Hearing Su Cheng slandering Tang Hao here, Ah Yin suddenly became very unhappy.

But at this time, she had something to ask for, and she did not immediately refute it, but just frowned slightly.

From what I heard from Su Cheng's words, it seemed that she had met her lover and son before, and even knew something about their past.

Ah Yin naturally didn't want to miss this opportunity.

He quickly said: "No, you don't need to take my body with you."

"What's the meaning?"

"I can feel that your martial spirit is very special and can accommodate my current soul. I can inhabit your martial spirit."

"Oh?" Su Cheng was a little surprised when he heard this.

At this moment, he suddenly thought of the two enshrinements in Wuhun Palace, Qianjun Douluo and Demon-Conquering Douluo.

He had a similar idea before, to make up for the shortcomings of the martial soul by sealing some kind of strange beast, but since the martial soul turned into the Eternal Sword, this idea has faded away.

"I don't even know how to do it myself, can you do it?" Su Cheng narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Ah Yin.

"It should be possible." Ah Yin nodded and carefully glanced at the vertical lines on Su Cheng's forehead.

The situation is different from Su Cheng.

Su Cheng was the one who used soul skills to create this special communication environment. He could observe Ah Yin's situation, but he didn't know how the other party felt at this time.

But as the object being observed is a pure spirit body, Ah Yin can feel the specialness of this strange vision even more at this time.

Moreover, there was always a vague sense of calling coming from the seemingly flawless sword spirit.

Seeing some hesitation in Su Cheng's expression, Ah Yin quickly added: "This is not harmful to you. I can feel that my presence can complement the attributes of your martial soul sword."

"Can you feel this too?"

Su Cheng was really surprised this time.

His fourth soul ring did not choose the wood attribute in the original order, but found a ten thousand year soul ring from a fire attribute soul beast to absorb.

Anyway, the Five Elements Cycle is about to be completed, and with the Five Elements Domain within me, the fourth soul ring can be either fire or wood.

Su Cheng has always had some thoughts about the Blue Silver King.

But unlike the hiding place of the Blue Silver Emperor's soul bone, there were no obvious markers where the Blue Silver Emperor was, and he couldn't find it at all.

And without the Blue Silver Emperor's soul bone, even if he found the opponent's location, it was impossible to deceive the Blue Silver King into obtaining the soul ring by relying on the Five Elements Domain alone, so he was not in a hurry.

In fact, for Su Cheng, the characteristics and age of the soul ring itself were not important. The key was that he wanted to understand the principle of the method of naturally condensing soul rings.

If he could master the rules, Su Cheng would never have to worry about adding soul rings in the future.

Even from now on, all soul rings can be condensed according to the limits of one's own body.

Compared to hunting soul beasts or even so-called god-given soul rings, Su Cheng instinctively felt that this natural method of condensation was the best method.

After thinking about it, Su Cheng did not reject A Yin's proposal.

If the other party was the soul body of a hundred thousand year old soul beast, he would definitely not be able to agree.

But in A Yin's current state, even if he is inhabited by the martial spirit, it is impossible to have the slightest impact on him.

And if you can take it with you, it will be easier to observe in the future, and it can also prevent other accidents from leaving it here, which is not a bad thing.

Thinking of this, Su Cheng looked at the Blue Silver Emperor in front of him and said in a deep voice: "Come on then, what do we need to do?"

A Yin's face showed a hint of joy when he heard this, and said: "You don't have to do anything, just bring your martial spirit close to me.

The reason why she had this idea was that besides wanting to go out to see if she could see her lover and son, there were other reasons.

She could feel it.

If she could get Su Cheng's permission to enter the Eternal Sword to nourish her soul, it would also be of great benefit to her.

Su Cheng handed out the longevity sword and hung it in front of A Yin.

Seeing this, Ah Yin also stretched out his white and slender palm and gently held it on the hilt of the Eternal Life Sword.

However, the next moment, something changed suddenly.

The moment her soul body touched the Eternal Life Sword.

The golden lines between Su Cheng's eyebrows suddenly shone brightly.

He instantly felt that his spiritual power was pouring out like a flood, pouring into the soul bone outside his eyebrows.

At the same time, above the sea of ​​​​his consciousness, the unknown light spot suddenly flickered slightly.

In an instant, Ah Yin felt a huge chill rising from the bottom of his heart, like a huge wave.

Then the chill surged in like a tsunami, giving her the illusion of an imminent disaster.

Although she was only in an illusory soul state at the moment, she was enveloped in a great terror, as if she was naked in the jungle, surrounded by malice, leaving her with nowhere to hide.

At this moment, instinct was calling her frantically to run away.

She did the same.

Without hesitation or the slightest thought of resisting this instinct, I just wanted to let go of my hand.

However, it was already too late.

From the moment her soul touched Su Cheng's martial spirit, she was destined to be unable to escape.

If she was still the hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast from the past, Su Cheng's mental power would naturally not be able to restrain her.

But now Ah Yin obviously does not have this power and is unable to resist.

The next moment, Su Cheng and A Yin lost consciousness at the same time.

However, Su Cheng fell into a coma due to exhaustion of mental power.

Ah Yin was different. At this time, she was emitting a faint five-color light from the inside out. Her spiritual body seemed to be being transformed little by little, and then gradually integrated into the soul of the Eternal Life Sword.

I don’t know how much time passed.

Ah Yin's spirit body floated out of Su Cheng's body.

She looked at the unconscious Su Cheng with a dazed expression, but she couldn't think of resisting or hurting him at all.

At this moment, she felt like she was completely controlled by the other party.

It's like becoming the opponent's martial spirit.

No, it was even worse than the martial spirit. She was just a spirit body imprisoned in the martial spirit.

There were thousands of thoughts in his heart, and Ah Yin's expression kept changing accordingly.

A blush appeared on his face at first, and then quickly turned pale, and there was even a trace of despair in his heart.

But at this time, even life and death were not under her control.

Not long after, Su Cheng also woke up.

Immediately I felt a sharp pain in my mind.

The feeling of complete exhaustion of mental energy is extremely uncomfortable, the body seems to be completely hollowed out, and it is difficult to even think a little.

He took out several bottles of medicine from the soul guide and drank them all, and then he felt a little better.

There is no way, even if there is even a trace of mental power left, he can recover quickly based on his foundation, without the use of drugs.

But if it is completely exhausted, the process will be too slow.

"what did you do to me?"

At this time, A Yin, who was standing opposite him, finally spoke.

It's just that his eyes are extremely hollow, and his tone is blank, with a bit of anger and resentment.

"I said I didn't do anything, do you believe it?" Su Cheng glanced at her and said calmly.

"You didn't do anything?!" Even with Ah Yin's temperament, it was difficult to suppress the anger in her heart at this time, "Can't you feel it yourself!"

"I can feel it, but I really don't know what's going on." Su Cheng frowned, "And wasn't this your initiative? Why do you blame me?"

"..." A Yin heard this and looked at Su Cheng blankly.

Then there was a trace of bitterness in his eyes, "Yes, I took the initiative..."

Su Cheng also had some doubts in his heart now, but he did realize that he had completely controlled the other party.

Even her existence and destruction are just a matter of her own thoughts.

After thinking about it, Su Cheng didn't worry too much.

The current emergency obviously didn't do him any harm.

As a bizarre and extraordinary world, there are too many mysterious things that may appear here, and it is inevitable that some things will escape control.

Not to mention that the Eye of True Sight is originally related to a higher-level existence like the simulator.

He was not surprised to have some super-standard abilities, not to mention that he was clearly the beneficiary now.

Su Cheng could already feel that his Eternal Sword was approaching perfection.

Although the benefits provided by A Yin's spirit body are much worse than those of the soul ring, it does play a positive role in the cycle of the five elements in the Eternal Life Sword and is beneficial to his practice.

Moreover, there is such a spirit body in the martial soul. If used properly, it will undoubtedly help him control the Eternal Sword better and perform more complex soul skills.

Thinking of this, Su Cheng changed his previous indifferent attitude and tried to persuade Ah Yin, who had a dull look in front of him.

"Ahem, it was not my intention for this kind of thing to happen. Don't worry, although I can influence your actions to a certain extent, I will definitely not force you to do something you don't want to do. As compensation, I can answer your questions Everything you know.”

Now that the other party is completely under control, there is no need to engage in fair transactions regarding exchange issues.

The other party cannot lie to him.

Hearing Su Cheng's words, Ah Yin raised his head and stared at him blankly.

But he didn't speak for a long time, his face was full of confusion.

Su Cheng didn't rush him, just stood aside and waited patiently.

By the way, he took this opportunity to silently run his skills and speed up the recovery of his dry mental energy.

After a long silence, Ah Yin finally spoke again.

"Can you tell me now what happened to that child?"

"Your child's name is Tang San. He is indeed alive and living with Tang Hao."

A Yin just breathed a sigh of relief when Su Cheng said again: "But his soul has been replaced by someone else."

"What do you mean?" Ah Yin's beautiful eyes widened slightly, and she didn't understand the meaning of his words for a while.

"To put it simply, although that Tang San is technically your son, and even his martial spirit has inherited your martial spirit, his soul has been occupied by someone else. It is the soul of an adult in that body. .”

After thinking about it, Su Cheng continued to explain: "To be precise, I think from an ethical perspective, he shouldn't be considered your son. After all, in our Douluo Continent, there is indeed a saying that there is a soul. Well, it's like You are like this now."

These words made Ah Yin's hair stand on end.

I felt sick at first, and then felt ridiculous.

"I'm already like this, and you still want to lie to me?!"

Ah Yin's voice trembled slightly.

In her knowledge, she had never heard of such a bizarre thing.

And she didn't want to believe that this would happen.

"Yes, you're already like this, why would I lie to you?" Su Cheng raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Have you ever seen a child of six or seven years old who can invent a hidden weapon and use it to injure or even kill a soul master who is two or three levels higher than him?

"Have you ever seen a child who knows how to practice martial arts and has his own soul skills as soon as he is born?

"Do you think a child from a normal family with a bastard father who drinks and drinks all the time and doesn't care about his life or death can still live happily until he is six years old and then awaken to be full of innate soul power?"

Su Cheng said calmly: "If you still don't want to believe it, you will understand it when you see him. Don't worry, it won't take too long, probably only two years, and it will be clear to you by then."

Ah Yin stared at him blankly, digesting the information contained in these words bit by bit.

Suddenly, she frowned slightly and asked, "What do you mean by drinking alcohol, you don't care whether he lives or lives?"

"What else could it mean? Tang Hao seems to want your 'son' to be reincarnated as soon as possible. Anyway, as far as I know, Tang San basically survived by his own efforts when he was a child."

At this point, Su Cheng slowed down his speaking speed, with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Speaking of which, I originally thought that Tang Hao was too stupid to notice that something was wrong with Tang San. But looking at it this way, I might have been aware of it a long time ago, but just didn't think about how to deal with it."

Ah Yin's heart trembled slightly when he heard this.

If Tang Hao really knew the truth but let it go on purpose, it would really disappoint her. She didn't want to believe that her lover would have such a mentality.

But if it weren't for this, then as Su Cheng said, the reaction was too slow, which obviously damaged Tang Hao's image in her heart.

What's more, if nothing was found wrong, there should be no need to care about the child's life or death.

After a while, Ah Yin stared at Su Cheng tightly and said coldly: "I don't believe what you said."

"Believe it or not." Su Cheng sneered coldly, "Anyway, we will see the truth in two years. What good will it do me to lie to you? I just tell you these things because I feel sorry for you. If you don't believe it, , then I won’t say anything.”


Seeing A Yin's silence, Su Cheng reached out and touched his chin and whispered to himself.

"Actually, I'm more inclined to think that Tang Hao didn't notice the weirdness at all, because this person's behavior has always been really stupid. After all, he dares to bring a hundred thousand-year-old transformed soul beast with the cultivation of Contra Running around all over the world is probably something only the Tang family can do."

"You're not allowed to say that about him!" Ah Yin glared at Su Cheng.

"The heir to Haotian Douluo! With such a big and famous name, he doesn't know how many people in the world are staring at him, right?" Su Cheng looked at Ah Yin with a half-smile.

"Well, you can also say that he's not stupid, but that's really strange. Why do you think he wanted to lead you through the city?

"Isn't it because I want to wait for you to sacrifice?"

Ah Yin's face suddenly turned pale, and she quickly shook her head in denial and said, "No, Hao won't do it."

"Well, actually I agree with what you said." Su Cheng nodded gently in agreement.

"If I really want your soul ring, there are many better opportunities. Of course, it may be because he was not at level 90 at the time and it was difficult to do so, but the risk of attracting people from the Spirit Hall is too great.

"If it were me, I might as well wait a few more years. Anyway, I have a hundred thousand year soul ring at my fingertips at any time, so why bother competing for the title of the youngest titled Douluo?

"And judging from his reaction after your sacrifice, it really doesn't look like an act."

Su Cheng gently rubbed his cheek with his fingers and continued to instill his analytical ideas into Ah Yin.

"But speaking of it, after what happened with your sacrifice, his behavior of escaping from reality seemed very cowardly. It was completely different from his previous behavior. This was because he was successful at a young age, but he was finally taught how to behave by reality. ?”

Ah Yin looked at Su Cheng with a dazed expression.

He murmured: "How come you know their situation so clearly."

The young man in front of her, both in terms of cultivation level and soul ring configuration, was far beyond her inherent understanding of a soul master.

What she said just now left her speechless, leaving her unable to argue.

Facing A Yin's doubts, Su Cheng chuckled and said, "Because I've met your son before, and we went to the same junior soul master academy.

"The surname is Tang. He is obviously a rubbish Blue Silver Grass martial spirit, but he can awaken to full innate soul power. Anyone with a normal mind would doubt whether there is something wrong with it, right?

"After that, I did some research and dug out all your old past events. Unfortunately, I have a good relationship with a senior person in Wuhun Palace and I was able to get some internal information."

Ah Yin looked shocked and exclaimed: "Are you from Wuhun Palace?"

"Not really, I just have a good relationship with someone." Su Cheng waved his hand gently, "Forget it, these things are not your thing to worry about. Instead of being curious about my situation, it is better to think about what your son is like. Let's get it over with. Well, you can also reflect on why you fell in love with a person like Tang Hao."

"Tang Hao is much better than you think!" A Yin's face turned red and he said anxiously: "He is talented, willing to make progress, and is not afraid of difficulties. He is always the first to step forward when facing danger. You won’t put me in danger!”

"Your innocence makes me want to laugh." Su Cheng showed a trace of ridicule on his face.

"I don't know how long you, a soul beast with a hundred thousand years of cultivation, have lived, but it seems that you have only improved your cultivation without gaining any brain, or you have really never seen much of the world."

Su Cheng's voice turned cold.

"His bravery is only because of strength. A brave man is angry and draws his sword against the stronger one. A timid man is angry and draws his sword against the weaker one. Strength is not a symbol of courage.

"To be honest, I think he is not as good as you in this regard.

"Do you know what happens after you die?

"Because of your sacrifice at that time, both the Pope of Wuhun Palace and Tang Hao were harmed. The Haotian Sect was angered and was forced to close the mountain. All the disciples have not dared to take a step out of the Haotian Sect for many years.

"But at this time, Tang Hao is hiding in XZ like a mouse, hiding in a small mountain village and drinking all day long. He has no courage or heart to avenge you.

"It wasn't until I learned that my 'son' possessed twin martial arts souls that I cheered up again."

Su Cheng stared into A Yin's eyes.

The strange color in her eyes made her afraid to look directly.

"Cowardly people will always seek refuge.

"The so-called 'courage' that Tang Hao showed before was just because he ignorantly overestimated his own strength.

"When he knows that his strength is insufficient, he can no longer make a fist!"

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