Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 126 Qian Renxue’s Little Fan Girl

Zhu Zhuqing saw Flanders coming to the square and ignored the silent Yu Xiaogang.

Turning to look at Flender, he said: "Dean, you know my age. All the other students are older than me. This fight will not be a disadvantage for them. Of course, if this master wants to extend the time limit, he can It’s absolutely fine, I don’t care anyway.”

Flender thought for a while and did not answer immediately. Instead, he looked at Yu Xiaogang beside him, preparing to hand over the decision-making power on this matter to him.

After all, what he said in the square yesterday had raised Yu Xiaogang's status to a very high position. It would be inappropriate for him to say too much as the dean at this time, as it would invisibly damage the other party's prestige. .

Moreover, he has great trust in Yu Xiaogang's ability.

From Flanders' point of view, although the Zhu Zhuqing in front of him was extremely talented and practiced extremely hard, he was still just a child after all. He was still too young to compete with Yu Xiaogang, a master who was invincible in theory.

But that's also a good thing.

He could see that several of these students were obviously convinced by Zhu Zhuqing.

As long as he can be convinced, it will naturally become much easier for Yu Xiaogang to train these students in the future.

To be honest, Yu Xiaogang's cultivation strength is indeed a flaw.

After all, this world relies on fists to speak.

Yu Xiaogang, who had not spoken since just now, stared at Zhu Zhuqing with his eyes, and his already stiff cheeks were even more gloomy at this moment.

After a while, he nodded and said coldly: "Okay, since you are not convinced, then wait for three months and see again. I hope that when you see the speed of their progress, you will not regret today's choice. !”

When Zhu Zhuqing heard this, he just curled up his lips, looking indifferent.

Several other people standing not far away watching the situation saw the situation evolve, and their moods also changed slightly.

Although Tang San still felt a little angry, after hearing Zhu Zhuqing's words, he felt that the other party was ridiculous.

Zhu Zhuqing's cultivation is indeed higher than his now, but that's just because of his superior background. As long as he is given some time, it will only be a matter of time before he surpasses him.

Moreover, his teacher was knowledgeable and knowledgeable, so it would be foolish for Zhu Zhuqing to give up this opportunity to receive guidance.

Not to mention that he dared to use the Tang Sect's hidden weapons. He simply didn't know how to write the word "death".

Dai Mubai secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

To him, nothing else mattered, as long as there was no bigger conflict.

Zhu Zhuqing didn't care what the other students thought.

In addition to not wanting to waste time in this backward training method, her move also had another very important purpose.

Further establish one's voice among college students.

After Yu Xiaogang appeared in the academy, Zhu Zhuqing keenly realized that this was an excellent opportunity.

Flender's remarks yesterday, praising Yu Xiaogang to such a high level, were not only not a bad thing, but actually a great good thing for her.

As long as you step on the other party's prestige and move up, you will undoubtedly find a shortcut.

No one can shake Flanders' right to speak.

Because he is the Soul Saint.

The same goes for Zhao Wuji and even other teachers. Strength is the principle.

But Yu Xiaogang is different, he is too weak.

Now that Flanders has given this opportunity, don't blame her for bullying.

Those students are quite talented, and Zhu Zhuqing doesn't want to let them go.

Dai Mubai must be an outcast, but Oscar and Ma Hongjun's talents are pretty good. The former is a food-based soul master with full soul power, while the latter is average in talent but has a low IQ and is easy to control.

But she had no idea about Tang San and Xiao Wu.

One of these two people was too thoughtful, and the other had been completely trained by Tang San to understand.

The mountain behind Wuhun Palace.

The famous Wuhundian Academy is built on this huge mountain range that stretches for tens of thousands of miles.

Although this place has not undergone extensive transformation like the royal academies of the two empires, the actual training effect is far better than those of the top academies on the mainland.

The natural environment here is complex and there are various types of soul beasts. The teachers in the academy are even the top experts from Wuhun Palace.

Because of this, all the young soul masters who can study in this academy are top-notch talents.

Put these people in any high-end academy and they can easily come out on top.

As the golden generation in Wuhundian Academy, the soul masters who can enter the Wuhundian Academy team can be regarded as the genius of the contemporary generation.

But even they saw a mountain in front of them that they could not climb in their lifetime.

Seeing the peerless beauty in black clothes walking into the team lounge, all the team members involuntarily let out a "thump" in their hearts, secretly exclaiming that something was wrong.

These students are now accustomed to Qian Renxue's two forms.

In fact, not only them, but Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu also knew about this.

This cannot be concealed.

Both Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu are strong men standing at the top of the mainland pyramid. Even if they cannot be noticed for a while, they will naturally notice it after a long time.

But even if they knew, there was nothing they could do.

It's not that they haven't heard of this kind of split personality, but they've only heard of it and don't know how to correct it.

Strictly speaking, Qian Renxue's two personalities are their daughter and granddaughter.

But in comparison, Qian Renxue, who was dressed in white, was obviously much more normal.

Although he is also quite cold and polite to others, at least he is still a normal person.

But if it were this person in black clothes, his temperament would be simply bad.

Not only is he moody, but his methods are also cruel and domineering, and he has almost no scruples in his actions.

Bibi Dong and the others didn't care. No matter how hard Qian Renxue tried, her strength was still limited.

But these members of the team are in dire straits.

Every time this person in black comes out and is dissatisfied with anything, they will enjoy the domain aura suppression for half an hour.

The feeling of the gloomy and harsh aura of the realm that envelopes the heart for a long time is far more likely to break one's will than the pain of the flesh.

What makes them most uncomfortable is that Qian Renxue, who is dressed in black, has obviously been around for longer and longer.

From rarely seeing each other in the past, to now almost every time we see each other, he is dressed like this.

Because of this, the team members who were originally attracted by her beauty and temperament earlier had almost no other thoughts except awe when they saw her.

"What's that expression on your face?"

Qian Renxue glanced at these silent students, then glanced at Hu Liena who was standing at the front, and said calmly: "Nana, come out with me. As for you..."

She turned her eyes and looked at Xie Yue and Yan, who were the leaders among the remaining people.

"With your current level, you won't play any role in the competition. If you can't meet my requirements before the end of this year, quit the team as soon as possible and don't hold me back."

After saying that, he turned around and walked out of the lounge.

Hearing this, Hu Liena turned around and stuck out her tongue at her brother Xie Yue, and then quickly ran out with Qian Renxue.

The other people who stayed in the lounge looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

"Hurry up and practice more. Don't just stand around. Haven't you been taught enough lessons before?"

Xie Yue said calmly, and then walked out of the lounge, preparing to go to the training ground in the back mountain.

But doubts couldn't help but arise in her heart, and she didn't understand why Qian Renxue had such high demands on them.

Logically speaking, the strength of everyone present can be regarded as the pinnacle of this age group.

Are there any other academies with players as talented and powerful as her?

In the past, Xie Yue would not have believed it anyway.

But after getting to know Qian Renxue's strength and personality, I don't think he would exaggerate based on his temperament.

The captain will not underestimate others, but will not overestimate her opponents. No one is more arrogant than her.

From Xie Yue's point of view, if there really were no strong enemies, Qian Renxue would never bother to talk nonsense to them.

She may not even need teammates like them, as she alone is enough to sweep through other academy teams.

He had never even heard of a high-level soul emperor who was just over twenty years old, let alone seen him before.

"Have you thought about it?"

On a hillside behind the Wuhun Palace, Qian Renxue, dressed in a pitch-black crown uniform, stood upright with her hands behind her back, looking a little impatient.

Hu Liena stood opposite her, her red skirt fluttering, her figure perfect, and her whole body seemed to be exuding an invisible charm all the time.

Both of them are stunningly beautiful in the world.

It's just that one person is fierce and strong, and the other is delicate and charming. Standing together now, they form a wonderful harmonious picture.

It's a pity that no one has the chance to see this beautiful scenery.

After hearing Qian Renxue's inquiry, Hu Liena's eyes showed a hint of worry, and she whispered: "Sister, why do you have to go against the teacher? I can see that the teacher obviously cares about you."

Qian Renxue frowned and said coldly: "I've been waiting for you for so long, and you're just telling me this?"

She took two gentle steps forward and patted Hu Liena on the shoulder. Her movements were gentle, but her eyes were as cold as a cold pool.

"I see that you have good talent and are willing to work hard, so I gave you this opportunity. Bibi Dong can't teach you anything, and following her will only waste your talent."

Qian Renxue was naturally confident when she said this.

Bibi Dong's current strength is largely due to her astonishing talent.

In terms of true knowledge, it is far inferior to Qian Renxue, who has the memory of another world.

After all, she was Su Cheng's proud disciple who was trained by Su Cheng.

The reason why I like Hu Liena is because her talent for mental charm is really good.

This type of martial spirit is not common, and it is even rarer to have Hu Liena's level of talent.

In Qian Renxue's opinion, this little girl is worth cultivating, but putting her in Bibi Dong's hands is a complete waste.

Of course, this also has something to do with Hu Liena's own character.

The child was obedient and almost obeyed her.

Ever since she came to Wuhundian Academy to lead the team, no matter how strict the training was, even when the male students complained, Hu Liena had been silently persisting, which also impressed her.

In addition, in the simulated world, the two of them got along pretty well, so they were willing to give each other some opportunities.

But I didn’t expect that Hu Liena still didn’t appreciate it.

"Hu Liena, I might as well make it clear to you. Without my permission, just based on Bibi Dong's appointment, you will not be able to take the position of Saintess of Wuhun Palace in the future."

However, what Qian Renxue didn't expect was that after hearing her words, Hu Liena shook her head slightly.

"You think I can't do it?" Qian Renxue's eyes darkened.

"Sister, I never thought about becoming a saint of Wuhun Palace." Hu Liena looked at Qian Renxue and said seriously, "I lost my parents when I was young, and my teacher is like my mother to me. She wants to If I were a saint, I would work hard. But to me, these things are not important."

Qian Renxue frowned when she heard this and fell silent.

After a moment, he turned around and walked towards Wuhun City.

"That's all," she waved her hand gently, "I will go to Tiandou Imperial City in a while, you can take care of yourself."

"Going to Tiandou Imperial City?" Hu Liena was stunned and quickly asked, "What are you going to do in Tiandou Imperial City?"

She already knew the mother-daughter relationship between Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue, and also knew that Qian Renxue had been lurking in the Tiandou royal family.

But he didn't expect that the other party was actually planning to go back after returning to Wuhun City.

Qian Renxue paused slightly, then continued walking away.

"Go meet someone."

The action at that moment could not escape Hu Liena, whose eyes were always on her.

A burst of curiosity suddenly arose in her heart, who could make her miss him so much.

"Sister, is this the opponent you have been talking about before?"

If he is really an opponent, then that person must not be too old, otherwise he will not be eligible to participate in the academy competition.

To Hu Liena, Qian Renxue was an extremely special existence.

She lost her parents when she was young, and she and her brother Xie Yue depended on each other for life. She also suffered a lot when she was young.

Although his talent is good, his mind is far from tough.

She envies the strong and longs for family affection.

If Bibi Dong is a mother-like figure in her heart, then Qian Renxue today is what she hopes she can become in the future.

Strong, powerful, mentally without weakness, and never caring about anyone's opinion.

And being able to lurk in the unaccompanied Tiandou royal family for more than ten years was something she would never be able to do.

The key is that the other party is not much older than her.

For Hu Liena, the appearance of Qian Renxue is like a direction and a guide in life.

If we talk about the past, her goal in everything she did was to accomplish what Bibi Dong wanted her to accomplish, and to live up to the teacher's expectations.

So now, she also hopes that she can become a person like Qian Renxue.

"Don't worry about it."

Qian Renxue kept walking, and when the voice reached Hu Liena's ears, her figure had gradually disappeared from her sight.

Walking alone in the mountains behind Wuhun Palace.

Qian Renxue silently stretched out her palm.

A white flower stained with a few points of blood-red floated silently on her fingertips, with a faint golden-red light shining on the flower.

It's the red color of lovesickness.

It's just that the current lovesickness has long been disconnected from the black stone at the root, and she successfully picked it off.

Qian Renxue knew that if she took it now, the medicinal power contained in it would be enough to promote her to Soul Saint in a short time.

But I was hesitant whether to take it or not.

This time I decided to go to Tiandou Imperial City for this very reason.

She felt that something was wrong with her recent state.

It was obvious that the environment in Wuhun City was not friendly to her, and there was a strong sacred aura everywhere.

But the strange thing is that during this period of time, the main personality of the sacred attribute has become quiet, while she has become more active, which is difficult for her to understand.

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