

Even though Su Cheng's current martial soul bloodline has almost no room for improvement, the effect of the Nirvana Sutra on his martial soul is more reflected in transforming the essence of his martial soul, but the technique itself has the effect of improving the efficiency of practice.

In addition, although the elixir was too powerful and had a great impact on the body, it was inconvenient for Su Cheng to use it, but he could still use the other medicines in the Eyes of Ice and Fire to prepare various auxiliary medicines.

Coupled with the two levels of soul power brought by absorbing the fourth soul ring across the years, he has now reached the forty-fourth level of the soul sect.

Deep in the mountains on the edge of the Tiandou Empire.

Looking at the huge waterfall sloping down from a cliff hundreds of meters high in the distance, Su Cheng had a smile in his eyes.

As early as the first simulation, he had already discovered the location of this place, and it was naturally easy to find it at this time.

This is the place where the bones of the 100,000-year-old Blue Silver Emperor are buried.

In fact, it is not difficult to absorb the Blue Silver Emperor's 100,000-year-old soul bone.

Moreover, the earlier this soul bone is used, the better the effect will be. Not only will it greatly improve the physical fitness, but the effect of wood attribute soul skills is also very suitable for Su Cheng.

But there was no way. He had not been sure whether Tang Hao would guard the body here before, so he did not dare to take risks easily.

This place is definitely the opponent's enemy. Let alone getting soul bones here, even if it is discovered by it close to this place, it may not survive.

Moreover, my cultivation level was promoted too fast. No matter whether I entered school or went to Wuhun Hall to test my soul power, my body would inevitably be inspected. When the time came, I would definitely find out if I had a soul bone in my body.

No words are needed to describe how tempting this thing is.

Only at this time when Tang San was going to Shrek Academy, he could be sure that Tang Hao was definitely not here, so he dared to come and get it.

As it continued to approach, the roar became louder and louder in my ears, gradually becoming deafening. The air has also become more humid, and is a few points lower than the outside temperature.

Finally, Su Cheng stopped next to a pool.

The water in the pool is crystal clear, quiet and deep. A waterfall about twenty meters wide stretched across the mountain wall like a jade belt, hitting the pool and splashing countless water.

Su Cheng raised his head and glanced upward.

This cliff is not too high, but it is extremely slippery due to the erosion of the waterfall, making it difficult for people to stand on it.

The Wuhun Eternal Life Sword appeared in his hand, and the soul ring under his feet lit up.

The first soul skill: Carrying great virtue.

After using the soul skill, the longevity sword in his hand instantly became a little thicker. At the same time, bursts of warmth came from under my feet.

Although this earth attribute soul ring has a huge status bonus, in Su Cheng's opinion, its passive characteristics are truly worthy of attention.

Whenever Su Cheng uses this soul skill, as long as he stands on the earth, he can feel as if he is connected to the earth, like a parent and child of the earth.

Waving the long sword in his hand, he stepped on the slightly raised stone wall and used his strength to leap forward. Without much effort, he reached the center of the waterfall.

He stretched out his hand and pressed on the stone wall behind the waterfall. The seemingly tight-fitting rock instantly sunk in, revealing a portal.

In a flash, Su Cheng had already gotten into it.

The air in the cave is extremely humid. It is about three meters high and two meters wide. It stretches inward and is dark inside.

However, in Su Cheng's now enhanced eyes, everything was as bright as day.

Soon he walked to the innermost part of the cave, until he entered a stone room of only about ten square meters at the end, with sunlight pouring in from the hole above his head.

There are no furnishings in the stone room, it is empty, but just under the stone hole above, there is a small earth bag, and the seedlings of Blue Silver Emperor with blue leaves and gold patterns are fluttering gently.

Su Cheng ignored the Blue Silver Emperor seedling and slapped it on the stone wall next to it.

With a "ding" sound, a black lead box fell from the sky and landed in his hands.

Su Cheng opened it and took a look. A gentle but powerful aura immediately poured out, and the blue-gold right leg bone flashing with starlight appeared in his eyes.

"Not bad."

Even with Su Cheng's current state of mind, he couldn't help but feel a burst of joy in his heart.

Although he had long known that the right leg bone of the Blue Silver Emperor was hidden here, before seeing it with his own eyes, he was not completely sure that he would be able to obtain this precious 100,000-year-old soul bone that was extremely suitable for him.

After all, the current world of Douluo Continent has undergone many changes.

The line of fate has turned sharply due to the influence of the simulator.

Who knows if this will affect Tang Hao and choose to hand over this soul bone to Tang San one step ahead?

Until this moment, he was secretly relieved.

However, this is obviously not a good place to absorb soul bones. The energy contained in the 100,000-year-old soul bones is too huge, and it will take a lot of effort to fully use it.

With a flip of his palm, he closed the lead box again and then put it into his storage soul guide.

After everything was completed, Su Cheng turned around and looked at the Blue Silver Emperor seedling.


At this time, he suddenly realized something was wrong.

Originally, Su Cheng was planning to take away the Blue Silver Emperor seedling, hide it, or even destroy it directly.

After all, although this is not a soul beast with wisdom that is over ten thousand years old, if it is really resurrected in the future, who knows whether the instinctive memory of the past will remain.

He didn't want to leave any trouble.

But at one glance, Su Cheng noticed a problem.

Although he did not use the attached soul bone to observe the Blue Silver Emperor seedling in front of him at this time, the see-through effect and strong intuition of his eyes also made him feel that there seemed to be a strange fluctuation in the seedling.

After thinking for a while, Su Cheng began to pour mental power into the True Seeing Pupil of the external soul bone in front of his forehead.

As the golden light glowed between his eyebrows, the vision in his eyes instantly changed drastically.

The scene that appeared in Su Cheng's eyes was no longer the original thing in the stone room. Different energy and information fluctuations filled his eyes.

Among them, the one with the strongest sense of presence is where the seedlings of Bluesilver Grass are located.

As he further injected mental power to focus his vision, the originally colorful world in his eyes suddenly turned into black and white.

Only the Blue Silver Emperor seedling, which he focused on at this time, showed deeper changes.

But unlike when Su Cheng observed the first soul ring before, what he saw now was not the kind of phantom that was difficult to identify, but a real figure!

He was surprised to see a pretty woman with her slender legs curled up, her arms folded around her knees, her whole delicate body curled up together, and she was floating there quietly.

The long blue-gold skirt covered her whole body, with golden ribbons sticking up around the hem. Her luxurious and elegant temperament set off her extraordinary beauty.

Although the woman's eyes were tightly closed at this time, and she was in a state of sleep that was close to death, it was still difficult to conceal her almost dazzling beauty.

"Is this the soul body of the Blue Silver Emperor? Or something else?"

Su Cheng didn't observe for too long and quickly retracted his vision.

His current mental strength is not enough to support the Eye of True Sight for too long, and this place is not absolutely safe, so he needs to retain his strength.

After thinking for a while, Su Cheng gave up the original idea of ​​destroying the corpse and eradicating traces.

He took out a wooden box from the soul guide and quickly transplanted the Blue Silver Emperor into it.

In his opinion, the Blue Silver Emperor and his soul in front of him were perfect materials for observing soul beasts and soul rings.

When leaving, he took out a bottle of highly corrosive potion and threw it into the stone chamber.

As a surge of soul power surged out, the medicine bottle was shattered in an instant, and the corrosive liquid quickly evaporated and spread out in all directions.

It won't be long before the scene here will undergo earth-shaking changes.

No one could see what had happened.

The eyes of ice and fire are in Su Cheng's wooden house.

He took out the lead box used to hold the 100,000-year-old soul bone from the soul guide.

At this time, Dugu Bo was accompanying his granddaughter in the academy.

Since the poison was removed from his body, he rarely returns to this place.

Now this treasured place in the world has almost become Su Cheng's stronghold.

Su Cheng calmed down, took out the blue-gold right leg bone, and attached it to his right leg.


Along with a slight buzzing sound, Su Cheng clearly felt his right leg tremble slightly involuntarily. Immediately afterwards, the cool breath quietly penetrated into the legs from all directions.

The crystal blue soul bone also disappeared, turning into countless blue-gold air currents that filled the area around his right leg.

A cool and comfortable feeling fills the whole body, the Wuhun Eternal Sword automatically emerges, and the Five Elements Domain also spreads spontaneously.

At the same time, the soul power in Su Cheng's body was slowly increasing, becoming purer in the process.

"It is indeed a top-notch soul bone with wood attribute."

He closed his eyes tightly and entered a state of inward vision, quietly observing the changes in his body.

Immediately afterwards, the gentle fluctuations gradually spread, and his entire body began to undergo further transformation.

Different from the physical improvement brought about by adding soul rings and taking medicine in the past, the feeling brought about by this improvement is not that intuitive.

No matter whether it is the toughness of the meridians, bone strength, or even muscle fibers, they have not improved by leaps and bounds, but are being fine-tuned.

But this change is definitely not weak. Su Cheng can feel that it is essentially improving his physical potential.

This made him extremely surprised.

Su Cheng's research on the human body is very thorough. It is not difficult to strengthen the structure of the body such as meridians, bones, flesh and blood, but it is almost impossible to change the structure. A single move can affect the whole body, which is simply not something that can be achieved by human power alone.

The last time a similar improvement occurred was because of the rewards at the settlement of the first simulation.

Then, the Nirvana Sutra in the body suddenly began to operate spontaneously.

"This is……?"

Su Cheng's eyes suddenly opened, and the soul power movement route of the Nirvana Sutra began to change slightly!

The previous Nirvana Sutra was just a cultivation method based on his research on the human body, martial soul, and bloodline. It was the ultimate achievement of his accumulation of various knowledge.

But now this change is more like an instinct.

All living things in the world have the instinct to evolve, which prompts them to become more perfect and more able to adapt to the environment.

However, this process often takes tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of years to complete.

But at this moment, he seemed to be accelerating the process a thousand times.

Su Cheng was certain that if he practiced according to the thoroughly perfected Nirvana Sutra, it wouldn't take long for his martial spirit to be as strong as Qian Renxue.

"How can it be?!"

One hundred thousand year soul bones are certainly very powerful, but Su Cheng doesn't believe that all one hundred thousand year soul bones can produce similar effects.

Again, this is an extraordinary realm.

"Is it because this is a soul bone produced by a plant soul beast? Or is it because of the special meaning represented by the Blue Silver Emperor itself, the only one among the thousands of blue silver grasses that represents a miracle? Or, because it is naturally related to the five elements of my own body. Compatible?"

But this is obviously not the best time to think about these things.

After thinking for a while, he put the matter aside temporarily and closed his eyes again.

The transformation process brought about by the hundred-thousand-year-old soul bone was not intense, and it silently changed his body in a gentle and silent manner.

Three days later, Su Cheng completely transformed and absorbed the 100,000-year-old soul bone.

As it was over, he opened his eyes again.

"Blue Silver Emperor..."

Feeling his current body, his eyes involuntarily moved outside the house, looking at the Blue Silver Emperor seedling that he had casually placed.


I won’t post big chapters anymore.

The last chapter was not separated because I didn’t want to write about the situation at Shrek Academy in two chapters.

As for repeating the original text, you can read the previous chapter. Except for the college setting from Dai Mubai's mouth, the rest are described from Zhu Zhuqing's perspective, and how much content is taken up in total.

Whether it is observing the academy, or her different temperament compared with the original work, as well as the changes in temperament and behavior, or even the subsequent impact, don't we need to write down the reasons?

These contents must be connected with reality to be intuitive enough, and the novel is not a character sketch. Can you feel her changes without the interaction between the characters?

It is impossible not to write about the situation at Shrek Academy.

How many people are reading the original text while also reading the fanfic?

Did I just brush over this college issue? The previous content has been very simplified. The original work contains nearly 100,000 words just when Tang San entered school. I read the relevant content of the original work several times just for this paragraph.

The first 1/3 is Zhu Zhuqing's feelings about the academy, the next 1/3 is her mentality and strategy towards Dai Mubai, and the middle also includes her psychological activities. Does the setting content add up to two thousand words?

Well, it’s the same thing again, if you really can’t stand it, just change another book. There are so many good novels to start with, so why bother looking at me to find faults?

Don't read a novel that makes you unhappy and then makes me uncomfortable and mentally exhausted.

I've been bored reading the comment section recently. The author's psychological quality is too poor, so I just made a few comments. I'm sorry.

(The above content is 400 words.)

The next chapter will be in the afternoon. Thank you all for your monthly votes. By the way, I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

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