Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 123 Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin (Thanks to the boss for the reward, thank you

Chapter 123 Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin (Thanks to the boss for the reward, and thanks to everyone for your monthly votes)

Su Cheng did not rush over, but first felt the changes in his body in detail.

The Blue Silver Emperor's right leg bone gave him two skills.

One is the ability to fly, and it requires very little soul power to be used. It can be called a very high-quality soul skill.

But the other soul skill is even more powerful, called wildfire that never burns out, and spring breeze that brings life again. It is a healing skill that can help the body repair itself, and can even regenerate broken limbs. If there is wood attribute for blessing, the effect can be further enhanced.

In addition, as Su Cheng silently circulated the soul power in his body, he could clearly feel that both the speed of the soul power running through the meridians and the concentration and quality of the soul power condensed in the acupoint nodes were far better than before.

Even when he used the Pulse Renewal Qi Technique, the activation speed was more than 20% faster than the previous soul skill.

This is already a considerable improvement.

He has developed the skill of breaking pulses and restoring qi for a long time. Apart from the basic sword skills, this is almost the self-created soul skill that has been with him for the longest time, and it has naturally been optimized countless times.

Now the speed of all his soul skills has almost reached the point of no improvement.

But after just a few nights, the upper limit of this skill was raised again, and as he continued to explore and adapt to his changed body in the future, he expected that this improvement would have a chance to go further.

After briefly cleaning the impurities discharged from the body, Su Cheng walked towards the Blue Silver Emperor seedlings.

Although the Blue Silver Emperor plant was just randomly placed by him at this time, the Ice and Fire Eye is a treasure for any plant. As long as it is not placed in an extreme environment, it will definitely be better than the original one with insufficient light. The cave is countless times stronger.

At this time, the condition of the seedling has obviously improved a lot, and it is no longer as languid as before.

Feeling the terrifying energy fluctuations in the eyes of Ice and Fire, Su Cheng raised his head and looked around.

Even without using the Eyebrow Eyes, he could easily feel the energy division here. It didn't take long for him to find a place more suitable for the growth of Blue Silver Emperor seedlings.

Blue Silver Emperor is a neutral plant and can be placed where the auras of ice and fire meet and balance.

After he completed the transplant, he reached out and took out three bottles of medicine from the soul guide.

They are plant essences suitable for promoting plant growth, spiritual potions to assist in spiritual cultivation, and concentrated medicinal spiritual essences.

Without hesitation, he opened the bottle and poured it all over the Blue Silver Emperor seedlings.

As several medicinal liquids dripped down, the seedlings in front of them suddenly emitted a hazy blue light, and the grass blades stretched and grew rapidly, more than doubling in size in a short time.

The Blue Silver Emperor itself has extremely strong vitality and a solid foundation.

What's more, Su Cheng's purpose at this time is to stimulate the awakening of the Blue Silver Emperor's soul, and he doesn't care about that much.

The Martial Soul Eternal Life Sword appeared in his hand, and the Five Elements Domain spread out.

Silently, Su Cheng opened the attached soul bone between his eyebrows again.

The vision in his eyes changed, and the body of that beautiful woman appeared again.

But what was different from last time was that she no longer continued to curl up her slender body, but gradually stretched it out, revealing her graceful and graceful figure little by little in front of Su Cheng.


With a soft moan, the woman slowly opened her eyes, slightly confused in her eyes.


As if she had woken up from a nightmare, she looked around aimlessly, as if looking for someone.

At this time, her memory was still stuck on the moment when she died as a sacrifice more than ten years ago.

As her eyes moved, she finally noticed the young man standing in front of her who had been silently observing her.

Although the face of the young man in front of her was still a little childish, he had a calm temperament, especially the dark golden lines between his eyebrows, which made her feel a little palpitated for no reason.

"Who are you?"

She looked up and down at Su Cheng with an expression of surprise and uncertainty.

"Should I introduce myself before asking anyone else?"

Su Cheng said calmly, but he was secretly surprised in his heart.

At this time, the conversation between the two of them was not conducted in words, or rather, he was just speaking unilaterally with his mouth.

As for the Blue Silver Emperor's spiritual body, it wasn't even communicating with him on a spiritual level.

But in the special field of vision of the Eye of True Sight, the other party's words are conveying information to him in some strange way.

But thinking about it, if it weren't for this special vision, the Blue Silver Emperor's soul body wouldn't even have a chance to manifest in front of him, and it would naturally be impossible to have the ability to communicate with people.

"My name is A Yin, and I am... a blue silver grass."

Ah Yin said hesitantly, feeling a little confused about his current state.

She could clearly see the environment she was in now, as well as the various scenery in Binghuo Liangyi's eyes.

But there seems to be a thin layer of transparent glass in the middle, and there is an obvious gap between them, as if they are separated into two worlds.

Only the boy in front of him was in the same world as himself.

Moreover, the young man in front of her always gave her a special sense of intimacy, especially the domain aura exuding from him, which made her extremely comfortable.

Little did she know that the source of this sense of intimacy was the hundred-thousand-year-old soul bone taken from her body.

Under the influence of the Nirvana Sutra and Su Cheng's own Five Elements Domain, the Blue Silver Emperor's right leg bone has been completely fused and absorbed by it.

Even Ah Yin was absolutely unable to discover it without using his soul power to explore his body.

After hearing her answer, Su Cheng stared at the other party in silence for a long time.

In front of these eyes, Ah Yin felt as if he had been completely seen through.

Especially the slightly open dark golden lines on the other person's forehead gave her the illusion that she had nowhere to hide.

At this time, Su Cheng finally spoke again.

"I know everything you want to know, but it seems like you don't have any sincerity, so let's leave it at that for today. We can communicate again when you think it through."

After saying this, Su Cheng immediately closed the Eye of True Sight.

He stood up and left here without looking back.

Only the bluesilver grass seedling was left swaying gently in place.

The next day, Su Cheng woke up from practice.

After this night of practice, he realized the changes in his body more deeply.

The speed of cultivation alone has increased by nearly 30%.

This is only the most basic change.

Su Cheng opened his left hand, and the second martial spirit emerged.

For a soul master with twin martial souls, there is no problem in summoning two of his own martial souls at the same time, but it is extremely difficult to use them at the same time.

The biggest problem is that the body cannot bear it. Even Su Cheng in the past was far from able to bear it.

As the soul master's soul power level continues to increase, the martial soul will naturally gradually become stronger. The two complement each other and progress at the same time.

Therefore, as the physical fitness increases, the load of using twin martial souls at the same time will also increase. It is not that one can freely use twin martial souls after reaching a certain level of soul master.

Moreover, the biggest difference between twin martial souls and ordinary soul masters' single martial souls is that when twin martial soul soul masters switch martial souls, their own soul power will quickly merge with the martial soul they are using.

In Su Cheng's opinion, if there is no trickery.

Only after the mental, physical, and soul powers are all strong enough to surpass the strength of a single martial spirit, and after mastering certain distraction techniques, can you have the opportunity to use two martial spirits at the same time.

This method of simultaneous use allows one to control part of the soul power in the body to fuse with the second martial soul, while a part of the soul power remains fused with the first martial soul.

In addition, it is also necessary to consider whether the soul master's martial soul is closely related to his soul. If the martial souls conflict with each other, there will be backlash.

But there are tricks.

What Su Cheng had always wanted to do before was to continuously increase the compatibility between his two martial spirits until they could be fused, so that the standards for using twin martial spirits at the same time could be significantly lowered.

But now, with the upgrade of the Nirvana Sutra and the subtle changes in his body, he found that he could control two martial arts at the same time to a certain extent.

Although it cannot be used in combat yet, after crossing the initial threshold, the rest is just a matter of time.

Putting away the second martial spirit in his left hand, Su Cheng came to the seedlings of the Blue Silver Emperor holding the Eternal Life Sword.

The realm opened, his field of vision changed, and Ah Yin's figure appeared in front of him again.

"Have you thought about it? Should you tell the truth?"

After thinking about it all night, Ah Yin had obviously thought of a lot of things to say.

Her eyes were clear at this time, and her face became much more serious. She looked at Su Cheng and said, "I'm sorry, I lied to you yesterday. My name is indeed A Yin, but it is not an ordinary Blue Silver Grass. Because of a mutation, I crossed After passing the threshold of a ten-thousand-year-old soul beast, this special form of existence has emerged. However, it also consumed too much energy, causing the body to degrade, and it has been in a sleeping state since then until it was awakened by you. "

"This is your last chance. If you lie again, there will be no need for us to continue communicating."

When Su Cheng heard this, there was not much movement on his face, but he stretched out his hand to point to the location of the Ice and Fire Spring behind him.

"You should be able to feel the situation in that place, right? If I want to completely eliminate your vitality, it will indeed take a lot of effort, but if I throw you there, do you think you can still survive? ?”

Ah Yin's long eyelashes trembled slightly when she heard this.


"Think about it before we talk."

Su Cheng's right hand holding the Eternal Life Sword tightened slightly.

Ah Yin fell silent upon seeing this.

She didn't dare lie anymore.

The man in front of him seemed to have a lot of information about himself.

After a while, she spoke again, "I was actually the Blue Silver Emperor, a 100,000-year-old soul beast, the emperor of the Blue Silver Grass clan. After turning into a human form, I died unexpectedly and became what I am now."

Su Cheng nodded without much expression on his face, making it difficult for Ah Yin to guess what he was thinking.

"Did you die in sacrifice?" After a moment, Su Cheng suddenly said.

Ah Yin's heart skipped a beat, and his face looked astonished.

"Let's do this." Su Cheng thought for a while and looked at the other party, "You ask a question and I ask a question, how about fair trade? You should have a lot of things you want to know. To answer your previous question first, my name is Su Cheng, honest Cheng."

Upon hearing this, Ah Yin looked at him blankly, and then nodded in agreement.

"It's time to talk about your problem." Su Cheng said calmly.

"how did you find me?"

"In a cave, well, besides that, there is also your soul bone."

As he spoke, he slightly revealed the soul skill fluctuations in his right leg, which was instantly sensed by Ah Yin.

Ah Yin looked in the direction of Su Cheng's right leg with disbelief.

Immediately, a wave of despair came over me.

After she made the sacrifice, this soul bone should obviously have been left in Tang Hao's hands.

But now the soul bone is in the body of the young man in front of me, does that mean...

Her heart was filled with grief for a moment, but as a soul, she couldn't even shed tears at this time.

He immediately wanted to ask about Tang Hao's situation, but was interrupted by Su Cheng's words.

"If I remember correctly, if a hundred thousand-year-old soul beast is sacrificed, its soul will be integrated into the soul ring and soul bone, right? What's going on with your current situation?"

The soul of the Blue Silver Emperor in front of him was still intact and parasitic in the seedlings of the Blue Silver Emperor. This was very unnatural.

You must know that the sacrifice skills of the hundred thousand year soul beast are extremely domineering.

Only by burning all one's own cultivation and soul can the soul ring be perfectly given to the sacrificed object.

But Ah Yin is a special case.

"What's going on?"

Ah Yin was stunned when he heard this, but seemed a little confused about his question.

"Why are you still here? Can the soul survive after the sacrifice?"

"The Blue Silver Emperor is immortal."

Ah Yin suppressed her inner emotions and slowly explained.

"The highest secret of the Blue Silver Domain is immortality. No one can kill me. No matter how serious the injury is, I can survive within forty-nine days after death."

Su Cheng's eyes twitched slightly.

At this moment, an impulse suddenly arose in his heart. He threw the blade of grass in front of him into the spring behind to see if the other party was really immortal.

It's not that he has any rebellious feelings, but he is really curious.

He felt more and more that a soul beast like the Blue Silver Emperor was too unreasonable.

In every sense, they are different from normal soul beasts.

"Tell me your questions."

"Do you know about Haotian Sect? Have you heard of Tang Hao's name?"

Ah Yin quickly asked the question that had been brewing in his mind for a long time.

"Yes, I also know that he has a son." Su Cheng nodded lightly and glanced at her.

Hearing this answer, A Yin's face showed a hint of surprise.

The other party actually knows about their son, so it is very likely that what he said before is true, and he knows something about them and even his own situation.

And judging from what the other party said, it seems that Tang Hao and the others are still safe now.

"How are they now?"

"That's the next question."

Ah Yin looked slightly startled, and then a blush appeared on his fair cheeks.

She was angry.

In her opinion, this is not a problem at all.

Su Cheng paid no attention to the other party's emotions and continued to ask: "Why can only one Blue Silver Emperor appear in the Blue Silver Grass clan?"

"What's the reason for this?" Ayindai frowned slightly, "The Blue Silver Emperor is originally of the same line. Only when the previous generation of Blue Silver Emperor dies, the next generation of Blue Silver Emperor will appear."

"I do not believe."

Su Cheng frowned and stared at the other party.

Not to mention that after Tang San awakened in the original timeline, Ah Yin was also resurrected normally and became the Blue Silver Emperor.

Even if there is no such example, based on his research on Wuhun bloodline, he has never heard of such a statement.

It is entirely possible that the first generation bloodline is unique, and it will continue to be diluted or changed during inheritance.

Or there is some kind of unique soul beast in the world, which is completely reasonable.

But a single bloodline passed down from generation to generation did not conform to the theory of martial arts he had studied.

"But that's the truth."

Ah Yin also had some difficulty understanding Su Cheng's thoughts.

The other person's expression didn't look like he was lying, or she didn't know the reason.

After thinking about it, Su Cheng didn't delve into it for the time being.

Anyway, the Blue Silver Emperor's true body is here, and he will just study it himself in the future.

"Tell me your questions."

"Hao...Tang Hao...and my children, are they okay?"

"Those are two questions." Su Cheng raised his eyebrows, "Forget it, it doesn't hurt to tell you, Tang Hao is still alive. As for your son..."

He took a deep look at the other person and said, "He is considered alive, but he is also considered dead."

"what do you mean?"

Ah Yin didn't care to delve into the truth or falsehood of these words. The content of the second half of the sentence made her heart twitch and she looked very anxious.

Su Cheng did not answer, but instead said, "Now it's my turn to ask you, where is the Blue Silver King?"

A Yin's face froze. No matter how much she wanted to know her son's condition, she could not put her people's lives in danger just because of it.

"You're not going to hurt it, are you?"

If Su Cheng's purpose was to kill him and take the ring, then Ah Yin would not expose his location under any circumstances.

"Don't worry, I won't kill it. If I really want the soul ring, I might as well just raise you and then kill you. You should be able to tell what the environment here is like, right?"

After a long silence, Ah Yin finally revealed the location of the Blue Silver King.

She actually knew that she didn't have much choice now but to trust the other party.

And what Su Cheng said is not wrong. Growing up in this environment, her cultivation will have a chance to recover in the future.

After finishing speaking, Ah Yin stared at Su Cheng, "Can you tell me now how my child is doing?"

"I don't have anything else to ask for now. I'll leave your questions for next time."


Ah Yin suddenly became furious, and even traces of fluctuations appeared on his slightly unreal body.

Su Cheng ignored her and turned to leave.

In just this moment, most of his mental energy had been consumed, and he was about to be unable to hold on any longer.


Ah Yin quickly called out to stop him, but received no response.

"Su Cheng, wait!"

Seeing how anxious she was, Su Cheng stopped and looked over, "What's wrong?"

"When was the next time you mentioned?"

"Not necessarily, it could be dozens of days or hundreds of days."

He hasn't been idle recently and has a lot to do.

Especially since the start of the game is not far away, he is now in good condition, and his Nirvana Sutra has been optimized, so he has every chance of being promoted to Soul King before the start of the game.

Moreover, with the current state of the Eye of True Sight, the research efficiency was too low, and he did not want to waste time at this stage.

"So long..." After receiving the answer, Ah Yin's expression changed, and then he begged, "Can you take me out for a look?"

"Take you out for a look?"

Su Cheng looked a little weird and pointed at the blue and silver emperor seedling with gold patterns that was extraordinary at first sight.

"You let me walk around outside with this thing? Do you think I'm as stupid as Tang Hao?"

Thank you to the big man "A Few Lines of Tears" for the 10,000 reward! Thanks to the boss "Gu Fang" for the 10,000 reward! Thanks!

Previously I owed 3 + 2 rewards + 1 monthly pass + 1 subscription each, and I still need to make up 7 more updates. I have to go out to eat tonight, and I will continue to make 10,000 every day tomorrow.

I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and a good festival~

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